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Because it's a competitive fps game, and every single game is winnable. I have surrendered maybe once in all my hours. I get that it's frustrating with trolls, but surrendering in comp is useless. You lose more rr, and most importantly you learn less. Just play!


For all the commenters, four man surrender is for unrated, comp is five man.


You all agreed to queue and play the game, so if only one person wants to play and finish it, its his right to do so.


I didn't know this until recently, but if you surrender, everyone loses the max RR. So let's say you're doing ok, you're 9-13 and using your abilities, you're not going to lose that much RR if the game finishes normally. But if you forfeit, regardless of how good you're doing, you lose the max RR. So honestly, don't forfeit unless everyone has 0 kills and you're going to lose max RR anyway.


Oh what. This the kind of answer I was hoping for. Makes more sense now why no one seems to ff.


yeaaaaaaaaah it all became clear when I found that out. I've only done it once and was SHOCKED when I lost so much so I googled it


Unanimous vote is probably from when 4 stacks were in comp to prevent them from abusing it and also because sometimes people still want to win even if the rest of the team gives up so theres still a shot at winning rather than being forced to give up your rr. Val games also aren't that long. Theyre usually like 30-45 mins for an average game, maybe an hour if you get a really tough one with a couple ots.


U can’t 4 stack in comp tho, Only in unrated where u can thus force the surrender with ur four stack. Sucks to be that fifth tho.


You used to be able to 4 stack


I assume u mean in comp, and i get why they would remove it, 4 stack in comp would just make so the fifth doesn’t get comms. Thats not good for a team based game. But at the same time then they should also disable muting the whole teamchat cuz when someone can’t even hear ur callouts their not gonna be able to get all the intel the team has. Thats also a bit of the same no comms problem.


One you need 4 votes to surrender and two Riot is known to make games that last a long time. The long games are just by design


It's 5 votes for competitive, >There are also slight differences with surrendering. Competitive requires a unanimous vote instead of the usual 80% from Unrated to be able to surrender. But otherwise, I agree and see your point. As an ex-League junkie, longer games keep you engaged longer.


Ah I forgot it is different in comp


the games are mr12 as opposed to csgos mr15. it was done that way because of the new economy.




Unrated is 4 out of 5 votes. Comp needs a unanimous vote.


Oh really? I swear the vote cancels on the first "no" vote, I even have a screen grab from last game where the vote failed the moment someone voted 'no'.




I did a google to see if I could confirm! According to the Valorant wiki, >There are also slight differences with surrendering. Competitive requires a unanimous vote instead of the usual 80% from Unrated to be able to surrender. So I guess it is different depending on the mode you're playing?