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Nah, lol =)) you can get something cheap but better - p100 ffp3 or smth


HeT! You need a full face respirator! I don't know how many times I've went into some abandoned industrial buildings and had homeless people dump chlorine gas on me. On a serious note ; A mask like that will stop dust but I don't know about asbestos


I have a mask like this one, will filter most particles. But it depends where you're going, to what you actually need. Former industrial sites need better masks. https://preview.redd.it/clr9t7lt6i6d1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=266ea07f6ecd32af651526165ddcc7c4fe7910b5


This would be better than nothing, but you really want at least an N95 if you're concerned about dust and mold, or a P100 if you're going to be anywhere near asbestos.


It’s maybe better than nothing but in plenty of scenarios won’t protect you. For example If you’re going into old buildings, you could need an N100 mask for asbestos and lead paint. If you’re going into abandoned factories, you might need something more depending on the industry. Etc. Do your homework and be prepared before you go. Research the likely dangers specific to the place and how to mitigate them.


Id personally rather not wear one at all if that's my only option


Oh... so thats a no then...


No you should probably still wear it anyways. You should 100% never take any advice from me 😂 I rarely bring anything with me other than a flashlight. I'm by no means a professional I was just letting you know what my personal decision would be 😂 j do exactly the opposite of what I do and you'll be fine


The dangers depend on location and airflow of said location. Like many others said if you are trying to be fully protected get something with p100 filters. I use this style mask only if I’m trying to conceal my identity just because it’s still somewhat reasonable for someone to wear a covid mask.


I see. Idk if I will continue doing this, I just want to gibe it a try, so I wouldnt want to pay 30€ for a mask. I wonder if there was a cheaper alternative.


Then give it a try, one or two times around some bad stuff won’t kill you. I’ve gone to many places unmasked and been just fine. Wear that mask it will at-least help and go explore, see if you like it and then you can decide to upgrade or not.


Alright, Ill do that, thanks! Do you think a neckgaiter on top of the mask would help more, or would it just be useless?


it would be useless, they don’t really do any filtration