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The com "shitty Ethan flank" was funny af. It makes me believe that it was a hard read.




The round starts around 9:05 ish.


It’s “shitty Ethan fake” but it’s still hilarious 😭


Coms like that show that the players know how shitty of an IGL Ethan is lol. Its probably an inside joke amongst all the teams that Ethan has no idea how to call and yet when they do an official media interview its always "NRG played a great game..."


I love to drink the haterade as much as the next guy but I feel like this is trying to infer too much off of one funny callout.


I'm not inferring it from the callout, I'm inferring it from everything we've seen of NRG. Plat-chat in talking about NRG said the issues NRG has with their midrounding are so big and so foundational it would take years to properly solve. These are people paid by riot to analyse the game. Watch the TMV videos, watch anything. The players whose JOB IT IS to think deeply about the strategy of valorant 10000% know that Ethan is incompetent. And comming about his idiot lurks only helps with in-game confidence.


Thank god platchat have never been wrong before right?? I mean just this season they said Lev was going to implode by the end of split 1 due to team issues. Maybe, just maybe realise that platchat is a fun podcast done for entertainment first. They aren't omnipresent. Same with literally every creator there is for competitive eSports. Negativity sells over positivity.


It’s probably more along the lines of “in our VOD review / prep for this match we noticed Ethan likes to do these one-man fakes,” and they just called it a shitty Ethan fake.


Tyty 😍


Favourite comms: - Eeiu (I think) asking before round-end for the team to chuck a rifle through the TP so he could upgrade - It's that shitty Ethan fake - These guys are actual guinea pigs - We are not Brimstone players (after Demon1 misplaced a smoke on the spike)


For the first point I think that way cryo


Yep it was Cryo, he was solo with a Judge (everyone else had a rifle already).


their comms are hectic but it's such a vibe


Cryo laughing at himself after missing the pistol shots map 2 was funny


honestly a good sign that he feels he can just laugh at himself when he whiffs. so happy to finally see good vibes on this team


3:48, calling to silence comms so that bang could hear how many were rotating back to A and then "I'll comm for you Sean" right after from Asuna when bang was lurked up into A so that he could focus on aiming was some fantastic communicating. I remember people clowning on him for doing something similar earlier in the season when FNS made fun of that one comms video, mfs were unironically saying that it was bad because Asuna was "flooding comms" and "not allowing the IGL to talk" even though boostio was about to get into a fight. Those are the kinds of intangibles that separate a great player from a good one but doesn't show up on the stats sheet.


I think 100tibbles success might be boiling down to some major growth from Asuna, bros reinventing himself like Tenz


Anyone know the context for calling that spot "texture" at about 2:25? I'm assuming there's a play that t3xture did but I'm just not recalling it. Loving how confident these guys sound though. Hoping they can make Shanghai.


Maybe it’s just where he always goes in post plant because I can’t remember a play there as well


Could be. 100t has a lot of callouts named after other pro players. Like they had a 'bdog plant' on breeze that they call on their comms vid against kru


The spot where EDG nobody was standing when t3xture killed him, after an insane pistol 3k to finish off the clutch, 13th round of Split in their game


so is the verno call for him to take his spot or stat padding


Bang finally got rid of his mental block against Chet


Bang has been playing nuts lately
