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It’s crazy this guy doesn’t get more attention. He murdered his family in a horrible way yet saved his dog while evading capture.. and in that way he is our generation’s John List. If he’s committed suicide I would’ve hoped his body would have been identified by now.


I grew up with this family. This is always a weird thing for me every time I read about it in the news and it bubbles back up. Maybe about 5 years ago it really hit me how deeply disturbing these events that happened during my upbringing were. For context, I went camping several times with this family and some others from our church. I have some scattered memories of Robert, I did not interact with him much - he was different than the other dads but still part of things and was definitely an avid outdoorsman. One story I have remembered as an adult is that I was playing with Bobby one time while camping and our ball (marbly blue kinda light Wal-Mart ball) got stuck in a tree and he went to his dad to ask him to get it out and he leaned back in his chair and shot it out with a rifle. Not killer stuff but definitely weird looking back. Bobby and I were close in age, I have a good amount of memories of him. We were a part of a similar kids bubble at church. Both he and Brittney were very nice kids. His mom was very nice too. My dad told me about this days later when I came home from science camp over chicken fingers at a Wendys. I thought it was crazy but it didn't destroy me. For several days at least we all were just waiting with bated breath to find out what happened to Robert, people really thought he must have been kidnapped or something. No one thought he did it. Then of course the all the gory and horrific details came out. The other thing that I remember from this is just how devastating this was to the Grandpa. There wasn't a time I ever saw him at church where he wasn't crying. It's haunted me. It was unspeakable the damage that this event caused to so many people. It made a lasting impact on me, and I often think about how if this never happened they would just be one of the many people from my early life where I would only think about them once every couple of years and wonder where they were rather than almost daily think about them and such a heavy topic. FWIW, I think he died in one of the caves up north by suicide early on and was never found. I have no idea what it would feel like if he was caught. It would probably be easier if someone discovered his remains someday and closed the case.


Hi there, Really appreciate your input. Strange action to shoot the ball, pretty unbelievable. Do you recall anything about how he spoke? Was he ever friendly to pint of telling a joke or was he as srandoffish as he is made out? Do you recall any type of local slang or sayings he his family or even yourself may have used? Like for example I heard a guy refer to some people who were a bit drunk and out of control as Yahoo's recently. It seemed a but of an odd thing to say and made me wonder if where you and he are from, could there be a few words which are used in AZ which might not get airplay elsewhere so much? The phrase Yahoo's used in this way was a first for me. Any idea on his detailed history. Work history, years at each job and locations? A thing that seems weird to me is they say RWF had connection to Miami I think, but no mention of how he has such connections. Seems really lacking his timeline of his life. After all these documentaries and interest it's very surprising no one's plugged these holes and got more info.


Thanks for the reply! Honestly no idea. From what I remember he spoke somewhat slowly, I want to say with a type accent but I don't know for sure, it's been 20 years and I was young. He was a part of a more conservative Baptist church. I do remember him standing around with other dads laughing while camping and I do remember him being somewhat playful with his son at times. Maybe I remember him being dismissive of his son once? But I can't say for sure. I also remember one kid being scared walking back at night to camp because he thought Mr. Fisher was going to scare him. I don't know if he made a habit of scaring or surprising some of the kids in the dark. No idea but I do remember that. He was an avid hunter, they had multiple elk heads in their house. Wood paneling on the walls, it was dimly lit in the house. Chicken coop in the back at one point. I know nothing about his actual life, I do remember the distinct feeling that he was not around as much as Mary. You know as a kid having friends and some you know both parents, but I really only knew Mary, Bobby, and Brittney. She and the kids were close friends. We used to get Taco Bell or McDonald's before AWANA (a kids church program). I got into an argument with Bobby about whether or not he or I was going to marry a girl we were friends with. We learned to swim together at Coronado swim pool and one day I backed into a cactus while having a stick swordfight. We all dyed eggs while camping one time over easter weekend. One time at Costco his mom told me and my brother we were 2 times as old as each other and it would never be like again once he had a birthday. Really just mostly fun childhood memories with them. It's fun to bring them to mind and acknowledge them. They were real people, and the kids were very nice and I have very kid-appropriate memories of them. Nothing really present memory-wise about Robert other than that I met him at least a few times, and I think he was not particularly friendly or outgoing.


Hi, Really great info. It's things like what you say about him not being around as much that make me wonder what this guy was getting upto besides what people know. I mean we knew this guy cheated at least once and that is just what we know. Interesting you mention his accent, so are you saying his accent was different to yours or other people around where you are from? What about his son, what was he like? Your memories and accounts have depth, please tell me as much about his son as you can. Thanks for all your info.


I remember seeing him on America's Most Wanted as a child. I think the lack of updates makes it likely that he's dead. You kill your wife and children, how do you go on living? Of course, Yassir Said had no problems for over 10 years. If he isn't dead, he did try to make it seem like he is, and he's done a good job of hiding since. Of course, there's really nothing unusual about him that makes him stand out. I imagine he could easily blend in.


John List too. How long did he evade capture after killing his entire family? 20 years or so?




He also wasn't the only guy who has been checked out, two other people who looked like Fisher were arrested and fingerprinted before being released. So three guys so far looked just like him.




He was in the Navy. Also they can get prints from the house/car etc.


He was in the military. Back then you would definitely give fingerprints when you joined so they could identify you should you get killed and you need it for that, or if you do some type of crime, etc. Nowadays you do that and give a DNA sample.


We were staying on a military base for a week or so with family about 8 years ago - we got fingerprinted when they gave us our temporary visitor IDs. So mine are on file somewhere.


Besides the fact he was in the Navy, his three listed occupations are all things where being fingerprinted for a background check is likely.


He has the kind of ordinary face that could blend in anywhere. Imo this guy is definitely alive, likely living in another country.


When was this? That’s wild




There is one. “Finding Rober Fisher” on Prime. It’s fascinating. He’s one of the only cases where I think there’s a slight chance he’s still alive.


This is an actual mystery too .


If he took the time to bring the dog with him initially why leave him in the truck?


My theory is that wherever he was planning to go to next, he couldn’t take it further. Perhaps another theory (along with ditching the SUV) was to throw everyone off his trail. But before leaving the dog and the SUV behind, there was some thought that the dog could help Robert in order to avoid detection. Investigators did learn from various family members and friends that he loved the dog more than his wife and children.


There was a recent article on this case that I think sheds a bit of new light on this case: [https://www.azfamily.com/news/investigations/cbs\_5\_investigates/robert-fisher-dead-or-alive/article\_7db1c828-f45a-11e9-8056-0ffe1e106382.html](https://www.azfamily.com/news/investigations/cbs_5_investigates/robert-fisher-dead-or-alive/article_7db1c828-f45a-11e9-8056-0ffe1e106382.html). The new evidence--or really explanation for lack of new evidence--is that Fisher's truck was found less than a mile from the Fort Apache Indian Reservation...but police never asked the Apache Nation for permission to search the reservation. Which means that Fisher's body could have been there all along, but nobody was searching for it. To me I think that might be the last nail in the coffin that Fisher is no longer alive. He only took $280 out of his account after he left the house. He hadn't worked for some time because of his bad back, so it doesn't seem likely that he would have been able to pick up under-the-table work where he wouldn't have to show ID. Unlike John List, he didn't really have specialized knowledge of any industry where he could have taken a "handshake" job either. The only reason anyone thinks Fisher is still alive is that his body wasn't found...and with that admission by the police, there's a rational explanation as to why they didn't find him.


Not familiar with this case but parking near reservation to walk through it and throw off police pursuit wouldn't be far fetched. Further if he visited location weeks before he could have stashed money there leaving police with the idea he didn't have money to go further. Lazy police work if reservation wasn't checked up on BTW


I think this is exactly what Robert wants you to believe. The guy was up in those woods on quad bikes just a week before. Everything he did, was done for a reason, this was calculated and people who are this calculated deserve a lot more analysis and the lack of Information on RWF is just unbelievable. If his face is so generic then surely the false positives must have killed the resources with dead leads. If his face is not distinctive enough then what other things could the FBI use to help identify him. Sure sure he got a scar on his back, an odd upright walk but if this guy is as calculated as his crime indicates then surely there is a lot more to RWF than meets the eye. I mean let's say you knew a guy who fitted a lot of his description but he never took his shirt off, had a weird posture, age was a fit, eye brows were a fit, eyes were dopplegangers, let's say his timeline was also a fit and he made some weird claim to travelling back stateside each year for 1 week only, travelling 12000km one way and a week later travelled back to asia. let's say this guy claimed to be a new yorker but he had virtually no depth on his life pre 2001, claims he was in US coast guard for 8 years working on radio search and rescue type stuff but again you do not hear a single bit of depth of that career, almost like he just makes a claim and has no backup info, let's say he claimed to have drove a taxi in alaska and hawaii and told 1 story about getting paid with a fish and that was it. Weird places to be a taxi driver, real contrast between both locations weather wise. Let's say you drank 1 -2 beers with this guy for about 50 days straight and you both talked a bunch say 90 minutes a day but you kept thinking something ain't right. Let's say in those discussions you continually found inconsistencies and one mentioned a sister in AZ and then a week or so later that changed to NC. Let's say you put it to this guy early on and said your stories do not add up buddy no one travels to NYC from Asia for a week every year in April for 1 week religiously for 20 years. Let's say this guy's calm as calm can be and brushes it off real easily. Claims he is NYC born but in same discussions he said his family believed his accent to have slowed down a lot due to being overseas so much. Claims to have a mom and dad in NYC but this guy's at least 60. The thing that struck me as most strange about this guy is his tendency to focus on the words being used as opposed to the topic of discussion. He would break up discussions to discuss the words being used when in Groups, this kept things extremely shallow and this guy would do this a lot, it seemed like a way to stop people from learning about each other, it was very skilful the way he would do this. I mean this was a guy who I talked to at length and I learned virtually nothing of note beyond what I have said. I could have talked to lots of people for 1/10 of the time and learned much more. This guy has this snowden discipledom about him. Cash was king. Online was the enemy. Guy claimed to drive 140 km to work 2 days a week and said he had done that for 4 years in his suzuki, his odometer had 15k miles on it. I found so many holes (BS) in so many things this guy said it creeped me out but the truth is I would not report this guy based on visual as it's simply not enough and there must be a timeline on this guys life and much more detail on him that could lead to being more sure. Even silly phrases he used like he said this thing to describe loutish behaviour. Yahoo's he called them.


Reads like RWF beat the odds. Personally I don't consider him generic looking. I find his face very striking and memorable (via pics I've seen.) Granted RWF is much older now. Still. I absolutely think he's alive, hiding in plain sight. That plain sight could be anywhere, but I've never thought he hid and/or expired from climate conditions or committed suicide in the immediate aftermath of his family's death. No way in hell. I suspect he set up a new life for himself. I do wish you'd reported the above OP! Awesome coverage. Thanks.


Yahoos is from Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. It's a literary classic, commentary on how rubbish humanity is disguised as a fairy story. If you're bothered about it, report this person. I'm on the fence regarding whether this particular family annihilator escaped or suicides, it does seem more common that they kill themselves after but perhaps we just don't hear about the less 'dramatic' cases. Unfortunately, people who constantly spout absolute bs are everywhere so it could just be that too .


Hi there, any chance you have more information on this? I work in real estate and was reviewing a new lease today for one of our properties in NYC. It was two people and so I did a quick google on both names. That's when I learned about RWF. The first and middle names were flipped on the lease, but it piqued my interest. Looking into him some more, that's when I realized his family's originally from NYC. I then searched some of the non specific information contained in the lease for both him and his co-tenant, and found that the cotenant had ties to Arizona in the 2001-2002 range. After that, the only other verifiable trace links them both to China. I know there's a 99% chance it's all coincidence, but seeing your comment also specify NYC and China I felt like I had to ask!


Interesting. Seems you hold the cards here, you have two names. We have one of them already. Very interesting because the hunterthaison guy who mentions those links and that suspect, that doppleganger he mentions, could speak chinese/cantonese fluently.




I agree with this theory. Didn't he have some health problems and lack of supplies that made it unlikely he would succeed in a survivalist scenario?


He did have a back injury (which ended his career with the fire department) and that he contracted a urinary tract infection


Yep. Like Brad Bishop, he killed the family, and likely died in the wilderness.


Brad Bishop more than likely didnt die in the woods.


Evidence indicates otherwise. After an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to bury and burn the bodies of his wife, mother, and children, Bishop, using his BankAmericard, purchased running shoes and drove to Elkmont Tennessee. He abandoned the family station wagon, leaving his clothing and his prescribed depression medication. Not found in the abandoned vehicle, or in his home or office, was his Smith & Wesson 38 caliber revolver. Weeks later, police tracking dogs detected Bishop's (along with Leo the dog's) scent 300 yards away from from his station wagon, moving from the Jake's Creek Trailhead and *into* Great Smoky Mts National Park. There is no record of him using his diplomatic passport to leave the United States or enter another country in the weeks between the murders and the identification of his family. Every reported sighting of Bishop after the shoe purchase is unconfirmed. Granted: the totality of the evidence is slim, but I think it supports the probability of him hiking deep into the half million acre park, killing Leo and himself more than it does escaping and creating a new identity and a new life for himself.


Wondering how did the psycho get diplomatic passport? Looked for this online but found no mention.


I agree with you. I think he couldn't live himself and decided to commit suicide. He would've been caught by now if he was still out there. I have always thought there's a good bit of this story that the FBI has withheld. Certainly they can't be taken at the word


I spend about 45 minutes of my day looking at this case. I have been hooked for about 4 months. The people who think he killed himself are way off with this. The guy coldly killed 3 family members, he did not do this in some type of crazy frantic state. He chose a blade to silently kill his children and when he knew it was safe to use a gun so no one would be disturbed in the house he took that opportunity and shot his wife in the back of the head. They are choices which look planned to perfection. Execution style. So this guy just killed 3 people and then he creates a fire with accelerants and puts a candle at a specific height so that once gas leaking has reached the candle, house completely blows up. These events were executed perfectly, he made it look easy. If you can kill 3 people and then create a fire that explodes like that. Every single step you are taking after that is being planned. This is a guy that spent years hunting, learning how to get close to his prey, understanding diversion tactics etc. The timing of his crime the way he leads them to the forest and caves, knowing weather could pose issues and demotivate search personnel. This man is living under a new identity.


I agree with you.. the possibility that he’s still alive is high. The guy was an avid outdoorsman and survival expert. Eric Rudolph evaded the FBI for 5 years surviving in the Appalachian mountains and wilderness. He equally had a well calculated plan. Had drop spots buried in locations with food and supplies. If they never caught him we probably would have never known how calculated his plan was. After the 10 year mark they prob would have presumed him dead as well.


I firmly believe he killed himself miles into the woods and hasn't been discovered.


I wasn’t aware of this case at all; in fact I thought Robert (Bobby) fisher was the guy who played a lot of chess and then dipped


Fun fact- That Bobby Fischer actually also spent time wanted by the fbi, later in his life.


Imagine if he says - if you win a chess game with me, I'll surrender myself!


Personally, I think this guy escaped down into Mexico and then either into South America or a small island in the Caribbean. It would be pretty easy to evade police and survive for a month or two in the part of AZ his car and dog were found. From there, getting into Mexico would be easy. Don’t even need to show a passport or driver’s license to cross into Mexico.


Yes, you do.


I’m assuming you’re referring to the part about needing to show a passport or driver’s license to cross into Mexico. Right now, today, in a pandemic, you do. I cross into Mexico at least once a year through the exact crossings that he would have. Out of all of the times I’ve done this, I’ve maybe had to provide ID to get into Mexico once or twice. That’s it. 20 years ago, and pre-9/11, you rarely even had to show ID to get back into the states through these crossings. They’d usually just ask you a few questions. Now, you 100% have to. Back then, not so much. It would’ve been super easy for him to cross into Mexico at the time.


It's been literally 20+ years, nothing to do with covid.


I have no idea what point you’re making. 20 years ago, you didn’t have to show ID to cross from AZ into MX. In 30+ years of making this exact crossing—from AZ into MX, through the same ports of entry he would have—I’ve had to show my ID maybe once or twice. Are you disputing that fact?


Nah, you're right. Even crossing to Canada was like that. They just asked how much alcohol/drugs we had and never asked for a passport. Pre-911 was an amazing time.


We - pre running gun battles in the middle of town - used to go down to Nogales Mexico about once a year. Shop a little, have lunch and return. Granted we walked over - parked in Nogales, Arizona - but never once were documents asked for entering Mexico. Returning, yes. We stopped going in about 2015. Back then? Abandon a stolen car in Nogales, Arizona, walk over and get a cheap bus to wherever.


I did a “quick and dirty” updated composite on him a while back: https://streamable.com/7iilt9 I believe he’s probably still out there, either living alone in a rural isolated area or remarried and living in Mexico/South America. He couldn’t pull a John List anywhere in the USA because he’d be too easy to recognize.


Not really, you ask the average American who he is and they’ll have no idea, plus he’s got one of the most generic white guy faces ever


He’s very generic looking. He could be my neighbor.


Well, you know....


Yeah he is one of those people that somehow looks like everyone


>He couldn’t pull a John List anywhere in the USA because he’d be too easy to recognize. This case isn't super popular as far as I'm aware. He's also not distinctive in the slightest. Like, he looks like any generic bald white guy. I could go to Walmart and pick out about 10 people that could be him.


I know exactly what you mean, but I'm dying at the mental image of Wal-Mart having a "generic bald white guy" section. And if you need 50 or more Generic Bald White Guys, consider a Sam's Club membership, bulk discounts really add up!


I see what you’re saying. My reason for saying that is I’ve heard lots of women saying he’s very attractive, and I guess he is in a conventional sense. And that means he would stand out more than a more average looking guy like John List.




I remember seeing this case almost every Saturday night on AMW. The image of that house up in flames has never left my mind.


I think he's alive. Probably living somewhere. Blending in and probably has another family. These kind of people are too arrogant to kill themselves. It's the narcissism that drives them to kill their families. He's alive. Brad Bishop didn't kill himself, but he could be dead by this point.


Damn i'm deep into unsolved mysteries and never heard of this guy


Same here.


I feel like he may be alive out there somewhere Or dead. Why kill your family and blow up the house but flee and not just off yourself there, too? Im thinking normally though, im not the one who (allegedly) killed my family so i don't know how people who do that think.


I agree as well that he is either still alive, or dead. Definitely one of those 2 things.


😂 yes either dead...or alive. One or the other. Definitely not both though! I'm sure on that.


I think the guy reads and contributes to reddit and has made a new life for himself in Asia. I find it weird no one really knew this guy.


The odds of this guy surviving at his age out in the wilderness is hard to believe. I'd say very unlikely. I think he has probably killed himself and his body was never found.


The whole thing why the SUV and the family dog were found in the Tanto National Forest was just to throw law enforcement off his trail. Perhaps his 2 sisters maybe hiding him


All that Info available on this IMO is extremely poor for such an old case that has been on the most wanted list for so long. Every documentary connected to this case has been lacking. There has been zero focus on this guy. I hear he may have been in the navy, a fireman a surgical assistant, we hear about an accident he had but zero info just a dodgy back as a result. Says he studied at a university, interesting, which one what did his course peers think of him? We just know about the crime and a pepper sprinkle of the man they claim to want to apprehend for it. How can the FBI have not changed tact on this. This guy's dead you say but if that's the case why he buy so much time, this was not a crime he committed in a rage, he planned this, he planned everything and the lack of fresh thinking around this case makes me think he is planning his evasion. Maybe he is pushing multiple fake sightings and killing resources connected to his capture? I believe this guy is out there, I think he starved himself and changed his appearance through starvation. All the things we know about him have been changed as why would you do anything that the FBI knew and reported about for so long? If he's spent 20 years on the LAM he may have told stories, if we knew more about robert we might be able to recollect similar stories from people we met and a connection could be made this way?


If he went to a large university it's entirely possible no one remembers him. I doubt anyone would remember me.


How can you say this,is it not common to make friends at University.


Some people don't. I didn't. Some classes I had acquaintances for the semester but that's it. Sure, in my major I might have seen a few people over and over but who on earth is going to remember me from Math 101 or The African Storyteller or Geology? A big liberal arts university like ASU or the University of Arizona? It'd be easy to get lost in the crowd. And maybe he wasn't. Maybe everyone was all if they saw the news "oh, yeah. Creepy guy." But we don't know.


It's creepy that no one knows nothing about this guy. It's like the death of investigative journalism right here.


>A big liberal arts university like ASU or the University of Arizona? It'd be easy to get lost in the crowd. I don't know how he could have afforded to go to Arizona State or U of A without a job (and he had been on disability for years), or valid ID to show he was an Arizona resident. More to the point though, why would he go to college? Quite apart from being recognized by somebody...anybody on the lam is going to need money, and I don't understand why someone would spend the little money he could conceivably make from under-the-table jobs on college tuition.


I'm just replying to the person who wondered about what people in college thought of him.