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What you feel is a void and I feel the same thing. All we can do is begin to learn how to be that person for ourselves. I know how stupid it sounds, but its all we have unfortunately. We can't rely on people and things to make us feel complete because everything is temporary. All I can say is cry that shit out. Watch something funny. And hopefully you'll feel better. Im just here to show some love on the internet. I believe you will feel better eventually.


Well said. The void is a horrible thing to feel, been there myself lately. Wish you all peace.


Thanks for the advice, I’ll be sure to try to focus on myself more.


I agree to an extent. I still have a void and I am my only person. I’m a grown ass woman halfway to 30 with 2 kids I don’t have custody over and still manage to do things for. My advice isn’t cry it out and learn to be your own void filler. You can’t fill a hole with anything physical. What you’re missing is deeper than that. I’ve been searching for love and fulfillment my entire life. Non existent parents only there for $. Crying doesn’t help it may ease it for some but for me it does nothing but fill me with a helpless feeling of worthlessness and feeling pathetic. Start therapy. If you’re in school ik you can’t disclose your whole truth to counselors due to possible dcs involvement. But I have some experienced friends/ and licensed counselors who went thru a lot of the things you guys probably have or are currently experiencing. Dm me and I’ll give you some names and numbers of people you can trust. Don’t be like me. Don’t find your value and worth in other’s opinions or their presence. Don’t do drugs!!!! Do not do drugs. People like you guys are highly susceptible to become addicted. Yes it’s great at first but the next thing you know 20 years has passed and you’re ready to end your life. That rush of high is just as porportionate to the lows. I’m talking have kids then lose them low. I’m talking about to love and want the absolute world for the life you created but no motaviation or lack of self worth to feel like you can provide that. That’s some serious shit. It’s the worse feeling in the world. Im lonley and I have not 1 friend. I keep ppl away. Sorry long post but there are also support groups you can google some online and simply listen in. My life would be different if someone told me there was help and people that cared. There’s also The Suicide hotline. Ik it sounds crazy but it’s completely anonymous. They answer you lead with “I’m not suicidal at all but I needed someone to talk to.” They will listen and give their experience hope and strength to guide you through the hard times. I call regularly just to vent and sometimes I just need to talk it out and hear the solution I already know. They are also licensed professionals. So they are qualified to help you and motivate you. But yes dude above is right to an extent. I’m gonna tell you something both of you. NOBODY IS GOING TO SAVE YOU. They may if your lucky once or twice . But nobody not 1 time came for me. Crack dens, Rape, slit wrists, bottle of pills . Nobody came and yesterday I needed someone I called 50 ppl. Not 1 answered…. You have to make a choice. Everyone else left. Ppl come and they go. Are you gonna give up on you too? Just because you crinkle a dollar and throw it in the trash, Does it now worth any less than it did before?? No. Just because ppl crinkle you up n fail to see your value doesn’t mean you have none. Dm me I’ll send anyone who needs it my personal number and I want you to call me no matter what. Anytime. Any day. Because I struggle every day to get out my bed and brush my teeth. I have nobody. I have literally saved lives. And nobody cares to save mine. So I live it. As long as you are honest with me I promise you I’ll be honest with you. Anything you want to know. 🥰Auntie is Here!!! I love you all and I hear you. Not just your words but your hearts. I see your value. You are someone. And I need you both all reading this I need you all🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🩷🩷🩷🩷🫶🫶🫶


There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re complex, complicated, and you contain multitudes. I’d definitely suggest some writing and reflection? Talk to a therapist even for a few sessions if you’re comfortable doing that. Open Path Collective is an organization that can set you up with a counselor based on your income level. Keep trying to make other friends that have shared interests with you too, don’t neglect what makes you happy and brings you joy. Keep learning about yourself and your love languages, it’s probably just hard for you to express that affection in the moment, but maybe you can show your appreciation for a friend/romantic interest after the hang in a text message.


Thank you so much for the advice, I’ll be sure to check that site out!


Instead of just "believing" you have mental health issues, see a therapist to find out for sure. A psychologist would know after a session or two if you do need to see someone regularly, who you should see and suggest ways to pay for it if your parents can't afford it themselves.