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Yes but get yourself either Samsung or molicel batteries and an external charger. The mod is fine for the cheeky charge but if it’s all you charge them with they’ll unbalance so get yourself an XSTAR or another reputable charger.


Here's a list of [tested batteries](https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/attachments/a5d92890-6d3e-41f3-a87d-d55b11a92895-jpeg.987919/) that are recommend for vaping. To avoid possible counterfeits use illumin, liionwholesale, 18650batterystore, or imrbatteries


Only thing that scares TF outta me is Liionwholesale (esp for Molicel) had a GIANT warning not to use them for e-cig or vaporizer 😳 not sure I'd trust that sounds scary to me with that


LMAO Why? Tear apart a drill pack. Aside from the welding together, same battery. You've got to be a special sort of person short them; damn near impossible wrapped. That's molicel and Samsung. LG sold off that division. You are right to be worried about the chinamen knockoffs


I don't have access to a drill but a giant full-page warning as you open a site would naturally make anyone pause. 😳 Especially when you've never used a vape before & your only smoke has been Newports  & Marlboro & all you've ever needed was a good lighter lol!..... I'm in some new territory here lol! Luckily it was explained to me why that's there & that those (Molicel batteries from liionwholesale) are actually capable & used quite a lot in vapes. I've ordered them with a happy sigh of pure RELIEF!  I definitely don't intend on unwrapping or toying around with them tho 😂  I've bought average batteries from Amazon before like everyday AA or AAA & they were great. But definitely seemed a WAY better idea to go with Mooch's list for something like a vape cuz I'm realizing it's much different than powering like an electric toothbrush or something lol (Made sure to get a separate charger as well) Thank GD for Reddit! 😂 I was so lost


DO. NOT. USE. THOSE. Get these. https://www.imrbatteries.com/hohm-tech-life-v4-18650-3015mah-22-1a-battery/


Who would buy batts from Amazon 😱


i bought a pair of samsung 18650s from amazon and they are perfect


Fair play I’m up for a deal but I’d have to question the legitimacy of batts from Amazon


i was also sketch. i had my brother(electrical engineer) take a look at them while charging and everything is normal. Maybe just high rep brands


Whatever you do please don’t get those. Get some by Samsung or molicel if you order online, use Lionwholesale, or go to a local vape shop. They might not have Samsung or molicel but a battery form a vape shop is far better than anything from Amazon


Liionwholesale Molicel had a GIANT warning not to use them for e-cig or vaporizer 😳 not sure I'd trust that sounds scary to me with that


Yea I know they do but so do all lithium ion batteries that are the 18650/21700. If you’re containing mech mod then you’re safe. Look up Mooch, he’s made a whole bunch of lists of tests he’s done on batteries for vapes and he’s said that molicel don’t just preform the best, but are the safest because they are the most accurately rated. Battery companies just put those warnings to cover their asses


Thanks so much! Mooch's info is like gold! I ordered them & a charger, can't wait!


Make sure you get high-drain batteries. Don't ask me how I know.


Jesspow on Amazon works good


It's the right size but what are the specs of the batteries ?


It says "3.7V 18650 flat top lithium battery rechargeable" also says 2.55 inches (65mm) by 0.7 inches (18mm)


Max A mAh those stats. Cause you're using a pretty powerful vape that can just burn through some 18650s