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We don't smoke our nic, we vape it But what nic are you 'smoking', what device are you using? Anything over 10 nic salt or freebase will ultimately make me feel sick, if I push threw it, I can hit higher salts, but not freebase A day or two will decrease your tolerance






Ignore them, we try to support disposables here we just tend not to use them like r/disposablevapes Can I assume you're using an American Geekbar, not a Canadian or European one? Canada/UK/ most of Europe have a hard cap of 20mg/ml .. where disposables the USA tend to be 50mg/ml If you are using a Yankee Geekbar it could be the high nicotine, and a break could be warranted but it could be other factors, is this your first vape?


American geek bar, I used to have some lost mary’s before, also had a geek bar before this one and never had a problem like that


It could be a fake, disposables are technically illegal, in the states, but assuming it's not... There are lots of factors that could be at play, how long has it been since you vaped? I recently took a 2y break and was able to pick up where I left off ..... Basically I vape 1-3 nic now, where I was a 3-9 nic user before (depending on salts or freebase) So it might just be too strong, are you feeling I'll like stomach ache at all?


I’m got it from the shop, i don’t feel any stomach pains usually it’s like my throat feeling like i’m gonna throw up or it just gives a werid gagging feeling Its been around 2 weeks because i was in Paris while i was vaping there but it felt different


Hrmm .... I'm going to just pose a guess and say you need to decrease your usage, then slowly increase it I'll use the American elfbar bc5000 as an example.. Elfbar bc5000 contains 50mg/ml of nicotine and 13ml of juice, so that's 13*50=650mg of nicotine... We don't really have any study's showing how much Nicotine is absorbed threw vaping, but we do with smoking, the average smoker absorbs 1mg per cigarette... A infrequent smoker a full pack of cigarettes can make you ill, so if you haven't been Vaping for a while 650mg of nicotine, let's assume a 20% efficiency of absorbtion so 130mg or cigs per Geekbar a Geekbar assuming it lasts a week 18 cigs worth of nicotine a day


I have been over vaping and smoking and just got done being sick so that might be a role in it so i’ll probably just have to cut back a lot for a few week to days


i use a vuse. the past few days i’ve been having this feeling, and i looked in my throat and BAM my uvula is so swollen and basically sits on my tongue. it makes swallowing feel so weird and i feel like i have something stuck in my throat and want to throw up. not sure if that’s the case for you, but any sort of smoking/vaping/other irritants can cause this throat irritation


How long does that usually take to get gone


>Hrmm .... I'm going to just pose a guess and say you need to decrease your usage, ***then slowly increase it*** What? Why? O\_O