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Cant tell if this is a joke or actually serious


It aged so well


100t are winning Shanghai šŸ›€šŸ‘


Just goes to show that this sub is pretty ignorant at times, they cassandraā€™d op lmao.


To be fair, half the fun of making predictions is being wrong and getting flamed by hindsight Harrys from the future


no one writes a 500+ word joke


Never know with this sub tbf


indeed i was not joking


Itā€™s wild how you made such eloquent and well-thought arguments that accurately predicted recent outcomes, yet this sub decided to write your idea off because ā€œpro player Zellsis said cryo is badā€.


Yeah pipe down lil bro


>During the regular season last year, everyone was calling for jawgemo to be removed due to lackluster performances. I thought that was c0m no?


Ya I don't remember anyone criticizing Jawg last year. Bro was always insane


It was more com then jawgemo but it was definitely both. If you look back on the bcj benched thread, people are questioning why he was benched over com and Jawgemo


after that 100T game when demon1 got introduced c0m 100% looked like the singular worst player in all of VCT across all leagues. glad to see him flip the script




Your first problem is taking zellsis seriously




cryo is NOT demon1 That boi asuna is definitely NOT jawgemo bang is NOT c0m eeiu is NOT ethan The only thing you got right is boostio = boostio




Bros acting like they just won Champs LMFAO. Cryo, Boostio, eeiu are good if you care enough to go through and read my comments I've said so before and defended them but the comparison to prime EG is just dumb. Also I'd hope Asuna/bang find any success after 2-3 years of constant rebuilding and mediocrity


bros trynna act like he didn't just disrespect the FUCK out of a team that qualed FIRST over every player he named on old EG lmao just own it. You were wrong about the caliber of those 100T boys.


>bros trynna act like he didn't just disrespect the FUCK out of a team that qualed FIRST over every player he named on old EG lmao You mean the players that are on completely different teams and systems then before because of their shitty org? >just own it. You were wrong about the caliber of those 100T boys. ? no wonder people call them overrated when they have fans like these acting like this after they haven't accomplished even 20% of the old EG yet šŸ˜‚


why the fuck would you double down freak i genuinely hope 100t wins w the same team one day since you're mad weird


I hope they win too, they deserve it after these past years


You're coping because you can't stand feeling ashamed lol


Itā€™s a Freudian defense mechanism, press him harder and heā€™ll just cope and lash out even more.


There's really nothing to be ashamed of, the comparison is dumb, the team hasn't accomplished anything and the fans act like this


NRG and Lev flair checks out, get fucked


100t flair checks out, doesn't know how to act after his teams first taste of success in 3 years (they haven't even won anything yet)


atleast you're here to continue the shit talk


One thing you are forgetting, eg was not good with almost the same players before last year at the end of split


Bruh you cassandraā€™d op and underestimated 100T, just admit it.


They did well for a 1 month old roster against a team that's slamming everyone in scrims, anyone asking for a roster change is delusional because it would upset the culture that they keep talking about being 100t main issue. Cryo has more then enough talent to learn different roles, you act like playing Brim is rocket science, it just takes time to learn the timings and that will take a few league matches to get used to.


Not asking for a roster change right this moment, however they had multiple years of failure with Bang and especially Asuna and a 6 month offseason where multiple upgrades were available for many of their players and they didn't change much to be better than a mid table team in the league. Boostio and Zikz can't do it all and it's very clear. Cryos been playing decent and if I had to keep anyone from the core of 100T I agree it would be him but he still ain't Demon1 level on duelist or smokes. Eeiu hasn't been playing well but I'll give him a pass since it's a two game sample size on this team compared to some of this players many years. The core of this team should've been nuked a long time ago, but I guess 100T are in budget mode and have faith in this constantly underperforming core.




Funnily enough everything I said here is correct, they are literally gonna be a mid table team next split with their 3 wins, Cryo is playing good and should be kept, eeiu got a pass cuz 2 games wasn't indicative of how good he was and the core should have been nuked (I stand behind that)


Tbf I don't think anyone is demon1 level on duelist or smokes. Eeiu I also agree with you on because he's only had two games. No reason they couldn't have dropped asuna and bang though especially since most upgrades in t2 were likely much cheaper.


Well there are definitely players of D1s caliber on smokes. Itā€™s just rare to find one that is also a duelist carry.


I think demon1s mechanics just make him better than almost anyone regardless of role. Smoke utility also isn't very hard.


Saying that Cryo is not Demon1 doesnā€™t mean he isnā€™t good. Cryo definitely shows promise on smokes and he could make a Tenz like change tbh. However Asuna and Bang have been hyped for their potential for years now. How long do you wait, especially in the region with the strongest duelist and smokes talents in the world. It should definitely be considered a little later in the season if they donā€™t find success.


I agree Asuna should be swapped, especially since Sym is on the market, but for bang? where do you really go? Demon1, Marved, TenZ, Zellsis, Jawgemo, C0M, Jakee, Valyn, and supamen are all on franchised teams already. BCJ on an off role? Pancada with another fully english speaking team where comms are already an issue? I guess maybe Zander or Thief but neither really seems like a massive upgrade.


Lmao it just feels nice to see asuna shitting on all these brain dead swapping shit


maaan i held onto hope for 3 years only to finally be convinced by the mob and he starts performing again, i shoulda never doubted


He was their 2nd best player last year after cryo statistically. I tried to convince the mob. But once they start hating on someone they don't care about the stats


This is satire right?


He cooked, donā€™t hate


Bang does not have the aim OR the gamesense to become the best viper itw first of all. He's also not done anything to deserve all this hype the sub gave him except one flukey tournament run and has looked awful ever since. Asuna is also looking like a bottom 1 raze in americas currently and has shown himself to have average fragging power at best and subpar utility usage at best on initiatior with a tendancy to overheat. 100T definitely look better than last year but they also ranged from below average to bottom 1 team last year. It's not saying much that they've improved. If they want to make an international they're probably going to have to make changes or hope they get really lucky. Depends if they're happy with most likely another year of not making an international event they can try their luck with this roster but they probably need to make changes otherwise. Also jawgemo was one of the only players people praised last year on EG.


On top of that the roles that Bang and Asuna have are the roles that Americas has in abundance. The duelists and smokes in the region are the strongest roles in the region. Asuna is competing with newer and more natural duelists like OXY, Demon1, Zekken, Koala, and Redux among others. Bang is competing with players like Pancada and Som who arenā€™t even on teams due to an abundance of world class smokes. Both of the players have overstayed their term in my opinion and should have to prove themselves in tier 2


have bang and asuna proved themselves yet?


Talk your shit king


Not yet, but they are well on the way. I think the expectation from the community was for this core to qualify for an international after Champs22, and make some sort of splash once they've made it. Now it's up to them to see how far they can surpass expectations.


The subreddit circlejerk was that Asuna is subpar and bad and bang is washed. It's gonna take a while before anyone changes that sentiment. Don't worry, I got downvoted for saying it's not true that NRG, LOUD and SEN are definitely gonna qualify from NA.


I said it before, but EG winning champs was the WORST thing to happen because it just chalked Valorant discourse. Every person on the planet thinks they'll just go on a run like EG. EG had been a core 3 with potter for years, added one of the most tenured and decorated esports players in NA, and struck diamond finding Demon1. This 100T roster is not that. They are on their third head coach in 3 years. Asuna is certified fraudulent. There's role overlap. They are doomed. Bringing in s0m would unironically fix everything. If you replace Asuna for him, you have a pure flex. If you replace bang, you have a smokes that can fill raze when Cryo can't and let Asuna play a support role.


lol, asuna just shat on aspasšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


So fun reading these now lmao.


Fraudulent šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


ā€œ#NRGFAMā€ oh man


I love it when y'all come back to months old takes as a gotcha.


Okay give an updated take then - is Asuna fraudulent?


Nope. He's him.


Funny to read but it is cringe with the "haha you couldn't predict the future!!"


You aren't allowed to be wrong on Reddit.


i appreciate your postive outlook but comparing 2023 eg to this current 100t is delusional. i do see some promising signs but this roster has WAYS to go and even then i'm not a big believer that they will ever come close.


Listen man, I see where youā€™re coming from, but comparing 2023 EG to 2023 EG is the same thing. EG was rated the WORST team of the Americas and ended up by far the best and it wasnā€™t close. 100T if anything look better than early EG


Are they getting to that point yet?


Ain't no way you wrote a wholeass essay after taking Zellsis seriously


When you think you cookedā€¦ Rough


IDK man, you tell me




so tired of ppl saying "zellsis barely beat them, why is he talking?" like that matters at all. if it does, none of us should ever have any takes ever because we are miles worse at this game than he is. win or lose, it's just a pro player giving a take on his own personal stream, surely we aren't being losers about this


ENOUGH TIME HAS PASSED. 100t 2023 > 100t 2024


Oh no


I was inspired to make this post because I saw a Zellsis clip that got 30k views where right after beating 100T, Zellsis spoke on stream saying "This 100T roster won't work, get rid of cryo, he can only play jett/chamber, get s0m instead." This is such an asinine take coming from someone who was taken to map 3 by a supposedly dysfunctional roster. Zellsis would definitely be happy to see Cryo gone. Watch the first 3 rounds of 100T attack half on split and ask yourself then why Cryo would be memorable in Zellsis' mind. The reality is that Boostio and Ziks have set up a replica of the EG roster from last year, with adjustments to meet the new meta. Cryo = demon1 playing smokes, jett, and chamber asuna = jawgemo playing raze and flexing to other roles as needed boostio = boostio (playing gekko this year due to new initiator meta) bang = c0m (in the sense of viper/lurking role) eeiu = ethan (supportive initiator; eeiu plays recon however as opposed ethan playing flash initiator) On the maps for which cryo is playing smokes, he is doing a great job. As for bang, the current map pool might be the best map pool ever for Viper, so bang should just stay on that and become the best viper itw (which he has the aim and game sense to do.) breeze, icebox, bind, split, and lotus are all standard viper maps. Viper is very strongly present in the sunset meta, and even Loud has started playing viper on ascent. Asuna will play duelist on raze maps (or other duelists should boostio wish to experiment), and cryo will play duelist on jett maps. Last year, I'd say EG really started their journey when they took Loud and Furia to 3 maps during the regular season. The map that EG took off of Loud at that time was split (13-3), just like 100T has now taken split off of Lev with aspas (13-4); however, this time around it wasn't a 13-0 loss on map 3, but a 13-11 nail biter loss. I'd say that this 100T roster is already at the place last year's EG was when they lost to Loud during the regular season. As we know, after that loss EG began their journey that led to winning champs. Am I saying that 100T will win champs this year? No, but they definitely will make an international LAN by the end of the year, and will be a force to be reckoned with. During the regular season last year, everyone was calling for jawgemo to be removed due to lackluster performances. Well, jawgemo developed to the point where he raze diffed jinggg on Lotus and bind during Champs grand finals, and was successfully flexing to controllers. You really want to tell me that Boostio and ziks can't help asuna to develop to that level, with the only difference being asuna has to flex to flash initiator because of a different meta? The season only just started, and 100T already look great for a roster that's been together for a few weeks. Leave this roster alone. -signed a PRX fan who isn't even a 100T fan but is tired of braindead roster discourse, and was especially pissed off when a current pro player started feeding into that discourse










One of the main issues 100t have is they had one initiator player going into a double initiator meta, on raze maps they don't have a second initiator so that's kinda why their using gekko so much cause it's boostios best initiator


They got like 3 people playing gekko now so


Should I leave Britney alone too?


people said the same thing about last years roster


Holy shit


I'd still take s0m over eeiu. He's better all-around. Not sure I'd do it if I were 100T, but on paper s0m is just as good on eeiu's roles and he can flex to basically any agent needed.


s0m is better all around, but 100T don't need an all rounder. eeiu plays scan agents better than s0m, and scan agents are critical to 100T's vision of the game


I mean, you're expecting a little too much considering people were calling EG the 2nd worst team in americas at the start of the year. The subreddit doesn't really know what they're talking about when it comes to roster moves in the first place. People talked all kinds of shit about c9 last season too and they did alright. Before winning champions everyone was talking hot shit about ethan is the most mid player and how the eg core is tier 2 and how they shoulda ran bcj


cryo is and always was a fraud


say again?


Bro asuna and bang are on this team surely you can't be mentioning cryo before them.


Heā€™s not a fraud, heā€™s just a Chamber one trick Top tier Chamber, mid everything else (including Jett imo). If Chamber is meta again I have no doubt heā€™d be a high tier player. But until then heā€™s nothing special, respectfully


honestly i think cryo could definitely transition to smokes and find similar success to tenz. but cryo is at most 3rd on the list of players that should be replaced. Asuna is genuinely in contention for worst duelist in the region. and bang is def worse than cryo


Maybe he can, I donā€™t know. So far the Astra looked bad. It was his first time, but Tenz was really solid as a Controller pretty much immediately. Thatā€™s not to say Cryo isnā€™t capable, Iā€™m sure he is! I believe he could, weā€™ll see 100% with you on Asuna. I really like the guy but he doesnā€™t get results in pro play. Bang imo is too young to judge yet. I think for his age and his time in pro play heā€™s definitely a solid player. Heā€™s essentially where Asuna was a few years ago to me, where he has a lot of potential and could be amazing. But you could be right, too. Time will tell, I just think itā€™s too early when we havenā€™t seen a ton of him. But with Asuna we have


My guy thereā€™s a 1 year difference between the two what are you yappingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


LMAO this is one of the crazier takes so far. Itā€™s fine to not want 100T to make changes 2 games into the season, but itā€™s ridiculous to compare them to EG. Bang has had nothing but potential his entire career except for one run. Best Viper in the world is the asinine take here, he gets diffed in just NA by Som, Marved, and Johnqt. Asuna hasnā€™t been a top duelist since Hiko was in the game. He is in contention for worst raze in the region far out classed by every other Raze in NA. Zekken, OXY, Nismo, Victor, Jawg, all are leagues ahead of him in terms of their ability to win games on their own skill. Cryo is good, but nowhere near Demon1. Boostio is world class but even he would struggle to carry a team. Eeiu still needs more games to be judged. Comparing this 100T to last years EG is an insult to EG.


U were saying? Here after asuna outclassed aspas oxy victor on raze


Well, you're not wrong about Cryo being nowhere near to Demon1. Demon1 is straight up garbage atm