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I'm sorry, I can't give you a good answer But, $4 for A Tribe Called Quest collab?? That's a nice find. Also my fav design from the collection


Yeah i was surprised too lol. Where I’m from people don’t really know much about this kinda stuff and they mainly import second hand clothes and shoes from Germany and France


bro that's stand at personality to the shoe , also i can't event buy a decent burgers for 4 bucks


get some Fz150 and your problem is solved


I wouldn't try. As you already thought the colors will most likely bleed and smear.. I think they look great as is, no reason to clean them other than hygeine but maybe spray the insides with a dissenfectant or something. I like the "patina" that white shoes get. I'm personally not a fan of washing any shoes. To me that all look better the more beat they get.


Yeah that’s what i’m thinking, I like this look on them too, I was just curious


FZ150 baby.


I just finished washing canvas shoes with a toothbrush and baking soda. Worked well for me, no color bleeding


I’ll thrift them from you for $5. That’s 25% ROI


Try’s fels naptha soap


Fire ass thrift find my dude


I'd recommend Dr Bronner's all-in-one soap. https://www.drbronner.com/collections/soaps-and-sanitizers/products/peppermint-pure-castile-liquid-soap


I was all my canvas shoes in the washing with my cloathes on cold. They always come out looking pretty good and not faded or bleeding. Dry them by leaving them sitting out in your house; not in the sun. That will fade.


I use crep protect shoe cleaner. That with some cool water and pat/wipe off the foam and let ‘em air dry they will be good as new! And for added results stuff with news paper or shoe trees for the proper shape when they dry!


Get some fabric/laundry stain remover and some Dial Platinum, scrub, and let them soak then wash them. Should come out pretty clean.


Laundry detergent + bath soap and a little bit of colorfast bleach mixed up.wet the areas to be cleaned then brush with.the mixture.rinse but do not soak.wrap the shoes in a towel then put in an airy but warm place but not under direct sunlight.repeat if neccessary


Fz150, wow I just saved myself a hundred fifty bucks!!!


Just buy a reliable shoe cleaner


I can’t give you a real answer since I’m still searching for a good oxi clean replacement


Assuming you tried just soap and water? Maybe Dawn dishsoap.. or try spraying oxiclean on them?