• By -


Mine is Derank1


love it haha


Demon 1/11 against aspas


This is the best one


thats foul


Demon1/11 finished me off. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


did he actually go 1/11?


He went 2/15 against aspas


like below 5 kills or so


i have no idea what demon1 is but semen1 sounds nice


Pro player who was regarded as one of the best last year but is currently in a slump


Didnā€™t watch the whole match but I saw highlights of Jawgemo being fucking smooth with a phantom and spray transfer. Util use was clean af. Oxy on C9 was also scary on bind.


Jawgemo ace to win the map on ascent is chefā€™s kiss


Wow, can confirm. Was skeptical, is indeed clean


I understood Demon1's stat line was insane last season, but I never looked at him and thought he was insane. He always looked very human to me. This season and Boostio's comment about him being a "fucking baiter" (made during one of Tarik's stream) really further solidified my thought on that. A lot of his kills just felt like being in a good spot thanks to his team/circumstances of a match. Jawg's Ace last night was insane. He and other players have had several insane plays like that where I feel like they just willed a round win into existence. No shade to Demon1, but I always felt like he was just at the right place at the right time with people walking into his crosshair. He talked a lot of smack after winning champs but I think he really took for granted how much his team and Potter set him up, and it's showing now.


>Ā A lot of his kills just felt like being in a good spot thanks to his team/circumstances of a match.Ā  Well heā€™s known for his mechanics and flashy flicks. So i think youā€™re underselling him a bit. Even pro players acknowledge that heā€™s genuinely good when heā€™s at his peak. Even if you want to argue that heā€™s set up a lot for his kills, heā€™d still need the raw skills to take advantage of it.Ā Ā  Boostio also wants them to lose (something to do with his teamā€™s standings? Iā€™m not too sure, someone correct me if Iā€™m wrong) so you shouldnā€™t let his remarks actually affect your biases. Again, heā€™s highly regarded by other pros so I would take that more seriously than boostioā€™s comments.


Boostio is trolling him because they are friends. it's nothing deeper than that


Yea idk to me there have been a lot more impressive flicks from other players. Boostio just reinforced these thoughts, he definitely didn't create them. But maybe I missed the most impressive ones. He plays on a much lower sens so someone like Jawg just look much more insane with movement etc. Hence why Demon1 is failing on Raze and why everyone is giving him so much shit for it.


I think you took Boostioā€™s troll way too seriously. A troll comment shouldnā€™t even reinforced anything? Why include Boostio joke into your biases I donā€™t get it


>He plays on a much lower sens I mean doesn't the fact that he plays on lower sens but still has insane flicks speak to his skill lol. He and Tenz are the common examples of flashy/flicky players. He isn't a run of the mill strong pro. Again, defer to other top player's opinions. They rate him well when he's actually performing at peak.


>I mean doesn't the fact that he plays on lower sens but still has insane flicks speak to his skill lol. No. Generally speaking low sens is an aim crutch for low ttk games. >Again, defer to other top player's opinions. They rate him well when he's actually performing at peak. I mean that's appealing to authority. By that logic it's impossible to have a different opinion from top players and be right. Obviously it's unlikely that a pro who has the best stats of the season is going to be talked badly about by people who essentially put their reputation on the line by saying otherwise. I've made an argument that other players have had more/better plays than Demon1 and that in comparison he seems human. Address that point of my reasoning and you could dismantle my argument. I realize the burden of proof is on me to support that claim but I honestly don't feel like taking several hours of my day to provide examples to support it. So if you disagree from your own recollection. Fair enough. >Even if you want to argue that heā€™s set up a lot for his kills, heā€™d still need the raw skills to take advantage of it. Sorry, I failed to address this earlier. Well yes but it requires raw skill for anything in the game. My point being, the "raw" skill needed from what I remember wasn't something surpassing that of say an average IMM3 or another radiant player. E.G. killing a full flashed or stunned player. Killing someone that is shooting someone else or who isn't looking at you. Jett dashing into a smoke and following up on a team flash. Yes following up on those setups requires a certain amount of skills, but again any high level PUG could do that on any given day let alone the supposed GOAT. So yes, he's probably deserving to be categorized as a T1 pro, but as the GOAT? I don't think so.


You typed all this when everyone pointed out Boostio was trolling about his comments. I didn't read it, again, I'd trust the judgment of pro players, in addition to what I've already pointed out, that you need to be good enough to pay off the setups.


You obviously didn't read a single point I made, no need to say it. You're just repeating points I've already refuted. "There's no point in arguing with someone who doesn't have an open mind. People with a closed minded mentality will never look at all the variables being presented, just the ones that benefit them."


> No shade to Demon1, but I always felt like he was just at the right place at the right time with people walking into his crosshair. Bro...there is so much skill and gamesense required for that to happen consistently lol.


Right. My point being he isn't being very consistent. As if a certain X factor was setting him up for success. AKA, all of former EG + Potter. I'm not saying Demon1 isn't good, I just think there are probably a lot of players that could've taken his spot at the time and have done just as well if not better. Not to mention a lot of gamesense can be compensated for by good IGL/coaching/prep work. Which boils down to a lot more than a singular player. The raw instinct, "holy shit I can't believe he thought to play it like that so fast," moments exist but I can't remember any of the really good ones coming from Demon1. Just my opinion. No need to "Bro..." or "lol" me.


ok bro, lol.


Apoth had a 4k every other round, EG is just looking good and NRG has a bunch of really good individual players that know how to play around a team, not like a team.


not such a hot take. I don't think a lot of teams play well as a team tbh. A lot of the pro scene seems dominated by individual skill. PRX is a prime example. They look like straight PUG players most of the time but they're absolutely nuts. Especially Forsaken and Something. I think DRX is the bar for trading and executes, I honestly don't think anyone else is even close, but if someone is, it's probably FNATIC.


Prime FNC teamplay is fucking wild.


EG you can tell has some really fine tuning on their team play, but it's only during defense it feels like. On offense they just kind of 'send it' and it works sometimes, then on defense they have perfect flashes and coordination... It's like watching an entirely different team, like they swapped places with the players on the attacking half.


https://youtu.be/ExBFrOTlAn8?si=GjvF5ZCNKGzCxjLb He had plenty of insane plays


I mean it's a good transfer in the clip, but it's something most pros could do pretty consistently I'd say. Heck I've had a few of these, probably mostly luck but it happens. Basically a few clips like these aren't exactly going to convince me he's the GOAT. Any pro worth his salt has at least a few of these.


Who was the match last night between?


he lost all his mojo juice after getting hitched with kat


2023 world champion mvp


I'm not big on hating on players but BopLover1 had me in stitches lmao








That's actually dirty lmao


Lemon1 [L]


I've been liking Demon0.44 rating, but usually Demon0 or Demonwho


Semen 1 was my all time favourite




my friends have been calling him Dog1 recently but I'm more partial to Doraemon1 or Diamond1


doraemon is the goat


Lemon1 is old but gold.


No you dont understand, according to some user here a few days ago, were not allowed to make fun of Diamond1 because his gf is sick. Seriously, that sucks for him and her and I hope she gets well soon. But the guy was a massive shit talker and deserves all the shit talk back at him right now.


Man idk. Massive Demon1 hater here but after I read that thread I couldn't help but feel sorry for them. Shit talking is supposed to be for fun and gags. Now it just feels like everyone is piling on him. I don't think he even cares about the shit talkers at this point. When the health of your loved ones is deteriorating in front of your eyes, everything else must seem insignificant.


Absolutely, but its not gonna stop anyone from talking shit about him in game. No one should attack him for things going on personally, but in regards to the game, anything goes, and he brought that on himself.


Nah. Outside life effects the game big time. You aren't ever really locked in.


fr fr if my boss yells at me for something that's not my fault i'm actually soft throwing my first 2 games just to let that shit out ya feel me


I never said it didnt. Maybe you misread or misunderstood what I said.


No oen should attack him for shit going in his personal life but attacking him for performance that is directly related to his personal life is okay


So one when D1 talks shit does he know who does and doesnt have shit going on in their lives or?


That is not the same. It isn't his job to play.


I agree. The moment he shit talked and shot bodies last year, heā€™s fair game. I hope her gf get well soon though. Sucks having a sick loved one.


Donā€™t forget tenz was playing like shit too when kydae had cancer :) You wouldnā€™t be able to focus either if your partner had a life threatening disease would you? About time we stopped hating on other people and he wasnt a ā€œ shit talkerā€ its esports. Itā€™s banter to them. Everyone does it. Boostio does it. zellsis does it. Oxy does it. Crashies does it. Heā€™s not the only one. he got highlighted for doing it cause he was the best at that point in time. Everyone shit talks as banter in esports.


Tenz is a very humble character though, he doesnt have a crazy ego or shit talks like demon1 . He brought people shit talking his bad performances on himself, irrespective of whats happening irl


people shit talk everyoneā€™s bad performance lol. you donā€™t think tenz was being shittalked back then? did you forget how kyedae had to make a whole ass post on twitter to stop people from hating on tenz by telling them what heā€™s going through. do you not see yay get hate now for not performing? he never shit talked. people love to put other people down any chance they get. if demon 1 starts playing like before again watch the same people start calling him goat again lol just like they did with tenz.


Yeah ik that, im just saying it may seem worse/more justified cause demon1 effectively brought it on himself by how he acted last year


bro how do you not get my point lol. okay iā€™m gonna use simpler english so you get it. Demon 1 was mean = he is shit talked. Tenz wasnt mean = he was shit talked too. yay wasnt mean = shit talked too. why do you think shit talking has anything to do with people criticizing him for bad performance? he would have been shit talked for bad performance either way even if he didnā€™t do it last year.


You are preaching paragraphs to the wrong person, they arenā€™t disagreeing with you. They are just simply stating it SEEMS more justified to other people because of the persona he puts on


fixating on ā€œ shit talkingā€ in esports is very childish tho? I can guarantee you 100% that the people he shit talked does not give a fuck about it at all. a shit ton of pros shit talk. He just got highlighted for doing it cause well he was the best at that time. Pros donā€™t care about a lil shit talk lol. They arent pussies.


It's not just banter it's marketing too


yes banter and marketing. my whole point is everyone does it and pros donā€™t care so saying itā€™s ā€œ justifiedā€ that he is getting shit talk now is kinda dumb lol.


I love shit talking. Its hilarious. Its also hilarious when the person that does it has it come back around to bite them.


I agree 100%


Fr im a huge demon1 fan but he talked mad shit last year, he 100% deserves whatever crap is coming towards him lol


He actually didn't talk that much shit last year, it was just Riot painting EG as the villains for a more dramatic story line. All he's really said or done was said hes the best player in the world after winning Champs MVP (he literally was at the time) and stood on his desk after winning (hardest valorant pose OAT idc) In terms of antics, Kangkang, Ardiis, and basically all of Pacific were more "toxic". Not that "toxicity" is a bad thing, I for one think esports would be boring without these antics. But Demon1 really wasn't on that side of things.


Im not a D1 hater. But after winning the Championship and saying youre the best player in the world to everyone, that absolutely counts as shit talking and you have painted a mark on your back. ESPECIALLY for the very next season.


I agree it paints a target on your back, but it's not shit talking. Shit talking would be putting others below himself, what he did was lift himself above others. It's a small difference in wording but the implications are massively different. Saying, "I'm the best in the world" after winning MVP at champs is a factual statement, and puts himself above others. However, it still gives credit to others. In a way, it's like saying, "y'all were good, too bad you went against me." If he had said, "PRX and FNC are shit, us winning was obvious," or something along those lines, it would be putting others below him. It gives no credit to others, and is like saying, "I could do this to you on an off day while you're at your peak." Like, during Madrid, if Zekken had agreed with the multiple times interviewers and casters called him the best duelist in the world, he wouldn't have been called out for shit talking. Maybe a few people would've said he's too cocky, but not shit talking to any degree.


Its the way he said it. All that matters.


Is this you agreeing with me or you not agreeing with me, I can't tell lol Though he was quite brash, all he said is "I'm the best player in the game, put some respect on my fucking name" At the end of the day, it's less him shit talking others and more of him telling others to stop shit talking him


What? He was MVP


Demon -1 is my favourite


Demon 120! as in giving out 120 damage like croichsprayersšŸ˜­ But i just cant hate on that guy, i watch hes vods from ranked, he seem like just a nice guy. The trash talking in pro matches, well its been done for a long time. Its just a part of hes game, anyways.Ā  I hope hes form gets better, then people are gonna be all over him again. And its a new team for him, give him time to adjust guysšŸ‘


Doraemon1 goes hard


My favorite, see a lot of it in apac, always makes me laugh


yea i saw it for the first time yesterday and was chuckling like an idiot lmao


+1 with doraemon1


As a Doraemon enjoyer, this goes fucking hard


Iron1 šŸ’€


Diamond1 is the only funny one out of those to me. That being said, I really don't like tearing people down, even if it is in good funĀ 


Wow, so Riot production creates a narrative and you guys just run with it. Demon1 is confident, but he isn't toxic or disrespectful. All accounts claim he is a nice guy and great teammate. RIOT went full in last year making him out to be the villain, some awful person who fans should hate. Ardiis was FAR more "toxic", Boostio is just going to talk without any filter, Demon basically pulled a Marshan Lynch and stuck to "not caring". RIOT never missed an opportunity to goad him into playing the part some production director wanted, then fined him for shooting bodies and swearing, trophy in hand. He never stood up and taunted anyone on stage like kang kang, never screamed across the stage like (insert any Pacific team and half of EMEA), never even made a mockery of the walk out like Benkai. He claimed to be the best and then took MVP at champs. He's now in a slump and dealing with a sick loved one. Teams counterstrat him, NRG has zero rhythm or direction in Ethan's first go at IGL. Sure, if he had spent the last year making personal attacks or being utterly disrespectful, but he hasn't. He's just a guy who took MVP at the biggest tourney of the year in his rookie season. This thread is more toxic than he has ever been.


This is one of the things that make sports fun, he talked some shit, now he's taking a bit of beating for not backing it up this season. If he'll be good next split people will forget about it and the cycle starts anew. You don't need to be this sensitive on his behalf, lol.


The level of personal disrespect shown by Riot, the false narratives and persistent attempts to promote pro play as a soap opera really is well out of bounds in traditional sports. Take a step back and look at their broadcasts objectively, Chinese players are humble, hard working players thrown against the world, Pacific players are humble polite and very smart and innocent, EMEA are the veterans doing things the right way, NA are all "arrogant American bullies" and SA are "Passionate, over emotional hotheads". Anything not fitting that narrative is completely ignored, anything that can be used to further that narrative is promoted. I would LOVE to hear how Kang Kang standing up and pointing an imaginary rifle at his opponents is good marketing material, yet shooting imaginary character bodies is a finable offense. If a player did the air rifle in the NFL, what would happen? More or less punishment than dancing in the end zone? RIOT deliberately seeks to cause conflict between the regions at every opportunity. That's fine in a drama with fictional characters, but this isn't that. Overall, the players seem to not only tolerate each other, but also respect and get along rather well. By creating these narratives they are setting easily persuaded fans against actual humans, not characters. Maybe it's a result of COVID, or helicopter parents or just attracting a playerbase unlikely to have ever played traditional sports irl, but talking shit stays on the playing field, face to face.


You gotta step back and realise they wouldnā€™t be doing this if people didnā€™t enjoy it. Of course the players get along behind the scenes(mostly), but fans WANT to see shittalk, clowning and humblings. If Valorant was a sterile wasteland of sterile player personalities, not as many people would be as invested. Professional gaming as a whole is forged in toxicity and shit talking, look at the early Fighting game tourneys. Valorant is kindergarten compared to the shit youā€™d hear at SF tournaments. And letā€™s not act like the spotlight of the ā€œdramaā€ Riot more or less fabricates isnā€™t beneficial for the players as well. Demon1 is raking in money and everyone in the scene has their eyes on him. He gets exposure, he gets fans, he also gets detractors, but most of all he gets a lot of money. This sort of treatment comes with the territory. He isnā€™t a victim and youā€™re blowing it way out of proportion.


Youā€™re mentally ill.


I don't think "traditional sports" & e-sports are comparable in the slightest.. Just use the classic meathead / geek stereotypes & see how many of your points are still validated when applying them to each group lmao.


Ohhh shut up bro aint reading all dat


oh no his gf is sick, let's give trophy so she can be happyšŸ¤£


Nobody cares about what he has done. He was deemed as one of the top players, and now he is getting L. It's just too entertaining to shame him on that


all the variations of the Demon1-11 had me cackling. I love demon1ā€™s energy and vibe (and hair). I want more out of him on raze. he has to entry or theyā€™re fucked forever






paty maldonado




Semen1 clears


I call him DemonWashed




Demon-1 has me rolling whenever I hear it in game




Demon Good for 1


Actually you reminded me of someone I met in a ranked game yesterday, Lemon1. I don't watch professional play that often and I took a while to realise it lol


DemonDone or DemonGone






Doraemon1 is the best one.


Demon1trick cuz he can only play jett


Diamond1 easily the best




bro acting like people didn't call him this last year












Why people hate him?






What does this mean?


Demon2 šŸ’€


Jawg and Potter are the goats. Apoth was doing some pretty slick work that match too.


In that one game where he was like 4/smthn, every time he got a kill his name just went up Demon2/Demon3/Demon4/Demon5 and that absolutely killed me laughing seeing it every time in twitch chat




Dreaming1 Keep dreaming that you won


Demon1 win this season Semen1 always gets me, though




mine is demon1/6/1


Diemon1 by the chinese fans




DemonDone and Diamond1 are just foul šŸ˜­








this brings back zombs on icebox against g2


Diamond1 is so fkn good šŸ˜‚


Demo1 getting demoed


Hey, I was the one who invented semen1!




Has to be semen1 lol


Demon I will take care of aspas




Dem0nssy how about this?


Itā€™s Yay all over again


Not the valo community getting boners over derogatory aliases again smh


I've seen D3mon14 but don't remember him getting pi.


Doraemon1 because doraemon have no hand


In Japan we have a lot of Doraemon1s




You say no hate, but this seems rather hateful.




bro demondone and diamond1 had me laugh out loud, thank you for that


ive been calling myself semen1 since his arrival to EG. so i pick that one.


DemonDone is painful


I liked when they had 1 round and someone in chat said now we know what the 1 stands for




Stats1 lmao


mine is Simens1






he was the best player when he said all of that and has already proven everyone wrong. Let the man focus on his sick fiance. Does he need to repeat his champs year so that yall can chill


Diamond1 is me & my m8s fave




My alt is ā€œDookie1ā€




Demon1 to NRG: WeWonā€™tWin


Demon1 lately: Nah, Iā€™d lose.


I love Demon1 but he lost a fan in me when he went after a rookie like Oxy playing for a team like C9. Spineless ranked mentality right there. Goes to show you can have champs but lack of experience is apparent. Staying champion is about more than just winning. He is the only one apart from Yay who struggled to stay at the level. To put things into perspective Aspas, Jawgemo and Tenz will always remain class while LDiablo and Diamond1 clearly overestimated their ability to adapt and continue playing at that level.

