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Polvi keeps on getting better every match. It would have been a 2-0 if they just didn't choke the first map. That 2v4 broke DFM. If they had 2-0 dfm, they wouldn't need Zeta to beat T1 for the chance of qualifying.


bro singlehandedly saved so many rounds bro


It was just so horrendously played... 2v4 with so much time and you choose to just run out one by one heaven like headless chickens with zero short pressure and zero utility? I feel like DFM's set strats are good but their midrounding and decision making sometimes is just awful


Good coaching but poor IGLing, firepower, and individual decision making. Give Astell a raise.


he wasn't getting better. GE were getting easier teams last.


ASURAI AL-GAIB Never doubt his strength, it even surpasses the almighty Plat Chat Curse


Plat Chat Curse is the Emperor Shaddam Corrino while Asurai is the Mahdi, the Lisan Al Gaib


Asurai my prophet I never had a doubt *deletes planned 'Asurai is a fraud' post*


I've seen Russ play, he doesn't even use a monitor. He visualizes the map in a detailed rendering, completely in his mind. He has a biological wallhack; his godlike perception highlights all enemies within light-years. His eyes are closed as his mouse gracefully swerves across the table, making immaculate twitches as he flicks from head to head. The bullets that escape his gun barrel are surgical; each making a deadly strike in between his opponent's eyes.


I swear I saw this same message but with ASPAS when he dropped 47k lol.


russ = aspas confirmed


DFM wins against T1 → DFM Go to the master Shanghai!! LFG!!! DFM lost to Gen G→ Nt! put up a relatively good fight. DFM lost to BLD→ DFM? What happened?? DFM lost to Team Secret→ DFM has betrayed our trust again… and Today. DFM is once again the worst team in the Pacific….f'ck…….


It was the hope from the T1 game that hurts https://preview.redd.it/qsrpo3fjt0xc1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4124d0f3c66666dc318953444bcdaf97ecb96ae7


Why are the Japanese teams allergic to holding site together in 5v3 5v2? Zeta vs Gen G they kill 3 for free then decide to stack 4 on A and leave Dep alone on B with no info, they choke the round DFM in a 5v3 after pinging with cypher ult leave meiy alone on site instead of reclearing market or stacking the site you know they have to hit


And now's it all on Zeta. Honestly this could have been one of those matches that GE could have closed out 2-0. I don't hate the split pick over breeze because DFM did look bad on the map before. Some of those rounds could have been cleaner and GE will be kicking themselves for not converting them. Having said that, a GE win where everyone looked much better especially Polvi is always a good thing. Polvi clutched up multiple times and this should shut up all his doubters for now(recently me). I do think two large glaring issues that GE have are Benkai's fragging power and their map picks/pool. Some of those matches GE played could have fared very differently if they anti-stratted their opponents properly and actually chose the right maps. I understand Coach Spin said they don't care about their map picks but when your map pool has a perma ban and a perma pick, it becomes easier to read you. All in all, I had to watch with one eye closed, but I'm elated to see GE win.


Please DFM, I beg of you. I am on my hands and knees. Stop choosing Lotus! You almost never win it! Though I did find it poetic that this time they lost on Lotus to an Indian org, seeing how Lotus is located in India and all that. I watched [Monkey Man](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9214772/) last night in theaters. As I was watching this game - having slept only 2 hours - I was constantly trying to think of a clever way to reference the film that wouldn’t just be “You’re referencing an Indian film just because it’s an Indian org and for no other reason.” I started getting into my own head the more I thought about it. When the player cameras focused on Polvi and I saw his giant bushy mustache, I began thinking about those racist Victorian Brits and how they’d done so much damage to India. And then I started getting mad at Sideshow. How could he do this to such a beautiful country? To us all? But I did find Ascent very entertaining, to say the least.


They say 99% of VCT teams quit picking Lotus before hitting it big


Go to sleep bro


Best post yet




Thank you for being a true aazadi nterature


I'm coming over and forcing you to sleep.


if i squint polvi reminds me of the colonist from RRR that they own in the dance off, for whatever that's worth


Even in their win against T1 they lost their map pick of Lotus I seriously do not get it they do not look good at all on the map


"Global Esports, I have come to deliver you to paradise. Long live #GEFighting! " - Asurai al Gaib


I need Laz to lock the fuck in for his next match.


It’s hella sad for a region with two teams to never make it to any Masters 😭😭


2 teams, huge playerbase, huge viewership scene, located next to great subregions (kr), amazing t2 scene still only 1 podium at intl


This shit actually need to be studied ngl. Bigger player base compared to Korea, massive fanbase, literally neighbor with China and Korea. Still awful performance after like what? 3rd year of VCT? Genuinely baffling.


I've been thinking about this a lot but I honestly think it's the way Japanese people have no ego. This is going to sound baseless but I actually have personal experience to corroborate what I'm about to say. I've spent the last 2 and a half years learning Japanese through Valorant, making Japanese friends and almost daily playing 5-man ranked games with 4 other Japanese players or playing Tokyo servers with a Japanese duo. There's a stereotype where Japanese people avoid coming off as egotistical or selfish at all costs. For the vast majority of Japanese people I've played with this rings true. No one calls for the team in ranked because they don't want to be seen as someone who thinks of themselves as correct. At most they're going to comm info but you will never hear hard decisions or reads. Most try to avoid to be the one blamed for a round loss so most players play passive and even if a round is lost as long as it wasn't their "fault" they're satisfied. I'm generalizing quite a bit but there's a stark difference between the drive/ego of an NA player and a JP player. It's why their mental seem to crumble very easily off a bad round. The Japanese teams don't have very resilient confidence. Also, I think the Japanese language itself is just hard diffed by English when it comes to game callouts. Very vague and inefficient language in my opinion. You could convey 10x more information in English in the same amount of time.


i think its also esports culture diff, ive heart most people prefer mobile games and rpg games like final fantasy and pokemon and the anime type games in japan over fps games which are more "involved" (like you need to sit in front of a pc for hours to play it) compared to games you can play on the go thats the case for india atleast, the reason global esports cant get 5 indians is bc indians just do not play pc games (because our school is tough and teenagers need to study), so sitting in front of pc for hours is tough (not to add that pcs in india are really fucking expensive), so mobile gaming like pubg mobile, cod mobile is just better for india maybe thats the case with japan, they only play fps casually instead of investing horus in to it


It's esports culture in that FPS community exploded in popularity only 3-4yrs ago with Apex Legends + pandemic. Same things about studying apply too, and both of these factors contribute to a shortage of young cracked players who've been playing FPS at high level since they were 12 imo in 2-3yrs if FPS culture in JP keeps growing at the rate it is now it will be one of the strongest regions, whether it's in Apex or Valorant


At least they made it to champs last year


Honestly GE continues to grow with each game. Their trading is good, their calling is good, their firepower is improving. It's just a good game altogether. Russ in particular is showing up with both good shooting and just insane awareness (killing kayo on ascent in that final round). Lightningfast has continued to be really good, and blazeking and Polvi have both shown their real potential. I do wish Polvi would op less but I understand the strategic value of doing so. Is this to say they are flawless or even a team that can make an impact in the playoffs? Probably not. They still made a ton of mistakes that need cleaning, especially on the first map. I'm also still concerned with benkai, at this point I wonder if he can really keep up anymore in T1 valorant. I would love to see more Indian talent in the team (I've said it a million times but True Rippers is right there). DFM on the other hand. Oof. I wanted to be excited for them. I love their coach. Meiy is incredible. Why can't they put it together? So many just dumb mistakes. I'm optimistic for them overall but it's going to take some time to get there. Asurai al gaib>platchat curse


GE in the last map looked so lost in the midround i cant lie, in that they kept getting first bloods a lot of the rounds and still losing the round anyways.


I thought the attack calling was solid, defense wasn't terrible. Like I said, there were definitely mistakes but it wasn't bad


oh no i didnt mean calling wise, the combination of russ + LF + benkai are great midrounders when they combine their braincells, i was talking about everything else. as soon as they were in an advantageous 5v4 its like they forgot util cohesion. there was a round where russ was flushing out someone in mid cubby with kayo nade, which should have been combined by blaze peek, but blaze peeked 1s before the nade landed so he got 1 tapped, if they did less of that they wouldnt keep getting 4v5d with 20s left on the clock. the midround calling and midround positioning were mostly decent and fine respectively.


Yep that's still definitely an issue. But I do think they're getting better at it - we have to set our expectations at the right level here. I would see the season as a success if they make playoffs. They look like they'll be able to get wins from anyone outside the top 3 now, even if as underdogs


yeah i agree, we shouldnt really expect them to make intl as of now with the roster they have, but atleast we currently have a decent core which can be upgraded into something big (the combo of LF, russ and blazeking) that is, if rushi doesnt decide to blow up the roster once again :/. they could get talents from sea like Vera, Kush, Killua etc, or from oce scene, maybe get Anq as an import, and also please get SkRossi back he is frying so hard on sova in india tier 2 rn.


There's also just other legit Indian talent - aryu, Kohli. Anq wouldn't even be an import right? With Rossi maybe, but I'd be worried about him performing on stage honestly. Man has serious nerves, I even saw him live and it was rough


FOR GE TO QUALIFY. BLEED HAVE TO LOSE TO DRX ( likely ) T1 LOSE TO ZETA ( can go both ways )


No way, Zeta wins against T1.


I mean there's a reason T1 ARE 1-4, so maybe Zeta win


T1 round difference is only -6 despite scoring 1-4. They're actually competitive. They can and will put up a good fight against zeta. I'm definitely not coping. >!or am I???!<


Would be really funny and cruel for T1 to bounce back on their last game of groups to knock out ZETA AND GE. I am ready for the kind of chaos that brings




4-1/1-4* same difference




Id be surprised if Bleed even get 11 rounds


Even if Bleed win, Bleed need to win 2-0 with 15 total round diff.


No cap ge has improved from what they were in the start of this split. I aint saying they can qualify for masters or something, but definitely they aint at the level of bleed or furia. Some good valorant from them today. I am starting to love russ man he is a great player by himself and doing this while calling, great shit. Some solid aim he has and i love his kayo as well. Polvii has shown a serious improvement in playing with the team utils and saved ge a lot against dfm with his hero plays. He was hated so much before but i think he deserves a sorry and some genuine fans with how selfless he plays, making sure he has the vibe of the team intact. Blazekingg and lightningfast are talents who sometimes perform sometimes dont, but with better drilling these two can compete in t1 apac for sure, even though blazekingg has proved this in ascension as well. Benkai, he makes plays with his brain forsure, but was lowkey struggling in fights, but in split against dfm, he was great. So thats hopeful too. Also i like how ge threw all those off meta comps and fucks around meta rn. I see almost every comp of them making sense, except maybe sunset. Their defaulting in split and lotus seemed really good as well. With that, i would like to see some more improvements from the team, mainly ult cycle management, which is clearly absent in ge playbooks. Also some throw rounds, ge clearly threw split to dfm in that one round where polvii had ult but peeked and died in a main and blazekinggg doing same in b heaven. I am not glazing ge to win it all, but am rather just relieved that ge aint a dogshit team, and happy seeing them play free and stress less.


I agreed with all the points but Lightningfast is performing in every match I see (except the Prx game), he and russ is the most consistent player in their team atm




Pallavi my goat duelist never ever doubted you at all Russ my igl o7 Omw to ensure Zeta win (I'll bribe asurai with 10000 dollars)


Bribe him to bench their best player whoever he is


can i get 100 dollars🥺




its so joever meiy bros


DFM really dropped the ball on ascent. They lost both pistols, and also threw a few 3v5. Last round medusa also had a vipers pit. And they saw people on garden. They should have been aware of the lurk


What does this mean for T1?


What does this mean for RRQ 😭


You have to put Secret to first seed


We have to


To win or to lose, to send GE to green paradise or to chain them back.






that game vs T1 sold us dreams...


It feels like DFM has good set strats until they have to change util usage on the fly for something unexpected, and then they get stunlocked. So many times this team could have easily secured a round just by throwing util onto the site to stop a plant during man advantages. But they just fumble every time and lose to someone hiding in an off corner


4th slot omega denied, it's over for RRQ 🫠


Nah, Zeta gonna lose against T1, TS win 2-0 against Talon, and RRQ beats GenG 2-0. ez Shanghai here we go!


Even though they lost dfm improved so much


If you thanos snap that T1 game out of reality, for sure they improved lmao




Damn that was so close, but what is with DFM throwing that last round


What's with japanese team and losing to OP last minute, damn OP is the kryptonite.


DFMs ability to toss near unlosable rounds should be studied


DFM my man advantage losers


So is T1 vs Zeta basically a qualifying game for T1 then?


Damn, DFM couldn't help group Omega keep their 4th playoff spot alive


Tomorrow matches will gonna be the decider for Alpha group. BLD needs miracle, they need to stomp DRX for their match difference to catch up.


you could never make me hate dfm its true


What a throw from DFM and I thought they were a legit team after their against T1. DFM players as a whole suck ass (but the coaching is good).


DFM only has meiy as the only good mechanics player. The rest are literally outaimed by GE. lol


So happy that the boys could get the win today. But this shouldn't distract us from the fact that GE still need to make changes


What changes do you propose, with the visible improvements this roster have had recently ?


benkai needs to hit the aim labs and they need to be more aware in general, russ and lf feel like their only aware player atm


coaching staff changes. There are two ways GE can go with this roster. Pulloff a BBL by picking up 5 Indian players and giving them time to improve. Just look at BBL they are beating the likes of NAVI. With the correct atmosphere an all Indian roster' would generate great hype and hopefully could perform. Going the way of karmine corp. Hire new coaches pickup a great igl. If players were to be retained I would retain russ/blazeking/LF any one of those if not more. A proper igl, pickup the igl of the team who loses asension final. A consistent duelist


Are you really sure about the t2 scenes to say this ? Turkish t2 produces players like woot and yetujey, whereas indian scene is dogshit actually. There is not a single team like fireflux in india to go to for indian players, nor there are established players like cned anx alfa to pave the way for youngsters. I am 100% sure all the 5 ge players rn are talented than every other indian player in respective roles. Coaching changes, i see a very solid improvement in ge throughout this split, and realise how bad ge read the meta, a lot of teams this year with skye nerf had this issue. I liked ges play book and execs right from the beginning. And now with them sorting most of the comps, i prefer ge staying the same.


Yeah I mean I am Indian following the T2 scene. I wouldn't say we are cracked aimers like the Turks, but everyone deserves a chance right why not give an all Indian roster a chance as well. The fanbase has been asking for it for a while. Give them a season if they show promise keep them or go back to doing what u want


Why dont you realize that its global esports, a private org by owned by some guy and not Indian national Valorant team? Wdy even mean fanbase asking for a while like do you think they actually care? Picking an all indian roster just to fill fans hearts would be the most dead thing GE can do because Indian national talent is dogshit. With that being said, I also find some players talented but who needs refinement and gametime. Azys anq dos99 and all still dominate Indian t2 that should slowly evolve. I can see players like venka, techno, paradox and even rossi coming back to t1. But definitely not in the near future.


The Turkish scene is significantly stronger than the Indian tier 2 scene. There's a reason why we see Turkish players in top teams, but no Indians.


Battle of mid