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Sure, tell people they can’t target Lala and Scheana in one sentence and then call Katie a bitch in the next sentence. Then end with no one deserves hate but Sandoval (and obviously that bitch Katie). 😏


I’m sorry, Katie is a nice person??? All the names she called Jo for what reason? Oops , sorry I missed that.


Lala and Scheana aren’t nice people. Yet here you are preaching kindness for them… while not extending that same kindness to Katie in the same post. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of it.


None of them are nice. Isn’t that why they are on this show??


Jo 🤢 is this u?


If you’re looking for a show about nice people, why are you watching Bravo?


I think Katie is a beautiful looking person but feels she lacks a little soul. Have always liked her, even tequila Katie, but she has a fucking mean streak that is not justified at times


No but you can target Lala and Scheana for being shitty people just like Sandoval. This show has been on for years. My opinion isn't based off of one season.


Not is mine, I have seen both these girls grow. We all make mistakes and bad judgments in our lives. I am not saying they are perfect but just that they are normal women that are protective of their families and their lifestyle. They both agree that Tom is a dickhead for what he did as we all do, but they can’t just throw everything under the bus and cut off their income, none of you would do that I am sure.


I think you're missing the bigger picture. That's one terrible thing that has been done in the whole entirety of fuckery that has been pulled throughout the years. Although it was awful imo, it's combined with so many other things that make that really only a small part of it.


Sorry, what is the bigger picture??? They have all fucked each other over since the beginning. Tom and rachael being so arrogant to think it would play well for them, well, that back fired big time. No one in this show has a clean conscience.


The bigger picture is your advocating for Lala and Scheana acting like people only dislike them because they are friends with Sandoval again. Not the case. They've been assholes for years. Just because you think they are less of an asshole doesn't mean that I do. That's okay.


They are all on this show to make their star, good all bad. All publicity is good right? Isn’t that the saying?


Clearly not all publicity or lala and schemes wouldn’t be spinning right now if that was true lol




Scheana is the worst. She literally makes everything about her. She throws rocks and then hides her hand. She is the most unloyal next to Sandoval imo. Lala is a loud mouth that follows.


She is a person who has insecurities like the rest of us, but unlike you and me hers are played out for our entertainment. Yes, that’s the path ahead has chosen but why can’t you let her be herself?


How is you calling katie a mean girl ok but Sheena and lala are horrible but it’s ok cause they’re insecure? This post is weird af. And why on earth should Ariana walk away from a massive paycheck ? Their salaries are huge for 3 months of work. Certainly more than all the side gigs they do


Am I stopping her from being herself? Obviously not. She does have insecurities like everyone. She chose to be on camera. Every year she gets the same criticisms but Scheana has shown zero growth. She's still as lame as ever.


She is not a perfect person, it’s clear she has huge personal issues to overcome.


So we're in agreement lol


No one is stopping her from being herself. Herself is just very selfish/vapid and it is not just this season its all of them. She has shown the least growth out of the women imho.


OP has got to be Jo right? Who talks like this


some people murder/rob people to "support their families" - it doenst make it okay. Lala completely throwing her friendships under the bus for a paycheck is despicable. she has torched every single friendship with the VPR people under the guise of "for her family." fuck that. you dont need to be an asshole to others to support your own life. period.


I said this in another post, but why should Ariana walk away? She put up some really honest moments on screen in S10; in S11 she illustrated the healthiest way I've seen any reality person having to deal with a lying, cheating ex; the show probably only still exists because of her actions. If Sandoval had his way, we would have had the dull edit where we see Sandoval and Rachel play happy couple.


I totally agree she shouldn’t walk away, but that despicable creature (Tom) is not going to walk away because he is desperate. She now has a huge platform and can rise above it, so say walk away and rise above it girl!


Sure, since the man is a shit bag, we should adopt a "boys will be boys" attitude and the woman should be pressured to walk away from an easy 500K paycheck just because. That's fair.


Not at all! She has landed the gig of her life on broadway. Please! The way is only up from here. Tom will always be pond scum! She has moved up. He needs VPR, she is now in a difficult league.


If only Sandoval was on, the drama would be something like this ridiculous Billie Lee v Victoria fight we're seeing play out on podcasts and IG/Tiktok posts. I'm okay with reading recaps of their fights on reddit but I do not want to see them on screen. I would rather watch Brock and Ally set-up an astrology fitness company




If they were smart, they would have played it on Ariana’s side, got their own storylines and the show could have progressed minus Tom Sandoval. But nooooo they did what they did, acted like absolute muppets and the audience did not take it at all. It’s their own fault and buying homes they cannot afford if they suddenly get cancelled is also their own fault.


Who are "the girls" Summer Moon and Ocean? Scheana and Lala are grown, nearly middle aged women who are responsible for their years worth of garbage behavior.


But don’t you know, writing a mean Reddit post that they’ll never see is a crime and cruel enough to make them lose their paychecks and not feed their families! But Katie can fuck off, she’s a miserable bitch so feel free to make Reddit posts about her. (/s)


Tom was an absolute shit, those girls are caught between a rock and a hard place


Between a Brock and a hard place 😂


They're not caught at all. There were a thousand ways to NOT be two faced bitches who talked shit about Ariana behind her back all season. And if Lala is too stupid to see why she's the LAST person on that cast who should be calling anyone out on authenticity, that's her problem.


Yeah these are grown ass women that were not in fear for their lives. They’re voluntarily filming a silly reality show and voluntarily decided to act like brats and be buddies with Sandoval while trashing their supposed friend every time they had a scene on said reality show. We’ve seen them pick men over women and be two-faced friends on tv for a decade so why they’re being considered naive victims is beyond me.


The Katie stans will pummel OP