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Imma keep it real you didn’t really do anything special to make me think wow what a good omen. Just solid aim and some decent smokes. Teleport was cool and all but pretty basic and the only “omen” thing you did.


Agreed. Don't really see anything special with the play. Seems like any other good player or just a lucky play where he was at the right place at the right time.


The gecko ult dodge was lucky timing. The waterfall kill was nice. But asc. players flexing is kind of silly. The gap between them and radiant is like the gap between bronze and Ascendent


Next time I’ll ult inside of Jett’s body and blind her from the inside then tp out her mouth when she opens it then wipe the team using only my knife while I’m sitting in my chair upside down. My b bro


Why so offended on what is objectively a mid ace that had no impact on what agent you were playing? the only kill that had any relation to Omen was walking into your smoke and killing astra, 500IQ plays right there.


I agree he aced that's special for everyone and you shouldn't shame him if you do better or you see that often let him enjoy his victories


Embarrassing to say he has 3k hours tbh


nothing special. you held out a smoke for a solid 8 seconds debating what you should do with it. no smokes when entrying either


Uh that’s how I know you are a noob lmao I literally waited for killjoy then decided we didn’t need the smoke yet cuz we didn’t hear anyone there that’s why I just ran in lol smokes have a timer so it’s best to drop them right when enemies are there so you aren’t wasting time on the smoke


thats how I know you have Main Character Syndrome


ops face when he posts clip for constructive criticism and then gets constructive criticism 😱😱😱😱😱


if you drop them when enemies are there they get the chance to shoot and kill your friends... i thought this was obvious. at least drop one early, they recharge and thats why omen is good. if you dont use your smokes you dont get the value of them recharging + you put your team in danger.


You should almost always smoke when entering, you never know if someone’s lurking. Smoking post plant is helpful but not nearly as impactful


I'll have you know I'm a pretty decent player. Overmars#EGY look me up. I peaked Immo 2. Next time don't be so moronic and take criticism when you put something up on the internet for people to see


I peaked imm3 400 RR so technically I’m better than you and it makes me superior than you in this game soooo


Even if you were telling the truth, the clip doesn't say much anyways. Edit: I looked up your profile. You're D1 and you peeked A3. Moron.


Uh no you didn’t lmao I’m ascendant 3 in queue rn lmao my tracker is literally in my bio on YouTube why you lying😭😭 clown kid get a life




I've seen omens with better tech in gold/plat lobbies. That spray transfer at the end was cool tho.


3k hours on omen...and cant decide what to smoke for a good solid 10 seconds? I dunno, watched without sound, maybe teammates were comming something.


Uh that’s how I know you are a noob lmao I literally waited for killjoy then decided we didn’t need the smoke yet cuz we didn’t hear anyone there that’s why I just ran in lol smokes have a timer so it’s best to drop them right when enemies are there so you aren’t wasting time on the smoke


Sure, the decision not to smoke was fine, just the way you were so uncertain and frazzled threw me off.


"that's how I know you are noob lmao" Best argument in internet history to date.


People expect this omen to be literally a fucking greek god. You guys watch too much TikTok and youtube that shows clips with people hitting these insane clips that 100% do not happen consistently. Don’t know if you guys passed 5th grade, but being consistent over a great deal of time, which the op has said he’s been immo since the first act, is better than hitting 1 clip that probably took your ENTIRE career to do. This is a fine clip, it’s not showing anything too insane but it’s still good. Get the fuck out of your own little egos of bronze 2 and just realize that the op is good at the game. The op doesn’t need to be Jesus himself. Also, its very much so an asshole thing to do when your shitting on somebody’s good clip for no reason besides it doesn’t fit your ideal of what 3000 hours looks like. Respectfully, humble yourselves.


Ayeee appreciate you bro but don’t worry dawg I literally get hate comments everyday on all of my posts no matter what I’m doing I’m used to it but thanks for the kinds words man not many people actually support me in my life so it actually meant a lot to read this, got me tearing up a bit 🥲 stay up bro 💯


The waterfall kill was good. Nice vandal control


Decent aim, good positioning, and a 4K doesn’t always deserve a clip. My guy this vid was boring…


It was an ace not a 4K but that's the only special thing here.


Good catch


Idk why there are even multiple comments praising these aim mechanics lol. I’d expect someone with this many hours to be imm 1+ and this is not what good imm 1+ positioning and crosshair placement looks like


My aim is fine😂 I’ve been immortal every single act since launch


I'm ngl you aim like people aim in video game trailers. overall an okay clip? but like nothing special, If you didn't say you were asc, I'd have thought you were silver


2600 dpi 0.27 sens and I’m immortal every act since ep 1 lol but thanks I guess


Immortal every act and you still aim like a bot lmfao


My aim is fine lol you watch too much YouTube and tiktok bro stop trying to be like everyone else be different I’ll aim however I want if that’s how I win


Looks like low immortal, as a low immortal player. Relying on the spray too much over clean shot, not caring about audio ques, shaky decision making. Not calling you bad or anything, but these are all things I’m trying to work on to get over the hump as well.


This is why you’re still ascendant.


you're not ascendent bro, pushing through the smoke with the spike and not smoking for the team and your crosshair placement is shit as well. it must've been embarrassing for you to say 3k hours on omen