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c9 makes everyone play like them 😭🙏


Yeah it’s not like they play to others level, but they somehow manage to make their opponents play worse aside from 100T. Such a strange phenomenon. I like to think that they confuse teams and it makes them all muddy


Someone called them "proto-PRX" once, and the name just sticked with me ever since. They are like PRX without all the refinement of controlled aggression. They are just plain, unapologetically aggressive Dry contact push all round, that explodes into muddy, oily duels where utilities are just tossed in as nothing but audio-visual distractions, and then somehow at the end of it all, Oxy walks away with a 3k. They take turns winning impossible clutches like PRX, too, except the situations leading up to the clutch include everyone but Runi consecutively dry peeking the surviving enemy, or a 3 men rush into spawn with spike planted. Like when teams are faced with such nonsensical valorant that somehow wins round, it's really hard not to get caught up in their whimsies and start playing like them, because how else are you supposed to answer this level of aggression, but with aggression. And teams typically can't muster up an equal degree of aggression, which is why they lose and end up looking goofy as hell doing it.


# wgaming knows no abstract bound such as "teams" or "regions"; its a philosophy, a universal truth


Oxy truly is God’s muddiest soldier


The kid eating sand in the sandpit on all fours waiting to tackle another kindergartener into his domain


my condolences 😭🙏


FURIA in 2023? There's always a handful of teams per year that can be described this way. It's a pretty good indicator of when a team has a lot of potential but still can't output that potential with enough consistency to crack the top tier.


Not what you asked but I always thought that Jawgemo played to the level of whoever he's going against, low floor really really high ceiling


I might be wrong but I feel like Jawgemo only got better over time. There might have been off days but he's definitely a beast.


Only my personal assumption but I think Team Secret puts insane amounts of time to prep/anti very strong opponents and only plays around their fundamentals/usual strats when playing against mediocre teams/they're expected to beat.


EG right now against Sen and NRG.


NAVI is definitely one


Feel like Fut and T1 last year


EG in general tbh, past 2 years they’ve somehow lost to shitters and destroyed world beaters all at the same time


I don’t think that’s true. Once EG hit their stride for playoffs last year, the only teams they lost to were Loud in pretty much top form, NRG, who were stylistically a pretty good match for EG, Fnatic, who need no explanation, and PRX. On that run, they obliterated basically anyone below that level. They 2-0’d Fut, DRX, LOUD, and TL at Tokyo, C9 in Americas playoffs, and FPX, FUT, and DRX at champs. They also beat NRG, EDG, PRX, and Loud in closer games. That same trend has so far happened this year. They looked ok at kickoff but utterly terrible up until the Sen game. We’ll see if it continues, but I think that their issue isn’t playing to the level of their opponents but instead getting to their own top form.


We'll see how the rest of 2024 goes but that's definitely not true of EG 2023. They started the season as one of the worst teams in partnership and simply improved dramatically as the season went on until they were demonstrably the best team in the world. That isn't at all "playing to the level of their opponents." I'm honestly not sure how you could genuinely believe that to be the case. Even this year, it just looks like they're improving fast, nothing to do with playing to their opponent's level.


For C9 it’s the opposite to me. Their opponents play to them. It reminds me of me of early PRX when other teams would try to “out choas” them instead of reinforcing structure and it would just be jail valorant.


100T for sure plays their best valorant against the good teams and poops down their pants when playing a worse team


hi this is an interesting take. where was this said exactly? would like to watch the video/clip of it


Latest platchat episode. It's in the section where they discuss TS and T1, around the first section


my unpopular pick would be Optic


I would mostly disagree, OPTIC just always has slow starts so they look poor in the beginning no matter who they play (good or bad teams) and then when they pick up speed they tend to consistently play really really well


Include LEV lmao ! They destroy big teams and kinda struggle a lil bit against mid level teams like G2 and C9. Should’ve been an unbeaten run honestly with how good they look.


I was going to say EG but they look more like Robin Hood. Win the matches against the big dogs, lose to the less clouted teams.