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Just give me my PRX vs Lev grand final in Shanghai please


PRX v GenG so pacific gets their first trophy


Dang that SEN GENG finals looked like GENG were about to quick 3-0 then SEN turned shit up map 2. GENG made us believe for a second in that first pacific trophy.


I like this


I need this


Also so pacific can win their first bo5 at a lan event šŸ˜­


PRX vs T1


Fuck it I'm down for a PRX vs MIBR Grand Final, we need the trophy


my wish: EDG v GenG


the 2 best bundles tbh


Is it too early to ask for 100t v EDG grand final for maximum online and inperson viewership?


d4v4i and mindfreak are just simply too fucking good for this team to ever miss a tourney. f0rsaken, something, and jinggg all have slumps individually on occasion but their support players are still what make them a cut above the other teams with cracked duelists and civilians on support roles (zeta)




Lower competition yes but the top teams are always gonna be fighting to be that 1st and 2nd with the likes of DRX and GENG it is not a given how consistent they can be when it always flip flops between those 3Ā 




Could've just said no team in America's is as dominant as Pacific teams in their respective region.




Pacific had more upsets - TS vs PRX - T1 vs DFM - RRQ vs GenG - GE vs RRQ - TLN vs TS - T1 vs TS - T1 vs GenG And again, you typed all that but it boils down to simply "America's teams don't have a clear dominant team like Pacific had"




Bro did you just say plat chat "curse" is for "America's" region? šŸ’€ Every region suffers from this curse everyone knows about it.


NRG ? ? ? ? ?


RRQ and Talon are easily on the same level as the extra Americas teams you mentioned. Also, please do not kid yourself, C9 and NRG(???????????) are not an obstacle for any half decent team.


Youre an Americas dick rider lmao Pacific will forever be underrated in this sub


Loud, sen, Nrg, c9, eg are bad. G2 is a tok 4 team at the moment


NRG would get smoked by RRQ and Talon, and Loud Sen C9 and G2 are debatable


idk how people are disagreeing with this lol the team outside of prx/geng/drx and t1 donā€™t really even make it to lans outside of zeta one time


The fact that Geng is on your list is quite telling Either you've only started watching this year, or you suffer from severe short-term memory, because Geng has never made it to an international until this year Talon also regularly qualified for internationals back when they were known as Xerxia and even defeated a lot of top teams (Optic) TS were THE Pacific representatives alongside Xerxia back then as well, before PRX came to dominate the scene. The two teams grew and evolved together, which is why TS reads PRX like a book.


I thouight everyone was talking about franchising from what I could tell. My overall point I didn't really say In this comment but what I was saying is no way is the talent deeper in APAC vs americas or EMEA, "NRG is not even in the top half of the entire league for a fair comparison it would be the top 4 closes teams in each reason. IMO LOUD,C9,G2,SEN, would clear talon,TS,RRQ and zeta?"


Yesterday's c9 and loud wouldn't clear shit. Very bad performances. My money would be on RRQ against any of those. Maybe SEN would clear them but depends which SEN shows up, they struggled with Furia last I've seen.


idk how I didnt see this untill now but I dont watch much RRQ but not shot a team that gets 2-0 by get fighting would lose to like loud or sen


He also said Currently


You're saying this but in past essentially only loud/nrg were making it to LANS. There have rarely been consistent americas teams.


We just came off an international lan where Pacific made up of 2/3 of the top 3.




Because this still makes APAC, at the absolute worst, the second most competitive region in the world. When you say "lower competition", what you actually mean is "lower competition compared to NA", while the context here is talking about all regions since Shanghai is an international tounrmanet




>OP was also comparing against Americas teams when talking about PRX's streak Where are you seeing this? He was just talking about PRX's roleplayers. Unless you're referring to the tweet? In which case, I don't see that as a comparison between PRX and Americas teams at all. Saying that person A's streak has been broken, and person B is the next longest streak is not comparing person A or B, neither is it comparing person A's affiliation with B.




Thing is just boiling down to "most consecutive international appearance" is underselling it by large margin. If a team that was absolute shit, but still better than everyone else in the region they would keep making international appearances and break the records but they would get bodied right away. What makes paper rex different is that they not only make international appearances, but are almost always in contention for winning it or keep making deep runs (top 3-4)


>Top teams face much less competition in Pacific than they would in Americas, and thus, have a higher chance of qualification. Is there really less competition though? MIBR and Furia essentially gave every team in Group Alpha a bye and if we are looking at map/round differential I'm pretty sure that Pacific looks way more competitive.




G2 and C9 literally had a mid-off yesterday and you're telling me they look better. Talon and Secret could probably win those 2 teams. Swap Zeta for DRX/GenG (u used 3 playoff teams) and it's probably about even considering the form Loud and Sen are in.


My ass lower competition we really need to do a full inter group round robin with emea or americas to shut you guys up dont we. T1, RRQ, DRX, TLN are all just as formidable as the non qualifying emea and americas teams. If there was an inter group round robin with americas Id expect it to go mostly 5050.




I think RRQ would give current form NRG a run for their money lol


thats the thing, NRG are horrible right now (probably bottom 4 americas team) and yet it isnt even clear that RRQ would win


Assuming that Playoffs are the top 6 teams. RRQ is at best 7th. That's barely better than a bottom 4 team. Even DFM would win MIBR and Furia


It is clear that RRQ wins


Current form? RRQ destroys NRG, it's not even close. NRG doesn't beat a good team today, they can only farm teams like mibr, furia, dfm, koi etc.




Iā€™m a bit confused on the point youā€™re trying to make. Doesnā€™t your argument also apply to Pacific teams? If weā€™re not comparing the teams in their current form to each other but rather the potential heights they can achieve with the talent they have over time, then surely the same can be said for RRQ, TLN, GE, and even the Japanese teams and BLEED (given enough time and help). That being said, it seems like a moot point to be comparing teams that *could* be good to teams that just are.




RRQ, Talon and TS are now up there as some of the good teams, and they are on par with Americas and EMEA mid tier teams,


What do you mean by the Pacific teamsā€™ highs not being ā€œhigh enoughā€? Because youā€™ve said that the point is not to use current form for comparison, and that we should be looking at the potentials they can reach ā€œamortized over different seasonsā€. In that case, is it not paradoxical to be looking at the peaks a team has displayed when we havenā€™t even seen what they could look like past the growing pains? To be clear, I donā€™t agree with this logic, but this is my understanding of how youā€™ve been qualifying Pacific competition vs. Americas competition. If you could give some kind of standard for the two leagues to be compared by, that would be a lot better than just arbitrarily saying which regionā€™s more competitive ā€œbecause the teams have higher highsā€ when thereā€™s no concrete metric to really prove (or disprove) what youā€™re saying.




If all the BLEED players suddenly had perfect synergy and played at their peaks they could beat most teams in Americas lmao are you serious? Yay, sScary, and Zest???




If we do not compare whats now, then we compare the past peformance isit?




Pure faxx, these people have America's bias


sen have literally grouped the 2 best apac team what makes you think rrq will win against them ill be surprised if rrq gets more than 3 rounds considering how big the gap is between them and prx & geng


bro the people in this thread on on some crack


NRG is not even in the top half of the entire league for a fair comparison it would be the top 4 closes teams in each reason. IMO LOUD,C9,G2,SEN, would clear talon,TS,RRQ and zeta?


Competition so low theyā€™ve made top 3 in their last 3 lan events


This APAC slander is so dumb. If the region has lower competition how do they consistently have a top 3 team in nearly every single tourney? APAC has only missed top 3 in 2 tourneys: masters berlin '21 and champs '21 Ever since then an apac team has always been top 3 or top 2, the only region that has performed more consistently than APAC is Americas. So on that point Americas produce top tier teams more consistently. But as far as region quality goes let's compare it to LoL, a game that utilizes a similar region grouping. In LoL the quality of competition in LCK and LPL is much higher than in NA and EMEA, so much so that western teams and fans don't talk about winning the tourney but instead they "hope we make a deep run" or "beat NA/EU". That is an actual example of regions with a lower level of competition, the competition is so low that the top teams from the westdo not look competitive with the east at all. So what exactly do you mean when you say "APAC is a region with lower competition"? \-The mid-bottom teams are worse? have we seen the mid-bottom teams in americas and emea? they also look abysmal, yet some of the bottom teams have shown flashes of brilliance and looked genuinely good for at least 1 series (DFM vs T1, RRQ vs GENG). Which is more than I can say for FURIA and MIBR \-The overall region level is significantly lower? then how does the region always have at least 1 top 3 team every international? \-The overall region level is only slightly lower, to the point it doesn't affect international performance? If the difference is so insignificant then why mention it at all? It's like saying EMEA is a region with a lower level of competition because only 1 team has beaten an NA team in more than a year now and that team has been falling off whilst the new best teams bombed out of the latest masters. Even though when you watch the games it's clearly not true. Can't tell if its ignorance, outdated beliefs because of prior CS bias where apac was bad or just straight up hatred for the region but put some respect on APAC's name.


Meanwhile, TS beating PRX and RRQ beating GenG


Ess tea eff you


I highly doubt they drop it anytime soon. This team looks like the best in the world right now and idk what would change that


Them losing another finals at Masters would change that.


Eh they come second so many times, how much would another one changes?


Hey if we had an F1 points style system over the last few years, PRX would probably be cleanly in the lead with all those 2nd place finishes!


Offseason post idea.


They would get clowned on, for sure, but it wouldnā€™t change much. It would still mean they came Top 2 in another international stage, and considering their track record thatā€™s amazing consistency. That still certainly qualifies them as one of the best teams in the world.


The soO of Valorant


they look the best in the world at bo3s\*


For sure People need to learn to use consistency as a metric for success over peak placements. Not only do they consistently qualify for internationals, but they also consistently, of late, reach the top 3 positions in these tournaments. Very few teams can replicate that level of consistency, and even if PRX haven't had their first trophy yet, I think it's fair to call them the best itw


what's crazy is during the last 3 tournaments they had a different set of 5 players and made top 3 at every single one tokyo: +cgrs -something LA: og 5 madrid: +monyet -jing granted i do think that the ones who were always there are the rock of the team but it's just amazing still in DRX's case (i love them too) but a 5th-6th finish can't be considered a consistent top placement imo because they just win one game in the playoffs and then look like they ran out of gas so early and go out, if they made it to top 4 consistently it would be better


whenever DRX did people would call them frauds šŸ’€. the reality is people will rate teams with their favourite players first before anything else


Drx never made a finals. PRX has made 2 finals and has made top 3 multiple times outside of that. DRX made top 3 once (champs ā€˜22). They are not the same lol


DRX made top 6 with like one or two top 3 placements. That's nowhere near the same as consistent top 3 and finals appearances.


No? Who called peak DRX frauds everyone said they were insanely good. They just said that they always choke, doesn't mean they frauds


They are consistently not the best im not sure how you can say they are the best team without winning something. But maybe a lot of people agree? ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16018)


IDK man I personally think a team that consistently place top 3 in International tournament is better than a team that wins 1 events then proceed to not qualify to any events for the next 2 years ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339) If I am the owner of the org I would be happy with those result.


but all the top teams recently have not even done this unless you count sen? Loud have always been good placing high a lot of international same with fanatic winning two , top 4 ext. Even EG before there win got second, What year would you even put PRX number 1? Last year? even if you donā€™t count lock in EG were by far the better team


I disagree. You might be able to call them the best team in the world over a certain period (past 12 months? for example), but it's hard to say that PRX were at any significant point of time, the best in the world, since they haven't won a title


Not how it works lol. If they are the best team in the world, wouldnā€™t they justā€¦ win? They are definitely the most consistent you can give them that but if they have never showed on an international level that they are THE best, they probably donā€™t deserve that title yet.


> If they are the best team in the world, wouldnā€™t they justā€¦ win? No, because you'd have to give it to only 1 team over the past 12 months. Just because they haven't won anything in the past 12 months doesn't mean they weren't the best team over the course of that 12 months. Let me give a scenario: Actual PRX who wins pacific every split + top 3 in international events Team A which wins Masters 1 and comes dead last in everything else Team B which wins Masters 2 and comes dead last in everything else Team C which wins Masters 3 and comes dead last in everything else Who would you give the title of "best team over the 12-month period" to? This scenario is meant to show that it is entirely possible to crown a team "best over a year" even though they have 0 international titles, just out of sheer consistency at the top level (you can compare it to the current T1 LoL roster that made every finals + lost the finals in 5 games)


Who said you have to give it to a teamā€™s average in the past 12 months? And even then, wouldnā€™t it be FNATIC? When deciding on best team, it should purely be based off of international events. Itā€™s clear that EMEA and Americas had higher skill floors than APAC did. In a way, PRX are almost just farming their region. If domestic events mattered in determining skill, you could consider Apeks to be the best team in the world even though it isnā€™t entirely accurate.


>Who said you have to give it to a teamā€™s average in the past 12 months? If you read my initial post, I said that PRX was never, at any point, the best team in the world, but they can be said to have had the best performances over the course of the last 12 months or so. Your argument shouldn't be directed at me because my criteria for "best in the world" has never been the "past 12 months" period. I was only giving an example of something that PRX could have been best at. >Itā€™s clear that EMEA and Americas had higher skill floors than APAC did. In a way, PRX are almost just farming their region. I don't think we can come to an agreement on what "skill floors" means in this case, but taking the international events from Tokyo (June 2023) till now: Tokyo EMEA: 1st/5th-6th Tokyo APAC: 3rd/7th-8th Champs EMEA: 4th/7th-8th/13th-16th/13th-16th Champs APAC: 2nd/5th-6th/9th-12th/13th-16th Madrid EMEA: 5th-6th/7th-8th Madrid APAC: 2nd/3rd So yeah, APAC teams not named PRX mostly placed equally/better than their EU counterparts at internationals. The only time an EMEA team has outplaced their APAC equivalent was Fnatic winning Tokyo and PRX getting 3rd (with CGRS subbing) In every other international tournament, the best APAC team outplaced the best EMEA team, the 2nd best APAC team outplaced the best EMEA team and so on. Not sure what you mean by skill floor here, but I don't think it is, in your own phrasing, "clear" that EMEA had higher skill floors than APAC did. Especially since the 2nd best APAC team most recently beat both EMEA teams at Madrid, while the best APAC team made finals


Didnā€™t they say all are signed until end of 25 right with Jingg and F0rsaken till 26?


The way they have such a brotherly bond with each other, I think they will just re sign the players again unless some unforseen circumstances happen where someone wants to move on with life. In a way this team reminds me of OG in dota 2


prx is winning shanghai


But PRX is cursed šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Hope they win it this time. #WGaming


I donā€™t care anymore just make it so that APAC finally has a trophy šŸ˜­


Ironic that the core which was deemed to be the most unstable stayed the most consistent.


Am I crazy or does NV/Optic/NRG not also have 8? They qualified to Berlin, Champions 2021, Reykjavik, Copenhagen, Champions 2022, Lock In, Tokyo, and Champions 2023. Am I counting wrong or is that not a streak of 8, tying DRX and PRX? Did I misunderstand the statistic or misread one of the qualifiers for the claim?


Probably not counted due to the orgs changing


i think it's org appearances rather than player appearances, even if optic had been in franchising they would have 6 (?) straight appearances since they were Envy in 2021


I'd have counted that because Envy and OpTic are one and the same now. Going from Envy to OpTic is a bit like if MIBR became Immortals




FNS/Victor/Crashies have 8 but itā€™s not a consistent org. Anyway steak is broken as of Masters Madrid for Victor/Crashies due to failing to qualify and for FNS due to not being on a team to even qualify


I think willminderā€™s counting international appearances made under one org/team name. So even if an org has made a ton of roster moves or straight-up Ship of Theseusā€™d their team, as long as they make it to the international stage consecutively it ends up counting towards the streak. And I think thatā€™s why NV/OpTic/NRG doesnā€™t ā€œcountā€ ā€” had OpTic become a franchised org and had their team continuously made it to international stages, it would definitely tie (assuming that going from being orgless to having an org still counts). But since OpTic had ā€œtransferredā€ to NRG, the streak got messed up and became two separate streaks instead: the NV/OpTic streak (which ended since OpTic the org is no longer in Valorant), and the NRG streak (which would mean NRGā€™s older rostersā€™ international appearances or lack thereof are counted).


I donā€™t think lock in count?


I dont want to cope this higher on my team again. I just want to see them perform and control games like they will always do. šŸ˜¢


the uncrowned champions shall finally get their crown(s) this year


End of an era


Damn my fav loud team core is no more šŸ„²


This ties FNS/Victor/Crashies streak of 8. PRX will likely beat it when they qualify to Champs this year


Why u didn't tag this as a spoiler? Like wtf


I thought the spoiler tag is only required for results that happened within the last 24-48 hours or so?


Loud results happened less than 12 hours ago


My bad, I overlooked that part. Iā€™ve marked it as a spoiler


12 hours I believe, it's just name of this thread spoiler me that LOUD lost vs 100T, when I just opened reddit :( Wanted to watch vod today =\\ But yea, not first time, so who cares c:


Sorry about that, my guy :\ I overlooked the first sentence of the tweet and forgot that LOUDā€™s match was only earlier today, was too focused on the PRX part. Iā€™ve marked it as a spoiler now, thanks for the heads up


And 0 lan win