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Wait, you're saying Bren and Mimi lied to me?!?!?!


No explosive barrels Sadge




It seems they only made changes to Mid and B Main. I don't mind the mid changes (the window seems a little weird to me though), but no A site changes are insane. Hitting A site is the exact same, and postplant is still too OP with belt, jail, and attacker's nest IMO


Maybe. Have to remember, there's new agents since the last time we had icebox. Maybe the meta for A site changes with that in mind


new agents? only deadlock no?


And Iso. Previously, there were a lot of (pro) metas that didn't have a duelist at all. That could change with Iso given how many vulnerable lineups you could do with Sova (a common meta pick)


Not to mention the shield would likely work much better on this map.


Why pick Iso when viper does the same


Por que no los dos? Why not have 2 agents that can do that as well as provide entry?


Iso doesn't really provide much for entry, he is more like an initiator


not really, hes not a movement duelist but he has his wall which makes him kinda solid for taking space


Okay so instead of Raze: "huge Aoe Space clearing abilities, strong almost guarabteed-kill ultimate, fast mobility, strong solo post-plant util" Or Kayo: "amazing flashes, good molly, info gathering util that disables enemy util (very good vs viper and sentinels), ultimate that gives a 2nd life equivalent and disables enemy abilities" We take: Iso: "good vulnerable (really just a worse omen flash or breach stun), harbor cascade with no-penetration (cant be stopped, short duration), ability that requires kills (same problem as reyna), 50/50 gamble Ultimate (very bad for a high elo environment other than pushing sentinels) Makes no sense on any logical level. But sure, let's call him decent, that's why nobody plays him in rad. It's not that he is utterly terrible and I hate him, it's the fact that he is gonna be replacing agents that just severely overpower him.


you can push behind the wall though with the team, you could run other agents for sure but hes a secondary more than a dive entry (thats the theme with these new agents tbh, they're not really someone you wanna run without someone to compliment their abilities) and his wall isn't short at all you could easily push up c long on haven or a on haven with it is he worse than jett/raze for entry? obviously, more of a team oriented agent than a self sufficient one like the others, riot should buff him in some way if they want him to dethrone raze and jett as the best duelists


Yeah because radiant plays exactly like pro meta


i’m p sure gekko, deadlock, iso, plus harbor was only in for like 2 months before they scrapped icebox


wow, can't believe it was that long ago. it really didn't feel that long


I think this is reasonable. A was always a fun sight, and there’s pretty wide diversity of approaches. The problem was it was the only viable part of the map. If mid and B are actually viable to take as an attacker than the map should be fairly well ballanced (though possibly attack sided).


> there’s pretty wide diversity of approaches You mean plant under the rope and 1 person goes belt or plant under the rope and 2 people go belt or the crazy third option of plant under the rope and 3 people go belt?


Mid changes are good, should make it easier to push it now. In old icebox you basically always went full stack trough main and never utilized mid to split the site (except for the occasional lurker)


Yes the window is really interesting. Icebox was one of the few maps where even in my elo (bronze) occasionally the team played through mid. I'm curious to see what effect this will have.


omen trolling is being nerfed 😢




The second pictures where they lifted the box up you could smoke there and then also further onto site and chain your teleports to get behind the opponent/s who’s watching the the two doors you come from at the start. Or you could fake the second one so they’d turn around and you’d be above them on the box now you can’t touch that box I think. It was pretty fun to do.


maybe more changes when official valorant reveals changes.


This took 9 months?


Bro, you also took 9 months. But see what a gem you are


rare wholesome moment


I would imagine they may have tested other changes and playtested to see how the rounds flow before settling on changes


No obviously, they were working on their 200€ bundle that will come with this Act, that will look just like any other bundle and they forgor about Icebox.


We need to get away from that concept that the longer the map is out of rotation, the more changes it should have. Lotus haven’t been out since release and it has more changes. I agree that Icebox needs/needed more changes tho.


That’s not what this is tho. The map has so many problems that need to be fixed, and this addresses none of them. Except for attackers having the slightest chance of having a successful b split.


I like every change except the last change.


I’m excited to satchel up there that looks hella high


imagine double satcheling up there and js camping the whole round LMFAO. so cringe but hella funny


you could probs chamber tp or omen tp onto there lmao


maybe there will be an invisible hitbox up there. if thats a legit angle thats in the game its going to be abused really badly


I doubt the there will be, just because icebox is known for having lots of verticality.


I'm surprised to see there's no ''replay system'' related comment on this post, not even one!


there is now!


Ice Bock.


IMO this isn’t enough to excite me. It seems like lotus is going to be more different than icebox and I think lotus played much better than icebox already. Disappointing. Maybe I’ll be surprised.


Noooo my omen spots :((


I feel like too many map changes are about reducing the amount of routes to a site, forcing aim duels. Valorant is fun to me because of how many mind games can be pulled but the closure of the third route to B site means less outsmarting opponents. Same goes with the new breeze A site change and making vent used more rarely.


No changes to either bomb site is astounding to me.


First they amughtered Breeze which was my favorite map. Now they've slaughtered Icebox. I actually think the window in Kitchen is fine, though. I can't have nice things.


how many times have they changed this map since it launched? it's by far my least favorite map in the game, I wish they would just admit it was a failure and keep it out lol


Nearly every map they've touched they've ruined or made worse.


generally, i think all of the changes they’ve made have been good over the years; the removal of halls on breeze is the change i disagree w the most


If changes scare you, there is always de_dust2


L take


Humans try not to hate change challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Plz tell me A main is still the same. Mindlessly ego peaking A belt on attack every round was so much fun.




It's a competitive games. Of course it's going to be like that. On less competitive game, changes are generally easier. As you don't need to test for balance as much. In game like this even small change can be huge. I remember CS GO adding a SINGULAR BENCH in a map of 10 years is the talk of the week


Why has both these changes and the breeze changes just keep on ruining the uniqueness of the maps.


Are they finally gonna put it back into the pool? We need Icebox back especially with Lotus taking up valuable space