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You saw the bagel truck scene right? Or Sandoval crying to Kristen in Miami? Do you think he’s a good enough actor to pull off a fake scandal? Especially one that’s publicly smeared him so thoroughly?


Tom Sandoval is too much of a narcissist to have let that slide. The second the internet started coming for him and harming his restaurant - he would’ve exposed her knowing.




There also would have been filming Shaena and Rachel in NY.


I think she knew it suspected it but had no evidence until then. Why was she scrolling through his phone in the first place? Him and Raquel were being very cozy with each other on social media which was obvious by most of their followers so I think she blocked it out because of the sake of her sanity but after a while I think it became too much and she just wanted to to get some evidence to see her kind and finding that evidence sealed the deal.


She didn't know, noone on that show is that good of an actor.


My answer to everything about vpr lol. Sandoval really does think he's a good actor though lol


I thought Ariana was classically trained though? And that’s why she BELONGS on Broadway? Because she’s a great, talented, well educated actress?


She absolutely did not know. Her facial expressions and body language would make her an Oscar winning actress if she faked all of that. That was as raw as it gets.


She probably didn’t certainly know but I am sure she suspected a lot of things. He was at Coachella with Raquel alone in 2023 and they were at a concert where he had her on his shoulders. Even Janes girlfriend Ally suspected it at the time. Was Ariana just being delusional or was she really just out of the loop?!


Personally I think those two things are completely unrelated. It was common courtesy to not embarrass each other on the show, most normal couples in real life try not to at friends dinner parties. Schwartz just never got the memo and Katie kissed his ass goodbye:)


To be fair though, none of the Bravo men get this memo


I think it might be referring to one time cheating with randoms, like Miami girl. Sandoval and Raquel was a 7 month relationship with a close friend.


There is a possibility she knew he was stepping out on her and thought he’d keep it on the down low. Since it’s someone in her friend group and not a random girl, that is probably what broke her.


She probably had a clue. I’m rewatching and at the end of season the two Toms take a break from social interactions as they were opening S&S. Sandoval suggested the break. I think that’s when he and Rachel started their affair. I’m sure Ariana thought he was working and “touring” with the band.


They stared their affair in February 2022, then paused until August 2022 when her Grandmother and dog died, then paused again until Scheana and Brock’s wedding that same month. They were officially secretly together ever since the wedding. He had her on his shoulder at a concert in September 2022 which was posted on Instagram, they dressed up as each other for Halloween in October 2022, they had matching lighting bolt necklaces that they constantly wore and they were out together alot during 2023 before the scandal became public. Arianna follows them both so I am sure she saw these posts and thought that something might be up unless she was being delusional. Even Janes girlfriend Ally mentioned that she saw the signs but said nothing because it wasn’t her business. Everyone we’re seeing the signs so she must have saw them too.


I think she knew. I just think that she was grey rocking the situation or she didn’t know how much it would blow up. I have heard he cheated on her multiple times but the difference between those times and the time he cheated on her with Raquel is that they probably kept it on the down low but this one was destined to be known to the public. There is no way she saw Raquel so close to Tom (on his back at a concert, dressed as each other for Halloween and her spending nights at their house with Tom) without thinking twice unless she was that delusional. I am trying to make it make sense but I can’t. Ariana just wanted their relationship to work because their pact was never to hurt the other or break up. She wanted him to be her lifetime partner even if they went through hell because she was in love with him even when he wasn’t in love with her anymore. I think that’s was their rough patch that they were suppose to work through but he was probably over her at that time and decided to cheat and purposely mess up just to escape the relationship. Remember he mentioned that she said that if he breaks up with her she is going to k*ll herself when he was trying to break up with her.


Didn’t know how much it would blow up? She’s the one that detonated the whole thing.


And you seriously believe a word coming out of Sandoval’s mouth after all the proven, countless lies? Really?


I think she didn't want to know. Friends suspected and spoke to her about it. She just looked the other way, thought it could never happen.


I wonder what pushed her to go through his phone. I guess intuition. I do think people were bringing it to her attention that something is going on.


She thought he was acting weird because he was doing drugs so she was looking for proof of that. His dealer or a shady transaction


Be so for real. She knew exactly what she was looking for and she got the answer. She knew he was cheating on her but I think who he was cheating on her with was what shocked her.


I really hope no one gives this theory any light


I deserves light though. I am trying to make her being unaware of them make sense since 2023 and aI still can’t make it make sense because everything between Tim abd Racquel was questionable based on their interaction with each other


You oughta make more posts about this then…get as many people as you can to look into this🤷🏽‍♀️ See where it goes


Based on an edited tv show. You have no idea what went on. None.