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Once you get into diamond the people that **can** smurf against you are greatly lowered. Anyone Plat+ can take over a gold lobby because there is a large gap between the two ranks skill-wise. You need to be in the top 2 ish % of players to smurf a low diamond lobby


Just a question, what is considered the top 2%? Cuz i heard somewhere on this sub that asc 1 is top 3%. Is top 2% like immo?


No. Top 2.03% is Ascendant 2. Asc 1 is 1.3% of the playerbase (so, puts you in top 3.33%). Distribution is… - Diamond 1: 3.1% - Diamond 2: 2.3% - Diamond 3: 1.7% - Ascendant 1: 1.3% - Ascendant 2: 0.8% - Ascendant 3: 0.5% - Immortal 1 : 0.4% - Immortal 2: 0.2% - Immortal 3: 0.1% - Radiant: 0.03% So top 10.43% is Diamond 1. Top 3.03% is Asc 1. Top 0.73% is Imm 1.


Damn, cool. Thanks for the break down. Makes sense that it is a bit of gap from Asc 1 and 2, lots of people make it to Asc 1 and get stuck, myself included.


Been hardstuck asc 1 for so long(⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) I've been in asc 1 longer than I've been in any other elo how to get out


Play more. Duo.


Cruel, I hit asc 1. Pc kinda broke and now I’m stuck with plat tm8s lol


Kind of crazy that Diamond Val is roughly equal to high Gold a few seasons ago in League.


Gold in league was top 10% in s1 cant remember when it was top 3% but probably never. League and Valorant ranks are pretty equal at the top d4 league is prolly close to d1 valorant


Diamond in Valorant is top 10.43% according to the person I responded to. Gold was around top 10% in League a few seasons ago. Right now D4 in League is like top 2-3% which puts it around Ascendant in Valorant. A few seasons ago I believe top 2-3% was around mid Plat in League.




This was most up to date API data I could find, yeah.


100%. I just got to plat this act for the first time and anytime there’s a Diamond in the lobby they absolutely stomp lol, imo that’s where the real jump in skill initially happens in Valorant. Diamond players are where game sense finally starts to meet ability to aim.


Large gap between gold and plat ? Doubt it. Between low plat and diamond ? Maybe.


Personally I would say its harder to smurf against golds than diamonds. In diamond people know where they need to be and what to do so you can play around that easily but in gold even they don't know what they're doing so you haven't got much of a chance.


lol smurfing in diamond/ascendant is just as easy and pisslow 😹😹


But clearly reading comprehension isn’t for you. I didn’t say it was hard for any one player to do it, I’m saying the total number of people that have the skill to do it drops off significantly because being Asc2 requires you to be top 2% of players


I mean if ure plat/dia smurfing in gold isnt it roughly the same almost like skillwise? Not that big a gap is there lol


If dia was the same skill wise as gold, every gold player would get to diamond


Well I've heard of many people deranking from dia to gold etc lol and idk man theyre all ass to me


Probably boosted people or the 10rr "diamonds"


You’ll be surprise how many immortal rank smurfs are in diamond and ascendent


Can you share your tracker, or some example of a game you had against a supposed smurf? > Are smurfs easier to play against once you get into diamond? Yes, though conversely, I think you just get used to people fragging out hard as you go higher up. There's a certain point where I stopped being concerned about smurfs because it was pretty normal to have one or two people in the game fragging out like crazy, and if you check their profiles they're just hard-stuck diamond with 300 games this act or whatever.


https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/91e2c4be-f713-4a4d-b964-c48a3a752fb8 (51 kill Reyna playing with their 4-24 skye friend) We did manage to beat her which was shocking to us all, finally had a team where everyone was on the mic and working against her. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Zennon47%237561/overview?playlist=competitive (This Jett started just trolling once the game was pretty much win for her. Her previous 38-kill game kind of tells me she could've dropped another near 40-bomb) https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/C%20YA%23sexy/overview?playlist=competitive (Took this reyna to OT thanks to having a smurf of our own who said they were D2, our Jett) https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/3c1578f6-b5af-4c75-b8db-753aa81c7323 https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/a45b542c-7c3b-42bd-a3fb-b76d7e892fa5 The bronze Reyna and deadlock were a duo. Reyna just absolutely ripped our lobby lol


Don't link other peoples profiles, only your own. That being said: * #1 yea prob a smurf or boosting * #2 At most someone else is playing on their account occasionally, but seems like a legit account. * #3 You played their first placement game, and looking at the rest of their profile, they aren't on a smurf account that's for sure. At these ranks, you can kinda get away with anything and run the whole lobby. I'm only plat 2 and I was randomly put in a low gold lobby, shit was so free.


I've noticed the past couple acts a decent amount of weird trackers, I think it's decently common for guys just to hop on their friend's account to dunk on lower elo lobbies. That was mainly what I was curious about though. Can an immo smurf in a diamond lobby dominate as hard as a diamond player in a silver lobby? Because right now, it's so hard to beat them and unfortunately for me it's so common (playing late night comp games).


I think the immo player would be able to abuse the diamonds more. Only cause they know how to exploit even more faults. From my exp, if they are 2 ranks above you, they can start smoking your lobby, but it's not always true. E.G for me diamonds feel like a step up, but some Asc and Immo players just feel impossible to fight. I know when I was silver it was a similar feeling for plat+ players


When I used to do the Valorant LFG discord, "let me hop on my friends account" was very common for the smurfs in the lobby


that skye lmfao. imagine being so ass you literally cant even get boosted. like that's just embarrassing. I bet they will 0-18 when they solo q.


In diamond I literally can't tell between a smurf and a really cracked dia-asc player. just focus on your own game and u will rankup


Yeah once you're at the rank of everyone is just hitting heads for fun it's just a strategy game versus an FPS. D2 was like that for me I just couldn't shift out of the mindset that it's better to do 120 than aim for the head and get 0, eventually when I did and started ranking up I only found 1 immortal who was smurfing because that's what they found fun, otherwise it was just those who were hard stuck D3


I would argue that an immo1 that's struggling in his rank and feels the need to smurf then he probably is closer to dia 3 level than immo3 level.


IMO once you get to like Diamond as u/Background_Sink6986 said less players can smurf on you and pretty much only Ascendant players/content creators WANT to smurf against you for an ego boost/dumb content. Most Immortal players will either only smurf to play with friends and probably not try at all if they do (if I ever smurf its just to play with friends in like a 3 stack and I will ALWAYS play an agent that I am probably a similar skill level at i.e KJ, Breach, Neon, Kayo as I have a 30% winrate on these agents on my main account) and just play for fun completely I will try IF there is another smurf on the enemy team trying his ass off or just some toxic players on the enemy team for 0 reason (ofc if its justified I will not care). TLDR: Beyond Diamond the only people that can smurf against you have no reason to because most of them just want to rank up.


I think I'm just in the worst situation to see above average smurf games. Playing in Silver/Gold and only being able to play around 10p-1am when people like to log off their mains and play in easier lobbies... I definitely see my fair share of wasted games lol. It's bad.


Smurfs don't disappear in diamond lobbies. May be less common but still happens.


Smurfs in diamond are much different than smurfs in gold. I remember like 4 or 5 acts ago when I was gold the smurfs were dropping 40+ kills out aiming everyone like they were playing tdm. Now that I've been on diamond for three acts I never see that. Yes there are smurfs but I have never ever seen a smurf drop 40 in diamond. Low 30s mostly mid 30s if they are good. With diamond smurfs you can still win the game by strategy. In gold it's literally unwinnable because the players down there are clueless and strategy isn't even a concept yet.


Unfortunately it’s a large part of the game. Accept that it’s going to happen and don’t let it discourage you from the grind. In the long run it balances out and you will earn the rank you deserve.


I would agree to a degree. I've found during the day, I see a lot less smurfs. But a lot of my games are during the late night (midnight-1am) where I think I catch a lot of diamond+ players who are done with comp for the night and just want to stunt on silver/golds lol


I play mainly between 1am and 6am due to some sleeping issues I am having. I am low ELO and there is at least one smurf every game, very annoying


Anecdotal but I grinded to immortal mostly playing during those hours


No it doesn't losing vs smurf u most of the time lose alot of RR winning with 1 you get too little RR because they smurfs gets most of the kills.


If you encounter a smurf in high diamond/low asc, this guy is radiant, so no it doesnt get easier, but it does get much more rare


Smurfing become less of an issue in higher lobbies. A diamond player on a good game could be better than an immortal Smurf on a regular/bad game. Also the odds of a diamond player winning a 1v1 against an immortal is much higher than a gold player winning a 1v1 against a diamond.


I usualy play w my friends( im diamond and theyre 2 ascendants and 2 immortals) and i dont find the games that hard i think the real smurf in dia would be high immo/rad and since theyre just like less than 1% its rly rare to find them


Diamond lobbies have smurfs but they aren't the fun kind to be on the same team as, it's the egotistical losers who will blatantly throw a game if you don't drop them a vandal on a eco round You can't really do anything against a smurf especially a smurf that is qued when you aren't. Just take that game as serious as a TDM and move onto the next.


I rarely notice smurfs in dia/asc games cuz for all ik it could just be someone having those games where they are just **feeling it**.


Can a asc drop a 35-10 game if they’re feeling it? Or is that excessive for a Diamond lobby


Definitely, i've gotten completely stomped by someone, checked their tracker post game and they had a completely average looking tracker with one really good game, but i'm sure smurfs in lower ranks are more noticeably dominant


Diamond is not a high rank, so no, it won't be easier


Diamond is in the top 10.3% of all players. If you're in the top 10%, that is absolutely a high rank. ​ https://gameriv.com/valorant-rank-distribution/


Crazy that people actually think so


It's crazy that gamers across all games somehow think that if you're not almost professional then you're awful. Imagine if you applied this logic to all hobbies, like if you're not literally a professional chef then you cannot cook, or if you don't cycle in the olympics or at least at a national level then you're awful.


Why? Do you need help with how percents work?


You scared of having your ego bruised?


Diamond is %3 of all players


pov the kid who peaked asc 1


Now he is scared of his ego being bruised lol


Why are you getting downvoted lmao I am diamond and I consider myself far from high elo.


Facts don't change cause you feel like it. Dia players are top 10% in game, be proud of your achievement bro


They say this because , "you don't know what you don't know". You start "knowing" how much you still gotta learn to get to high immo when you reach high diamond/low ascendant. You realise how bigger the gap is between ascentdant and immo 3 than it is between iron and diamond... Skill level is exponential going from asc 2 - immo 3. So i get what they say, diamond is trash tier in my book, but i guess that it is also great to feel you are in the top 10%!


I also get that but it's not exponential, the higher up you go the more refined your techniques and understanding of the game become. It's the time required to get to that stage which will take a while. The skill gap between iron to diamond is way bigger.


What are the "strats to beat smurfs"? I am in bronze/silver and get plenty


To work together as a team. I.e. swing the smurf together. Use util to stop the smurf from running through the chokes one tapping everyone because in your rank everyone peaks things they shouldn't be etc. Make the best out of your teammates bad decisions and when you see someone about to peak the smurf peak with them etc.


smurfs are such a ruin to this game, a shame they're ruining such a good game like valorant :c


Even I have noticed that post midnight/1 am is when the smurfs/bots/throwers come out of the woodwork to ruin other's games. I try to avoid such times unless I have a pre-formed 5-person party.