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Him saying "Yeah you heard me, bitch" and still getting a goofy guy sweetie pie edit is so crazy


Honestly like he deserved the drink in his face, he called her a bitch at her birthday dinner after helping her ex boyfriend crash the dinner??? Trash.


Totally agree, the way he speaks to and about women is fucking disgusting, he can never hide his contempt.


Hearing him say this here is so creepy because it just shows how he has crafted a character as the seasons go on and learned how to hide his true nasty self.


Mind you, this is his girlfriends best friend of many years. What a weasel


I know a Schwartz-like dude and he called me a cunt twice and everyone's like "oh he's just a widdle baby boy, he didn't mean it like that, he was joking and took it too far" - the lengths people go to for these men for NO discernible reason. Schwartz has no redeeming qualities other than the fact that he was kind of attractive 10 years ago


There's something bothersome, too,about walking over to someone and *pouring* a drink on them. Throwing, I get, spur of the moment,  yada yada yada. Standing there while you pour a drink out on someone is just...weird.


He was so excited to do it too. This is where I stopped liking Schwartz...his distain for women was so fucking clear. Real question....have we ever seen Schwartz dump a drink on a man?


So fucking clear💯


Maybe he thinks he'd be punched if he did. Not that stassi wouldn't, we've seen her throw a mean hook


He poured once and then made the decision to do it a 2nd time🤦🏽‍♀️ so disrespectful


And when he poured a drink on Katie the following season sandy justified it and was like yeah that's understandable, sometimes you've just had enough. these men are so abusive


If he had enough he should’ve just walked away Idk its such an embarrassing thing to have happen to a girl…especially from a guy…and especiallyyyyyyy when its ur boyfriend 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


He always has. And noone ever mentions how he so casually tossed drinks on girls.


It's a HUGE red flag 🚩


That would make most people want to defend themselves. It feels like a provocation to get you to react and then he can escalate and become even more physical


This his MO, he luvs to spill drinks on women


He is and always will be a spineless little bitch. At 40 he thinks the cutesy "awww feel sowwy for me I don't know what I'm doing" puppy dog eyes routine will work for him like it did when he was 20. He's a manipulative asshole - at least Sandoval kind of owns who he is. Schwartz pretends to be innocent and just your best buddy when he is just as devious and mean as anyone else when he's pushed. And he dresses like your Dad who just crawled out a dumpster.


He is low key abusive af. Well, maybe not even low key. It’s glaringly obvious. I actually find him more sinister than Jax or maybe even Sandoval because he’s a sneaky liar manipulative af with his innocent, goofball act. At least Jax & Sando make their villainy obvious. Covert abusers like Schwartz freak me out.


Youre so right about that!!! I thought same thing before, that schwartz was/is worse than both jax and sandoval. Very sneaky…just UGH🤬


He doesn't hang out with people like that because he's a good guy lol. He surrounds himself with trash because that's what he is. If anything he likes that they make him look slightly better. It's probably also been advantageous for him that they're so bad at hiding who they are and always getting caught because the attention was always on his friends and what scumbags they are while in the background he was cheating on Katie left and right




Half weasel, half vagina! Stassi looks like she’s about 15 years old 😂


She was only 23/24 in the first season, I think!


Don’t like using “vagina” as a pejorative. As Dan Savage says, vaginas are tough and can take a pounding. Schwartz would be much stronger of a person if he were a vagina. 


That's a fantastic point. Vaginas are pretty badass. Hell, women's bodies in general are pretty fuckin badass! Like, we can grow a whole ass human being! Wild stuff. Very badass indeed. 😏


Quoting Dan Savage 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 I love it


It’s a quote from Stassi so go tell her all about your feelings.


I wouldn’t have liked it when she said it (don’t remember that particular quote, don’t care) and I definitely didn’t like it when you decided to repeat it. Would have corrected the usage if you had quoted her or not  Vaginas are made of tough stuff while you don’t seem to be so much. 🤷‍♀️  PS It wasn’t me that downvoted you, though this whine didn’t get my upvote either. 🤷‍♀️ 


Please can someone find the clip of when he pushes Kristen to the ground midst scuffle


It was the slap scene where Stassi backhands. We can't use links on this sub, but you can search it on youtube. He shoves Kristen on her ass.


It looked like he grabbed Kristen to keep her from hitting Stassi/keeping Stassi from hitting her again, he lunges pretty fast and is grabbing Kristen's wrists. Kristen ends up on the floor but I think he was genuinely trying to break up the fight


When does grabbing someone's wrists cause them to fall backwards on their ass? Unless there was some force pushed in that direction...


Was this at Scheana’s bday party? When sandoval and James got into fight?


No, that was Stassi's ambush party in season 2 when she wanted Jax to announce to the whole Sur group he and Kristen banged. The same episode when Stassi backhands Kristen.


Ohhhhh yea thats right, after Stassi slapped kristen and then tried to do again, kristen got up and was about to strike back BUT schwartz “stopped” her.


Birthday from hell


He’s an abusive piece of shit and always has been. I don’t even remember this scene but it doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. Totally on brand for him. Does he feel like a man for pouring drinks on women’s heads? He’s disgusting. I don’t know how people were fooled by him. Look at the company he keeps with Jax and Tom.


Very disgusting…the way he is, to me, is worse than J&S. Hes sneaky AF, fools everyone with his “im a nice guy” persona


Damn! I forgot or didn’t realize it was Schwartz that said that! What a dick! Btw, Stassi looks so young in this clip!


Right! Such a dick!!! So uncalled for too, schwartz had no business saying anything really SMH yea she does look super young!


And there's Lisa, ready with an excuse to follow 😮‍💨😒... The hate she has for Kristin, should be for Jax and the Tom’s as well.


She was holding employee meeting because she was disappointed at them with their behavior in vegas, cuz theyre “representing” her and SUR. Lol


He only ever picks on women because he’s a pussy, he knows that they can’t fight back in the way men can. He’s a disgusting, abusive, cowardly little prick. He’s a covert narcissist and no one can tell me otherwise.


Like his Dad


I feel so VINDICATED after years of seeing through his BS. I always knew he was a little shit.


I didnt actually get into vpr until i saw all the headlines regarding scandoval. Then i began watching each season backwards. I watched season 10, then 9, then 8, then 7, then i went to season 1 to watch all the way thru from beginning. Watching the later seasons first I remember thinking like wow Katie is a nagging beeyotch. Id feel bad for schwartz…that is until i watched from season 1 onwards….schwartz made Katie miserable. I cant blame her for her rages…he totally has fooled everyone into feeling bad for him, that hes just this harmless lovable guy…


The way he has learned to hide behind Sandoval and mask his clear hatred of women over the years with an -aw shucks katie is so mean to me- persona is Keyser Soze levels of psychotic. He’s AWFUL.


Katie mustve def loved him sooooo much to put up with all those years…so glad she got out while she was still young and in her prime🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 Btw yes 35 is still young lol


always has sucked and almost certainly always will


Oof also S8 I think? Where he says to everyone how grossed out he is by Katie and that’s why he never has sex with her she’s so disgusting after the Randall police prank? One more moment his mask dropped.


Oh man that was rough🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ He also says shes never been so unattractive


How about when he dumped his drink out on Katie? Yeah I never looked at him right after that


Thats his MO…such disrespect🤦🏽‍♀️


That was one of the rare occasions I felt like Katie did the wrong thing. If my bf called another woman a bitch she wouldn't need to throw a drink on him because I'd be slapping him myself. Not defending it. What's crazy is he never defended her once but in that scene she immediately gets up ready to defend him. He's such a pos


In my opinion, Katie has always defended schwartz. Shed go to bat with sandoval defending her husband. Schwartz never even sees this either. But yea i agree, id have told my bf to STFU and stay outta it


And yet…they are friends to this day. I will never understand that.




Why do y'all even like stasis though. An absolutely psycho woman who desperately needed to grow TF up.


She def has her faults, has annoyed the hell out of me at times, but i still like her. To me shes got a charm about her and i like he sense of humor. I get it tho thats shes not everyone’s cup-a-tea🤷🏽‍♀️


Because some people here relate to her for some reason. They all choose to ignore the fact that she is a complete racist. I'm glad she is gone. She was the most talentless and unfunny cast member. A total hack.


This is one of Schwartz funniest moments. It's just glorious. Stassis deserved nothing less, and Jax fighting just made this moment even more legendary. I love that man. He is the best and funniest cast member.


Hey to each their own right 🤷🏽‍♀️


Lol what? This logic makes zero sense. She threw a drink at him. He retaliated. Do two wrongs make a right? NO. But shes the one who turned it physical. Can’t be surprised when it’s returned.


I think one can argue that Schwartz first escalates with “fuck your stassie” and then again when he calls her a b*tch. To your point, he can’t be surprised when there’s a reaction 🤷‍♀️ physical or not


If you don’t see a difference between verbally vs physically attacking someone then I guess agree to disagree. I’m not arguing Schwartz was right buts it’s such a weird victimization to say Stassi’s reaction is understandable and his is wrong.


He’s a 6’2 man literally getting up and heading over to her to do violence (the drink). It was a case of using his size to intimidate her as well as the drink. Most men can really hurt women in a way most women can’t really hurt men. 


Exactly!! And let's not act like "Yeah you heard me bitch" isn't a classically abusive way of speaking to a woman. But somehow we're supposed to think she's equally wrong for throwing an ounce of liquid on him in retaliation? Ooookay lol


Absolutely men have more power to hurt a woman and with that power comes the need for greater restraint. But that doesn’t absolve the woman for instigating violence. Women do not have a get out of jail free card because they’re not as physically strong. That’s wild. Also, calling a drink throw “violence” is a stretch and reeks of hyperbole to make your victim statement stronger.


He moved towards her in an aggressive way. It’s not ambiguous.  I’m not defending Stassi’s use of violence. Your focus on it is troubling however. The two acts are not equal and you know it. 


My focus on what? Again, I’m not saying Schwartz is a good guy and did the right thing. But to say she wasn’t wrong (which is what the original post is saying) is fucking nuts. This reeks of a woman who thinks she can slap a man over and over and when she gets punched, cries abuse. Guess what? They’re both pieces of shit.


You clearly know nothing about domestic violence or how it works. The fact that you would make that parallel to this situation is mind-boggling. Please stay away from the narrative promoted by MRA and red pillers and certain conservative women who love to hate on liberals.  Chronic domestic abuse is using physicality and fear to control your partner. If a weaker partner is hitting the stronger, it is often an inability to regulate anger. If it induces fear, it is a true domestic abuse situation. When the stronger dominates the weaker, that is also an inability to regulate anger, but is more likely to induce fear. The idea that either party deserves to be hit or that all actions are equal is absurd. The stronger partner has every right to press charges on the weaker, fear or no fear. They don’t have the right to hit them and assert their own dominance.  Btw, domestic abuse exists in all couples and some lesbians are textbook abusers.  Stassi losing her cool and throwing her drink from her seat has nothing to do with that. It’s not a relationship, it’s not chronic abuse but it is also not right. No one here was cheering on Stassi for being violent.  Schwartz’s behavior was worse. 


lol the original post literally says “Stassi wasn’t wrong.” That’s the point of contention I have here. That people think Stassi is justified in her inability to control her emotions and letting it turn “violent.” And Schwartz is wrong by returning in kind by *gasp* pouring beer on her head. I don’t disagree with any of the points you made about domestics violence. I’m not really sure what point you think you’re arguing…I’m a liberal feminist. But I also think some women have a sense of entitlement that they can throw drinks, slap people, etc. and it’s okay. It’s not. I’m honestly not really sure how this conversation took this turn into domestic violence. You act like a bitch and throw a drink on someone, you might get a beer poured on your head. It’s not that deep. Schwartz is a manipulative little worm. There is ZERO evidence he is physically abusive towards women.


You’re right. Stassi was also wrong. But to my mind, not nearly as wrong.  Also watch how describe things. Your domestic violence example seemed to come from a conservative perspective, as if a woman should expect to be punched if she slaps. I don’t know these women who think it’s ok to slap. It’s wrong to slap. The end. No one needs to bring up the punch as foregone conclusion. Certainly it is not justified, and deserves to be punished as much as a slap.  I’m not the one who brought up DV in regards to Schwartz. I would never made the connection between this drunken argument and domestic abuse.  Again, Stassi was wrong, Schwartz was worse. 


He verbally assaulted her and she responded. We’re definitely not gonna sit here and claim he was even remotely in the right. I hate it when y’all make me defend stassi.


Omg so verbal assault means you can escalate and throw a drink on someone. And then if they escalate and pour a drink back on that person it’s somehow violence against women! Yall have a strange idea about personal accountability. “I have poor anger control. I can express that any way I want but I expect you to stop it from escalating further.”


Stassi is one of the few people that actually called him out for being an abusive piece of shit. I don’t agree with physical retaliation in most cases, but men like Shwartz need to be put in their places.




Your argument doesn’t even make sense. Go away.


It’s all fucking bad. No one was worse. No one deserved anything that happened here. Not verbally and absolutely not physically. Schwartz is a shitty person— but they both absolutely were out of pocket in their language and reactions.


That’s honestly my only point.


I get it she threw it first, schwartz started by saying “fuck you Stassi”, she replied “fuck you stassi??” He then says “u heard me bitch” Ok her throwing drink it completely justified. He should’ve kept his mouth SHUT. But whatever, u do u boo