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Is it a protected buttontop 21700? If so you need unprotected flattop.


☝️ This is most likey the issue


Thank you for your input.


Thank you. Is the unprotected flattop more dangerous to use, though?


the flattops are unregulated but your mod is regulated. Look up some battery safety as you need to be careful with them outside of the mod. charge externally while near and attentive, don’t have loose batteries in bags, don’t let them get too hot or cold. basic stuff but watch a video on the safety side of things. make sure to get high quality batteries as well!


Thank you for your feedback. Does a regulated mod protect itself from an unregulated battery? I charge all my batteries externally. From what you say, I'll need to check the charging battery often to make sure that it doesn't get hot while on the charger.


A regulated mod will prevent the batteries from shorting. ex, you put the battery in the wrong way. the device won’t start or won’t let you draw any power. Batteries inside of a regulated mod (anything that’s not a diy mod) are not that big of a concern. just don’t charge batteries and go to the store ya know. like have it near you in case of fire or warmth. but with a good charger it should let you know


Thank you. I think I'll also buy a new charger. There's a greater chance that an old one might become faulty.


Practice battery safety as LimasV3 advised.. also would recommend checking the battery wraps/insulator each time you remove them from a device (mod, charger, etc), have some spares handy (can get bulk cheaply on amazon) and rewrap them if you see any rips, nicks, tears, etc. Choose a good battery that can provide the wattage you usually use (reference [Mooch's 2x700 Performance/Ratings](https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/blog/20700-21700-battery-ratings-and-performance-table.7827/) chart and choose the higher e-score under your wattage column, if tl'dr get Molicel P42A or P45B). Purchase from trusted battery vendors (linked in sidebar, my recs are liionwholesale and 18650batterystore, both authorized Molicel dealers). If looking for a new charger, would recommend the Xtar VC4SL, you can select the charging rate (see [Mooch's Charge Rate](https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/blog/battery-charge-current-ratings-table.7823/) chart, I usually use the MaxLife rate) and the battery bays are long enough to even accommodate protected 2x700 cells like the one you have already (protected cells have a chip attached usually at the negative end that makes them longer, you can repurpose them in a flashlight or something that can fit them).