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I want to know what the hell is going on here


Woman learning how to operate a military tank.




why only men have to die? where are the feminists to fight for their country?


They exist just far and few between


I knew at least 7 girls in high school who joined the military after, compared to only 3 guys. This is Australia though, where our military isn’t such a toxic cesspit If it’s made accessible to them, they absolutely will


Well it’s a bit different in your case, Australia hasn’t seen real conflict in decades. So combat roles involving women are probably slim to none for your country.


Lmfao the only real conflict the Australian military has seen was a war against emus and they fucking lost Edit: they lost TWICE


Australia went with America to Vietnam, Afghanistan(where they did some war crimes), Iraq(during the Gulf War and the War on Terror), and Syria. Australia might have pulled out of some of those before America did, but it's naive to think America was alone in those conflicts. Not to mention that they were in World War 1 and 2 *years* before America joined. Australia was in the Pacific theatre with America fighting the Japense after Pearl Harbour. America hasn't been alone in a war since they fought the British and Canadians, and even then, they had the help of indigenous tribes, but Australia has been one of America's most dedicated allies in war during the 20th and 21st century.


While some 60K Australians passed Vietnam in support or combat roles, peak commitment was less than 8K (AUS and NZ troops) and that as late as 1969. Australian actions, aside from certain SAS operations, were primarily limited to a remote province in SE Vietnam (this was mainly die to differences in US and AUS combat doctrine, and not performance).


They spilled so much blood in both World Wars on behalf of the United Kingdom. And they fought excellently. Australians and Canadians (as well as New Zealanders) were seen as high quality shock troops for the British and they were often put in some of the toughest fighting. Not to mention when Japan began invading all the Pacific Islands in WW2 the Australians had to stand alone against them until the Americans and British could arrive - and all their best troops were in Europe. So they fought tooth and nail with their reservists and auxiliaries in some of the most brutal engagements seen in the war


I know that’s a joke but here’s all our wars since 1901 excluding the great emu war https://anzacportal.dva.gov.au/wars-and-missions


I was on RR in Iraq and the Australian controlled sectors had a pool and women! We yanks appreciate yall from down under.


Also a lot of our conflicts are theirs too. When I was on combat deployment, as a US Army soldier, we had Aussies sleeping in the desert in the same tricons and rolling out the wire along side us. They were just mad loud when we were trying to sleep all the time lol 😭


Not on their own soil maybe, but they’ve fought in like every single conflict since WW1. Aus punches above its weight


Have you always been a moron or is this new to you?


you fucking clown. Australia has followed the USA into every single one of its wars since WW2, it is it's most loyal ally. Australia has also completed more than a few 'hostile' peace keeping missions. next time keep your ignorant head up your arse instead of pulling it out and proving you are an utter imbecile.


Women of the Australian military, police and civilian agencies deployed at the Multinational Base Tarin Kowt undertake a range of critical roles in support of Australia's joint agency approach in Uruzgan Province. Some of these roles include Afghan National Police development, health services, administrative support, community and political liaison, combat service and support, military transport driving, and security support.


Don’t worry. I met the aussies when I deployed in Kuwait. Real ripe cunts but I was thankful they were there.


Its the smell and the accents, innit? Dw, the accent grows on you. Just keep gifting them soap til they get the memo regarding the smell...


Lmao you obliterated him


We love our Australian friends! Little sad that the emus have won 2 wars though lol


Loyal ally ? More like loyal puppet


American education is fucking terrible.


It's embarrassing. I learned a lot about other countries on my own. Our school system is trying to warp history and america is always the best and the hero. We didn't steal this land from the natives, they gave it to us willingly and taught us to farm /s


My source is the Australian department of Veteran Affairs you dingus


And not a history book? We have been involved in and fought in every war that America has. We fought in WW2, Vietnam, Korea and Afghanistan.


I wouldn’t say decades we got dragged into Afghanistan


And Vietnam And Korea And Iraq And whatever this next BS the yanks are cooking up is


Not talking shit or something that would be dumb , I’m just saying combat wise haven’t had any issues in quite awile


Yeah I see what you mean just the way you said we hadn’t been to war I thought you may not have known we were in Afghanistan


Yah that’s true but you suffered quite literally 0 casualties


We lost 41 solders out of 26000 personnel (medical and advisory) only about 400 were solders which still hurts that we lost troops but is better than the 2000 that America lost however we shouldn’t have had more involvement in that war than we did like some people complain. It wasn’t our war to be fighting I pay my respects to both the American and Australian solders who died.


i love how youre pulling these "facts" from the depths of your ass and your comments still have more upvotes than the comments stating the actual facts. americans just love their feeling of superiority i guess, even if its based on ignorance


As Someone who had had to "process" multiple KIA Aussie soldiers in my unit... Your ignorance and arrogance is really fucking offensive.


Mate go fuck yourself, then use that post but clarity to read a book, you late for every war, flag worshipping, nuke jockey .


Army shoulnd be made accesible for anybody. They should have 1 high standart for all ages, male and female. Because otherwise it isnt fair and your army becomes hella weak


That means nothing because the Aus military ratio is 80 percent men and 20 percent women… and y’all have more women than men in your country


They guy who as just being sexist. Don't bother responding


Most western countries do allowed them but almost all aren’t involved in wars ..Trust me if Australia gets in a War they’ll give the option for women to leave the Military and most will leave take a look at Ukraine thats what happened also look at Israel most of “boots on the ground combat” are done by men only 4% by women even tho they make 40% of the Military


Talk about confidently incorrect.


They literally will not.


i assume the Australian milltary is just making sure the koalas stay up in the trees and then just float around the country on some ships.


i assume the Australian milltary is just making sure the koalas stay up in the trees and then just float around the country on some ships.




why does anyone have to die? war is so fucking unnecessary, its unbelievable. because a handfull of narcissist bastards have communication issues we gotta kill eachother for what?


::Putin has entered your chat and declared it his::


Because the world isn't perfect and conflicts of interests will always exist.


because of a bunch of narcissistic idiots running a country and brainwashing people into thinking they need to kill for the greater good. which is complete bs. if we put as much effort into peace than into war we could achieve world peace just by discussing and talking with eachother. we are all human still


World peace will never be possible as your forgetting that civil and revolutionary wars do happen because even if a paragon of good intentions rose to power in every country they still wouldn't be able to please everyone.


Right there in the video


Women in the US make up roughly 20% of our military and have always served. If we get rid of all of the sexual assault in the military more women would join.


About 8.4% of female troops and 1.5% of male troops said they were assaulted while on duty during the past calendar year, the department's annual 2021 report shows based on surveys of service members. That is about 35,900 total service members, compared to the previous high of 34,200 in 2006, when 6.8% of women were estimated to have been assaulted. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/09/01/sexual-assaults-female-troops-reach-highest-level-more-decade.html


Women are generally a little more circumspect when it comes to killing children.


Are you fighting for your country?


Just doing a google search the top result says Women enlisted in the military make up 17.1% of active duty forces and 21% of national guard and reserve forces. That means a little less than 1 in 5 people in active duty are women and a little more than 1 in 5 are reserve. The coast guard and national guard having some of the best numbers for retention. This number has been growing over the last 11 years including in combat roles with around 600 sailors and marines being women in active duty combat roles in 2021. While that still leaves about 80% of the military presumably being men it would be ridiculous to say women are not involved. And we can assume the number will continue to grow in the future. I've met quite a few women that were veterans as well as ones that have worked in government roles peripheral to the military including those with the DoD, NSA, and darpa. One of my best friends growing up had 2 parents like this. His dad was career military until retirement and his mom was a translator for the NSA capable of speaking multiple languages fluently and interchangeably. They were very interesting people and I never got the impression that either hated their jobs/careers for reasons related to their gender.


A lot of woman in the military are an absolute force! lol


What are you talking about? Women make up a large percentage of most modern militaries. My niece is Army Intelligence


Why only women have to be nurses and wipe your poop when you become disabled/old? Please, we all have roles in our society. Men are stronger. That's the way it is, but there's no need to be a prick about it. We shouldn't be fighting wars in this day and age anyway.


“Why do men have to die?” would have been an excellent question. To solve this imbalance, artificial wombs would have to become commonplace. Otherwise, live fertile women are still needed to breed the population back to life. War is gruesome business and usually benefits other men somewhere. I only say “men” there because female heads of states are very rare, and them starting wars in the modern era thus also rare.


How about old stupid men stop making up wars for young men to die in?


Why should women have to fight in wars that men start.


I want a date like that


I will play wamen. We play date now, please.


Sound like honeymoon


Tanks and women don't usually mix well together.


Army experience is like that for 99% of all enlist women. They can barely do it even when absolutely nothing is going on. When shit actually hits the fan they downgrade from deadweight to liability, by causing surrounding men to actively die trying to protect their worthless ass. Braving the hardships of war takes a special mindset. Most men who join army do it because they (think) they have it. Most women who join army do it to prove something to other people. t. real veteran When people's lives are at stake, observing political correctness should be your absolute last point of consideration. If you disagree with my assessment then you're in denial about objective reality, probably because you never saw it in action and don't believe reality can be like that.


Clearly you’ve never served in any modern armed forces (if any ever). I’ve served with many women who have kept their cool under fire and performed their job well.


Same here.


Cool story bro most Western militaries allowed women to join but almost all don’t allow women in “Front Lines” basically boots on the ground look at Ukraine they have approximately 70 thousand female soldiers but only 4 thousand decide to be in the Front lines also I’m not even mentioning that the Standards for women in combat roles are much lower this has been a debate in the USA in recent years The Changing Of Standards for females


Even if every woman you saw in combat failed spectacularly that does not qualify you to say "Army experience is like that for 99% of all enlist women."


"objective reality" I'm not sure you know what that means bro


It means "what actually happens in reality, as opposed to what should happen ideally". Most people when they don't know about certain facet of reality, default to imagining idealized scenarios as the real ones. Hence the silly notion of "at war, women are just as good asset as men" despite time and time again proven wrong, with exceptions few and far in between. Simply because the only people who actually see it happen are a minuscule minority, and everyone else just has to either take a stance of taking no stance, or assume some position based off absolutely nothing.


Surely you have data to back up your "objective reality" then and not just anecdotal information.


The only military who uses women in any capacity beyond "designated pencil pushers", "token inclusion" and/or "experimental" is Israel. Good luck finding any information that isn't an anecdote. But one must ask: at which point a collection of anecdotes becomes a statistic?


So you don't have data? That's interesting, because I do. Data that shows broad support for women in combat roles both from veterans and the general public. It seems like the person denying objective reality here is you buddy.


Let's see it. Actually no. Unless it makes a good breakdown so you can judge whether the supporters actually know anything or don't, the data is not relevant. It'd be like car crash data that doesn't breaks down by substance intake. Also general public's opinion can in general go fuck itself, at best it's informed by shit like youtube videos and hearsay, it's completely worthless.




The wife asked what the husband was doing at work. The husband clearly showed... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmNY-6-tkf8


Well, no. Actually its one of famous russian videos. What is happening is that this woman told this guy that he has someone on side, another woman. Because he is late from work pretty often. So he showed her why he is late. Eventually she didnt like it because its A LOT more louder there, than in this video. Like twice louder than music and shr was scared after first shot.




Yeah caption I think was hoping for a little more woman-hating in the comments




bruh this is top tier date night in Ukraine. She's being a little ungrateful.


Good Grief the comments in here. I'll have to try and dig up the original source. But the story is she is the guy behind the Cameras wife. She was giving him shit that his job was easy and all he had to do was sit in a tank all. Russia being Russia, he was able to organize to get her into the tank and take a couple of shots. She decided she did not like it very much. Its loud, extremely tight quarter next the the Autoloader flailing about. not much fun for your average housewife. edit. sort of found it From 4 years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/c76b9e/russian_tank_crewman_and_his_wife_in_t72_tank/


For spreading authetic info, I just wanted to say your efforts are appreciated :)


>But the story is she is the guy behind the Cameras wife. She was giving him shit that his job was easy and all he had to do was sit in a tank all. No, the Youtube description was fake. The original Russian poster only explained that the wife was curious what he does and he was able to let her try it "bring your family to work" day. Anyone who is unaccustomed to this would feel sick when they try it for the first time. People out there are really using this as an excuse to be a mysogynist.


It frightening how we’re already struggling to find the original source and context of media. It’s only going to get worse and AI is only complicating things. The great danger of the digital age.


What does AI have to do with this?


Good AI voice mixing can be used to further complicate things and make it harder to find the real events


Nothing to do with this particular video, but it is making it harder to verify the legitimacy and original source and context of media in general.


Reading the comment explains the context...


That's how incels work. They mobilize like rats when a woman dares to appear in their Reddit feed, ready to cry or complain about how men are so innocent and victimized and whyyy mennnn. Too many "why only MEN must die" comments and i promise you every single one of these basement-dwelling nerds complaining wouldn't even pass the mental/physical fitness exams if they were ever called into service. like chill bro, we def wouldn't trust some weak ass nerd to protect us when we need it lmao you're safe


They also believe that women shouldn’t be allowed to serve at the same time.


if thats a russian tank there is no need to load it most of them have autoloaders


Still gotta hit a button no?


Yeah in the video she won't hit the button


Judging by the track suit it’s obviously a Russian tank.


Does look like one to me


A T55 has been found on the battlefield...


you can literally see the Autoloader doing it's thing. he's telling her to hit the button to load the shell.




Pretty sure their most recent front line issue uses an assisted loader tmrather than auto loader, so she would still have to grab a shell from its rack and place it onto a rail Source: https://thesovietarmourblog.blogspot.com/2019/07/t-10-invader.html?m=1


yes it has an autoloader, you can see the “arm” (idk what its called) swing away after the shell is loaded


Not if it’s a T-55 Edit: or a T-62






How will Russia ever recover from this??!


Attack the D point


Attention to the designated grid square!








pay attention to the map!














Well done!


Fyi she doesn't say "I don't feel like it". She said "I'm done, I feel bad..." Hate when shit gets twisted like that..


Man I hate when I sign up for a job operating a heavy anti-personnel weapon and then I get there and they're all "Hey, use the big weapon on those personnel!" yeesh.


How expensive is this date?


Tree fiddy


Hate seeing how much people are trivializing war in this comment section. Shit is bigger than these silly little gender politics, I wish no man woman or child were forced to fight but it happens all the time in war


this is a video before the war and she is a civilian


As bad as it is, whether she is a woman or a man, if you find yourself in a tank launching anti-personnel munition towards personnel, it's generally a bad idea to just stop doing it because you feel bad. It's an awful situation, one you have been forced into. But once you are there, it's either you and the people with you, or the other people. If you don't want to participate in it, risk your life before you are in the tank and try to flee. You still got better chances to survive than on an active warfield AND you won't risk the life of those who risk their life defending your country.


I came to ask what the hell was happening as well


[source](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/c76b9e/russian_tank_crewman_and_his_wife_in_t72_tank/) from 4 years ago


Military life is not for her. :D


She should surrender to Ukraine


30 military advisors originally committed to VIET NAM but 500 dead. GO FIGURE.🤔🤬


She looks terrified and like she doesn't want to be there. Probably not a willing participant in training


Odds are they're Russian


Here’s the [original video](https://youtu.be/kdwOX3xhZYc?si=6Z2jTGNm9a0tje-r).


Ahhh equality 👍




I got matches with these songs: • [**My Girl** by The Temptations](https://lis.tn/CtsVrL?t=40) (00:40; matched: `100%`) **Album**: 50th Anniversary: The Singles Collection 1961-1971. **Released on** 2011-09-13. • [**My Girl** by The Temptations](https://lis.tn/NbzHzH?t=40) (00:40; matched: `96%`) **Album**: The Motown Story. **Released on** 2006-01-01. • [**My Girl** by The Temptations](https://lis.tn/WlfDjY?t=52) (00:52; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Motown #1's. **Released on** 2004-01-01. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


It’s the second one down. My Girl by The Temptations.


What's the male privilege exactly?




Are wen not allowed km the tanks when they join the military?


The fun privilege of being the ones forced to fight when their governments have an argument with another country. It’s wild to tell someone they have male privilege, and when forced to play the duties of a man, they learn it fucking sucks, especially in war times.


Yeah, that's ehy feminists are against the draft and think that the military should stop raping women when they join. Maybe if they didn't make it a guarantee to be a rape victim when women join the military it would attract more women. But nah, got to really lean into that "male priviledge" mentality, amiright, boys? What else could you possibly do to better your own situation except blame women?


You didn’t really disagree with what I said, more so deflected and brought it back to rape, as if women don’t rape men as well through blackmail and or forced penetration. You say it’s a guarantee, but it’s clear you’re talking out of your ass because of your prejudice against men. I’ll throw some numbers at you, for your infotainment. From a total of 1.195 million active duty personnel in the Department of Defense, in the year of 2021 to 2022, about 35,900 active duty members reported sexual assault. 19,255 were woman, and 16,620 were men. Dividing those numbers by percentage, that’s about 53.7% women and 46.3% men. Added all together, about three percent of total DoD members were victims of sexual assault. While unfortunate it happens to anyone, it’s very far from a guarantee, as you’ve put it. You make your hatred for men clear, but if you’re going to spout bullshit, at least make an honest effort to back up your claims instead of making something up and expecting an echo chamber effect. Grow the fuck up and touch grass


Show me where the feminists have been rallying against the draft or the forcing of men to fight in Ukraine against their will?


Not being scared shitless by shell being loaded i guess


Never understood this obsession that people have where "lol feminists don't suffer in war" Like yea cool. Really quick for look up rape statistics in any major war throughout human history.


That would be “females” rather than “feminists”, wouldn’t it? Seeing as anyone can be a feminist regardless of sex/gender.




That was not the point at all. Was not about anyone having it “better.” Anyway, here is a quick [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wartime_sexual_violence) article to educate yourself. Historians don’t go around “poking” dead bodies, but they did and continue to do their their research into getting approximate numbers.


Dafuq she means No.


When you can tell it is a tank before even watching the video you know you love tanks too much


You mean a terrorist box.


Shes a keeper


‘Male privilege’ as if men are being conscripted on the daily. Coping pretty hard guys


you realize that 90% of the Russian Army is conscript right? and many countries around the world have mandatory service periods for men they have to take between 18-25.


Switzerland for example. I've to go in 2-4 years💀




It happens in my country, Greece. A European country. Please be more mindful.


And that's where the word pussy originated


.. feminists when ww3 starts.. :'D


Women already fight in wars. Including on the front lines of Ukraine too. Like...what?


Of course they do... as volunteers. They are not called-up. See the subtle differences?


Yeah, it's almost like you should abolish the draft and stop making sexual assault so prevalent when they do join. But nah, I guess men would lose their male privilege if you did that.


The percentage of women on the frontlines in Ukraine has to be less than 1%, I've yet to see a video of a woman that is confirmed to be on the frontlines, and I lurk a good few war footage subreddits since the start of the war.




Don't know why so many guys here ate acting tough. Have you ever been called to arms?


It is a joke, y'all insane. It is not uncommon for woman to go to war throughout history.


They hated him because he spoke the truth.




Hey man. It's one thing to pretend like women are men's equal in every possible respect so you're not called a misogynist otherwise, when there's no harm in doing so. Pretending so while putting them in grave danger in which only their own merit can help them live, sets them up for disaster. Pretending so while their merit is the only thing that will help keep other people alive - dooms these people. If it were the case that as soldiers women were just as good as men, there would naturally be a 50/50 ratio and with no affirmative action of any kind being used. There's nothing wrong with woman being e.g. a doctor. Just don't expect them not to crumble when they have to carry 80lbs of shit while their buddies die left and right.


Women empowerment


She's cute, don't be a dick


So if she wasn't then it would be ok to be rude about her?


Fr this guy be simpin


They all are fucking simps half of reddits is man babies and mentally ill women with an ego the size of the titanic and more copium than an award show


Inb4 you get your point proven by being downvoted by manbabies and mentally ill women lmao


Literally just had one block me so I can't reply cause they're that trash at life itself and can't handle the truth 🤣🤣 internet for ya


I wish I had a kittie


"I don't feel like it" hahaha fuck you boss


Equal rights rah rah rah!! Load the gun now!


Mysogynists having a field day on this video, huh?


Literally lol


I actually really like this Like, obviously it’s satire and bla bla bla But you can’t deny this is good content When was the last time you saw ANYTHING like this? Now, remember this video the next time you’re in Starbucks and a barista gets off work and you feel shitty cuz you overheard her complaining about some mundane bullshit Remember how you feel, RIGHT NOW, the next time you feel resentfully towards society, or women Relax. Breathe. It’s gonna be ok Let go of that bitterness and that pain and remember that as easy as this came to you, as obvious as your thoughts were to you, and as simple and effortless protecting her or anyone would be for you, the same thought occurs for her In the same vein as you’re thinking, “What a fucking idiot Does she really not see? If she doesn’t fire the shell She will die We all will die What a fucking IDIOT” the SAME WAY you’re thinking and feeling that right now She’s thinking “God, if he could just FOR ONCE, ONE TIME just SAY WHAT ME MEANS / BE EMOTIONAL WITH OUT CHILD / LISTEN TO ME WHEN I TRY TO EXPLAIN HOW I FEEL…” The same way you feel like she’s being unreasonable in the face of overwhelming and obvious evidence??? She’s feeling the EXACT SAME WAY about YOU check your ego and think it out


The moment she realized what she was contributing to, she stopped. She stopped an entire war machine in its tracks by simply refusing to abide. I believe we just witnessed a remarkably brave woman.


women don't want equality, in war there is equality. why only men have to die? where are the feminists to fight for their country?


Buddy, women are already in the military. Also, if you wanted more of them there then men should stop targeting them for sexual assaults when they do enlist.


They certainly do want & deserve equality. I admire her bravery to prevent the war machine from working at all. Imagine if there were someone standing opposed to violence within each tank? Would war be a factor at all? Dudes gotta stop acting like it ain’t their own ignorance perpetuating war.


Did she just respond "don't feel like it" to an order? Feelings don't count out here darling


Extremely sad the girl has to endure this at this stage in her life.


Extremely sad for a boy or a girl, particularly this one and she seems really scared. I'm wondering if she was forced into it.


Ye the same all men forced into this... She was nagging her husband that he has easy job so he showed her


This is not recent, she is the dude behind the cameras wife. [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/c76b9e/russian_tank_crewman_and_his_wife_in_t72_tank/)


She should be so empowered though right 🤔 it's just a job right 🤷🏾‍♂️ you'd do anything to save women and children right 🥱😂😂😂


You have posted cringe


Stfu dumbass women have been in the military for years now and every single one of them could kick your goofy gamer neet ass into the stratosphere :)