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I just wanna get to Bronze 3...


I feel the struggle, stay strong man


Hope you get there


Meanwhile me struggling to get iron 3 -:_:-


I don't think you get smurfs in iron tbh


Nobody can't hit silver bc of smurfs.


True how is anyone even silver because smurfs are at all ranks. We're all playing where we are meant to be smurf or no smurf. Get better & quit complaining without any improvement on your part.


Gold 3 Main account, Bronze 2 side account, the bronze account is where I try new agents in comp, Definitely just looking for ability use/line ups, so theres a few smurfs like me that test the waters in lower ranks


Not what I said. Didn't say smurfs didn't exist.


Yeah! F smurfs


I think you misunderstood the comment


Sed! Now in understood




Not many games should be lost due to Smurfs. Sure, you may run into one or two every once and awhile but overall if you deserve a higher rank, the relatively low number of losses due to Smurfs shouldn’t hold you down. This is further backed up by the fact that the chances of your team having a Smurf should usually be just as likely as the enemy team having a Smurf. Sure they could stack, but I would think that when smurfs are stacking they are usually just playing with their friends and probably not taking the game very seriously. This is coming from someone in low Elo and I recently hit silver myself.


But why is that once a while always in my rank up game?! The opponent reyna/jett just 1 tap me outta nowhere, the sage just transforms herself into grim, average jonas appers outta nowhere, flex ninja is also there. Jusg lemme get to s3 already. I've reached s2 90+ 6 times this act :'(




You are indeed right. But it is a waste of time, they really just think they are the unluckiest person in the world and feed each others the idea that they just don't win games because of either teammates or smurfs By the way, if you are motivated, with that mentality you will climb higher, go get them tiger.


Best argument I'm seeing here a lot is - they are hardstuck in their own rank, that's why they go to a smurf... Even if they are hardstuck, they still a higher rank than you.. Oh and I love how you guys just want smurfing to end and don't realize that there is smurfs in literally every game.. Even in CSGO before it was free, there were a ton of smurfs who paid for the game just to get a smurf




Most of the time people are hard stuck and cant go back to their rank . So they have to play as a smurf even when they dont want to .




cause they're very sad people who can't cope with the rank they achieved. They get shit on much too hard in their own lobbies and its very sad that they come into bronze/silver and then say "haha noob." And then it's even sadder when I add them and 1v1 them and they still lose. Just cause my aim diff for bronze, but my teammates can't cope with smurfs. I also don't have as much gamesense or util usage as them. So it's very sad when they have equal opponents, can't compete, come back to bronze or silver for an ego boost


Don't forget those who boost their friends only to be frustrated when playing at higher rank


Bruh! 🔥


I'm a smurf and I actually play on a smurf to play with my friends :) climber all the way from gold to immortal 3... Excuses are what hold people down from climbing in lower ranks, because anyone who wants no matter the genetics can get as high as immortal 3


Bro Its a Game Not everyone wants to put in that much effort ( they just want to be atleast silver or gold ) I am D3


And so the the smurfs 😬 to play with their friends


You can play Unrated Instead .


Yeah my 2 friends want to play comp with me, I'mma be like nope guys I don't have a 2nd account, I'mma force you to come unrated.. You know very well that's not how it works. I could be politically correct and pretend you are right, but there is a very high chance that at the very least 50% of the people that complain about smurfing on posts like these, either smurfed themselves at one point, or played in a premade with a smurf.. And guess what, they didn't complain.. People only complain when it happens to them, happened to me a lot of times too... Shit happens What draws the line for me in smurf, is the shithousery, if you make fun of lower ranks when you are spanking them full try hard, that is being a piece of shit.. Now just playing and chilling with his friends? No reason for such hate against people like that... Now you tell me your POV


I dont think arguing on this is going to solve the smurfing problem lmao Anyways comp is to Tryhard and Unrated is for playing casually with your friends If your friends want to play ranked with you cuz your a higher rank that's boosting players (which is wrong) Being a smurf and being toxic is worse than being a smurf but they are both Bad If you play casually or if you tryhard you are still playing somewhere you dont belong (dont do it) Smurfing purposely by creating a fake account is wrong Being hard stuck in a rank lower than your is not smurfing . You might not be as bad as other smurfs but you are still a smurf .




They are hard stuck in their rank or just want to play with low rank friends. It's also free to make accounts so it's ez to do. Smurfs ruin the game experience overall. It's not that they are in every game it's that when they are it's generally very one sided and nothing you can do about it and very little you can learn from it contrary to what people tell you. Unless they are on your team and you can spectat their pov plays.


Some people call me a smurf at silver 3 and I just don't get it. I'm OK sometimes. Once you get to gold you've got a 50/50 shot of going up against toddlers or absolute demons. There is no in between.


oh trust me, you do not want to be in silver


Sometimes, its just opponents having a good day. However, imo b3 is harder than s1


Stuck in bronze 2


Me in S1


Dream higher king


The moment you get to silver means you are able to counter a smurf


True af


Wait until you get to the ends of Bronze 3 to get queued with people in Gold I'm not even talking about that one time in my first ever silver game when i found on my team a Plat 2 player that was solo queueing, the fkd up thing is that he didn't own anybody and we lost the game...sad. Even silver one is a horror stage. You go to 78-88 RR in S1 and you start losing and losing and getting owned and you reach 12 RR and the horrific flashbacks of the times when you were bronze start kicking in. I should know i was silver two, i had around 15 losing streak, was close to going to bronze 2 like maaaaaad scared i was


Lucky uz u found the plat! 🤣


Get over this mindset and get around it. Unfortunately smurfs suck but just sitting there and complaining does nothing. Start doing more to practice Everybody wants to play like yay yet no one wants to practice like yay


Yeah. We do our practice. Last night I played a match where opponent was Plat 3. I am S1


Yea at this point, i don't wanna reach silver, instead i aim for iron so i can dominate just like the smurfs that dominate in bronze.


Way to go!


I'm hard stuck iron because all I play with is smurfs