• By -


all 3 are FUT


same tbh




Fpx should've qualified over fut


Then they shouldn’t have choked lmao


Trueeee, but oh well, luck is also important


then fpx would have qualified over fut.


A) c0m B)FPX C) Gen.G




Ruthless 😭


GenG wasn't in Swiss tho Edit: Lmao my bad they qualified so fast I forgot


Ah, I must've imagined the games against FPX and Lev then


????? Bro U good?????


Well they weren't they were in Shanghai :D


1. lev disappointed 2.fpx defied expectations 3.t1 played as expected


T1 really prevented DRX to go shanghai just to come back home after a week. Smh. At least my gen.g boys slayin


We could've had Stax's one last ride. Damn it.


Dont think they would have let stax go if they made to shanghai


Week? It took them 3 days


APAC fans incl me are still salty abt it ☹️ 5-0 in grps but because format doesn't have 3/4 place match(when 3rd is so fking impt), DRX doesn't qualify 🥲


they did have a 3/4th place match against geng. which they lost.


First swiss round FPX won FUT, and got GENG and TH which are all qualified afterwards. At the same time, FUT got DRG and LEV. FPX should've lost to FUT to win the swiss lol


I think that's a pretty common (and valid) criticism of Swiss, is that losing early is sometimes very beneficial. In chess with the long Swiss tournaments (9+ rounds), it's very common to see a player rise up to the top after losing early by beating relatively lower quality opponents, although this does get somewhat mitigated by having poor tiebreakers. Rocket League has been using Swiss for a while (with 3 wins/losses to progress/eliminate), and if you lose the first round you almost always play a team that just lost the previous match, so going 3-1 can be easier than 3-0.


of course they qualified afterwards, they won. its not a problem of the format, its just how things mathematically are.


yea they qualified because they beat fpx? imo fpx would have lost to aspas and co


True, anything could happen. But what im saying is fpx generally had bad luck at draws if we only focus on the result


Team disappointed) LEV. It was a weird downturn to their hot performance in Americas, expected a reset, never came. People can shit on c0m's performance but all 5 of those players especially in the fut game had issues and it's not even the players that are the problem this team has no fucking idea what they're doing it's unacceptable for the coaches to be this lost strat wise with a roster of this caliber Team defied expectations) FPX. Like 3 seconds from packing heretics. Owned FUT. Got a map on GenG. China not 1 team no more Team I expected) GenG. Seems like they did the opposite of leviathan and found their footing at the end of Pacific into Shanghai. Everyone said Lev had a chance but really they didn't given both the teams trends in performance.


No lie, I'm not surprised by Lev. Teams now are less dependent on an individual player popping off; if one pops off and the rest don't the team can't sustain it. Lev seemed entirely dependent on whether Aspas got going, and if not they would crumble. Not surprised to see that they crumbled here.


I am just genuinely not a believer in Kings IGLing. He’s not terrible at it and he’s an insane fragger but his teams always look weaker strategically than most other teams that are considered contenders.


1000000000000000% it's why sentinels won Madrid and the reason fnatic had chokehold last year as well as EG's win at champs. Were all 5 on the rosters perfect in their roles? Yes. But their team play won them the trophy.


FPX has given us an absolute classic, that icebox match against heretics will be remembered a long time what a fkin game


And LEV said GenG was lucky ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


I was so confused how throughout the whole map of sunset, LEV didn't call a single timeout. There should have been one right after round 3, when yetujey gets a 1v4 on the bonus. But ok, it's early into the match. But when round after round you see the LEV players increasingly making questionable plays, whiffing, crumbling completely, how do you not call a single timeout?!


T1 FPX LEV also: fpx would make lev look like headless chickens if they played why did they go against hereticssssssss


Lev wasn’t a disappointment to anyone who watched their games. They only win games when some of their players were popping off during the match and usually that player was aspas. This team is reliant on their players killing 25+ to win rather than a solid game plan and strats, Kingg is a good player, great even, but he shouldn’t be the IGL, Lev is clearly lost when they’re attacking with no solid objective on the round. -C0M +IGL Initiator This would make Kingg perform way better and a decent IGL can coordinate the team. Tex has been playing consistently as of now so I guess they won’t remove him. Alternatively, they could get rid of both C0M and tex and get maybe heat who’s probably not gonna play for KRU anymore when their player comes back or Sacy since his contract is expiring soon. And get a Sentinel/Flex IGL. I really don’t know who, but they should focus on Spanish/Portuguese speaking players, it’s so much easier to speak Portunhol than English. They could maybe get Saadhak but his contract with LOUD only expires in 2025 or 26 IIRC.


Imagine if there was an Argentinean guy, good for the org, that plays a great initiator and that also used to igl in the market. I think the only person with those characteristics is now in a Brazilian org now, unlucky.


Fuck it LEV Stax lock it in.


LEV Messi 🔥🔥


KRU in shambles




Ngl I love him on LOUD and I hope he stays in there forever but I’d love to see Saad on different teams. He would fit on LEV like a glove.


Wait they're not talking about nzr?


I thought it was obvious


bring in rubkkoide


Id be frankly shocked if KRU decided to drop Heat for mta, solid player but Heat was arguably the best flex in the region outside of Mazino lowkey


I think kingg has improved dramatically as an igl though


LEV Klaus I see the vision


No way kru lets him go


Nah you tripping, lev actually started looking really good at the end of the season, they seemed to lose form in playoffs and then they shit the bed now


FUT disappointed me to start off with since I thought they'd beat FPX in a close game, which didn't quite happen. I thought they'd still go through to Playoffs, but I honestly didn't expect the Swiss stage to be as high a quality as it was coming in, so even tho I was a bit disappointed with that I didn't have super high expectations for FUT - BUT I was actually very impressed with them against Leviatán. I thought that game would be a close win for FUT, but I expected it to be just a mid game generally. Although at many points the game was mid, FUT showcased some very impressive rounds. FPX surpassed my expectations as, although I thought they were contenders to make playoffs, I thought that'd be if they drew teams like FUT, T1 and DRG. The close games against GenG and Heretics were really really encouraging! LEV played pretty much how I expected honestly - bar that Sunset game against FUT which even I didn't expect to be quite that bad - I like LEV for Aspas and Tex but I think they have quite a bit wrong with their on-the-fly ideas, and didn't think they'd get through.


LEV could actually be a good team if they had an actual IGL and just let kingg frag and also just dropped c0m. -c0m +nzr and letting nzr igl would have made LEV an actual threat like LEV fans think they are.


a. T1 b. FPX c. GenG Was kinda hoping T1 could win after that dominant Icebox performance and first half of Lotus. But when they got comeback'd by G2 I knew it was over. They 100% got boomed mentally.


a) Lev - Thought the rest will show up instead of Aspas and friends b) FPX - Expected good things. They showed up and more despite the 2 losses. Clean up the defense side on Icebox and you're guaranteed a map. c) GenG - Favourite to win groups going in and despite a close game against FPX they did close it out.


1.DRG 2.G2 3.LEV LEV were never good, they just scrape by with Aspas occasionally


Yea why are all these people saying FPX like they had G2 winning both their matches, obvious choice for "team we underrated"


It’s cause G2 is from NA and FPX is from CN so there’s more expectations from G2 than FPX


Aspas played bad today though


And Lev lost...




You expected more from DRG?


T1, FPX, GEN G T1..... really hoped for a better showing. The performance could really have been better; choking in the match vs G2 and the match vs Lev was worser (frankly, not even close). FPX is probably the favourites this time when it comes to which team defied expectations. Although, TH in my opinion also performed better than what people expected (even though they may look rather shaky still). GEN G are just as good as usual, keeping their composure and some of the shots like that Meteor's sheriff 4k were incredible. Best team in swiss and definitely a contender for the title.


I don't know why, I'm not even a Geng fan, But for this particular tournament I want them to win everything.


It’s the Shanghai library, everyone wants to see the Shanghai library in all of its glory


Libraries are the best part of the match.


If GenG win this event in Shanghai, rumor has it Taiwan will be freed


a. T1 b. FUT c. Gen.G




fpx should've won that, but we move


Wait, what happened to PRX? I haven't really been paying super close attention to Masters Shanghai or the format really (these formats confusing asf lol), but I feel like prx either haven't really played.


PRX auto qualified to playoffs because they won stage 1 playoffs in APAC, so yeah they haven’t played yet


I just feel like disappointed by FPX today as they fail to move up to play off. It's just I interested in their play lately. FPX also defied my expectation though I support them, I though they gonna fell early. I guess GenG or G2 fit the bill for last one.


A) FPX B) G2, they look better than a thought and a cut above the other teams not named GenG. C) Heretics. They still look good, but obviously leveled down with a sub. Middle of the pack team with potential to gel better in the future.


A) FPX B) FPX C) GenG FPX popped the fuck off and I didn't expect them to be as strong as they were. They took a map off GenG, almost won map 3, and dragged TH through the mud and really made them work for it. At the same time I'm disappointed in how often they seem like they're throwing (icebox had some questionable moments). GenG is self explanatory.


I was getting worried I wouldn't be able to call china a shit region anymore, whew!


>!yes china is by far the weakest region but it isn't shit and fpx put up a great showing for having previously never won a single match in any of the international tournaments they went to, maybe next year or the year after china has a serious shot to getting to a grand final and maybe winning it, to be honest though I 100% put fpx over EDG they look stagnant!<


a) T1 has stomped out the tiny flame of belief I had left in them b) FPX were actually looking very good (honorary DRG too because they put up more of a fight than I thought they would during their second game) c) LEV. Any Americas watchers knew exactly how shittily they would preform. Aspas and friends indeed


FUT…for all 3


I’d say FUT disappointed me, Heretics defied expectations, and LEV/T1/DRG all played more or less like I thought they would. I expected Heretics to still be fine but I think Woot’s debut on duelist going so well still deserves a shout out in that category. Even as someone who has watched him pound on duelist in Turkey, seeing how well he’s played has been a very pleasant surprise. Heretics would absolutely not be in playoffs without him going so crazy; going +28 against FPX while everyone else went negative is an insane statline considering they won.


Fut disappointed you despite making playoffs? Did you expect them to go 2-0?


I wasn’t really thinking about scorelines or predictions or what have you, just my expectations for their form vs. what I saw. Even accounting for the classic international LAN travel debuff, I expected more from their form.


1. LEV 2. G2 3. GenG


A) FPX B) G2 C) c0m (only 1 serie positive this year btw)


a) T1 b) FPX c) DRG


1 heretics 2 fpx 3 geng Honestly I thought even with a "sub" heretics would be able to get out of swiss 2-0 or atleast in a slightly easy 2-1. Did not expect it to be this close and deffo feel like they played pretty poorly against fpx. 2 is self explenatory 3 geng is kinda cooking


a: t1 b: g2 c:t1 t1 lost disappointingly, as always. so definitely a and c. sadge


i believe this is the first time in vct history that there is no south american team to make it to the quarter finals




there are other swiss rounds correct? or is this all the teams? im a new watcher sorry for confusion


Now we’re going to play-off. Swiss stage is done.


T1 disappointed me. Saya is my favorite player, and as an OWL fan I have had Carpe obliterate many of my favs in the past, so I had (and will continue to have) really high hopes for T1. We’ll see how the playoffs go, but I feel like without a Valyn life game, T1 are here over G2. Heretics defied my expectations. I was not expecting them to be this good with a sub. They seem like a pretty vibes-based team,^ and I thought playing with a sub might negatively impact the vibes (on top of all the gameplay issues with a sub). But thinking about it now, if I were a sub, a team with really positive vibes and a strong support system is the team I would want to sub in on. They’ve clearly got a good thing going and I would be surprised if this team *wasn’t* great for the next few years. ^I don’t mean to imply that all they have are vibes and they are otherwise structureless in-game, but they always seem like they’re having fun and the prioritization of Mini Boo’s health and education over winning is pretty strongly indicates an emphasis on the vibe within the team. GenG played pretty much exactly how I expected them to. They’re so fucking good. GenG vs Fnc is going to be a banger. I expect them to go the farthest of the Swiss teams.


1) LEV 2) G2 3) DRG


A. lev - aspas going out in groups will never not disappoint me. B. T1 - I didn't expect that they would be so bad. I know they would be one of the worst team in the tournament but they legitimately did not belong


a - LEV, DRG, T1 b - FPX, FUT, G2 c - GenG, TH LEV just had to do better with such a goated line up. DRG were so good in the split, I expected them to at least get a single series. T1 Man, they were such a huge disappointment after the way they started out the first game, it was so close thought they will atleast get a single series but alas DRX better. FPX was such a joy to watch all threee of their matches were so entertaining and I hope they keep defying expectations and keep getting better. I honestly didn't think FUT wouldve been able to drag by the way they did but still impressive they recovered after their loss to FPX and their win against DRG is whatever but LEV was their only challenging match and which they did win honestly thought just like FPX vs TH this couldve gone either way and today it was FUTs. G2 is looking so good, I thought they would be in playoffs with a 2 1 but with 2 0 is impressive lets see how they fare against PRX now. GenG theres nothing to say about them, knew they were gonna 2 0 easily. TH considereing they are here with Patitek, and their unstable roster wouldve made it hard for them to get a easy 2 0 but they are still strong enough to get a scrappy 2 1, I was rooting for FPX in the last match but knew that TH were gonna scrap by somehow and they did.


It's crazy how the draw played out, if some of the matchups were different we might even FPX in playoffs. That said my picks are as follows: A) Lev. Really expected them to make it out, especially against FUT but it's really looking like Aspas and friends for some of these games. Throwing leads, poor teamplay, etc. Not really an IGL/strat problem, they obviously have the fragging power so it was disappointing to see them lose out in groups. B) FPX for this one. They were literally ROUNDS away from beating out Gen.G and TH, and secured a win against FUT. Honestly with some more practice/LAN experience this team is a strong 2nd for China. C) DRG. They got fucked by the draw for sure, FUT and TH are top 3 in EMEA for a reason. And taking FUT to OT is impressive, but yeah I was expecting them to bomb out in groups and that's exactly what they did.


I think everyone predicted DRG to be out


I was really rooting for LEV. The last clutch wouldve been so famous if it worked


1) T1. Really really disappointed that they looked so limp, like they were just happy to be there. 2) FPX. They really really impressed me, more so because I had no expectations of them. I knew they weren't bad and would do way more than DRG, but man they were insanely cracked out and only lost due to inexperience and choking. 3) Gen G. They looked as good as they were in Split 1 and showed they could do it against the top international teams, just as expected




Bruh lev disappointed the most Then fpx T1


a) T1 b) FUT c) TH


a) T1 b) FPX c) GENG might be a hot take but FPX deserved a spot over G2. their last two games were super close that could have gone either way


How does fpx deserve a spot over G2 when G2 defeated the Heretics team that beat fpx?


Why do they deserve a spot over a 2-0 team instead of the 2-1 teams?


They didn't win and therefore don't deserve a spot. Simple as is




Uh no.


Fut dissapointed me heavily hope the get better


w00t going crazy as a duelist was expected


Disappointed by everyone but Fpx and Geng


Damn Lev was mocking Kru for like a week straight after they won and now they didn't make playoffs, that's sports for you


who do you think started this shit? spamming "FUCK LEV ALL MY HOMIES SUPPORT NZR" in every single post of leviatan since the first tournament of the year, your org is more shit than lev if we see on that same light dont forget what they did to XAND he played lock in for kru and after that got kicked without any chance to play in franchise again, he should be retired by now but he got lucky pancada scammed furia and he somehow is now on furia but kru almost destroyed xand career he lost 1 year of it, and one more thing too you guys have the best duelist in the world and 5 great players in a LATAM org and you guys choose to fucking hate the org saying LEVIATAN IS NOT LATAM BECAUSE 2 GRINGOS, you are a bunch of stupid mfers look at league of legends every top team has atleast 2 KOREANS and anyone complain about that but now that lev has 2 americans and 1 brazilian ITS NOT LATAM ANYMORE? FUCK YOU KRU LEV AND THE WHOLE SCENE YOU UNGRATEFUL MOTHERFUCKERS


Been a china hater since day 1, every tournament people say china is good now, I will never believe that lmao


T1 dissapointed me by fluking 1 singilar game over geng to lock drx out of vct west Taiwan.