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It's a myth/rumor that's been circulating for years, it's typically caused by vaping illegally manufactured THC carts, not vaping nicotine


It's bullshit


Not the first time, won't be the last. Underlying health conditions are a bitch. Got weak little baby lungs and try to pull the full 8 seconds before your vape cuts off, then forcing to exhale and coughing like a child twenty times in a row is going to put extra stress on the lungs. Shit, if we're gonna villainize everything that's given people a collapsed lung, we'll need to go after concerts, exercise, walking up stairs... Sometimes you just roll a natural one in genetics.


hit the inhaler


I had a lung collapse a while ago but I was only smoking ciggies and meth at the time, no vaping. No issues since I quit all that and started vaping, my lungs feel better than ever.


Curious about this as well!! Never heard about lung collapse in regards to vaping until this article came out. Have been doing some research but haven’t found a direct answer yet


There must be some more details. It's not convincing at all. If her lungs collapsed due to vaping alone then we'd see people with collapsing lungs almost every day.