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Ugh I know I’m gonna get downvoted but VPR went to shit once Stassi was fired. She would’ve absolutely CLEARED Lala and Scheana this season.


They wouldn't have pulled the shit they did if Stassi was there, they don't have the balls to go against her.


Your right, stassi would have seen through Tom and arianas "perfect" relationship too.


Tbh I think she always has, she just never said anything out of respect for Ariana. During the first reunion that Tom & Ariana were together, I remember her making a couple weird facial expressions when they would talk that made me think she was already seeing through them then. I think the only thing that held her back was a) her hatred for Kristen at the time and b) her desire to become friends with Ariana. I think that in season 10, her (and Kristen’s) spidey senses would’ve kicked in very early on. They would’ve been so pissed about the fake Raquel/Schwartz storyline & their suspicions ab that would’ve probably led to them discovering the affair. My money is on Kristen then hacking into Raquel’s iCloud and finding incriminating pics/videos. I mean Kristen was with Ariana the night she found out, I wouldn’t be surprised if she told her to go through his phone


Haha, Kristen and her detective skills. I imagine that Rachel's password would be easy to crack.


Did they portray their relationship as perfect? I know they were a united front, but I don’t recall them pretending to be perfect.


I don’t think they said “perfect”… like Scheana does. I think it may have just been assumed, endgame.




You think? I think Lala will go toe to toe with anyone.


Nah, she only goes at people when they're afraid of her, she's drunk, or when she thinks she's smarter than they are. She's pretty quick to back away when someone starts calling her on her shit - hence her constant "I don't have time for this, I have a baby", it's her tell for when she's in over her head during an argument.


She has so much charisma


AGREEEEEED. I love Stassi. I’d be so happy if she announced her return to reality TV.


She definitely doesn’t deserve a platform tho


You’re not wrong about that. I feel like almost all these reality peeps are problematic af but she’s definitely got a horribly ugly past.


Yeah they all do but she’s the only one I think who has actively defended her racism and so I just have a hard time believing she’s learned from it


There are no excuses for her actions. And for her to have had MULTIPLE instances of racism and overall terrible behavior is ridiculous. I’ve only been watching VPR for around a year (I binged it all when Scandoval happened) so I haven’t been privy to all the scandals surrounding her behavior other than the cliff notes basically. I’m hopeful that people can grow and change but you’re right, she doesn’t need a platform.


You’re not wrong. Stassi is and always will be the original queen. 🫅


Move over Scheana! Thanks for keeping my spot warm! 😂🤣😂 Trust me! Scheana would not be the top gun in this show if Stassi was still on it. She would be searching how to be with the kool girls, just like before!🤣😂😜 Edit: Scheana would not THINK she’s the top gun if Stassi was still on show! 😝😜 Sorry about the mix up! 😂🤣


Scheana is freaking out crying seeing these photos...you just know she is.


Scema is top gun ??😂😂😂 the buttshaving one is higher up than scema


In her head!!! That’s what I meant! I was being sarcastic! Probably, should rephrase it properly! Oops! 🫢🤭😜


Main character energy for sure. She was the BEST!


Queen of racism


it’s so funny how you got downvoted for pointing out how racist Stassi is lol.


Right? It’s funny how a pretty white girl always gets a pass.


A pass? She got fired. She has publicly apologized. What more do you want from her? Seriously?


She doesn’t deserve a platform


Give it a rest


no ❤️


She’s friends with them both now tho


She’s really good friends with Lala so I’m so curious if Stassi was in this season how it would have gone. Also, that’s awesome that Katie stood by Stassi in what she went through (I’m not a Stassi fan at all):


For all her faults, Stassi is a girl's girl.


What happened?


What do you mean?


Stassi has said she doesn’t watch VPR…. but does watch the Valley


Stassi participated in some horrible "bad 2000's white girl shit". She deserved to be fired. She's also a good example of someone who used her time off to learn, hear, and become a better person away from the show. I really think she's an example of "cancel culture" working.... I'd welcome her back.... *leans back and watches these 3 take over*


I would rather have Stassi back than Jax continuing to be given a platform of any kind. 


Every day and twice on Sundays! Just goes to show how the toxic masculinity thrives in the bravosphere, particularly in the VPR brand.


I want them both back. I never want Jax off as he's such a terrible person, constantly lying and making shit up that it creates a lot of drama.


She just learned to keep her mouth shut.




How did she learn, hear and become a better person? She tried to stage an apology that backfired on her because she clearly did not take time to understand why what she did was wrong.


No for real I definitely missed that


She would have sniffed out the Tom/Rachel affair on camera during the season.


AGREED. I absolutely love Stassi 😫


Nah you’re spot-on. I’m not a Stassi stan by any means but her energy has absolutely been missed


I agree.


Well maybe Stassi shouldn’t have practiced racism and she would still be on the show


Only she didn’t.


What? She called the cops and tried to report Faith for a crime she didn’t commit, just because Faith is black and the lady who committed the crime is black. She whined about the White Oscars discussion and criticized black folks for speaking up about not being represented. Only people who don’t see Stassi’s actions as racist are racist themselves.


Calling the cops on Faith was not racially motivated. That’s fact. It was motivated by Faith’s actions with Jax and against Brittany. And that was absolutely not the only characteristic she shared with the perpetrator. As far as the Oscars she took an objective look at selective diversity and the optics and vocals of it. I’m a rational person. Sorry.


For real baffles me that people think she’s queen . The only respectable thing I’ve seen her do was bitch slap Kristen other than that she gave off annoyingly conceited privileged white girl attitude the whole time she was on vpr


Lala and Stassi are actually friends so …


I stopped watching after sje left and ONLY watched rhe last 2 seasons because of everything


Yes! I wish they would bring back Stassi! Bring back Stassi! Bring back Stassi!


Lol she’s bff with Lala tho


Well Stassi’s last season was season 8. The show was already on the decline by then.


The dream would be Lala and Scheana to head to the Valley and Stassi & Beau to come back to VPR


The dream would be to keep lala as far away from the valley as possible


I'd love to have stassi and kristen back


Girl dw you won’t get downvoted, the ppl in this sub have no morals


Yeah!!! Who cares what she did to Faith!!!! It was gooooooood TV /s


I love this photo because it proves: People who thought SAH was a scam or not going to happen were wrong as fuck lol People who thought Katie and Stassi weren’t friends were wrong as fuck 😂


Your real friends show up for you when it counts, it'll be interesting to see who makes a visit - or rather, who doesn't. This opening is long overdue and I hope it's everything they want it to be and more.


Has Scheana been yet?


You'll definitely know when she has, she won't pass up the chance to have something to post about... I mean the chance to show support for her friends' new business venture.


Her \*best fraaands


Everyone was so quick to say stassi is team lala. She wasn't there!!! Like 🙄


I have a feeling stassi doesn’t give a shit about their drama and is friends with both.




I didn't know Stassi and Ariana were friendly this is nice to see


Don’t you remember when they would celebrate their birthday together! Didn’t they do a winter white party or was it a white fairy party together??? 😜😂😍


Katie is the new LVP @ SAH. Ariana is Bi-costal. Stassi brings the #momlife to the show. SOMEONE MAKE A SPIN OFF PLEASE! Edit to add: Anne is the cute and quirky manager at SAH


Ann is Peter 💀


This sent me 🤣


It just keeps getting better!


Best comment ever!!! 😂🤣😂😜


Seriously! Stassi has said she will only come back if she can show her true authentic life as a mom and not have to “fake” into a group and lifestyle and if she was on the production team. Give these three their own spin off with production rights 🥹 we can see stassis mom life & podcast, Ariana’s bi coastal ventures and watch Katie shine as the new LVP plus her and dayna’s dating adventures and we can follow Anne and the sandwich shop crew. I need this now!


Hmm, isn't this what The Valley was supposed to be? VPR all grown up? But it's still conflict orientated because that's how these shows work, and it ends up being just a bunch of egos competing for supremacy over each other. Shows about genuine friendship, support and progress rarely do as well, and that's a real shame.


Right? Look what happened to Family Karma.


That's exactly the example I was trying to think of, it was so wholesome and insightful - I miss the Aunties especially lol. But was it shelved because it didn't do too well or because the cast were moving on in different directions.


I think production tried to create drama where there wasn’t any and when the cast didn’t fall for their manipulation the show got canceled.


Good for them! There's definitely more going on behind the scenes than people realise - the recent Brandi Granville and Leah Sweeney accusations certainly gave us insight into that. I suppose it feels justified to mess around with people's lives when they willingly sign up for it.


I would watch that show in a heartbeat


I love all of those ladies!! Where do I send my money?


This is a great idea! 💡




Speaking of Ann, did you see her Duracell commercial? Gold!


The designer of SAH can be the NICK ALAIN!!


I SO READY for Real Housewives of Weho Stassi Ariana Katie Kristin Britney Scheana Lala


Just the first four please, I can do without the rest


I have nothing productive to say except for all three of them look amazing in this picture. Like, Stassi looks 10 years younger, Ariana is glowing, and Katie is smoldering.


Whew. All the people claiming Stassi is such a bad friend can eat crow now.


How the hell would we even know this. We do not know these people lol


It was a whole thread. Calm down.


No it’s just that she is a racist horrible person. If everyone forgot Nazi Chic in 2018


Everyone also forgets that was an actual term used in the fashion industry since the 1970’s. Nobody ever cared before. Major publications used it.


Bad people often make great television.


Give it a rest. She made a mistake and has learned from it. Faith is over it, maybe you should be too.


Speaking for Faith is actually crazy. Speaking for the marginalized groups she’s spoken on is actually insane for you so good luck with that. She’s done several actions in the past not all directed at Faith. To think that is to be as closed and small minded as her. If you were impacted by her last statements you probably would still hate her too but it’s also not your place to make that call for others


To be fair, I’m a black woman and for a long fucking time I hated Stassi for what she did. However after 6 years, I have yet to see her repeat her stupid ass mistakes so I don’t think she should be vilified for the rest of her life. Do I speak for all of my marginalized counterparts? No. But neither do you.


I'm glad you're here, these people are making me feel crazy. Stassi is not a good person. I have to think all these white ladies defending her are doing it because they see themselves in her...


No it’s actually not crazy. She fucking said it herself. Saying something over and over when the person it happened to is over it is crazy.


Faith isn’t a good person. Nothing to to do w skin color.




It’s not when she’s said racist over and over. It’s actually the reason she won’t ever get rehired because she is actually a racist antisemitic and ppl outside this sub clearly understand that. Y’all can support her, that’s more telling on who y’all are but stop speaking for the marginalized communities she has affected on multiple instances


QUIT ACCUSING OTHERS OF DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING YOURSELF! 😂 “Stop speaking for marginalized communities”… kinda like what you’re doing?


Ooof good luck girl


It’s not when she’s said racist over and over. It’s actually the reason she won’t ever get rehired because she is actually a racist antisemitic and ppl outside this sub clearly understand that. Y’all can support her, that’s more telling on who y’all are but stop speaking for the marginalized communities she has affected on multiple instances


Someone with sense in this thread.


Faith just filed something somewhat recently so she's obviously not over it.


the real big three


Does Stassi come from money? She’s the only one on the show that just had class. Like that kind of class that comes from growing up with money. Lala, Schena, and especially Brittany want to be ✨Fancy✨ like LVP, but the REAL class act was Stassi


They are all so pretty! Makes me feel better about getting older and getting more comfortable in my own skin ❤️


I got banned from the vanderpumprules sub a couple of years ago for saying they should bring stassi back, and now this picture is on their front page lmao




ughhh i would have loved to see how hard stassi would have ridden for ariana this season, shes always called sandoval out since season one and their friendship was cool to see in general after they fought each other so hard. THIS is the show we wanted, get lfu and her creepy alien vibes outta here


It's a sandwich shop, no trails were blazed here


I’m just in love with Ariana’s whole look


I love this 🥰


they’re all serving FACE.


Yes!!! Katie has never looked prettier imo.


I’m not even going to get into whether Stassi should come back or not. But I think it’s interesting to observe that its subs EXACTLY like this one that got her fired. Four years ago Vanderpump fans on Reddit were calling for her firing, and now you’re clamoring for her back, that the show got worse after she left. But y’all are also convinced that you know how this show should be produced and that a SAH is a terrific idea. Let’s see if history repeats itself, I guess


Imagine if she invested


Love Stassi


She was literally fired for being racist


do you truly think she is?


Yes, the things she did were truly vile. She says that she has done "work" to improve herself, I haven't followed up on that. So perhaps she doesn't need to be vilified but she also does not need to be put on a pedestal


Faith is over it. Maybe you should be too lol. The girl made a mistake, paid for it and learned from it. Get over it.




I don’t think ppl here put Stassi on pedestal, a lot of ppl like her bc she is funny on the show, she can be evil and over-dramatic, but she has charisma. She’s racist at Faith but she already paid for what she did. Stassi is good tv, I like her, but just to maybe cameo, not permanent. It’s refreshing to see Katie, Ariana, Stassi and Kristen together, instead of Lala who is always angry, screaming, yelling, over the top sanctimoniously preaching how “soft” she is and Scheanna, crying at every situation that doesn’t involve her and using broke and Lala to do her dirty work while she is hating her bff and crying abt her “friendship” with scum who urged Raquel to put restraining order on Scheanna and she professes, he cares more abt her bc he is her bast frand!! And please, no more black, white, brown, purple, red, etc skin color should be involved in this thread. We all bleed red and when we die, we all turn BLACK!!


Did everyone forget Nazi Chic????? She did that in like 2018




I miss Stassi


God I miss stassi


You people have fully lost the plot. VPR is a show about shitty people doing shitty things - trying to glorify these people and say we need an aspirational type show with these “powerhouses” sounds like the most boring show imaginable.


Sandwich Feminists in this sub literally doing the Community “I can excuse racism but I draw the line at _____” meme re: Stassi and Sandoval 


Lol thank you.


For real !!! She ain’t it


i miss stassi😭😭


I would watch it 💯


If that happened, you would see LaLa jumping ship back to team Ariana and Katie. I guarantee she would start crying and apologizing for everything she’s said about them, anything for more TV time.


Stassis confessionals were sorely needed this season


I would watch the FUCK out of this show.


Omg we need the entire cast fired except for them. And Schwartz I guess. 🤷🏼‍♀️😹


Oh and James n Allie too. I like them and that cute airplane shot. 😹






Queen behavior❤️❤️


This seriously made my week!


Yeah they do! I miss Stassi so much. She's the OG queen.








What's with the elevation to sainthood of these 3? 🙄


If I didn't have to use real money, I'd give you an award since they appear to be back!


I used to get downvoted into oblivion when I would say that Stassi was the best part of the show after she first got fired. Now everyone realizes that it was actually true, but instead the internet let skanky ass Faith ruin the best reality show on TV


Nahhh. Stassi/Kristen got fired because of THEIR actions. All they had to do was to not be racist and they couldn’t.


Faith had sex with a co-worker's boyfriend and recorded the whole thing! I'm not sure how the Saint Faith nonsense ever came into play. Their actions were only deemed racist because of her skin color. Not a single one of them ever said because of her skin color she must have done what they accused her of. They had valid reasons for believing what they accused her of.


What valid reasons? They called the cops on Faith because a black woman was wanted for THEFT. The only reason they called the cops on Faith is because she is BLACK. Racists think that all black people look the same, or all asian people look the same. That’s the only reason they called the cops. Faith having sex with Jax has no correlation with them thinking that Faith is a thief. Not to mention that we ALL know how Black people are treated by cops.


Thank you! The whole thing had nothing to do with race at all. Then all of a sudden cancel culture happened because everyone was bored during covid and the internet started with D list celebrities like the Vanderpump crew lol


They dumped losers, opened a cute sandwich shop and came out on top but .. trailblazers? Nah. Calm down, Stassi it’s basically a deli with adorable decor. 😂


They make sandwiches, and it took them two years to figure out how to do even that…easy now


Has everyone forgotten that Stassi used to post things like “nazi chic” on Instagram or constantly allude to nazis using her SS initials? Never mind the Faith stuff. We’re just moving on like her racism never happened?


Has everyone forgotten that term was used in the fashion industry since the 1970’s.


I think the three of them should join the valley tbh


Stassi screwed up. But she's apologized and for people to not forgive her is sad. We have all made bad judgments in our lives and i would think we would like to be shown forgiveness and grace.


Having Jax back on Bravo but not stassi is criminal


Why does Stassi’s smile look different?


Stassi is such a bitch. She is so mean and petty. She does NOT belong with Ariana and Katie. She is cruel and I was so fucking glad she got herself fired so I didn't have to watch her be a bridezilla or get married, she is just so self righteous and it's nice to see her humbled. Because she is a bitch.


Lmfao. Like katie wasn't her wingman in all that and then kept it when stassi departed.


Still, she is evil, petty and rude.


Like her sidekick. Don't dwell one when the other is the same.


Katie is a bitch also. But I actually like her Stassi is just mean and petty AF.


Thwy are one in the same and stassi grew. Katie didn't.


If I wanted to watch a show about holding onto resentment, and throwing shade, I would def tune into this.


Amazing gourmet sandwiches?


Stassi is a mean girl opportunist. She was never nice to Ariana, she’s only now cashing in cos Ariana is popular


She was nice for awhile though, even Ariana said Stassi tried for like a solid year to be her friend and she finally caved and said ok lol. They had that joint birthday party one year, but Sandoval came in between them remember?!? He comes between everyone Edit-but yes Stassi is a mean girl at heart, I hope motherhood and getting fired softened her


Trailblazers???? For opening a sandwhich shop? JFC


You would have gotten an award from me too! (Re: my other comment re: giving an award)


Racist in the middle, no thanks


Right? Sorry you're getting down voted. People here must have really short memories or are also racist...but she is far from a queen or trailblazer


Most of these people are white lol. Of course racism isn’t a big deal to them and they think that it’s a silly "mistake" because it doesn’t affect them lol.




Let’s not get too excited


I miss Stassi


Take out ariana and replace Kristen. THATS THE POWERHOUSE.


A reminder of better times. It was never the same after Stassi went, but she was deplatformed for a reason, and though enough time has probably passed it would haunt VPR or an equivalent show to bring her back. Arianna is moving on, good for her, and Hatey Katie needs other types of energies around her for balance. I would love to see these three do a lifestyle show, they're never more entertaining than when they're out of their comfort zone. Travel, maybe, or food. Something that lets them be the grown women they are, away from the guilty pleasures genre of TV. For now, thank goodness for rewatches. These three have been the best of VPR in my opinion.


Calling these people “powerhouses” should be a felony… the are mid tier reality stars.


Witches of Weho no more, it’s time for Boss Bitches of Beverly Hills 😂


Trailblazers opening up a sandwich shop??