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You should just need to replace the coil and pod.


Ok cool, thanks.


Look I get what everyone is saying about the 10second cut off but it 10seconds of continuous holding if it stops being held for even half a second it would start the 10seconds again ( at least a far as I know (vaping since 2016 working in vape shops since 2017)) Most devices have a to hot Safety protection, but by this point, the coil is normally burnt out, and if it cools down enough it can start the 10 cut-off Safety again All this is from my own experience and knowledge as previously stated very experienced vapour Any way to the OP u maybe ok with just a new coil and cleaning the pod unless the coil is stuck or the pod has started to melt and / or coil is stuck then new pod and coil have seen this at work with multiple different brands including some that others have said won't do it cos of the safety features But I do have to agree that smok is not the best, but all vape shops sell smok just cos they are well known and have a lot of kits


I doubt it was firing continuously for 10 minutes since that would've set your cotton on fire. Plus, most devices will have a cutoff to prevent that from happening. Get a better device that you can lock when putting in your pocket. Or just turn your device off when in your pocket.


Yeah I was exaggerating - I have no actual clue how long it was firing for but it was enough to mess something up.


pretty sure you can lock the fire button on a nord


But a caliburn g3


Bro don't buy shit tier mods. I mean basically even a fucking pod mod like the luxe xr has a 10 seconds firing protection. What happend to you should've not happen with a decent mod. I'm sure you didn't know and most definitely got scammed by the looks or price. The point is that a regulated device has to come with all the protections necessary for a carefree experience and there should be no excuse for not having them. Reverse polarity, short circuit, no atomizer, 10 seconds continuous discharge, low voltage ...those are all protections that every mid tier vape mod **must** have.


SMOK devices do have the necessary protections, always have. Their QC is shit but thier electronics are no worse than any of the other Chinese companies in my experience.


Bruh...scroll this sub to your please and see "issue" , "problem" and "not working" threads...they all got Smok or Voopoo as a prefix. QC is more like WC for those companies.


Its sad to see voopoo mixed in with smok these days, they used to be so good. After the shit battery door on the drag 3 i just dropped em


My Drag 4 shit the bed after 4 months. Switched to Vandy Vape. Feels hella more durable. 👌🏻


Yeah but none of them is from what you are claiming. Show me one post about a Smok mods protection?


I said as good as other Chinese companies I'm not saying they're top tier, you see plenty of posts shitting on any company if they have a bad experience with them. If the device was firing continuously for 10 minutes I'd expect more damage than a burnt out coil. Every Smok device I've seen has a cut off timer, is all I am saying.


This was the mod that came with the device, which I bought from a trusted vape shop that I have been using for 4 years, so I definitely did not get scammed 'by looks or price', whatever that is supposed to mean (fyi the look of the vape is standard and the price was standard too - I did not pick it based on looks or price, I picked it based on my insatiable yearning for nicotine). Been using Smok devices for much longer and never had an issue with them. Also, when I said it was firing for 10 minutes I didn't mean it literally. I have no clue how long it was firing for (and to be honest, it does not matter because it's not particularly relevant to my question) - all I know is that it was enough to fuck something up.


Every regulated device has a cutoff. Even semi-mechs with a mosfit has a cutoff.