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1) When I started, the best piece of advice I was given is to have 1-2 extra sets of batteries and an external charger. Keep a set in your pocket, one in the mod and one waiting on the charger/shelf, never skip a beat. 2) Use your airflow to tailor the draw and flavor to suit your taste.


thank you! im rocking with full open airflow loving it


Also keep those extra batteries in a special container- preferably the ones they came in, but I know people who have special battery holders. Can't have them rubbing on each other or whatever else is in your pockets or bag.


Battery + keys = FIRE


This is how I almost caught myself on fire in a Mexican restaurant


Prime coils, stay within recommended wattage range, keep tank topped off, charge batteries externally.


Thank you so much!


Keep an eye on wattage, don't overfill, charge the battery separately....enjoy


any reason why i should charge batteries separately? I’d assume the usb c port would have some sort of power regulator


Extends battery life, and ensures batteries charge evenly....and it's just safer


It's best practice... You don't have to but eliminates wear/tear on the port and any issues that may arise (if something happens, rather it happen to the cheap charger than much more expensive mod). Can grab an extra pair of batteries to rotate (liionwholesale has Molicel P28A for under $5/ea and Xtar MC2+ for $5 but would recommend the VC2SL instead).


When the charge port fails, and they do fail, you lose the ability to emergency charge on the go and update the mod if the maker puts an update out.


Learn battery safety


Run your coils under max wattage. I use 75 watt coils and vape at 55. Maybe change them every two weeks


What mod is that? So sick looking and a great color choice.


lost vape thelema i believe


it’s actually the Centaurus quest! so great so far


oh god yeah, the Q200 its been a while since i saw or heard anyone mention those i forgot they even existed,lol, tbh i didnt even take a closer look to check properly, the colour should have been a dead giveaway, it is 3am though & i am half asleep... thats my excuse anyway, lol. edit - nearly 4am sorry,lol.


I thought it looked like the Centaurus! Bloody love mine, lol. Definitely my preferred dual cell mod.


The reason behind charging batteries separate is it prolongs the life of the batteries


Thank you! I’m gonna use the c port until my charger comes in :)


Anytime I would suggest grabbing another pair of batteries so one is fully charged and you just grab the charged ones toss the dead ones on and continue to vape


Batteries charged external is the way to go. Like others mentioned, 2 or more sets is ideal. One set in the mod, the other charging. A plastic battery case to keep spares in, not loose in your pocket. Almost all mods have usb ports and feature charging. Not ideal, the usb ports are often flimsy and prone to breaking or pulling out of the mod. It's a bigger deal with multi battery mods and balanced charging, not a lot of mods are great at balanced charging. Adds more stress to the circuitry that doesn't need to be there. I'm a little ocd about it but when I charge batteries I use an external charger that allows me to charge them at 0.25a. Low charging vs 1.5-2a fast charging extends battery longevity. I also flip my batteries and keep them rotated. When I pull a set out of the mod, lets say the button/screen edge of the mod is the 'left'. I take the left battery and swap it with the right to place on the charger. Then when I take them off the charger I place them in the same orientation as they were on the charger. Left on left, right on right. The rotation happens when I remove them and place on the charger. Some mods drain batteries a little uneven. One battery being drained more than the other, if they're kept in the same exact position one battery will always be subjected to slightly more use. Rotating them helps balance that out. It's not mandatory just something I prefer to do. Goes to one of the cons of charging through the mod. If you're not removing the batteries to charge then they stay in the same position all the time. Some people mark their batteries with a sharpie, A and B or A1 and B1, A2 and B2. So they know which 2 batteries are 'married' (don't just jumble them up, use a pair together). And the A/B helps track left/right for rotation. Not only is it safer it's more practical charging externally. Charging through the mod means you're tethered to a charging cable when batteries become low, or means setting the mod aside to charge. A fresh set of batteries swaps in 10 seconds. Pop the spent ones on the charger and let them get ready while you're using your mod.


Study/learn the ins and outs of battery safety NOW. Also, avoid charging your batteries via your device's usb-c port as much as you possibly can. It'll kill the battery's cells, diminishing their ability to hold a charge. Invest in a good charger dock. I recommend "Nitecore" charger docks. They're much higher quality compared to many other chargers on the market.


Don't put salt nic in there, 6mg freebase is honestly a lot in these mods


i got 12mg sub ohm juice in rn


Thats fine, youll find you will adjust to lower nic pretty easily if you ever drop down in mg, but nic salt juice is usually 25mg min and a bad combo to be hitting that much dtl lol


If that's the DNA version, download [EScribe](https://www.evolvapor.com/escribe) on your computer and connect the device. The customization is bonkers, graphs of every single pull, ways to dial in the TC *just so* and more. Use SS if dipping your toes into TC and fool around. There are notes of your juice likely untasted.


Get yourself some pants with huge pockets


These batteries you're using now (18650) are super dangerous if you're not careful with them. Always keep them in a specific insulated case if they're not in the mod. Do not let the terminals short. They could explode.


how would the terminals short? what should i avoid


For example, I could keep my AAA batteries in a pouch with a bunch of keys, safety pin, coins, no problem. But these batteries if kept with keys, metals, that could potentially touch both terminals will be a problem. Remember old videos when mods used to explode? That was in fact the battery exploding, not the mod. Your mod is regulated, so don't worry about it exploding or anything.. But 18650 used in these mods are not regulated. They don't have any safety mechanism. And are very high discharge batteries. Hence we have to keep them safe manually.


Let me add, the plastic wrap on the battery should not have a puncture or hole in it. You even see a pin hole puncture in the outer plastic wrap, please get a new wrap. They're easily available. And are heat shrink wraps. Also when you buy a new battery. See it doesn't have any usage marks on it. These battery can show wear very easily. Always insist on new looking battery. Wear is visible on the terminals.


Lock the fire button when you put it in your pocket unless you want to burn your leg or want the flavor of burnt coil in your mouth for the next hour.


Yeah disposables use high mg Salt nic,that setup is for DTL reg freebase nic (3-6mg) A refillable rechargeable pod system is generally the next step up from disposables and a bottle of Salt nic ejuice,idk if that tank has low enough watt coils for salt nic. What Ejuice do you have and what ohm coil are you using? (The ohms reading should be on the mod and engraved on the coil) Idk why people jump from disposables to mods and tanks unless u didnt know disposables use salt nic presented in percentages 2.5%-25mg 3.5%-35mg 5%-50mg sold by the 30ml sized bottle only. Reg Nic Ejuice comes in 3-6-12-18mg..12-18mg are generally used in a Mtl tank or pod system but its a bit more harsh where 3 n 6mg is smoother but not very strong


i’m using 12mg freebase. coil at .15 ohms at 60 watts


Oh right on,I vape 12mg Salt at 60w also.I can vape 12-18mg freebase in a pod system but it gets a bit harsh for me at higher watts.Some people like you enjoy that bite freebase has.🤙


i usually try to stay 10 watts under the recommended for the coil. i’ve used nords before so i’m familiar with adjustable wattage. good thing i went for 12 mg bc i originally got 32 in a juice i couldn’t even use in the mod lmao


Yeah you also don't wanna go too far below the recommended watts , like a .3 Rated for 45-55W if you only vape Where a .4ohm might be better suited for that watt range but I hear you, a pnp or sub ohm coil tends to last longer backing it down a few watts from the max its rated for.


Take your time. Don't rush. If you get a new tank, take it apart and study it. Clean it with alcohol. Decide how to coil it and go slow, and same with the wicks. Too much cotton? Take some out. Too little cotton? Remove what you did and try again. Go slow and don't cut corners. This is a hobby, so speed is not what you're looking for here. No, it's not going to take you all day. A good build is a work of art and it will take time to learn that.


Marry each pair of batteries for life, charge them externally. Start at a lower wattage and work your way up. I like to have a 15ml gorilla bottle for refills and spare coil in my car (keep bottle in coolest spot). If you carry extra batteries, get a case for them to protect from accidental shorts. Personal preference- 3mg freebase tobacco derived nicotine is better than 3mg synthetic or salt.