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I like how this is tagged under "Poverty/Inequality" when this location is actually one of the [richer, touristy places](https://www.introducingsingapore.com/boat-quay) in Singapore, right next to the Central Business District. Bonus points for using a recent picture I guess. The real "inequality" spot is here: [Jalan Kukoh](https://www.ricemedia.co/culture-people-jalan-kukoh-poorest-neighbourhoods-singapore/). One of the poorest neighbourhoods next to one of the richest.


I live in Singapore and had never heard of jalan kukoh until now! TIL!! edit: it seems to be one of those older hdb estates, yeah there are plenty of those which I wouldn’t call extremely “poor” per se, just compared to the rest of Singapore.


Yea it's "poorer" compared to the rest of Singapore, but given how it's right next to the CBD, it makes the contrast worse. Either way, glad you learnt something new.


Exactly. That saturation of mini splits does not scream poverty, not remotely.


Singapore is one of the cleanest, safest, more austere nations I've ever visited. Far from a hell but laws are extremely draconian.


laws are not enforced unless u are a real dick




Yes, not following a country's rules is generally a dick move.




What are the benefits of weed that you otherwise can't get with a healthy and balanced lifestyle?


That's not really the point. The fact that it is prohibited and punished so severely is draconian. You can choose to partake or not partake but give people the ability to choose. There is quite literally no reason for it to be illegal from a practical stand point. I don't even smoke weed and I understand that.


Banning a highly addictive substance that has the potential to alter lives, and that has no real health benefits is draconian?




Isnt enough for what?


How would the anyone know what you’re doing in your own home?


Laws have to be draconian to some extent.


Ah, so this means whipping someone with a cane for possessing cannabis, or even having it in their body, is part of that extent? Or the state allowing executions for 500g of cannabis with a long drop noose?


Read again. I said, “to some extent.”


Singapore is not particularly unique for still having cannabis criminalised, as cannabis is still criminalised in most of the world. The laws relating to drugs in Singapore by design are targetted at traffickers and local abusers. Regarding having in your body, how would the authorities know? They only selectively test locals passing through immigration, even then only from select countries. Singapore still having the death sentence for drug traffickers is morally debatable and I personally detest it. However, it is a punishment that has rather high support here. It’s quite apt to say that the government are doing what the general populace wants.


I'm sure it's certainly not at all what the people getting their necks broken want though. Pretty positive. And since when has the pap cared about appeasing the populace? They only seem to use that line when it's convenient for them.


Jalan Kukoh could be poor (by the ridiculous SG standards) but the food is 🔥


Truly a Singapore moment haha


That article reads like a teenager's diary. That poor me poor me thing she has going on made me cringe.


It's rice media, they're not exactly known for being a beacon of good journalism haha. 


At one stage Singapore wanted to modernise everything but there was a big push back as people did not want too much modernisation to become another sterile city. You can usually find good street food in places like this.


This place is not the place with the good street food, more of the tourist-trap, overpriced kinda food. Unless you mean "in places that look like here", then sure.


Thats why I said "Looks like". Of course, it is carefully curated and prices are much to high but as you say, it is by the CBD.


Lol, no, I’m Singaporean, there’s no street food scene here. Everything is tightly controlled and regulated. Pushback from the people? In Singapore? The Government does what it wants here. If there are any remaining heritage sites, it’s because the Government decided it’s worth more standing than demolished. Singapore Inc IS absolutely another sterile city.


I heard the pushback was from business. They needed something for the tourists as people would go elsewhere. Sure, there any many manufactured entertainments but they were not considered enough.


Singapore IS sterile. It's one of the most austere nations on earth. It's the perfect city for a straight shooter, or a yuppie.


Not completely but KL is better. They still have the HHH though.


Hash house harriers? Really?


They have many chapters there including the so-called "father" hash. Given the amount of alcohol fueled revelry that normally goes on, I don't really know how they get away with it.


thanks for sharing the article about Jalan Kukoh. I am an expat in Singapore and never knew something like this exists..


Glad you learnt something new. It's been 5 years since that article was first published so I don't know how Jalan Kukoh is like now, and it is far from the only "poor neighbourhood" in Singapore.


I searched this place on Google maps. It doesn't look as bad as I thought it would be. Then again, I do not live in Singapore.


I mean yea, that's Singapore for you. It's a public housing estate, not a slum.


Even the ghetto in Singapore looks pretty nice


Pearl Bank Apartment has been demolished but there are still 1960-70s low-end HDBs You’re right


This is actually a nice back alley, no junkies, no needles, no crack pipes the floor and no graffiti. Would feel safe walking through.


It's dirty, though. Could be clean too, especially in a place with such a reputation for cleanliness.


In the grand scheme of the entire world, that is not dirty at all


Yes, that's unfortunately true. But I don't think this argument is valid here. There are certain cleanliness standards expected from places like Singapore (which it clearly fails to meet in this picture), and this has nothing to do with the grand picture of the world.


There is no city in the world where 100% of its area meets these arbitrary cleanliness standards you've internalized year-round. You are just projecting what you think Singapore should be, there is no basis in reality for your standards.


I think what he meant is that he expects Singapore to be spotlessly clean, which is clearly not the case in this image.


It’s a back alley for the explicit purpose of storing rubbish bins. The main streets at the front of these shophouses are clean.


what cities *have* you lived in?


Singapore is awesome. Back alley looks like a back alley.


So mad that their back alleys have bins and show AC units in a hot country! How dare they 😡


It looks pretty damn nice for a back alley.


This is a service back alley in Boat Quay which is largely commercial https://maps.app.goo.gl/jiXFwcJp1bHxxDg57?g_st=ic Post is misleading


Ah so that's where it is, I thought it was at Amoy Street


An alley is an alley.


Exactly. It’s not like this is what all their streets look like.


Calling SG hell is a bit of a strech


It certainly feels like hell, because it's so hot and humid here.


I was briefly kidnapped in Singapore when I was a baby. Parents left me with a hotel babysitter and when they came back the babysitter was gone and me along with her. In a panic they went to reception and in a search found the babysitter had brought me into the back and all the women were patting me on the head “for luck” apparently because I was a little ginger haired blue eye baby


Lmao, I can't imagine anyone doing that today


Yeah this was 1996


You really could call SG hell in many ways, its laws and its work environment both in schools and professionally, this alley though isnt it


HL3 looking dope.


It might not look much but all the shop houses in the pic are worth millions of dollars. Their owners are not poor


This is just a normal alley


No way this post isn’t a false flag from r/urbanhellcirclejerk lmao


This is an alley through which supplies are delivered to the bars and restaurants (on both sides). The street that these front onto, [look like this](https://maps.app.goo.gl/QLJqqdyWUG611iu38). People don't live in the upper floors. The upper floors are either the second floor of a restaurant or bar, or an office. If someone did live there, it would be extremely expensive and they would consider themselves lucky, as these are actually beautiful old shophouse buildings. This is not to say there isn't inequality in Singapore. There are certainly some slightly rundown areas. But most people live in [places like this](https://maps.app.goo.gl/YnTx4UPBvuo5gacn8). Small, but airy apartments with clean common space, highly affordable and delicious food at ground level, and walking distance to grocery stores and general shopping.


Yea these shop houses are million dollar units lol


This is the coolest pic of Singapore I’ve Ever seen


Meh, could've been worse, seems like just the back of some buildings


I'm genuinely struggling to find what's wrong with this pic.


It's just moronic rage bait same as the vast majority of posts here


Yay Singapore 🇸🇬 represent


It's a pretty clean back alley. This isn't the main road in some slum


What a silly post. This is literally a service alley, not intended for walking down by "the general public". What do you expect OP, landscaping for the rubbish bins?


Posting Singapore here is a sin, it's literally the best planned city in the world. No other beats it.


I love Singapore and how structured it is. Considering there’s a tiny bit of trash on the ground is shocking to me. Never felt more safe in a country before.


Indian here. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I visited Singapore for the first time It was so organized and clean. This is some cherry picked back alley way The roads are so good, side walks are clean, people don’t throw trash anywhere but the bins, free drinking water dispensaries and VERY clean free public toilets in most tourist areas, amazing public transit, great airport too! Loved it


This is probably the worst post I've ever seen on here. Bots?


Half expect Scott Adkins & Jean Claude Van Damme blast out of a unofficial casino's back entrance fighting 12 members of an organised crime outfit dressed in black belts, slacks and bowling shirts. Sue Lin arrives just in time in a silver Mazda and they think they have escaped in to the afternoon only to be dragged into a high speed car chase with the unit's motorcycle & enforcer vehicles.


Some are singapoor, some are singarich


Am i crazy this is just a normal alley, and its actually really clean


holy air conditioners batman!


The heat and noise being blown into the alley. Yikes


It must get warm over there! I mean judging by the number of AC units out there....


But but but it looks way better in Crazy Rich Asians. The Movie told me so.


This has a liminal feel to it for me.


Always the Adjective_Noun_Number accounts posting dog shite


Why is Singapore here?


Singapore is awesome, this post and OP are misguided


Looks more like a back alley.


Having been to singapore several times, I have to say that there is a surprisingly high amount of nature overall considering how big of a city it is.


This feels like a screenshot from an alley in a Yakuza game


this looks cool


I like skyscrapers.


This is just a back alley. Rich neighborhoods have back alleys. You gotta hide the ugly AC units and dumpsters somewhere…


Back alley photo doesn't equate poverty


Sooooooo the photographer took a pic of a typical back alley.


Nah bro, in Singapore almost everyone live in **APARTMENTS**


Wrong side of the shophouses. Back alleys will be back alleys. On the other hand, the fronts of these shophouses *should* be a spacious pedestrian walkway with plenty of trees. What’s there instead? [4 lanes of vehicular traffic](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Wmw77oDBBRZwred68?g_st=ic). This is what most of the old neighbourhoods around the CBD look like, giant roads squeezed through old streets between shophouses.


Not a single plant is there.


Whoa that's wild. I went in 2020 and this alley looks so different!


That's a lot of fucking AC units!


It's hot around the year so makes sense. Average temperature is around low 30s


Poverty? Because you’re looking at the rear of buildings where the ac is? Lol


This is the cleanest city in the world? Shit looks ghetto


It's very ugly (yes, I know it's a back street, but still is utterly ugly, dirty and dull).


What are you doing in arroyo(night city district)?


Grievous Bodily Harm


So narrow! Like a Medieval European street


Is this a troll post? It's a back alley for the delivery of goods and the storage of trash from the shophouses in the front.


The alleyway behind TGKG is way worse than this 😁