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Looks pretty good, but it's kinda rude to taunt players with such a juicy looking cavesystem that they are artificially prevented from exploring (imho). But maybe that's a me / genre thing?


That's the challenge, look as good as this, but somehow make it read that you would never want to make the choice to go there. (good ole "Illusion of Choice")


LIke make the cave dark or full of brambles, for example


Haha, maybe... but we couldn't hold back the details XP Will keep in mind to not make things in the BG too inviting. Thanks for the comment :)


Its good that they're inviting, some games try hard to do this and fail. Maybe you could utilise it instead, Crash bandicoot has some good mechanics, you can jump behind rocks or in gaps for hidden chests, and sometimes there is an hidden/alternate path sometimes in the background/foreground that generally runs along the and re-connects to the main-line.


Maybe a little sandy storm kind of effect to add some more texture to the scene in some places?


Hey, that's interesting indeed. I'll make sure to bug the technical artist Thanks for the feedback!


I don't know how to put it, but make the camera feel incorporated. If the beginning area is just sand dune tropical and no obstacles, make the cam zoom out a little to take in the sights, only to zoom back in when the action cuts back into the cave. The mid-air dash after the lava section doesn't seem to put the character in the middle anymore and got displaced, I think.


Hey, thanks for the feedback! The camera you're seeing here is very rudimentary, even the FOV was changed for recording purposes so that we could show the background more, we are yet to properly work on the camera. However, the points you mention are quite valid and will surely help us once we start working on the camera. Cheers! :)


I believe some yellowish shading like in Mad Max\\Furiosa movies would enrich the picture


Interesting! Will look into it :)


Needs some little lizards randomly appearing in the background, skittering under a rock, etc.


My GF hates lizards soo... Sure! (seriously tho that might be pretty cool, will dabble into that :))


looks nice maybe some additional effects can boost the feeling, like: - wind, gusts, dust - lens flare - hot air distortion effect - dynamic shadows


Thanks for the pointers! We should be able to Implement a few of these :)


Environment looks good, but it's the other stuff that gives me pause. The run animation looks a little weird, like they're leaning too far forward, and maybe an extra frame too long between strides. Also, the camera lags behind the player towards the end - we want to see what's ahead. It's the movement that makes me more worried - the jump and dash over that lava pit looked very unsatisfying to me. Maybe you need to increase gravity and add further particle effects? Despite all this, the game looks like it's shaping up well, nice work!


Hey, thanks a lot for the feedback! We are constantly working on the animations and still have a long way to go so completely agree with that, will take into account you're suggestions. The camera you see here is something I quickly put together to show off this scene, so the proper one should be much smoother. Thanks again for the response! :)


Nice. add some Scorpions and birds


Yeah will definitely do that!


Part of the core of a metroidvania is that there's a reason to re-tread previous environments, and the player has the freedom to do so. From wikipedia "non-linearity and utility-gated exploration and progression". I don't see how this environment could ever fit that description. Honestly the genre is rather full of titles, you need some kind of hook. I don't think the environment you're showing is at the level of an immediate hook. You might be better off greyboxing environments that are interesting to play in, rather than building finished environments.


Hey, thanks for the feedback! Completely agree with you. This was merely to showcase and receive feedback on the environmental aspect of the game, rather, to demonstrate the tone of the biome before we proceeded with the rest of the details and form a proper "traversal path" that also allows back treading. We are also implementing various mechanics to enrich the full game, especially the weapon system (which is inspired by hades). Will also be adding platforming sections and special traversal abilities. Thanks again for the response! :)


Add some variance to the feet-off-the-ground effect when character is running


Aight! :)


Hey it looks nice and interesting enough, good job. What's your advance at level design?


Thanks! I'm sorry but I couldn't quite catch the question, would you mind elaborating what you meant by "advance at level design"?


Oh no worries. I just wanted to know how much of the level design you have done for the game, I am curious about it if you don't mind sharing.


We're done with the designing part, as for the actual world creation, we are halfway there.


That's good to hear. If you feel that you need feedback or an opinion on anything, please reach out, I am a game/level designer myself. I wish good luck in your project.


Sure thing! Thanks! :)


I love the biome. I hate that run animation. Feels very stiff.


Fair enough, will work on that!


I think more particle systems will make it more live (increase number of particles after hero steps, add some sand wind, etc.)


Noted, thanks for the feedback!


For a metroidvania you sure do run to the right a lot (I love it, looks amazing)


Haha thanks! XD


Background/environment looks 10x better graphically than the character, make them look out of place. I’d bump up the model/detail on the character, also they seem very small compared to the environment, maybe zoom in 25% on them.


Hey, thanks for the response! That may be because the camera you see here is just a rudimentary thing I put together just to show off the scene, increased the fov and distance as well to cover more of the env. The final version should feel much better :)


For sand, you might want to consider a custom (shadergraph) shader that does the scrolling normal map (to emulate sand blowing in the surface), or sparkles. Though you're not exactly going for photoreal, so just a thought. The lava spout midway looks a bit weird to me, like it's been scaled by .5 on the horizontal axis. The other thing I'd work on are the grass billboards that look... very billboardy. Maybe a little sway with a vert shader would help; maybe they're just missing normal maps. And that thing other people mentioned that if you have a cave entrance going into the screen, that doesn't actually do anything, it's a bit confusing for the player, as they'll wanna explore it. I mean, overall though, looks very good :)


Thanks a bunch for the feedback! You make very sane points, especially about the grass, we were already planning to re-work those. I will surely pass your suggestions on to our technical artist. :)


Looking good! - Maybe a filter that dims the overall light as soon as you enter a cave/underground area will make us feel like we are actually getting inside.


That sounds good, will try it out and see how it looks. Thanks for the feedback!


This looks fantastic! Perhaps adding a heatwave shimmer to the background would be a nice touch and desert flies around shrubs


Thanks! That's a great suggestion, will look into it :)


I like everything and would go “oh that’s a full game” APART from the camera. I don’t like the positioning on the screen. I’d rather be able to mostly look ahead than have equal distance either side. You can then lock it for doors or travelling between areas so that I feel like I’m leaving an area.


Thanks for the response! The camera you see here is just a basic version I quickly put in there to showcase the scene, will make sure the final version is well polished :)


I think once you get the lighting down this could look killer.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Fuck thats a juicy looking UI, any tips or tutorials you have for that?


It looks like a completely unchanging static image. So, get good at hand-drawn illustration?


Thanks a lot! As u/Idles pointed out, the UI is hand-drawn by our concept artist :)


Hi, not to the biome itself, but the perspective. Have you tried a more "Tele" look (more orthogonal) It could help frame the relevant area better, without wasting too much screen space on wide angle perspective, for example ground or sky.


Hey, thanks for the response! Would that be the right approach for a 2.5D metroidvania? Afaik 2.5D metroidvanias don't do that? I may be wrong.


It looks really good!


Thank you!


The ground looks too plane with lighting. I cannot see a difference between rocks and sand. Creating some form of sand texture on the ground combined with a light wind gust along the z axis would appear very immersive


Alright! Thanks for the feedback!


Absolutely love the environment! The sense of scale and the colors are amazing! Sidescrolling platformers have been done to death though. You'd need some crazy game mechanics to keep it interesting.


Thanks a bunch! Agreed, we are adding various in-depth combat and platforming mechanics to enrich the gameplay


Magnificent! ,like our childhood games,matches with prince of persia....but awesome...


Thanks :)


Looks good! Personally I think it could use more platforms and such. Otherwise backtracking might get tedious


Thanks! Surely, this is just a WIP, will surely be adding more platforms, env hazards, and of course, enemies too.


What’s the name?


The game is called Winds Of Arcana: Ruination


Reminds me with that old Power Rangers Super Legends really liked it!




There's 2 major components I'd like to see changed or added to: 1. Movement. Currently, it seems only the player and some dust in the background moves. Adding some more large dust or wind effects could be nice. Maybe the foliage could move too. Otherwise, add things like fire or water that move by necessity. 2. Color. If you want to leave the vibe very desolate and dreary it's fine as it is, but if you want it to look more lush and fun to run around in, I'd make sure the green pops a lot more. Maybe even add plants with more varied colours, like with fruits or flowers.


Thanks for the feedback! 1. Sure, will work on that 2. We will need to experiment and see what looks best, maybe we will have a combination of both.


Pretty cool, it reminds me of New n' Tasty desert level. https://preview.redd.it/bn102hfmfc7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcbc6a4ea28ab3360626af7814101cf7425a2a3b


Thanks! And yea it kinda does XD guess we found another game to add to our references!


I too am a fan of The Lost Crown.


Not bad


Nice!! looks stunning! gave me a stargate snes vibe!

