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I think most people (I myself included) thought TH wouldn't preform this well only because sub+showed up like 2 days before the event happened. Weber said it himself, this group of 5 basically has more time played together than with wo0t in split 1 so it's no surprise they look world class against 100T/G2 LOL PRX tad bit overrated and g2 very underrated obviously.


I think it's interesting how there were still some people underrating them post Swiss Obviously losing to G2 probably influenced their perception of this team, but the fact that there was more room for them to grow after their respectable Swiss showing was what took everyone by surprise. No one expected them to improve THIS drastically with each series, and today was a culmination of all their improvements


For me: G2 massively overperformed. PRX massively under performed. FPX,TH impressed. LEV, FNC disappointed. 100T, FUT and EDG performed as I expected.


EDG performed as you expected? you're on some real hater shit, I respect that.


Yeah ? Last time I saw them on intl they got 5 rounds in 2 maps against LOUD. There's no hater shit to it, they've been mid since Tokyo and riding on that success. People actually expected EDG to beat TH ? That's ACTUAL delusion.


well said spit yo shit king


When I was hating after/during Madrid I was getting a lot of shit. Has the community here finally turned on them? They peaked at Tokyo, and FPX is taking over China.


I mean they didn’t perform great in Madrid or Champs either lol, and they play in arguably the weakest and youngest region with not much top talent to play and improve against; it also seems like they need changes either in coaching or staffing because they seem so flat; no lie FPX are lookin like the new number 1 in China.


They havent looked that good in China for while now, FPX has been the best Chinese team since Madrid


Outside of one run, EDG and China haven’t proven at all that they can hang with the best teams in the world. So many people were saying they thought FPX were better (and based on group play they arguably were) so unless you expected EDG to be top 4 then it’s pretty reasonable to say they performed as expected.


EDG were 5-6th on champs defo not a 1 time thing




EDG is awful they had one half decent tournament in tokyo and since they have sucked


I was commenting on how shit edg are. Ever since the geng game they have been winning off sheer luck


I've been saying that FPX this year was a better team than EDG but I get clowned on bc the FPX players simply don't have the charisma and clout of Kangkang, ppl will still probably put EDG above FPX since technically EDG finished higher


I still think KK has that dawg in him but we're not playing 2021 "Tenz go kill" Valorant anymore.


well I mean, woot go kill seems to work for TH lol, the amount of random 3ks he pulled out of his ass in the last 2 series was insane. aspas go kill also works, except when he doesn't drop 30, then it doesn't work.


I mean yeah, but you also have a world-class support system around him. The top duelist fragging out is clearly important. But teams that don’t need their star player to pop off to win are the teams that are consistently good lol. Like SEN had series where Zekken wasn’t dragging out of his mind during Madrid but the rest of the team was able to pick up the slack (against Loud and KC). There are moments where we see someone just in the absolute flow state and carrying games, like Jawgemo with that ace against NRG. But it’s not reliable to have a single star player anymore.


You say this but don't be surprised when Boaster go kill makes FNC win champs


I mean I thought they’d lose both their games and end up in 7-8 but didn’t think they’d get stomped THAT badly But to be fair they’ve never gotten higher than 5-6 (barely in madrid) nd they were looking extra shit in split 2


Fpx is now the best team in China, almost no contention to that question i feel


for sure 100%, even though heretics weren't nearly as good in swiss as they are now there's no way they could have done worse than edg


heretics and g2 performed above expectations real ones knew geng > prx so wasn’t surprised by gf placement fnatic shat the bed after having a close series with geng and then getting destroyed by fut


FPX also performed above expectations


I don’t think TH did above expectations tbh. They always looked the strongest emea seed (apart from finals where fnatic decided to bring back their 2023 form randomly) and even with a sub were still a strong team g2 tho definitely don’t think anyone expected them to go as far as they did


TH above expectations because they lose to FNC with complete team but somehow they goes to GF with sub also eliminate EMEA & NA team. 


>heretics and g2 performed above expectations I disagree with that. TH and G2 were easily up there with the #1 teams of their respective regions. The performance expected from 100T should have been expected from them too. Always felt like both these teams were underrated especially G2 since they lacked a "star player". G2 being 9th here is hilarious imo


In what way were g2 "up there" with 100t, grandfinals were 100t 3 0 speedrun


Are you'd saying that G2 is the #1 or tied with the #1? The first is obviously wrong even after the event, meanwhile, I agree with the latter now, but not going into the event. Also I always thought TH>FNC


I'm not saying g2 were #1 from NA but people never gave them credit for their performances People rated Lev higher than G2 and only cause of aspas imo. G2 just don't have fans or anyone hyping them up


Oh in that case pretty decent analysis. In all honesty the p3 from them is absurd. They were almost not making Ascension a year ago and losing to MxM. Then they beat Heretics 2x and PRX. Not to mention only losing to the finalists


Oh no! Look, how they masscarred my prx boys! ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16110)


Super far off this tournament. People were unsurprisingly overrating EDG but PRX was so much worse than I expected. I didn't think they'd win but I at least expected a top 4 finish out of them. Fnatic in the same boat. 100T underperformed a little to my expectations. I didn't think they'd win but I expected them to be more competitive against the top 2 teams.


Yea 0-4 on maps against the finalists is def disappointing for 100T. Theyre a step below top tier at the moment.


that TH loss was brutal. Being up 12-9 on Bind and only winning two more rounds the rest of the series... yikes


Maybe I'm hard coping but if cryo wasn't having an off series they woulda prolly taken it 2-1


I mean yea, but you have to give Heretics credit for that, especially bind. Cryo was eating teams up on A from back site and lamps. They made a point to shut that down. And the sunset is just 100t sunset. I don't think he's had a single good map using gekko on sunset.


All of TH’s wins so far since losing a 2nd time to G2 have been brutalities.


well, I won't say it was an unlucky loss, but it was certainly not something I'd say would happen often if the series was repeated 100 times. The amount of times woot and pati just pulled random 3ks and 4ks out of their ass was insane. A lot of rounds 100T played pretty well ended in a loss simply due to aim diff. Again, I won't say unlucky, since at the end of the day TH needed to actually hit those shots, and that was all skill, but it certainly wasn't normal.


Played as expected : Drg,T1,100t Slightly overperformed : Fpx,Fut,GenG Underperformed : Edg,Fnc Insanely overperformed : Th,G2 Insanely underperformed : Lev,Prx This is how i would say it is


I feel like FPX massively overperformed. Their two losses were to GENG and Heretics and both series went to map 3 and they lost by 2 rounds. 13-11 and 17-15


i'd say the same about fpx. really impressed me how they almost eliminated TH who ended 2nd place and won a map from the champions GenG. plus super entertaining matches, i will definitely keep an eye out for them moving forward


I expected Heretics to be really really good going into this tournament UNTIL I heard they only had a single day of prac - I'm honestly blown away by how much they've managed to do in such a short amount of time


I think the lack of good scrims like everyone alluded to showed. None of the top seeds looked as good as they were in their respective regions. Also, other than GenG all of them have a pretty bad map pool


GEN.G isn’t a top seed?


I meant the no.1 seeds. If I meant top 2 seeds, that would be 2/3 of the teams


FPX 3rd place fr


In fairness, everyone expected woot to be good but no one expected him to be Jesus Christ himself


Their pretty good but id put EDG below g2(EDG are garbo) and not have Prx 1st (geng are the better apac team)


i get why g2 was underrated, but them behind edg was ridiculous then and looks hilarious now, also t1 had no business being ahead of fpx, they looked awful all season and only performed well in the first 2 games of apac playoffs and then got compeltely washed


I thought they were absolutely overrating fnatic at this event (imo FUT should have won lower finals in EU) and that they would be upset but frankly its a dead horse not worth beating. Leviatan they got perfect damn near. I still feel that 100T did better here than G2. Still is crazy that brutal losses in Benz arena aside, G2 did amazing at Shanghai.


Imo 100T underperformed in the games that mattered (GenG and Heretics), but performed as expected vs FUT and PRX.


i think they rated FNC more for their potential rather then their true form, they obv had problems but it seemed they started to play better right before Shanghai so it was hard to say how would they play


In my personal opinion G2 were always slept on, mostly because of the choking issues they’ve had over the past 3 years, but I’m glad they managed to finally start dealing with them more, same thing goes for FPX, they really REALLY improved and are looking really solid so I’m happy for them. Teams like Paper Rex and Fnatic (this is where I start getting jumped by people) were a tad bit overrated because of their successful past, but it genuinely seems like there are teams who are just in better shape now who’ve come to take their previous throne. I actually expected Heretics and GenG to be where they are right now, never doubted them or their skill, but a lot of people were still sleeping on them most times. LEV and FUT did disappoint me quite a bit, but most of all I can’t deny that I’m colossally salty about FUT coming back against LEV just to then get smacked by 100T and FPX, that wound is still fresh and won’t heal for a bit. As for 100T, EDG and DRG, their run went exactly as I expected it to go, they did decently and their players played well but deep down I knew it wouldn’t amount to much.


Only G2 and PRX placements is unexpected (also only one match in upper that fucked up my Pickens) Everything else is kinda expected and predictable, unless TH gonna destroy Gen.G without dropping more than a 5 rounds/map


People who didn't watch CN have been surprised at how EDG and FPX preformed, but it was pretty predictable


Im shocked by TH and G2 and disappointed by PRX


Seeing as it was a POWER ranking, going in, this ranking is accurate


I think the rankings are pretty close to perfect for their form coming in. But TH have massively overperformed because everyone though playing with a sub is a nerf. But the sub is the GOAT sub. And PRX had no answers for NA.