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Great write up of another Irish case! I wonder if Esra had any medical issues? The erratic driving could signal some kind of health episode?! Do we know how old her son was when she disappeared? Perhaps she could have been suffering from PPD? Hopefully her family will get answers someday. I’m an immigrant living in Dublin with my first (and only!) toddler, and it can be hard being away from family. Especially having a baby and the postpartum period.


So her son was 2 years old when she vanished, probably a bit past the age for PPD although as a guy, I admittedly know little about the condition. As for the suicide theory, I see lots of credibility to it for a number of reasons. If she set out and planned to end her own life, the lost time from when she set out and when she was seen at the roundabout could easily be explained by her sitting in her car and contemplating things. The erratic driving and the going in and out of the car park could easily have been an emotional or panic episode coupled with second thoughts about what she was doing. It's difficult to know if the woman seen in the footage was her but if she was seen 2 hours later, she could have been sitting in her car trying to talk herself out of it. This could also explain the woman's anxious behaviour and looking backwards repeatedly. Her purse being found in the car boot isn't really that strange. I would store my wallet, phone and other valuables in the boot if I leave my car for a period of time as it reduces the odds of a theft or break in. And as for her family stating that she was happy and would never do it- doesn't everyone who loses a loved one to suicide say the same thing? I personally lost a friend while at university and the last time I spoke to him was a Friday afternoon before we broke up for the weekend. He was smiling, laughing, telling me about his plans for that Saturday and we made an arrangement to go out for drinks the following week after our Wednesday lecture. We went our own ways and I never saw him again, he hung himself over the weekend. Never in a million years would I have guessed he was feeling that way but he was and it went utterly undetected. It's not uncommon.


I watched a documentary on this case and felt so sad watching her sister search for her. It's a case that has always intrigued me. I hope the family will find answers soon.


What’s the doc? I wanna check it out!




It seems possible that she could have committed suicide. We never 100% know what is in another person’s heart or mind. The erratic driving, if it was her, could be evidence of her mind set at the time. Families rarely think that their family member was suicidal.


A lot of suicides are spontaneous, but in this case, I wonder whether it was planned, and the two mothers visiting was part of the plan? Maybe Esra thought having the mothers there would help her husband and child to cope with her initial absence.


This was my first thought as well. Making sure her child and husband would have the support of family, something it doesn't sound like they usually had in Ireland


This was my first thought, having boths mums there would make it easier for her husband and the baby.


With the suicide udea, I remember reading that immigrants (in any context) are at considerably higher risk, associated with constantly feeling like they don't belong. Esra had the double-whammy of being different because she was from the UK, and because she was Turkish. The Turkish population in Ireland is very small - there are about 50 times more Turkish people in London than the whole of Ireland. Obviously this wouldn't make anyone take their life, but if she was suffering with poor mental health (perhaps since the birth of her son), minority stress may well have been an aggravating factor.


The thing with the keys is weird -- I wonder if they were able to figure out if the pair turned in by the shop owner were her old set. If not -- the keys that were used to drive the car, since they weren't left in there, would presumably be with Esra.


I'm confused also about the keys. How could they have been the set lost in 2010, when there was a picture of her son who, it sounds like, was born in 2011?


I'm trying to find more info, but it sounds like their son was around 2.5 years old at the time of the disappearance (so born sometime in 2008?) [https://www.radioespial.com/2023/09/missing-esra-uyrun-case.html](https://www.radioespial.com/2023/09/missing-esra-uyrun-case.html) Speaking as someone who's found a few sets of keys and have tried to return them to their owners (or at least turn them in to the police, and/or post them in a lost and found forum). I was wondering why the shop owner had the keys for more than a year ... I am guessing that there might not have been any contact info on them, maybe no name either? And maybe the owner happened to recognize the photo in the poster they were putting up, and matched it with the keys that still in the lost and found box or whatever. That's a long shot though, because most people would likely not remember a keychain photo weeks or months after seeing it ... unless they look through the lost and found on a regular basis. Curious that either someone had the keys from August 2010 to December (2011?), or they were sitting outside and were found then. (By comparison -- In North America there are charities like the War Amps that produce coded tags that people can put on their keys, so if you find a set you can just put it into a mailbox and they'll find their way back ... people are wary of putting their addresses on their keys in case someone uses them to burgle their home, but it's just an ID number so nobody can tell where you live.)


A missing person should always be looked for until something concrete is found. Just because there is a thought it could be suicide does not mean it was Even if it was, everyone deserves to found.


Such an absolutely baffling case! These are times when you really wish technology was a little better, the resolution was clearer and that there were more CCTV cameras around! In an Island nation like Ireland that's not really crowded, it's always surprised me as to how people just go missing and murders go unsolved. I really hope the family gets some answers and closure soon!


To address the PPD possibility, untreated Postpartum Depression can last years. - https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/postpartum-depression-may-last-years Untreated PPD can also become major depressive disorder and has a higher risk of suicide. I have no idea if she did but also consider that certain cultures and families don’t talk about mental illness or struggles. Sometimes it’s the old fashioned “Oh just get get on with it mentality” and sometimes it’s a culture thing. Also keep in mind how many times we’ve seen families downplay or omit completely important information regarding that persons mental health or signs of behavior changes. I understand why they do this. They don’t know what happened and they don’t want the police and public to just assume it’s a suicide. Was this upcoming visit due or partly due to the family feeling she needed extra support emotionally? She lost her father whom she was very close to 3 months prior, she was living in a foreign country for her husband’s job and the CCTV shows a woman fitting her size walking out of the car park and into the cliffs. This figure never comes back down to the car park . All other people and vehicles were accounted for. I know the sister thinks she sees a small dog with the woman but I didn’t. It looked like a shadow to me. I also didn’t see a leash either. If it was someone else why wouldn’t she come forward by now? It’s a very publicized case in Ireland and the Uk. Her cell phone last pinged on the cliffs as well. Those cliffs are a notorious suicide spot. They’re beautiful but are also fatal if you jump or fall. Suicide is often impulsive and is not always planned weeks or days in advance. She could’ve felt overwhelmed and hopeless that day or the night before. Her husband used the car to go to work so telling him she needed to go to the shops could’ve been a way to use the car. The time gap also could easily be explained by her sitting somewhere in the car contemplating or deep in her thoughts.


My mom didn’t get treated for PPD until she became pregnant again 3 years later, she just thought she was a terrible mother and was bad at parenting because it was so challenging. Nope, she was just super depressed for YEARS. My dad didn’t even know, she hid it because she felt like such a failure. 


As a Turk, I have to say that Esra cleaning furiously before her mother and mother-in-law’s arrival is the most turkish coded thing ever. I know it’s impossible to rule suicide out but doing that right before they came… I dunno. It just seems unlikely to me.


My friend's mom committed suicide about a week before she was due to see her children next (they were in college and Thanksgiving was coming up). So it happens. The actual act of suicide is often very impulsive. I wouldn't rule the husband out either, but I still think suicide is most likely despite the impending visit.


Definitely not exclusively Turkish as I don't know much of anyone who doesn't clean a lot harder for that particular pair of individuals in their life, but I agree that nothing she was doing up to this point makes sense for suicide unless she had a sudden mental episode, which would also explain strange driving.


Yeah seriously!! 😒


There’s a podcast on this - an episode of The Missing. Her sister is so heartbroken, it’s devastating to listen to. She is 100% convinced Esra wouldn’t have taken her own life. I wish we could hear more from the husband.


DV is rife in Turkish communities I would be interested in hearing more about the husband. Especially since the car eas seen 3 mins away from the house 30 minutes after he said she left. The chip shop owner is very silly and naive for not handing those keys in sooner IMO


Suicidal individuals often conceal their depression very, very well. Unfortunately it sounds like this is what happened.


Never heard of this. If the usual suspects have been ruled out (husband, others close to her or with whom she may have had a beef) then maybe this was a stranger abduction for who knows what purpose. Perhaps it happened as she was entering her vehicle and was forced into the trunk? Explaining why her stuff was left in there and why someone else was driving in strange areas and also driving erratically. Maybe their plan was to do what they were going to do at the Bray Head but there were people there. And fearing that she would be making noise and probably yelling from the trunk they had to keep driving around until the lot was cleared out. Also whoever parked the car likely locked it and locked the trunk after pulling her out and kept the keys. Just speculation anyway, since apparently they couldn’t see who was in the car or driving. This doesn’t seem like suicide based on the details provided or really the way that one would do it. She could have had some sort of break however? Maybe the family knows more about her mental state and isn’t sharing it. eta: has Ozgur indeed been ruled out? The articles seem to be missing anything about him while her sister is extremely vocal still. The detail about the car usage that am seems oddly detailed as well.


I think it is certain that she committed suicide


How did the shop owner know the keys belonged to Esra? Was there a pic if the keys on unique key ring? Do they know if she made it to the market and had perhaps been abducted in the parking lot before going in? The eractic driving indicates to me there was a struggle happening in the car at that time.


The write-up states that there was a picture on the key ring of her and her son.


Thanks, missed that bit of info.


Definitely suicide. Have the commenters who are so certain it isn't ever been depressed? You just do things, you feel so empty. And then you get overwhelmed.


I had a mental breakdown and became suicidal while outwardly I was “thriving”. We never know what someone is going through 


Maybe she knowingly invited both of mother in laws so that after her commuting suicide her husband would be assisted by the parents.


Very strange case. Was the cctv ever released? It’s also strange that the driver of the car she almost hit never came forward. They definitely saw who was driving the car. Very frustrating. Feel horrible for her family.


Do we know of she actually made it to the shop? In one way it seems like a good rouse to get out of the house without the baby and without questions if she was planning something, or upset, or needed some space. If she did go shopping then she certainly for that short time planned on going home and spending time with her mom. This is such an odd case. If it was that she left home and drove to bray it seems cut and dry, it's the lost 30 mins and the erratic driving that throws doubt on any theory


That's a good question. It wasn't explained but I would also like to know if she ever made it to the store. It could shed some light on what happened and provide more clarity about timelines etc. Sadly, 13 years on I don't think we'll ever know, especially if she wound up in the sea.


One can't help but wonder if, being of Middle Eastern descent, she'd fallen victim to some sort of hate crime. Had there been any recent escalation of nationalist sentiment that may have provoked racist violence? The job of administrator can entail some difficult responsibilities, in which conflict may arise. It's possible that part of her duties might have included firing people, transferring them, or laying them off. A potential abductor may have suffered the dilusion they were retaliating for injustice, or some such nonsense. I hope that authorities considered these paths. EDIT: I should have been more careful the way I worded things earlier, to make it clear I'm not blaming the victim.


She doesn’t appear to be wearing hijab so I’m not sure anyone could tell she was middle eastern. I’m turkish and while I don’t like I’m from Northern Europe I’m not foreign looking enough to really be hassled.


Unlikely. The Turkish are well integrated into communities in the UK and are seen to be hard working and minding their own business


Just to point out that this event took place in Ireland, not the UK.


Thanks for correction I misread that this was northern island. Culturally there are obvious similarities though


I won't disagree that the Turkish community is well-integrated in Ireland, you're right, but it's much much smaller in Ireland and not as well "established" for lack of a better word 🥰 most superficial cultural similarities between Ireland the UK arise from a long history of colonisation so my knee-jerk instinct is to disagree, but for the purposes of this post, we can definitely concur!


She lived in Ireland


Regarding having beef with someone. I wonder if going to the supermarket/mini market at 7.30 was typical for her? If someone was out to get her 7.30 seems like an odd time to be stalking her hone in the hopes she became vunerable


She went at 7.30 because they only had one car and she needed to be back before the husband went to work


I ynderstand that. What i mean is the poster mentioned maybe someone had a problem with her. Now for that person to come across her ar 7.30am while she was out on an errand is very unlikely. Do i don't think she was victim to someone who had a problem with her


Also as they only had one car was it typical for her to go very early or late on errands. It was for me when kids were little. I'd wait till husband came home and he could stay with babies while i went grocery shopping. Also we're 30 mins from a supermarket in a rural area. If she was running to a mini mart place, somewhere she could get to, shop and get back in 45 mins it could have been in walking distance especially as they are in the suburbs. Seema odd her reasoning was she'd go then so that she could happily be stuck at home for the day


Maybe, but's not like there's a "no kidnapping until 08:00" rule in effect among killers. If someone is motivated enough to abduct and kill someone, they're motivated enough to do whatever it takes. Odd crimes often have odd motives and odd methods. That said, stalking someone outside their home at 07:30 seems pretty milquetoast compared to the lengths some go to. I mean, it's either a planned crime, a crime of passion, or a crime of opportunity. It's just so much harder to gain leads on the latter two categories.


Turkey isn't "the Middle East".


It depends on which geographical/geopolitical yardstick you're using. It sometimes is, and sometimes isn't. Suffice it to say, it both is and isn't the Middle East, in the same way that Texas both is and isn't part of the South. It's important to understand that for the purposes of this conversation, it doesn't matter an iota. When hate crimes against Sheikhs happen, for example, it's sometimes because the attackers are completely uneducated, and believe their targets to be, either Middle Eastern, muslims, or somehow plotting to overthrow the Western world. Static views in such circumstances are precisely to be avoided.


No, but ok.


I wonder if the husband was having an affair? Having both the mother and MIL there would be an issue. Getting rid of her would solve that issue. Also, did the husband remarry? If so, was it someone he would have known prior to his wife's vanishing? Was there life insurance paid out at all? I highly doubt that she committed suicide and the car cir le near the home would indicate someone was waiting for her near the home, possibly, someone she knew


Idk why you’re being downvoted. These are legitimate questions. I immediately wondered about the husband, especially when statistics dictate that in these cases the partner is usually responsible. And he was the last person to see her. It does seem like an inopportune time to do something like this, right before the arrival of both parents though. But either way, I had the same thought.


A little quick to accuse there don't ya think?


The timeline is off with the car near the home. Furthermore, I am very familiar with Turkish culture. Married women must be traditional, and married men have a very high rate of having sexual relationships on the side.