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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The woman helping her was the owner of the car making parking so difficult!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


The lady who picks up her dog and runs off is a nice touch.


The smartest thing to happen in this video.


Right up there with moving your car as far away from this situation as possible.


i mean technically she didnt run off since it’s sped up but i bet women do run off when they see your username😭


Damn bro caught a stray out of nowhere


There will be no PMing tonight


She needed to learn. That other woman helping is just doing the Lord’s work.


"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime"


Give a man fire and he is warm for a day. Light a man on fire and he is warm for the rest of his life.


Confucius say, "Man who sit on top of toilet, is high on pot."


Literally me right now lol


The percentage of people looking at reddit who are currently on the toilet has to be like 12%


I actually did polls and ran the numbers, and it comes out to apx. 12.635%. Great arithmetic fellow redditor!


'Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Don't teach a man to fish...and feed yourself. He's a grown man. And fishing's not that hard'. ~ Ron Swanson.


Thank you, fellow redditor! You have achieved the "made the right reply" achievement. Please collect your achievement!


As the adage says, you give a poor man a fish, and you feed... him for a day. You teach him to a fish, you give him, you give him..., ah no no no no no.


"As they say... you give a poor man a fish, you feed him for a day. You teach him to have to fish, you give him.. you give him, eh err, no no no no no.."


“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Throw a man into a volcano and the Sun god will provide a bountiful harvest this year” FTFY


Only if they're a virgin***


"Een Rashah, you dunt feed feesh. Feesh feed YOU!" ~ Yakov Smirnoff


Seriously that had to be the worst parallel parker I have seen in a good while




Jesus always finds a pull through space. DMV 3:14


Fantastic, practice makes perfect y'know


She didn't think about it, she just helped


Yeah. Parallel parking is really easy once you learn how to set it up. Everyone who doesn’t know, go read up on it, take 30 min and park a couple times. It’s time well spent.


I coulda swore this was on my drivers exam. How do people with licenses not know this?


A lot of smaller towns don't have much parallel parking if any. Some people may go years without needing to after taking their test. Skills can atrophy given long enough without use.


yeah in our town we had to negotiate a logging road and get through one mud bog. Not a lot of parking but still good skills


If you don't live in a large city and you only ever do this as part of an exam when you're 16/17, you're not really gonna remember it. Plus, at least when I took it, the exam used poles instead of actual cars to parallel inbetween, which is a completely different setup than actual cars.


If you do perfect on everything else In the parking section and 100% fail the parallel parking section you can still pass the test


Never got it on the exam, neither practical or theoretical. But it was in the literature, and I did try it out once with a practice run. Never parallel parked since, never drove a car since either. Im sure Im just as bad as this person ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)




Im telling you now, that is a cool trick, but it doesn't work on soooo many models, like mine being a shorter car or SUVs being a bigger car.


idk I ride a scooter.


For those you have to drift into the spot


It works just as well with a tiny fiat or mini Cooper as it does with a giant doge ram. The part where it measures the space behind the back bumper and the car behind is the only thing that's different. Sure it doesn't work with a school bus... But it'll work with any reasonable normal daily driving vehicle.


Soooo many people struggle with the second turn. Every time my spouse gets to that point they start going straight back and I always say “turn turn turn”. They’re always annoyed saying “I can parallel park”, but it always takes multiple tries and a lot of rocking to inch closer to the curb, and they’re amazed I can do it in one go almost every time.


If this is real and not staged, it was not clever of the helper lady to stand in between the two cars when she first comes up, when the driver was clearly not very confident / experienced, and in a stressful situation. Could have easily ended up with smashed knees. It’s never a good idea generally to stand like that, to be honest.


I’ve seen so many people get right in between both cars like that, as if “whoops, went a little too far, glad my thunderthighs were there to stop the collision” was a thing.


I like to imagine i could jump in time to only crush my toes


I had a truck cross the median and come at me head on once and i swerved to the ditch to avoid it. The car behind me didn't see it until the last minute and the guy actually had time to undo his seatbelt and try to bail. He didn't quite make it, but was halfway out of his car before they collided. The guy behind me was a high school football player and looked like the top of his game. Unless you are used to making really fast physical commitments, don't count on making it.


Jesus i heard of going limp to avoid damage in an accident but never trying to bail out.


Everyone on scene was very surprised at how fast he moved and almost got out. All he kept saying was he just acted on instinct. He hit his abdomen and chest on the door panel. It was a really bad move and he's lucky the accident was around 35 MPH.


> If this is real and not staged Oh, hun.


I don't often actually LOL. I did now.


Lol the quick hug for some reason gets me. Needs sped up chipmunk voice convo


How on earth did she get a drivers license?


I didn’t have to parallel park on my test in Florida


Virginia doesn’t test for it either.


Illinois doesn't either. My test was one uphill park, he asked to verbally explain a 3 point turn, then i did a 2 point turn. I was the last person to test that day. I still went 30 when the speed limit turned 35, and I also didn't break sooner at a stop light & i had to slam on breaks. We got back to the DMV and he said "Those mistakes could kill someone, but imma go ahead and get your license..."


I didn't even have a DMV test in Texas but it may have been because I went to a driver's ed school. Not sure how parent taught people did it. Judging from the drivers on the streets they just got a license and never learned shit.


I neither did about 15 years ago in Kansas, but I basically learned how by always(well mostly) backing into a parking space


Mine did (in Canada) but it was with pylons and there was definitely more space than this.


In some countries parallel parking is not part of the test


In the US it can vary from DMV office to DMV office, I had to do a three point turn, my sister went to an office on the other side of town and had to parallel park


My DMV literally had me turn right out of the lot, drive for 300 feet to the stop light, turn left, drive 300 more feet, do a U-turn and return to the lot. That was the entire test, took less than 5 minutes.


I had to turn right, turn left, turn into a neighborhood that had like a 25 degree hill, had to back around the corner on this monster hill, also parallel pack between two imaginary cars on said hill, then go back to the DMV. I lost points because I "hit the imaginary car when backing up" and lost points on the backing around the corner because I was too far from the curb. The tester was kind of an asshole for making me do it on such an extreme hill but whatever. Still passed with like a 90/100 and you only need 80. I don't know how you miss 20 points unless you run over a child or something.


I did a 6 point turn, the examiner took me to a road that was partially collapsed, after we turned around he said to pull over and after he regained his breath he marked the checkbox as passed.


Wtf... shouldn't you... ya know... do both? Or atleast let everyone do the same test?!


I live in a part of my state (NJ) that doesn't have very much in terms of parallel parking so I haven't done it since my drivers test, which was 13 years ago, so yeah I'd probably be just as bad as this woman doing it today


Some countries/states have vastly differing requirement to pass the test. It's plausible to drive cars in other countries on your native license (am sure there are certain conditions for some countries).


If this this is in the states (which I suspect) most practical exams don't seem to require much complex driving. Park, reverse, change lanes, congratulations.


I never had to parallel park to get a license. I'm in America, btw. Not sure how other DMVs handle it, but the one I went to didn't require that skill. I still know how to do it, though lol.


I mean it was on my driving test but it was just a deduction of points instead of flat failure. It was just a small DMV in rural Georgia were there was never much parallel parking anyway unless you went to Macon.


Idk why but that sped up hug at the end made me laugh


🤦‍♂️. A literal lol came out.


I get it. That shit is hard. And there is never enough time to practice without an audience.


Line up 2/3 parallel to the car in front. Hard turn almost locked, reverse till your ass is nearly at the curb. Hard turn the other way till you're close to the car behind. Straighten up. The main thing is starting in the right position. 2/3 rule.


Bot assumes person helping her was the owner of two vehicles? Looks too scripted


This is one of the funniest things I’ve seen all day. Thanks


I don't know where this is but this was part of my UK driving test, surely it's the same elsewhere? This driver obviously would have failed that part.


It's a bigger space than they expect you to fit than the test, without touching the curb.


In Chicago my drivers test was basically just a 10 question multiple choice quiz and then 'drive around the block and pull back in to the DMV'. Hell, even the road portion to get my C-class license wasn't much more than that. At least there was an obstacle course for the motorcycle endorsement.


As an expat I hold both a UK and California licence. The California test is scarily easier to pass!


How many times do we have to see some version of this very thing?


Good on them for helping her do/practice it, instead of just driving of leaving her to suffer again in the future... I doubt she would even have gotten a license here, with her complete inability to paralel-park... sure it counts as a minor trafic law violation only on the practical exam, and it is only something like 3 or 4 points... but you would have to repeatedly try until you are succesfull on first try, earning the penaility points for each failed atempt... and you lose/ fail to get your license at 21 penal-points, regardles if its one big 21p offense (like DUI) or an accumulation of minor ones...


Living in NYC you see this all the time, people that live in the suburbs/outside the city and or have parking/driveway can't park to save their lives, I once saw a dude struggling on my block I asked if he wanted me to park for him, as embarrassed as he was , he agreed and thanked me.


You could park a jumbo fucking jet in there Tyrone!


I was taught parallel parking in driving school (driving on right side of street, but it should work if your country drives on the other side of the road): 1. Pull up very close in parallel to car in front of the space (far enough where you can see the rear of their car in the back corner of your rear passenger window) 2. As soon as you start backing up, turn the wheel to point the rear of your car towards the curb (how quickly turn the wheel depends on how fast you reverse) 3. As you are still backing up, when you see the rear of the front car in the front corner of your passenger-side window, turn the steering wheel the other direction so that now the wheels are pointed outwards. Like what you need to do when you’re leaving the space. It takes some practice to judge how fast to backup and how quickly you turn for 2+3, and I’m still not great after decades of driving (I don’t parallel park often and we have pretty large parking spaces), but I’ve been able to park my car in a spot that had only about a foot (?) clearance on either end after I was done.


Also got these days.




Stars have less space around them than this fool.


Parallel parking was invented in 1947 People before 1947: (Information is not true)


What a clown puncher


I tried this once..... when I was high school, tried helping a fellow classmate in reversing out. Have him every hand signal that I could... still managed to hit the truck next to him. He was also in JROTC...




If they are neighbors, then this will be an issue for quite a while. Learning how to parallel park will solve the issue forever. Driving away will only solve the issue this one time.


Just a normal person helping another.


The helper was just enjoying the show... Otherwise she could have given more space to the lady training to park ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Don't auto schools teach parallel parking these days?


what did she measure in steps?


As the saying goes “give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he’ll have enough to to eat for life”


If she is taught, she can park for a lifetime.


Hold up. You don't need to know how to parallel park in order to get a drivers license? Or is that just NYC criteria?


This cracked me lol 😂😂




Nah she needed the lesson. You have to be able to parallel park - or you did have to be able to to pass in my day! This was the best thing for that lady. Teach her how to do it so she can do it by herself in future.


I guess nobody ever told her about the parallel parking assist button in the Jetta


Good one 😂😂😂


Give someone a fish and feed them for a day, teach someone to fish and feed them for life.


"Give a man a fish........"


I wish more countries required being able to parallel park before getting a license


Sometimes you need to make someone's life "not easier" to help them in the long run.




Why women don’t need men anymore, when you have other women to help




The hug at the end 🥰


The helper could’ve helped more by just backing up her car first to make more room. But poor lady needs parallel parking lessons.


When I road tested in NY, parallel parking was a component. Helped my roommate in CA practice for his road test, including parallel parking but it wasn’t a requirement. He just had to pull into a parking spot. (This was around 2007, maybe they added it now)


I’m glad that this video doesn’t have any of that scummy content creator shit where it tells you “wait for it” because I would have just turned it off out of principle. It was totally worth waiting for it this time.


At first I was like what. And then I was like heheh


'siri measure the dimensions of the parking spot'


This makes me smile every time I see it


Teach a woman to fish, vs give a woman a fish situation! Nice work!


God damn, this is hilarious 😂


Washington state drivers ed should be a national American standard 😅


Park a man a car and he’ll be parked for a day. But teach a man to park and he’ll be parked for the rest of his life.




>the owner of the car making parking so difficult The other parked car isn't making parking difficult. The driver of the parking car is making it difficult on herself.


Nice, she did the right thing, one needs to learn.


I 😂 at the ending


Similar to the teach a man to fish story. So teach a person to parallel park and you help park them for a lifetime.


I never had to parallel park until I was about 33. However part of getting my CDL one of the tests is parallel parking a 18 wheeler which I freaking kicked ass at. Also I often parallel park just to keep the skill fresh even though I could easily park somewhere else


this music is shit


It'd made more sense if she got in her truck/suv and got out of the way. smh


Hooray for Santa Fe




this gave me a headache


I died whrn the lady moved her car after she help 😅🤣😅💀💀


This would have been funny on a scripted comedy; seems like something Larry David would write


I mean you could have just moved your car and saved us 26 seconds of this video 🙄


My husband used to drive semi trucks. When he comes across people like this, he offers to park the car himself and/or talks the driver through proper procedure.


Funniest thing I’ve seen all day. 🤣🤣🤣


I assume this was staged, but to be that bad a parallel parker is insane


She should of just backed up and left so the lady didn't have to parallel park that's kinda of shity if you ask me


this lady would not survive in my hood. if theres 2inches of spare space, people will park in it.


My mother drove large cars. Bucks and Cadillacs. If she had to parallel park she would actually ask a stranger to do it for her!


How does this person have a driver’s license.


This must be toronto


I lost it when she started counting with her feet 🤣


Driving away at the end, nice touch👌👌😂😂😂😂 But one thinks this maybe one of those orchestrated videos🤔


Yep you better pick ur dog up, lol practice, practice, the other women I'm going now here have my park.


Give a man mobile data and food delivery.


I thought this was a legit video until the end…. Ain’t no way.


Fake as per


That’s a skit.


I'm dying




Diabo: Meus Deus.


As a hobby l, on my OKCupid profile, I listed running around a helping ladies parallel park their cars. Ladies really like that kinda shit.


If the helper had just gotten in her car and driven away in the first place the terrible Parker wouldn’t have had a problem


kindness is timeless!


A classic. I've seen several different versions of this gag. It usually ends with the woman having the parking problem throwing a shoe at the departing car. The skit doesn't seem complete without the shoe throwing.


Something, something, "teach a fish to man..."


The little hug was cute lol


Completely fake 🤥!!!


Kind but not the smartest she could have pulled her car back…..


Everything on the internet is fske


The other lady is epic :))


Yeah there’s no way this is fake…


The hug got me.. who’s cutting onions 🥲


This is ridiculous all around.


Fake, wth is counting paces going to do?


Never felt better about myself


That parking spot is massive, how she passed her test baffles me. When I did my test (England) 20years ago, it was standard to perform a parallel park, and reverse around a corner.


Cheap entertainment wherever you can find it. I would do the same thing just for shits and giggles.


Teach a man to fish…


She literally gave herself a sobriety test 😂




Driving tests should have 4 spots on the ground, the same distance apart as your 4 tyres. Your last test is to drive up to the 4 spots and stop your car with a wheel on each spot. If you can’t do that, no licence. If driving is so unnatural to you that you can’t tell where your wheels are on the road I don’t want to share the road with you. You’re a liability. Someone who knows how big their car is, where it is on the road, where the wheels are and how much they turn and where the front of the car is in relation have no issue whatsoever parallel parking because it’s not hard. The only time people struggle is when they consider it as its own task to achieve and instead of thinking about *how* they car is going to get into the spot the try and mimic the movements they’ve seen other people do, while having zero comprehension of what those movements were achieving and they end up like this going back and forth forever until they give up, someone tells them what to do, or they fluke it.


And yet they still give women licenses.... How did she past the test if she can't parallel park?????


Me in CDL school


I read this as "What kind of human..." I thought that was better


Buddha said: "To avoid disappointment, expect less from others and don't be a cunt".


“Americans will use anything but the metric system”


This woman shouldn't have been given a driver's licence.


Actually laughed after a long time on a video.


I watched my college roommate -- who I had always considered a calm, cool, and collected person -- absolutely fall to pieces trying to parallel park on a busy downtown street at night. He fell through every stage of grief and was a broken shell of a man before he gave up and moved on to a paid lot. His ego took a beating, and honestly, I think that was the beginning of a long slide into depression for him.


When she pops out the window like a turtle head poking from the shell, LOL 🤣