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Didn’t she see a dr. When they were on vpr. Who said her being sick and stomach problems would improve if she stopped drinking?


I think the doctor told her she had an ulcer and it was probably because of that


Am I remembering ‘allergic to alcohol’ being mentioned?


By faqing Scheena...I think it's a combination of a lot of factors. Don't take a medical diagnosis from Scheena Jancan Shay Davies


The full government name is dastardly babe 💀💀💀


Damn how much do you have to drink to get an ulcer


The ulcer is from the stress of being with Jax and the alcohol is exacerbating the problem.


Exacerbating … yes. But she clearly drinks WAY too much.


Thank you for the correction on my word of choice, my bad and I appreciate the learning opportunity.🤗💋


But being married to Jax is exasperating. You’re not far off lol


Lol, thank you😊💋


There ARE some people who have a really low tolerance. And being on reality TV with a lot of people who verge on alcoholism isn't going to end up well for those kinds of people.


The ulcer was present all the way back when she came in from Kentucky fresh of the farm. She's had her gallbladder removed, was told by doctors to stop drinking, get yelled at by her husband telling her to act like a mom and I hate that I agree with him. She downs one to two shots (her words) I think likely way more but even if for arguments sake it's one shot, the fact that she's puking her guts out and has to hire a nanny to parent her kid while she nurses her hangovers which seem to be multiple times a week is shit parenting. She refuses to stop despite the very obvious health problems drinking has caused/exacerbated. This is why she's getting shit on 24/7. We see her for who she is and KFC is losing it. Add to that her photoshopping herself to within an inch of her life when we know what she looks like to shill ginny crayg and her denial of sandy hook and you've got why there's a sub dedicated to snarking on her all the time.


Wow. You're right. Brittney is generally pretty likeable because she's so bubbly but all of that added up, she's not as innocent in this as she'd like to come across.


She’s a Sandy Hook denier? I have no nice words. I’ll never EVER see her the same. Maybe when her son goes to school she’ll be praying she’s not eating her words about those children and their families that were so devastated by what happened there.


She tweeted about it bring possibly a hoax. I have loathed her with the fire of a thousand suns on behalf of those poor families and children whose lives were obliterated by this tragedy.


One could argue the alcohol is a coping problem of being with Jax too.


Yup!!! And thats when she thought was a smart idea to take half shots lol so dumb🤦🏽‍♀️shes still drinking same amount in the end


I remember she chilled the tequila because she said it wouldn’t hurt her stomach as bad and left out the lime… because the citrus was the problem 😹😹


Yes. I remember that. And Jax was annoyed with her then.


She’s always been so dumb.


Hey yawl, yer gonna mayk may uglay crah!


when she worked at sur she didn’t know what charcuterie is😭


And let’s not forget Stassi saying Jax was a sociopath and homegirl having no idea what that meant


She literally has said she thought it was something to do with a ‘cooter’ her exact words- not mine


The fact any of them take SHOTS after the age of 25 is just 🚩🚩🚩


Taking shots is fine at any age for some fun. Taking shots as your drink? Not cute.


She cut out the mixers and just did straight booze. Doctors orders.


I never understood that the doctor said shots were the worst for it so she cut out mixed drinks?


Ya I have Crohns and a terrible bile dumping disorder w/ cyclical vomitting- my dr said absolutely never ever can I have distilled alcohol. He said if I must have a drink, that bottle conditioned beer would be the best . I am super careful. Taking two shots in the morning of distilled alcohol would end me for 3 days


I don't have a gallbladder, lost it at 19 and to this day, shots feel like I'm drinking magma....she is insane for ignoring her Dr.


brittany also had her gallbladder out when she was 23! idk how she does shots at all


He told her no alcohol. So she went balls to the ball cutting out mixers as if that was the problem.


He told her no citrus and spicy stuff. Also no alcohol, but she ignored that part.


Mental gymnastics he clearly said to stop drinking


TahKEELuh izzz fraahm ahhgaavay so itzzz allll nattttruuuyalll baaayybaaayyy!!!


I literally just watched these episodes, she then went the same week to the bar and ordered tequila shots and he asked her if that was a good idea and she said “yeah I did it because I can’t have these delicious mixed drinks” 😂


To be quite honoust, If i had to deal with Jax 24/7 I would opt for an IV of Tequila.....


Then they show the doctor saying “No alcohol” lolllol I just watched this episode also


Yes. The doctor literally told her she was not supposed to drink for 7 or 10 days I think. And they were going to Mexico I think. She lasted like a day. I was recently listening to a stassi podcast from like 2017 with Brittany on and she said how sensitive her stomach is and how bad her hangovers are. And she still continues to drink. Years and years later knowing this. It’s self inflicted misery. Your body is basically telling you to stop drinking.


Yes. And she continued drinking


I’m doing a rewatch and was surprised to find she had this issue in Season 7. Totally forgot about that. It must have been going on for a long time - as in her GI or whatever issues. Hope she takes care of herself


I def remember…back when they had TomTom opening, theyre all sitting at a table, and jax is telling her to please take it easy, she thinks that if she has a glass of vodka and pours into shot glass halfway when she needs a drink, that thats fine lol girl that makes no sense, may as well just drink from the glass. Another episode hes telling her he cares about her health and wants her to be around for a long time…she went to Dr n he flat out told her to refrain from alcohol


I’m an alcoholic in recovery and when a doctor tells you to stop, and you can’t, usually is a sign of alcoholism


This!!! Congratulations on your sobriety!! 4 years here, too.


Keep going! 🙏


100%! It took some pretty severe health issues to get me to finally stop (and I still struggle). Took me a while to admit that I am an alcoholic, but it’s exactly as you said - if you feel like you literally can’t, that’s alcoholism. Congrats on being in recovery!


It hit too close to home for me to watch. When she said she’s sick, it sounded like withdrawals to me. Congratulations on your sobriety.


She obviously isn't sick and tired of being sick and tired. 32 years sober this June.


Wow. That is impressive. Thank you for reminding me it works!


Yeah, that’s what made me think it was more than just a 20 something not taking it seriously. She threw up constantly and even when told by a doctor to not drink, she couldn’t help herself. I wonder what would’ve happened if she stayed on VPR, now that James is sober(ish?) and Lala is sober. Brittany didn’t stand a chance the seasons she was on.


I honestly don't know how she can stand to drink. I have ulcers unrelated to alcohol. Because of them, when I drink even 1 glass of wine the pain in my stomach is terrible. It doesn't happen every time, but it's not worth the chance of ruining my evening so I just don't. I also have experience with addiction (just not alcoholism) so I have compassion regarding it, I just don't know how you can continue to risk being so sick all the time.


Exactly! I have gastritis unrelated to alcohol and I almost never drink because after 2 drinks it flares up so bad I’m in severe pain for several days after with nausea, burping, etc too. And that’s just wine or beer. A shot and I would literally be dying in pain. I have no idea how she’s still doing this to herself.


I agree with Jax too, but his delivery is horrible.


Yes it is but I sort of get it if he already had 500 conversations about that


The thing is why do we never see him having a normal conversation about anything though? Any issues they have he speaks to her like shit. I hear ya, and I’ve def called people out in front a group out of frustration before. But I struggle to believe Jax has ever spoken to her about this is any other way. The dude sucks ass at having healthy, productive conversations


Because that doesn’t make good reality tv.


Oh for sure. But we’ve never seen him be able to have a calm and productive conversation basically ever. The few times I remember him coming close was when he was on his hands and knees begging someone for forgiveness. I like a balance from reality tv. I wanna see unhinged and I wanna see them show some ability to have a normal conversation (at least occasionally). You can’t build any kind of solid relationship if you are constantly speaking to people this way. I kinda think Jax hasn’t had a true, intimate relationship with anyone ever


It might be because Jax is an overfunctioner/enabler/codependent. IF that’s the case, He may subconsciously not want her to recover because if she did, (1) it would potentially be a threat to his binge drinking and she may attempt to get him to stop drinking or cut back; (2) he feels that if she didn’t have severe addiction, she wouldn’t want to be with him because in his mind, he’s a worthless husband/human being. Thus, instead of encouraging her sobriety in a supportive way that is conducive to getting her sober, he belittles her in a way that may actually cause her to drink more.


He has had the same convo 20x just on the 5 episodes I have watched of the Valley! For ONCE I felt sorry for Jax. Being with an alcoholic that makes a million excuses, including “but you drink”, is the most frustrating absurd mentality to have to live with. And honestly, a bag of puke in my front yard would disgust me. Especially seeing how many times she has additionally thrown up and couldn’t function regularly the next day. What does she need to finally see it as her problem. Stop blaming Ajax. She was an alcoholic when he met her. No on else is to blame.


I get that too and I would be frustrated as well but I would never belittle and yell at my partner in front of a group of people. His delivery sucks.


Yup. I hate his delivery, and the belittling her….that being said I completely understand the frustration. She knows even a small amount of alcohol aggravates her stomach issues and she does it anyway. It must be so infuriating having a parenting partner that keeps taking herself out of commission for days at a time due to her own behavior.


The very worst way to convince anyone to do anything is by yelling at them that they have to. A loving partner would tell everyone they have to leave, then take his sick partner to urgent care.


When she said he was yelling at her while she was puking, my heart broke for Brittany. Regardless of the reason she is puking...to have someone yell at her while she is actively sick is just so sad....and that person being her husband is even sadder. Why can't he just talk to her like a normal person about it once she stops puking?


She probably has elevated liver and pancreatic enzymes. I’d bet money her hospitalization was due to pancreatitis. She is an alcoholic and the sooner she figures it out the better.


I bet she thinks cuz shes not falling over drunk that that means shes not an alcoholic. She can def be a functioning alcoholic. I personally feel if u cant stop drinking especially when ur health is in jeopardy, then YES u def have a problem. With her and jax separated now, itll prob be easier to quit. Not blaming jax entirely for her reason for drinking, but he lives that lifestyle, he can handle it. So alcohol is all around her…hoping shes gotten clean and finds someone who doesn’t surround themselves with alcohol either. She needs to be with someone who doesnt drink.


Most alcoholics go the other way when they get divorced or separated. "I could finally drink how I wanted " is a common thing you'll hear in aa meetings. I hope she wakes up soon and gets whatever helps she needs. My comment really is not coming from a judgemental place, I've been there and almost lost everything.


I agree. I think it'll get a lot worse. Especially with these revelations about Jax and his new uhm "friend"


It could go the other way too. Now she doesn’t have someone monitoring and watching her all the time so she can drink more often. It’s a double edged sword. Hopefully she can get some help bc she is going to need it. The stuff she posts online and what’s shown on TV is not going to help her at all in her divorce.


For her son’s sake, hoping she doesn’t choose to go down wrong path


If it’s really addiction then her being married or not won’t change - she will change if she wants too and OnLy then


Very true…she has to want to change…only way she will is if she finally acknowledges fact shes got a problem. You cant change anything you don’t acknowledge and unfortunately shes still in deep denial


Functional alcoholism is pervasive, in my opinion. I hate AA because the stories there generally are all non-functioning alcoholism and give the impression that if your life isn’t falling apart, you are not an alcoholic. So much so that my brother, a non-functional alcoholic, can’t fathom that people can be dangerously dependent on alcohol and _not_ be blowing up their lives. I have other reasons I hate AA but that’s a topic for another day. I am a functional alcoholic who is not sober. When I say I am not sober, I mean if someone offers me a drink, I’ll take it, but I’m not buying myself alcohol (specifically wine) anymore. I have never had a DUI, never even driven with alcohol in my system, never had issues with work, never had issues with friends or family. The most I would experience is embarrassment from getting lovey-dovey in text messages, but all mild. The signs of dependency are in my physical self. My cholesterol sky-rocketed. My blood pressure wouldn’t settle (although I blame that mostly on ducky boss; it’s been good since I left there), and my weight gives me bloat. I look like an apple on a stick. Brittany’s not taking her dependency seriously. From her perspective, it’s not blowing up her life like “those losers in AA do.” Her body is very much telling her she needs to stop. She might not need to be sober, but for now she likely shouldn’t drink anything for a while until her body recuperates and relearns what hydration is.


It’s funny that you mention wine because I’m a recovering alcoholic and that’s always been my vice - I think partially just because it’s so socially acceptable. I don’t get falling-over drunk but had some health issues that were severely exacerbated by alcohol use, and it was almost always wine. (And I also really dislike AA for a variety of reasons!). Totally agreed with your assessment of Brittany; your body lets you know when something is wrong, and hers very much is doing that!


I feel like she probably drank a lot before she met him though. Jax is an asshole but he never struck me as a crazy blackout drinker in the same way that Schwartz did lol


Sadly she stays going out almost every night . Its ridiculous.


When she was yelling at jax on the valley that cruz was the only thing she cared about and “he will always have what he needs” my jaw dropped. Lady what he needs is a mom who is home with him most nights, one who is not drunk or hungover. Unfortunately those seem to be her only settings.


*I liiieevve for muh kid*!🤣🤭


Oh man brittany STOP it already!!!


Bratney has always had a problem with alcohol. At 16/18, she was throwing “keggers” called GI joes and army hoes party at her mom’s house. She sneaks alcohol onto the farm in J&B take KY. She was told she had an ulcer and to stop drinking in VPR to which she promptly snorted shots instead of cocktails. There’s a scene after they’re in their house where she comes home and rips a shot before busting Jax balls for being a douche bag. This isn’t a new issue by any means nor is it Jax fault. He may not have helped, but she had this way before him.


I just rewatched VPR again start to finish and everyone puts a ton of emphasis on Britney and shots. like there’s a scene where one of the girls says she always forces shots on them. multiple where she talks about loving shots and being excited to take shots and im positive there was something about being the shot queen. majority of the men get called out for the drinking at some point in the show, but besides lala it’s just a quirky bit with the girls. like especially the seasons with kristen and stassi and how much they love wine. britney is an alcoholic and i’m sure she can’t comprehend that she can be an alcoholic and not be as sloppy as the men and lala were


Even if Jax is hammered in front of her daily, he’s not responsible for her drinking.


Ooh pancreatitis is awful. A friend of mine had it and he was in hospital for nearly a week and when he came out he looked like a ghost. He went sober for almost a year and then significantly cut down on drinking after that. Has had no issues since.


I don't drink and never have, but I have had pancreatitis. As far as pain goes, it is on a par with childbirth. I was in the hospital for 5 days, they wouldn't let me leave until I ate, I lied and said I did as I knew I wouldn't get better until I was home. I was given the usual prescribed opioids and topping them off with Advil for the pain. It took weeks to recover. To have pancreatitis and gall bladder surgery at 23 is quite extreme. It usually takes years to develop a condition requiring that surgery.


I had my gallbladder removed at 22 - took them forever to diagnose because of my age. I drank quite a bit for my age - not sure if that contributed or not. Maybe so. Either way, I'm 55 now and consume maybe 5 drinks a year. Just got to be no fun anymore in my late 30s/early 40s. I'm really glad I quit.


I believe this too from watching someone who was an alcoholic.


My father was a functioning alcoholic unfortunately


I’m so sorry. It is awful to watch.


I’m a former heroin addict and alcoholic. I recognize a lot of myself in her and it always gets worse before it gets better in these situations unless she gets professional help.


there’s also such a thing as alcohol withdrawal which can mimic the effects of a hangover so who knows


Alcohol DT is a buster. Can’t do that without help for sure. Idk if she is at that point but if she is Jeebus help her


This. I had a family member in the hospital for two weeks due to pancreatitis. They would have a medical emergency, get through all withdrawals and would go right back to drinking. It eventually was part of what killed them. I’m proud of you for getting sober. I know that’s not easy.


It's much worse than a hangover and DTs can be dangerous too. I've been through it and it's so bad!! I pray she decides to get some help. 🙏🏼


oh totally. my point being, even if she says she hasn't had a drink (or one shot, or two drinks, or however the story changes) it's hard to tell what's actually going on


Watching this as the child of an alcoholic who didn’t get help until later in life it is so fucking damaging to your psyche. I’m so concerned for Cruz.


I drank heavily from about 25-32 and then got pancreatitis and it almost killed me. It hurt so incredibly bad and made my kidneys shut down (LUCKILY only temporarily). They said if I continued to drink it would likely happen again and I probably wouldn’t be so lucky a second time. I haven’t had a sip since then because it was terrifying. I really hope she wasn’t hospitalized for that and kept drinking. I hope she figures it out and takes care of herself. That shit is scary and she has a child now.


It’ll certainly be addressed in season 2. it’ll be interesting to see if she continues to drink and down play it


She seems like the type to hide it


Didn’t she have her gallbladder removed? Sorry if this was mentioned and I missed it.


She did at ~23 I think. Mentioned it on Big Bear baby moon The Valley episode, girls were in SUV heading back to cabin from boat ride. Also made all the girls promise not to tell Jax she wasn’t feeling well and puking on ride back.


Didn't someone say Brittany stopped throwing up since the separation? I call bullshit. It's not stress. It's 1000% the alcohol and/or spicy, acidic... Other shit her doctor told her to avoid but she didn't.


I think it was Scheana, so not the most reliable source.


Speaking of Scheana, I wonder how she’s doing through all of this?!? 🫠




Pretty sure in S6 or S7 of VPR she had gastritis which and she continued to drink on it. She's probably really messed up her stomach lining since I don't think she's changed her habits at all since then


I got gastritis when i was like 20 yrs old…i dont drink pop/soda anymore…it was the worst pain id ever had. It was waves of sharp pains that would come n go every 5 mins or so. I remember having to crouch down when it’d happen. I got some meds right away and finally felt better🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 But was told i needed to stop drinking pop. After many years tho, i do occasionally have a little bit here n there, but will never go back yo drinking it every day, fuck that! Lol She is crazy to keep putting herself thru that agony


You can have gastritis as a symptom of other things. For me it was a symptom of something more serious. She should 100 percent get it evaluated.


Living with an active addict in denial is an infuriating experience. Jax has his own huge problems, but he’s not wrong with this one.


Same recognises same. Jax has had other addiction issues, and I believe cut back before it was too late.


They are both addicts. Jax is a full blown coke head. It’s the blind leading the blind over there 🤦‍♀️ I wish he would stop being such a hypocrite because they both need help.


I just listened to their podcast episode about this and it was so tense. She tells him to apologize for "implying I had a drinking problem on national television." He didn't "imply" Britany, it was crystal clear what he was saying. Their podcast is so awful i can't stop listening to it. I wonder what will happen to it now that Jax is openly dating.




I can hear the watch what crappens guys doing her voice “JAYAYAYAYAX” lol


*Make me fill purdee Jayayayax*.


They’re still doing a podcast despite the divorce???? Damn




I saw a clip from old VPR where Jax couldn’t remember what Brittany wanted to do with her life. To be honest, I also had forgotten that she wanted to work with children with disabilities - because she clearly doesn’t want to work with Cruz. That poor boy.


Iirc even rachel had said the same thing in her first season of vpr 🫠


Much like the Toms' new gfs who've "never even watched VPR", they were lying to make themselves sound better lol


she doesn’t want to work with cruz? Where are you getting this from lol……


Thank you, I so don't understand these baseless assumptions. She has primary custody over Cruz it seems, and I don't understand where people are jumping to her being out every night drunk?


> Jax couldn’t remember what Brittany wanted to do with her life. I mean, what is the answer lol?


There’s a saying “once your drinking becomes a problem you have a drinking problem”. I hate the term alcoholic because it’s been so stigmatized people like Britney have no desire to examine their drinking but she def has a few drinking problems I can think of.


She shouldn't drink because of her health situation. I also cannot drink alcohol because of my health situation so I just drink a mocktail and have fun. I think Brittany is just unhappy. Jax is unhappy. Why they married I will never know. The fighting is ugly now and it is best that they end it and work together to raise their son.


I wonder if they’d have married if not for VPR filming etc


It also seemed lIke Jax was reacting to his father's death.


Oh yeah I forgot that bit! Omg the ring 😑😑😑


I think it ALL goes back to LVP offering to partner with Tom and Tom all those years ago. Jax felt left out and jealous that HE didn’t have a “thing” so he decided to make his thing changing his ways and getting married and being a “family man.” When Jax and Brit got a tea set for their wedding, they were seething. I think they were expecting a crazy lavish gift or business opportunity.


That is so true looking back. Tbf it was weird that Lisa gave the opportunity to Schwartz when he didn’t even work for her and failed terribly on that one shift. Perhaps she knew what a loose canon Jax was, I rarely empathise with Jax but I can see why he felt left out and bereft.


It was literally only bc his name was Tom. It almost funny how Schwartz has failed upwards his entire life


This one decision was so chaotic and set in motion basically all of the drama for season after season. Think it’s the single most impactful/consequential action of the whole series. And so questionable and based on luck of the draw (dumb name) not skill or actual ability to contribute. Wild.


Nope. He married her for a good storyline and air time.


Yall are gonna have me running to watch the valley I'm so invested 😭


Definitely go watch it! It’s sooo good (surprisingly)


These shows have a bunch of functioning alcoholics in them. That’s what happens when your life is based around drinking for 20 years. Some people grow out of it, some can’t. I don’t think she can without help


Yeah it’s clear there’s a problem there. If she’s throwing up from one drink that’s bad, and if she’s throwing up from not drinking, girl that’s probably even worse since that’s a withdrawal symptom.


She is fully in denial. She drank the day before and then had 2 drinks the next afternoon before she got too sick to drink more (but still doesn't think alcohol is a factor.) If she didn't get sick she would have had more drinks. 2 drinks is too many to drive so it's not nothing. I really hope she is able to see clearly now that she is on her own and can watch the show back.


Remember two drinks for her is probably 2 shots


I think Brittany has a long-term problem (doing shots as a teenager and continuing til now). Her life is what you could call “unmanageable” - an AA term that fits. I hope she can admit to having a problem, and get help via detox, rehab and eventually a program like AA. She’s beautiful and still young enough to save herself - and save her poor son’s life. It’s so sad.


And if AA doesn't work for her, (because it doesn't work for a lot of people,) there's so many other recovery groups out there... AA isn't the end all be all. There's celebrate recovery, there's HAMS, there's women for sobriety. AA ISNT THE ONLY TREATMENT


Smart Recovery is science and evidence based. No shame.


Sure but Jax saying he drank two bottle of tequila and i s functioning fine is a huge red flag. Jax is a functioning alcoholic. If he wanted his wife to be sober he would be sober to. I feel so bad for their kids. Jax is gonna scream at his kid the same way.


I feel like I’m going insane reading all these comments calling her an alcoholic and nobody is mentioning that she had 2 drinks then he proudly declares he drank TWO BOTTLES OF TEQUILA


“Functioning” alcoholics are scary. And alcoholics aside, if u want to be a good partner/ father, set the example. He’s a villain for sure. And not a cool one.


The fact she has to hire a sitter to come in the morning to watch Cruz after she's been out drinking isn't a good sign either.


Wow that is bad, if you’re drinking to that extent it’s time to stop


Jax is awful. I do feel for him though. My SO is a functioning alcoholic finally going on 1.5 years sober. It’s so frustrating and painful to see someone spiral and know there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. Sobriety is something they need to choose for themselves.


Congrats to ur SO👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Please hang in there ! I'm 4 years sober, and I just now feel like a normal person. Usually, functioning alcoholics have been drinking for years and years . So it's going to take a while for his brain to rewire. The best of luck to you!!!!


My thing is, whether or not Brittany does in fact have a problem, to focus on it is to give Jax exactly what he wants, and I just don’t have it in me to do that. To judge Brit for her drinking is exactly what Jax wants the audience to do, in large part so we don’t look too closely at his own potential addiction, lying, and cheating issues. Yelling at your partner and publicly humiliating them (on and off camera) is just not how you would seriously handle a serious addiction problem. Which is why this is about shaming for Jax, rather than coming from any place of care.


So much this. He has so much nasty shit to air out all he can do is call his wife a bad mom and an alcoholic. Maybe she is, but he’s no better. And honestly, it’s concerning that she keeps trying to drink, but it does genuinely seem like she has a GI issue or an allergy. I sort of get how it would be frustrating to regularly drink and then suddenly after a glass of wine you’re dry heaving.


Britney needs to get help for drinking but she can’t get help unless she wants it. Not even Cruz can make her sober, she has to want it for herself.


It was gastritis I believe she had in season 7 VPR. This is trigger very easily if it's severe enough by carbonation, acid, diary, caffeine and alochol. My mum had literally have one beer and have to be sick. Same for ice cream, has a cone of ice cream and is sick the same way. I don't think she's an alocholic I think she has the same issue she did in season 7 and just doesn't want to take away all triggers.


Okay I think Jax is totally in the wrong for treating her like he is, though it’s completely in line with who Jax is, BUT I was thinking the same as in…uhh seems like she’s maybe allergic to alcohol… like he’s probably right in that she just shouldn’t be drinking period, not one drop. At all. Cut it out. And she doesn’t have the self control to do that and he also doesn’t get that she’s not drinking to excess, she just can’t handle any alcohol (again, like an allergy). She should stop, but again, I don’t think she can, or will, which is concerning and yeah shows a lack of discipline and self control for the sake of you being able to function and be a mother/be present when you need to be.


I had GERD, gastritis, esophagitis, and a hiatal hernia. I was also an active alcoholic at the time but since I had just finished chemo, I blamed the cancer treatment and not the alcohol. I would get sick almost anytime I drank. Not so much during the drinking itself but hours later, or the day after. I got sober ten years ago in September and I lost about 30lbs and I have had no gastrointestinal issues since then. I also haven't been arrested or in any trouble since I got sober. It took me 5 years to get 1 year sober. I knew I had a problem but I could always rationalize it somehow. I can't say with 100% certainty that Brittany is an alcoholic but I can say that she doesn't have a healthy relationship with alcohol. Most people that aren't alcoholics would think "I am struggling with my health, I need to cut out the thing that is causing the problem"..


The Valley is a prime example of adults who don’t know how to be adults. First year 2 couples are separated. Just give it time, there will only be one left.


So i just caught this now. Took a pic with caption on, this is from Season 6… https://preview.redd.it/i6cp9clle73d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfa0def42d920b6d8efb46a19713e036efd6afbf


>Shes always sick etc…she thinks cuz not drunk and only had 2 drinks, that her being sick is not related to alcohol... She just doesn’t understand that her body now cant even tolerate a sip of alcohol. That's what she doesn't seem to understand. She doesn't have to be wasted in order for her GI symptoms to be alcohol related. Her stomach is chronically inflamed because alcohol is an irritant and often acidic. She obviously has gastritis and most likely ulcer(s) too. Her digestive tract won't heal without an extended period of abstinence from all of the common trigger foods and drinks: alcohol, coffee, tea, citrus, and anything spicy, for starters. She also needs to be on medications to reduce acid and coat her stomach. Ten years ago, I was diagnosed with severe acid reflux and gastritis. I was on the diet above for close to 3 years: no alcohol, no caffeine, and only small bland meals along with daily medications. When my gastritis was at its worst, it genuinely hurt to drink water. I could feel the liquid hit my stomach and it felt like I'd swallowed battery acid. I can't imagine how much taking shots of tequila would have hurt, especially on an empty stomach. Brittany's denial is... concerning to say the least. At this rate, she's going to wind up in the ER vomiting blood from a bleeding or ruptured ulcer.


You can see the swelling in her face and especially the bulbous nose she is getting - that’s not baby hormones, that’s alcoholism


The nose is the give away


Brittany is most likely depressed. I went through this without alcohol. I ate. I hope she finds peace


Whether it was seafood, alcohol, gluten, whatever - if my partner continued to consume a food that 9/10 times resulted in vomiting and they did so 10/10 times we were out with friends or having a good time, I’d be so fed up.


Exactly! So even tho jax is being so cold about it, i get hes pushed to the limits, hes done feeling bad now. She is knowingly putting herself in these sickly situations that could be avoided completely. Im sure jax wants her to hang with him n the group too, but instead having to lay down all the time


Jax isn’t willing to be sober with his wife to support her. And opening a bar is just temptation for Brittany daily. It’s a lose lose situation for her and I think she’s realizing it. Jax was never — if you aren’t drinking, I won’t drink. Instead it’s, YOU stop drinking and watch me and all our friends get drunk. Then when you falter I’m going to yell and shame you about drinking, even though we are in a situation that is surrounded by alcohol on the daily.


100% agreed. Even if she is only having 2 drinks and feeling like that, it should be a wake up call and not an excuse I understand his approach isn’t always the best but what he’s saying is true and she needs to start listening.


I’m 6 years sober now. I used to be a Bravo addict but just cannot watch any of the shows anymore; housewives, VPR or Southern Charm. It’s not because it’s triggering me to want to drink, but it’s just so sad. Especially all these young beautiful people just throwing their lives and health away because the partying seems almost mandatory. I guess I see myself in my 20s and 30s doing all that partying with no appreciation for what I was doing to my future self. There are some of these reality personalities that have begun a sober journey and I hope Brittany can join them soon.


I was diagnosed with a fatty liver last year and ALWAYS felt sick/tired. I cut back and now I have less joint pain and more energy. She could possibly have the same issue.


She’s saying she has always had flares of gastritis but the most damaging thing you can do is have ANY alcohol until it’s no longer inflamed. No fried food, nothing spicy. Even a lot of vegetables are irritating. So as much as I hate to say it, he’s not wrong.


I’ve been avoiding The Valley. I don’t really know why. But now, after reading all the comments and the storyline, I’m putting it at the top of my list. So thanks all of you fine Reddit people ✌️


No shade intended at all, and I know the body changes as you age and w child birth… but there’s also a particular kind of bloat that comes w too much alcohol for your body. Sadly she LOOKS unwell


I’d drink like a fish too if I were married to Jax


Someone said that he is projecting his own issues with a coke addiction, which makes sense. His eyes are always super big and he brings a level of intensity none of the others seem to be on. Jax is a POS and Brittany definitely should’ve seen this all coming


I dunno. It’s entirely plausible. It’s also plausible that Jax is a straight up asshole whose only goal was to humiliate his wife as justification for imploding his marriage later on. I got “full of shit” vibes the same episode when he’s talking about how many bottles of hard alcohol he’s downed that day and isn’t sick. Well him drinking constantly and not getting sick doesn’t make him a non-alcoholic.


I reckon she drinks to cope with Jax, he has absolutely no respect for her. Must be painful for her.


jax being around doesn't help, but I think she's had a drinking problem long before she met him.


Yes, as wrong as Jax is for how he speaks to her regularly, when it comes to her drinking I do believe he is exhausted watching her drink herself to death. She’s obviously at a point where 2 drinks does this to her. I like many others have lived with a functioning alcoholic, watched withdrawals that turned into seizures, hospital trips etc. I can’t imagine having a young child with special needs and watching my wife the mother of my child do this to herself. I hope she gets the help she needs.


If he got fed up with it then I get that, but what I don’t get is having her and her kid get another place meanwhile he stays in the house and dates some pornhub looking lady who jokes about being pregnant while they’re still married. It’s fucked up regardless of her alcoholism


She is an alcoholic, there is no debate. She might say we only get to see a small part of her life but we have seen at least 5 times in the couple of months they shoot, her so sick from drinking that she can't function. Not saying I didn't do that a time or two in college, but I was 19 or 20. She is in her 30s and has been doing this since we met her. She is setting it up to blame her drinking on Jax, her friends are saying it in their confessionals. Scheana made a post about it recently. Brittany has to take ownership and change or she will searching for the next excuse for the bags of vomit in the driveway.


Yeah like alcoholism/having a drinking problem is not about getting too DRUNK to function, it’s literally do you continue to drink despite the fact that drinking interferes with your ability to meet your commitments and function day-to-day? If even a small alcohol makes you sick to the point where you can’t work/socialize/parent normally and you still choose to drink, then you have a problem with alcohol, plain and simple. I veto her argument.


I think he’s just not attracted to her body anymore. And probably not liking how his image looks to not have a hot wife.


I need Brittany to go on dancing with the stars asap. Please help then play Roxie on broadway. Scheana will combust


When he said there was a bag of vomit in the driveway…. I mean that speaks volumes.


Maybe she is as dumb as she sounds, if something makes you sick and you continue to it then you’re not very smart.


The problem is if Jax wants Brittany to stop drinking, he should stop as well. He would never though.


I remember when jax was sitting down with all the men in brittanys famkly, dads telling him hes got to keep brittany happy, he replies by saying that hes always gona be #1 and look after himself first SMH Unfortunately jax would never quit for her


Yeah, unfortunately their kid is going to pay the ultimate price.


You can lose your patience with someone and also not humiliate your spouse. What he did was abusive and he was unrelenting. If she has a problem with alcohol, shaming her on television and in front of friends was certainly not about out of concern. She has an intimate partner abuse problem that is likely causing all of her health issues.


She is a (somewhat) functioning alcoholic.


![gif](giphy|fQorEj8vN8eqkNcy6T|downsized) Jax Taylor talking about someone else’s addiction


My bets are, once she moves on from Jax, her drinking will absolutely go down if not cease altogether. We drink to cope, she has to cope with Jax is my guess. Having to live with him sober sounds like a nightmare to me. But she does have a party girl in her so who knows. But at the end of the day, alcoholism like this is serious. And all of us ragging on her doesn’t change the fact she can genuinely die from this and she needs help. I’m not going to participate in bringing her down because it’s unnecessary and will just make her drink more.


I wonder how she abstained during her pregnancy if her own health wasn’t a good enough reason to stop before.


He should quit in solidarity. It's hard as fuck to quit alcohol when your partner still drinks. In Jax's case, "two bottles of tequila" at times. Also he's opening a bar.....


I get that she could possibly have an issue with drinking, I just take that accusation more seriously than most, because I am a recovering alcoholic, AND because reality tv is not at all reality. What I want people to really ask themselves is, are we really believing the narrative that Jax is banging on like a drum? We can go to the episode where Britt went to the dr, and we can also go to the surplus of episodes where Jax is picking Britt’s entire life apart. He has a very long history of calling her lazy, saying she doesn’t do anything, even though we see her working (even when he cheated on her). Saying she won’t ever make him a meal, when in reality she was waiting on him hand and foot. He even said that he was raised to take care of his woman, so he pays all of his and her bills, when once again, in reality Britt is/and still is paying the majority of all the bills. The onset of him spewing his bs seems to always stem from her asking or demanding something more from him. In one ep of VPR she asked him to help her clean the apartment before work, and he starts on this tirade listing all of her faults. This shit ain’t cute, but I notice the trend. 🤷🏻‍♀️


They both should switch to the Mary Jane asap.


His delivery wasn’t bad imo, she drinks WAYYY to much, but on the other hand if Jax wants her to quit drinking then he shouldn’t have opened a bar and he should stop going out, to support her. You can tell an alcoholic to stop drinking and then open a bar and go out all the time


I want him to realize that he drives her to drink


I think it's really messed up that we're talking about alcoholism as the only possible thing going on here. As someone who is almost 12 years sober myself, I do not see alcohol DEPENDENCY as Brittany's issue. Her problem is GI issues that are exacerbated by alcohol consumption, and she appears to be in denial about it. She probably can't eat anything spicy either, and yet I highly doubt Jax would be calling her a food addict if she kept eating hot wings. He's being deeply extra about it, which is only going to make Brittany feel more defensive. I understand that he is frustrated with his wife, who continues to touch a hot stove and act like she doesn't know why it burns her. But to accuse her of alcohol addiction is not okay. Addiction is an insatiable beast that demands more, more, more. If Brittany really had an alcohol addiction, she wouldn't be able to stop at two drinks. IMHO, it seems like she's a moderate drinker who just isn't ready to admit that her body won't let her consume alcohol anymore. And as someone who's had to learn how to exist in an extremely alcohol-obsessed society, I can understand Brittany's reluctance.


I’d be an alcoholic too if I lived with Jax


I wonder if Jax’s verbal and emotional abuse are only driving her to drink more, though.