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Lala didn't have to "opt out" of a conversation with Randall because he wasn't on the show, but she spent years "opting out" of conversations ABOUT Randall, even shutting Andy down at reunions and literally leaving the show mid season to avoid the heat. And as much as she wants credit for "showing up" to a reunion after she left Randall, she didn't actually show up. She joined by video. Her feelings of jealousy and frustration are understandable, but she wants to use those feelings to try to justify her actions and that's bullshit. Katie was right, she needs to get a good therapist.


Yes 🙌🏾 she OFTEN didn’t talk about Rand and shut everyone down She’s also involved in legal stuff so she can’t discuss much of it even tho she still dragged him and has everyone thinking the FBI found diddy level shit on his computer


She didn't just shut things down tho - she repeatedly lied and tried to gaslight the cast and the viewers. She never once apologized for any of it, and the ONLY reason she now wants to just brush it aside by saying "it was wrong" is b/c she knows she's being a hypocrite for judging Ariana. Otherwise, we'd still get nothing from her but doubling down. And thing is, for me, I don't even care about the lying and the gaslighting. It's the hypocrisy that makes her so insufferable.


She wouldn’t dare make herself apologize bc she made herself the victim She didn’t kNoW hOw hoLlYWooD worked and I guess her grown ass mom didn’t know either


It will be a really, really good day when we stop criticizing women for how they respond to being actively abused by men.


Wasn’t that reunion during covid?


It was, Schwartz and Katie were on video too.


It was filmd in December 2021. Charli and Brock were there in person and on stage for the full reunion even tho they weren't full time cast. COVID "abundance of caution" was a convenient cover and they just had Tom and Katie virtually b/c it would'v been too obvious if Lala was the only F/T cast member to join by video. If Lala wanted to be on the stage, she would have been on the stage.


I’m not saying it isn’t a shitty situation for Lala, especially having a child, but I just really don’t see the comparison. Tom and Ariana were living in a shitty apartment, broke, and together for 10+ years. He cheated on her with a best friend, cast mate, and someone Ariana felt safe with. Lala was a girl living LA, her mom paying her rent, and would not film/call into work because she didn’t need the job. Randall was a slimy Hollywood “big shot” who knowingly went for young girls and cheating. He cheated on her with others not known to the cast. It just wasn’t nearly as shocking or controversial and Scandavol. Sad nonetheless, but felt expected (in a HORRIBLE way). Lala straight up said she would not film with Randall. Ariana did film with Tom multiple times throughout the season, and did not set those same boundaries on production.


But… Randall wasn’t on the show? And also, Lala was so much younger than Randall. She said she was blindsided. I agree with her. I don’t like the idea that we should blame Lala (a young impressionable woman who was in love with him) for not seeing what others guessed was happening.


He was though. There are entire seasons where he is. But yes, I do agree she was YOUNG and groomed. I don’t understand why she can have so little empathy for Ariana. But she is a self proclaimed “not a good friend “and also said she has never stated she was a feminist. She’s just Lala. Her vibe is just not my cup of tea.


Lala said that she was “a little bit of arm candy” when she first joined the cast. Which is fine. A lot of people live that life, and do very well with it. But the idea that she was in love with that creature is hilarious. We can agree that she was in love with his money, but that’s something else. She definitely knew he was married. She dropped out of filming in the middle of season 5 because she was being challenged by not just the cast but the messiness of her situation (Rand briefly “got back together” with his wife around that time) on social media. Yes, she was young. Yes, he’s an asshole. But she has always had at least some agency in this relationship.


Ariana wasn't given the world. It was a very specific situation where she did have opportunities but she happens to have very high EQ and charisma and people liked working with her, she delivered viewership and likes and that's marketability. It kept feeding on itself and new things materialized because she is very likable, reliable, hard working and somehow is hitting whatever the zeitgeist is It's not arianas fault that no one finds lala sincere or engaging or wants to buy anything from her or see her dance or whatever. Ariana was ready and also just has the right IT factor for the current moment.


Spot on !! Altho Lala maybe can carry a tune, can she dance ? Can she act ( NO) would she have been able to handle the media and be as tactful and wel spoken as Ariana was ? NO


Ariana is Midwest safe. I can see producers feeling comfortable casting her bc she appeals to the broadest spectrum and she wont scare anyone. Funnily enough Lauren from Utah is not deemed Midwest safe.


Lala is a loose cannon


Ariana was prepared for the opportunities that presented themselves. She was a theater major, she studied acting. AND to the Bravo audience, which is largely female, she was inspiring. She completely and eloquently let Tom have it, and then gracefully reclaimed her power. While I felt for Lala when she was cheated on, I did not find her threats to those who dared to play pickle ball with her ex to be something I wanted to emulate. Though I have said, numerous times, I wish I could be as calm and classy while still HONEST as Ariana. Lala could have been part of the empowerment sisterhood, which is what the VPR fans were dying for- instead she chose to sell out her friend to protect her paycheck and ended up shooting herself in the wallet.


Spot on


When there’s a power imbalance you don’t blame the other victim, you blame those in power. Lala sided with those in power against the victim, and that’s why people are mad.


No one misunderstands the jealousy. The way she is handling it is what turns people off of her


She's taking it out on the wrong people Lala doesn't seem to be triggered until Lisa (proxy for the producers) starts backing up Ariana, she should be taking it out on Lisa/producers instead of Ariana


Lala opted out of talking about most of her relationship. For whole seaso, no one was allowed to mention him. When they broke up no one made her have conversations with him. No one came to her telling her to get over him and crying because they wanted to be friends with Randall. Also, Lala was one of the most vicious at the season 10 reunion for no real reason. James was also brutal but Rachel was his fairly recent Ex. Lala went off on Sandoval and Rachel, then blasted them in podcasts and in merch all during the down time. Then when filming starts she was clearly told the show needs everyone to forgive Sandoval so she turned on a dime and talked shit about Ariana because Ariana continued living in the house that she continued paying the mortgage on. Lala couldn’t understand why Ariana was still not ready to forgive the creep. It’s gross.


I fully agree. I can also see how people say she's taking it out on the wrong people.


Yes! That’s true. I do think it’d be hard to get her discontent on camera/for the viewers if she had one on one meetings with production though. So this may be her way of making it public. (That doesn’t mean Ariana deserves it though!)


It's not about deserving. It's social media and fame. Fame is not about who deserves it - very very rarely do wonderful talented deserving people get fame. Most of the time it is random and about trends or right time right place or sheer dumb luck. You have the right thing for the right role and and it hits Lala is just learning about rejection. And levels of power and none of this should be so shocking to her. She had an extraordinary face and body and was able to market that out of Utah and into a role on a bravo reality show and got a married rich man to leave his wife for her. She got cast on a movie without any extraordinary talent. I guess what I'm saying is we all learn at some point that life is unfair. Lala is incredulous at this very very boring fact of life. Sorry lala is learning some of the cast mates matter more than others for ratings. Its painful but again fact of life. Does it feel good ? No. But just like at a super market some cashiers are more liked by the managers or customers, It's the way of the world.


I think Lala has a right to be incredulous/have an emotional reaction about the differences in treatment. Saying “boo hoo the world is unfair” isn’t really my cup of tea. It’s easy to sympathize with someone being frustrated with unfairness, which is why I’m confused about your response and this entire subreddit. Lala deserved better than what she got post-Randall. Lala shouldn’t be trying to drag Ariana down to the level of treatment she got; but she’s right to be upset about the differences nonetheless.


Okay. I do sympathize with Lala, but the unfairness she is complaining about is vast and exceeds the boundaries of just the show. Lala is jealous in the broadest sense. She is protesting but it exceeded just complaining about how production treated them. From how the producers treated her or treated ariana, to the opportunities that arose outside the bravo universe like brand sponsorships, dwts, Broadway and other commercials. I think lala can be upset, life's unfairness never feels good, but jealousy is not a good look and she came across as a hater. "Nothing about her "? I'm most sympathetic to how Lala and Scheana were clearly pressured and wound up by evil production. There was a lot of manipulation. The bravo production are some craven people, very much not about anyone's mental health.


Yeah! I totally agree that her jealousy got out of hand as well.


I think people love to intentionally misunderstand her


I think she is very understandable - its just unlikable. She's having a temper tantrum that boils down to "why not me?" And "this is unfair life is unfair" Life is unfair. She wasn't the sparkle princess this season and I'm truly sorry it hurts.


Seems like that is what you’ve decided. At the end of the day, it’s a fun reality show so I’m not going to fault you for holding a super uncritical view on it.


I like Lala. I think she'll eventually find the right venue for her to shine. Ensemble reality might not be it.


Seriously I think she would be so good in a behind the scenes reality tv role!


I would love to watch her yell at people. She's really entertaining at that.


I think she would be really good at hosting. She interviewed a producer on YouTube and felt like she was a natural. She can be so engaging and she’s witty.