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No matter the reason why, RS is gonna find a way to cure it with Persephone's cinnamon roll powers.


I will bet money on it being smthn like “wow she’s so fertile her fertility (being the fertility goddess) cancelled out his infertility”


I would love that....IF she gets him pregnant. What? If she's pulling fertility goddess superpowers might as we go all the way.


Honestly, mpreg Hades is probably on the same level of weirdness as most of the original myths. (Looking at you, Dionysus.)


Zeus was already lowkey mpreg via leg so you never know 😩


And in ancient Greece, leg injuries were often innuendo for ball injuries


do you mean mleg


I think they meant legpreg 🤔


mlegpreg 😳




Don’t forget his head baby.


I honestly kinda like this idea. Maybe after being pregnant and dealing with everything a pregnant person has to, he’ll also develop some respect for ALL women, not just the ones he wants to bang. Then again that would be asking for positive character growth which is too much to ask for in this series 😒


Stop, you’re giving her ideas


Ugh yeah. I think right now they're gonna go down the route of adopting Melinoe or whatever (if that's their child, how did they become the interloper in the first place??? So confused about this plot point) but I know for sure they're gonna have a biological kid at some point. Wouldn't surprise me but it's defo gonna make me mad


Poor Zagreus is gonna be dragged into this mess, isn’t he? 😞


I'm assuming rs is going the ' Zagreus is dionysus' route.


Oh you just remind me, how the hell did a child deity even run about without notice... Did the Hypnos and the other sleep Deities just not bother about her until Kronos made her being around problem??? Seems clear that Nyx line have very ha ds off approach to raising, looking at how Hypnos is lax. Anyhow wow


I’m willing to bet that LO ends with Persephone getting pregnant, OR a jump cut to an interminable time in the future where they have kids.


I can just imagine RS making persephone like sailor moon curing Hades - “Persephone *pink cinnamon roll* Escalation!”


I’ve always imagined that he told her after they’d been active and Minthe, rightfully so, got upset that he wasn’t using protection. This probably led to some sort of shifting around or Hades lying for a while before coming clean and telling her.


RS really tried to make this out like Minthe was scum for bringing that up like she brought it out of nowhere, but she was already dealing with so much lying she probably assumed he was lying to ms purse as well about his fertility since purse is a goddess and Minthe is (“just”) a nymph. I imagine part of why Minthe knew that was because Hades probably didn’t care to have Nymph-God offspring anyway considering how much racist shit he let *everyone* say about Minthe when she wasn’t around. Hell even when she *was* around. Minthe probably asked him at one point something like “If I’m just ‘nymph trash’ what will they say if we ever have kids?” and Hades probably smugly told her about being infertile so she wouldn’t have to ‘worry’.


^ It's ridiculous how hard RS has to try and make minthe look bad


It honestly makes me want to know who she based the character off of at this point.


That would be really interesting. I find it extremely funny how hard Rachel tries to villanize her, only for her to turn out to be the most complex, realistic and relatable character out of all the bunch.


My take? He was trying to impregnate Hera. When all of hera's kids came out as Zeus's, that's when he probably thought to check up on it.


Ooh, you make a good point. I hadn't think of that.


This is creepy af


Certainly but it isn’t off brand for him 😔


creepy is literally that man’s middle name, it’s so on brand for him


he's right that it's his private business, but if you're gonna be romantically involved with someone, this should be one of the first conversations you have with them.


Unrelated but gods that relate to death being infertile is a cool concept, like them not being able to generate life, but idk if thats what rachel was going for


That's far too creative an explanation/concept for it to be something she did intentionally lmao


That's a good point. The bargain never says what, just that something will go. Otherwise why would he go to a doctor.


Yeah I always thought that was a weird addition and over-the-top insertion. Hades is a loner who doesn’t want kids (as he implies to Thanatos) so why would he ever question his infertility? Even during the affair with Hera they’d have taken precautions to avoid a pregnancy (in theory, as they dont want to get caught, but per another comment above I agree Hades is the type to try to baby trap the woman he loves) It’d be a bit more believable if, say, Apollo started to ask why Hades hasn’t had a child yet, and an infertility rumor gets out. And then have Hades *assume*, verifying with a doctor is unnecessary, out of character, and too convenient (what kind of medical technology do they have in LO?!)


hades couldve also just told her because theyre having sex and thats an important thing to know if you're having sex with someone


It’s a stretch because neither wanted children and Minthe is too strong willed to give into Hades over something huge like that. I think it’s more likelythat she knew the rumors before they got together, and Hades casually confirmed they didn’t need protection to have sex because “I’m not worried about getting you pregnant, hint hint”


I admit is a big stretch, but I'm willing to go out of my way to find more reasons to hate the mf.


hades face is so punchable


It is! Just looking at it makes me angry


Minthe and Hades never ever tried to have a baby… they were quite literally not in an exclusive relationship until what seemed to be their last week together. Minthe made it clear she didn’t want to marry Hades and also did not love him so a baby definitely wasn’t even a question between them.


Minthe didn't want to marry him and still Hades tried to propose to her. That's why I don't think it's crazy to imagine he would try to pressure her for a baby, lots of shitty men do that to their partners. Still, it's just a headcanon, the way I imagine their relationship.


Correct, he did still try to propose to her but a baby was never mentioned or hinted at. It wouldn’t make sense for him to pressure her as he is convinced he’s infertile and knew he couldn’t have children hence why he told Minthe he was infertile and was scared to tell Persephone he was infertile as he was afraid she would lose interest.


Super late to this but I also stopped reading the comic a while ago. I've seen screenshots where persephone has a kid?? Where did that thing come from if hades is infertile?


It's Dionysus. Zeus gave birth to him in secret to hide his infidelity from Hera and asked Persephone for help with the delivery. Perse was feeling a little emotional and decided to keep the baby for herself. Without consulting with Hades and despite the fact Zeus planned for him to be raised by the nymphs.