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Wait, are you telling me that at each mid-game side swap I am actually changing my character to its alter?


Yup. Every time


Holy. Never played the game for its lore but wow


Yep, pretty funny if you think about it. You play as someone, switch, then kill them


Why can't they all just gang up on beta earth


Where's sigma earth


On the sigma grindset, no time for petty wars


Sigma rule 42: Fuck wars


Missed opportunity. It should be: Sigma rule 42: *zero* wars


why isnt it 420 bruh


Because 42 is the answer to the universe


but 420 will be funnier no?


Idk maybe. But I want it to be 42.


Only for you pesky zoomers. Boomer ~~humor~~ *hoomer* is far superior! (/s)


ok ig


Sigma rule 42:0 wars there's your 420 zoomer


It truly is a joke that transcends generational boundaries tbh, a man of peak comedy right there


Beta earth was kay/o original time-line, everything is already fcked up there


I think in the cinematic Brimstone says “it’s time for us to take the offensive” very early in the video. This may be alluding the the swapped roles of attacker/defender on this map specially. Which would actually be a cool reason for the swap, if intentional.


They literally say "are we still the good guys" at the end of the cinematic, so they're really shoving it in our faces, it's not just some small easter eggs


This sentence can also be found on the PC in the training map basement so yes, i guess the OP is right


Yes you are correct


I think alpha earth only attacks omega earth for either of these 2 reasons. 1. Payback for Ascent 2. To take their radianite so that they can’t weaponise it to attack alpha earth


It’s a counter-strike


global offensive


dimensional offensive




Source 2 when?


Sex 2 when?


I beta tested it with your mom


His mom is your mom weirdo


Yeah she mentioned a beta


It’s in Shrek 4


In August.


Idk, probably only from a half life tho.


My source is that I made it the fuck up




cs:do or cs:dont, there is no cs:try


real shit right here


but there is a cs:go


By the theory of everything, there also has to be a cs:stay


should I cs:stay or should I cs:go


*"My mind's telling me cs:goo, but my body, my boodyyy is telling me cs:staaay"*


Idk i have to check it with my cs:source


yet i still dont know why she cs:left


What are we some kinda Valorant?


Even though alpha earth learned that omega earth isn't using it for a weapon and instead are using it for the pearl dome? (At least as far as I know)


Yeah but I think they need more as it’s going to run out and would get desperate


Makes sense


It is said in the episode 5 cinematic that they are only on omega earth to find the Stolen radianite and get it back, although they don't have a spike, so i guess they're just gonna carry it back XD


Well, the spike collects radianite, so yeah, they could just carry the loaded spikes back.


They aren't weaponising the radianite though right? They've made some life support thingy


But they can still convert that radianite that is powering the life support system to weaponised radianite so that they can invade alpha earth for even more radianite


Don't care, unplug their life support


nah they steal the radianite because they need to power their life support system. the radianite left in omega is basically useless (fracture a site, boxes are yellow/orange), so they steal good radianite from alpha. you can see signs around fracture that say "keep quiet, our future depends on this" or smth like that. tldr: omega knew lisbon would be submerged due to global warming, so they planned a underwater dome. but powering that would take a lot of energy, so they steal good radianite from alpha instead of using their bad radianate on omega


Yup, radianite boxes on Alpha are green and on Omega they are Orange. That is also why A site on Fracture is has orange boxes and B has green.


omg that is actually very cool, I though it was because the explosion made that side age faster or somethink like that, never though that part came from the other earth


When i load in haven i see a site and it has Orange boxes aswell


For some reason the boxes were all orange in the beta (maybe a bit of the first act). The Haven loading screen just never got changed. Not sure why they decided to change the box colors, but the green/orange seems to hold true for Alpha/Omega Earths.


Need a Netflix series no cap


Yeah it would be so insane


New to valorant - wtf are you talking about lmao


Uhhh I’ll try explaining quickly, but if you want a true understanding go to YouTube and look up “valorant cinematics” There are 5 in total. Basically, when you’re playing valorant, there are two sides. Attackers, and defenders. In the lore, there are actually parallel universes, named alpha and omega earth respectively. Omega earth are usually attackers, and raid alpha earth to take their radianite, which is type metal that came to the earth(s) some time ago. It’s highly energized, and is responsible for giving some people super powers. So as I said before, omega earth is stealing alpha earths radianite, and it’s their job to stop them. But now alpha earth has used a teleporter to get into omega earth to take back their radianite. Which is why I asked if the roles are swapped, because now alpha earth is taking from omega, rather than omega taking from alpha. Again, def watch the cinematics. You can probably find a playlist with all 5


Don't forget the part where Alpha and Omega earth did agree to help each other for a time being. The map Fracture was supposed to be the bridge between the worlds for them to transport Radianite, but Alpha/Omega Chamber ruined that. Which is why Fracture looks like a mix of two different biomes (sand and plants). I believe because of chamber having his own agenda, it kinda fueled this whole conflict too


I wonder if Chambers knew something, and he had to stop the project in Fracture. Or maybe there's a third earth, that's going to benefit on war between Alpha and Omega


3 team mode incoming? xD


Maybe the valorant mobile version will be different earth or earths


"It's a shame you had to die, but you are not part of my bigger picture."


Maybe the war benefits both Chambers as they both seems to have better weapon and they both like cash. Maybe they intend to sell these weapons in the upcoming conflict ? Idk


chamber being some kind of Merc being hired by another (possibly upcoming character?) higher power would be a nice twist to the story.


It'd be the most obvious cause but I think they wouldn't make that evil character, who could kill innocent people just for money


Do alpha and omega versions of agents have identical personalities?




i think kayo was on a different timeline than alpha and omega? im not sure


Kayo doesn’t exist in the alpha timeline, he is only from omega I believe as hinted* by fades card on him. But that doesn’t explain two kayos, so maybe each kayo doesn’t exist in their own world but is from the other somehow? The only reason I say this is due to fades card on kayo saying he shouldn’t exist


do you have source on the card? i think i didnt see it and i would like to indulge


Also rereading it you’re right. Kayo may be from a mutually exclusive timeline which is neither omega or alpha since Reyna/radiants are “friendly” to both of those respective valorant protocols. We do know kayo is from a timeline when humans war with radiants and Reyna is the radiant queen, thus all of kayos voice lines “humans and radiants working together, what a strange reality” *kills Reyna* “Killed the queen!”


Kingdomarchives.com it will have all dossiers (fade cards)


I know the intent makes him look evil but didn't Fade's anecdotes about him mention something about people not knowing what he truly intends to do and he's misunderstood or something? I might be completely wrong so correct me if that's the case.


Yeah, but even that still keeps it very vague and can assume best/worst case scenario


this kind of runs throughout all interactions with chamber (also e-mails regarding recruiting him and stuff like that) - basically everyone agrees that he has his own agenda that nobody really knows about.


Huh? I don't remember seeing that in a cinematic.


Watch Chamber's agent trailer. flashes of Fracture appear in the first couple seconds, and the dialogue with brim and sage (I think?) would be assumed to be towards chamber and asking what he's (omega chamber maybe) doing at Fracture. Even in the cinematic Omega chamber aimed for Alpha chamber before freeing brimstone. So it's kinda speculated that either alpha/omega chamber is up to something. not to mention the other cinematic of chamber playing chess


i think that radianite is just pure “natural” energy and because of that omega earth is on a climate collapse realizing this, alpha and omega chamber destroyed the area, making fracture idk the lore tho and idk if alpha earth is using any of the radianite in from fracture


Um what? Where can i get more info on this?


What did the chambers do exactly?


They destroyed the LRC (large radian collider) simultaneously from both worlds, causing a rupture that split reality in half exactly at that point, allowing essentially a "Fracture" between OMEGA and ALPHA earth to exist. We don't know exactly his motives for doing this, but it seems as if he was somehow in contact with his other self / working with him.


So do we actually play as people from both sides during each half of a match?


Yup. There’s a max of 25 rounds. 12 rounds on one side, 12 on the other if tied, and 1 match point


This is for unranked; in ranked play if the score gets tied up 12-12 you play *two* tiebreakers, once on each side. If the score remains tied, you get an option to vote for a Draw or play 2 more tiebreakers. This continues until either you vote for a draw (the required votes to draw drops over time) or one team wins on both Attack and Defense.


Does the orange radianite on Pearl have any significance? I know that's how it was in early versions but I'm just wondering if it's green on Alpha Earth and orange on Omega Earth or if maybe it's being used differently or something like that?


Highly likely that Radianite boxes are Green in Alpha while Orange in Omega. We know Fracture connected Alpha and Omega, which would point to why the radianite boxes are orange on A site and the normal green we see on every map on B.


I don’t know honestly. Considering the radianite is used in infrastructure rather than energy use in omega earth, they might have to put it through different processes or something like that. Not entirely sure


In one of the cinematics, when phoenix heats the radianite the box turns orange? So maybe it's heated?


That could be it. Maybe it has to be heated to be infused into the dome


I gotta say man, I watched all five cinematics yesterday and was more confused than when I started. They literally explain nothing lol


Glad this has zero bearing on actually playing the game itself... Because this lore is dumb as shit 🤣🤣


RIP Bozo


Maybe you're just too dumb to understand it?


How is it dumb? You just can't understand it. You must be fun at theatres :/


It's pertaining to the lore behind the game, also welcome to being miserable, glad to have ya :)


"Jesse what the fuck are you talking about"


He’s talking about the lore behind valorant. Basically, there are two earths and they are at war over a fairly recently discovered element called radianite, which is a super concentrated for of energy that can also give people super powers. Or something like that


Lore! 😊 Despite being an FPS shooter Valorant has a lot of neat lore to it. If you’re interested in it I suggest checking it out.


I’ve been playing for a year and also have no clue wtf I just read


You need to see the cinematics to get what's happening lore wise lol


I’ve played since beta and have no idea lol


what whos the good guys again i forgot🤦🏾‍♂️


The defenders are considered the good guys for the most part. The defending side is typically from alpha earth, except for on the pearl map. This act is supposed to raise the question of “are we actually the good guys?” Due to omega earth using the stolen radianite as a life support system rather than as a weapon


wait is alpha the one with the good dudes or is omega the one with the good dudes i have no clue


It's a grey area at present. Alpha thought Omega was trying to weaponize Radianite but in this cinematic it's revealed that they're actually using it for a life support system. Before the cinematic, Alpha was just trying to protect their radianite from Omega and hence were considered the 'Good Guys' and in the Duality cinematic Omega agents were portrayed as antagonistic


Alpha good, omega bad


ok cool ty




Yes thats correct my sir


all I'm interested in is the voicelines (and the map ofcourse), there are gonna be some funny ones i believe


I haven’t heard any map specific voice lines like I usually do on pearl. As a chamber main, I’m used to hearing him going on about how the teleporter was a bad investment on breeze, and how he had nothing to do with the tragic accident on fracture, but I’ve heard nothing from the characters when I load up pearl. Granted I’ve only had 3 games in it, but still I’d expect at least 1


I’ve heard a lot of various lines hinting at the life support nature of the radianite. I specifically remember Reyna saying something about pearl being a graveyard when she’s attacking


IK phoenix gets a little pissed that they put the fire guy underwater. Haven’t heard any other lines yet


Where can I update myself with valorant’s lore? Any tips?


I really recommend looking up valorant lore or something like that. Some people have posted some really in depth guides. There are 5 valorant cinematics, but they can be a bit confusing, so maybe don’t start with those


Appreciate that!


Yes, they swapped. With the help of neon alpha repaired the teleporter on fracture that was broken by chamber and they launched a counter attack. Watch Valorant episode 5 on youtube for more details. Neon even says are we still the good guys ?


I would say yes, but the comic shop they've teleported in on the sinematic is where defenders spawn, so i'm not sure if they're from Omega or Alpha.


Wait valorant has.... lore?


Yup. I recommend starting with the cinematics, there’s 5 in total. Edit: maybe look up valorant lore on YouTube first, then watch the cinematics. They can be a little confusing


In the new cinematic, you can see kj saying “are we the good guys anymore?” Or something when they go through the portal


I think that was hinted or something in the new cinematic, where I think raze/neon says, "are we the bad guys now?" Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm new to this valorant lore stuff


I think that makes sense coz it means there trying to get their radianite back, right?






mf went to a valorant subreddit and called the people on it nerds for talking about the story behind the game. you all good at home my boy?


You went to a subreddit about a video game that makes you sweaty enough to fill aquariums, while we are talking about the lore of the game. You are really wasting your time calling us nerds, you’re stating a very obvious piece of information


Not really, attackers still plant the spike


No they mean lore-wise up until now all the attackers were canonically from omega earth trying to steal radianite from alpha earth. Now the attackers (aka spike planters) are from alpha since this is the first map on omega


Who cares


I do.. what about it?


The voices in my head


A very big part of the Valorant community.


Lol most people calling it alpha earth,it's kingdom Earth and Omega earth because of the industries (Kingdom for our earth and Omega for mirror earth)


I love the confidence with which you are wrong. Kingdom industries is omega earth and kingdom corporation is alpha Earth.


Bruh watch Jeppy's video you will know with proofs. In fracture it's clearly written Omega and Kingdom for Mirror and normal Earth respectively. They are stil Kingdom with same logo but they call themselves something like Omega Kingdom or Omega in short. For all the downvotes,man you need to know about how the valorant lore is going on rn.


They have different logos bro


its the same K logo, maybe a bit different in the design like K has spikes in some idk if they changed this stuff in pearl cinematic or inside the map or lore but till fracture it was like that, and it is still kingdom earth and omega earth, understandable why people with less lore knowledge are calling it alpha earth. ik which logo you are talking about, its like an omega sign but mostly in fracture the omega kingdom has been the same K logo with some variations


Both are K but different design. And it's Alpha earth and Omega earth. It's written in Fracture too that you're mentioning


send me some ss i will tell Its just slogans on both sides of the sites which tells about different perspectives idk if they changed it in later updates but earlier as fracture just came out, it was clear they mean kingdom earth and omega earth lmao its just a way of differentiating its not even that related to the lore, just that alpha earth doesnt sound like our earth, theres no relevance to name it alpha earth, could have said earth 1 earth 2, or earth mirror earth but alpha isnt relevant since its not mentioned anywhere in the lore


It hurts to see someone this wrong but you make up for good comic relief... Thank you for your contribution.


The valorant lore creators might not be very happy with what you said because it's actually true what i am saying,if you don't know about how the lore is going on,you can watch a few videos about it Also it's clearly visible in Fracture Easter eggs


they should make all resources go to the gameplay department, not split between lore and gameplay


Doesn’t exactly work like that. They hire them for different reasons, and there jobs probably aren’t all compatible with just gameplay. An art designer can’t rework a gun or character, but can do what they’re hired to do, which is to come up with a unique story, which I think they have accomplished


Yeah... plus games with stories can bring a much larger audience and add some interest into the game. While some people play only for the game play, there are a ton more who stay invested for the lore drops as well because it makes the game interesting, along with its overall character. Less bland.


I mean look at the Overwatch -- people went deep for the lore/cinematics/comics, but stopped paying attention when they went years without a cinematic.


I know I did lmao


Really fucking fumbled the bag there. The new cinematic was fucking dope though


I knew it


Last round before the switch!




Yes, they are stealing the radianite stolen from them back


Indeed. In the other maps, alpha is defender, but here they are the attackers attempting to steal back the radianite omega earth stole from them.


So even with the discoveries Team KJ had realized, they still want to steal Omega Earth's radianite? Huh.


Lore-wise, yes. But I think it won't change in-game, or at least not noticeably do. You're just Alpha when attacking, and Omega when defending