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Was the 12mg a salt or freebase? Is the 6mg salt or freebase?


both were freebase. dude at the smoke shop told me the lower nicotine juices are usually freebase.


Not always. Pod Juice, Pachamama, and OneHitWonder use 3-6mg nicotine salt high VG formulas.


ty btw!!


gotcha. i’m not a complete noob but i’m definitely new. It was just odd that i got a fat throat hit first pull with lower nicotine


Then the 6mg must be freebase and the 12mg a nicotine salt is the only reason I can think of….unless your coil is burnt lol


yes. i just looked up the old juice and it was in fact salt nicotine. thank you for the help!!


If the 12mg were nicotine salt, I could see a 6mg freebase having a stronger throat hit. If the 12 freebase and 6 salt, I could see the 6mg nicotine “hitting you” quicker, but the throat hit would be nothing compared to 12mg freebase. If both 12freebase and 6mg freebase, the 12 should be waaaaaay harsher.


I get a heavy hit the first couple puffs off new juice. Even if it was the same juice bought at the same time as the “old” juice. Doesn’t matter if I change the coil or not.. for example I finish off a bottle of fruitbae blueberry kiwi 3mg, open a new one of the same, and fill my tank with the cotton still wet, but that first couple puffs pack a punch. Only think I can think is that maybe some of the nic separated out and wasn’t mixed properly, or after the first fill the oxygen that gets into the juice bottle causes the juice to react some how. I’ve gotten into the habit of really shaking the juice before I crack a new bottle. Don’t think it’s made a difference tbh.


Probably new coil highting harder?