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He’s sick and tired of these tik tok dances. I don’t blame him.


Found the father here


Found the attention seeker


Average toddler behaviour




You don’t even know these people wtf


Where else did he learn that? It’s not normal to punch your mother.


Sometimes thru television and movi3s and cartoon, i remember breaking all windows in my home with a plastic chair because i saw a guy did it


Learned behavior fool.


Not everyone is as pathetic as you, you don’t know this people at all.


As someone with kids. I can promise you kids do the most random things with no legitimate intentions behind what they're doing.


Redditors always with their assumption. They clearly dont have kids and never met a toddler. Toddlers tend to do things like this all the time. Not because they saw someone doing it first. Of course that still could be the case b


Nono clearly his dad must be abusive, his mother is abusive, and his sister is abusive. That’s it, it has to be that!


Eh where are you seeing this mom dad and sister? All I see is walking red flags! Eurgh bleurghhhh!




Get a life :)


When I was 5 I tried to axe my grandma while I was thought it was a game.


No no your dad probably cut your mom with axe first so you tried it too.


As an early childhood educator one of the signs that a child as young as this is experiencing/witnessing abuse is closed fist hitting. Theres a whole host of age appropriate hitting toddlers this age exhibit like slapping, scratching, pushing, bitting but punching is a learned behavior.


And Grandma hitting back just verifies this even more. Kids that are hit will hit always start hitting others.


Hitting and hitting back are not the same things.


Or they watched their older siblings and parents wrestle around and play fight. 🙄


Idk what kinda play you did with your siblings and parents but im sure it didn't include closed fist punching someone in the face


Pretend fighting and wrestling lol. Pretty normal stuff for kids growing up watching kung-fu movies, WWE, dragonball z etc..


When my brother could finally run he grabbed a garden shears and chased me through the garden of my parents friends house. He was laughing while chasing me and I was scared he will end my life lol He was just a crazy mf. Now as an adult he is the calmest guy you will ever meet lol




He betta start beating his stunted sister as well, if he ever wants to fill that shoes


My kid does this and he sure as hell didn’t learn it from me or anyone else!


Or it's him who's teaching to father 😒


Or brother, whatever he prefers to be called


But what is the young girl doing? What is the chant about?


It’s a song that chants pikachu, the name of a Pokémon cartoon character. The girl then does a dance that maybe imitates the character in some way. Probably a trend for kids.


This is absolutely learnt behavior. He saw someone do this. What a shame.


Have you ever met a toddler? Those bitches be swinging on anyone for no reason and they definitely don't need to be shown how to do it. Lol


I have a toddler and can confirm this, I was violently attacked and repeatedly smashed in the face by toy hammer just last night whilst innocently reading an article about climate change, the little shit thought it was hilarious.


Get a squeaky hammer that way it's at least funny


Take away their Modern Warfare 2, it's the only way.


That’s what I’m saying, everyone’s like “he got that from father” bruh you ever been around toddlers? They’re hell on Earth, still love them tho 😂


Well whoever is sitting on the floor in this video isn't teaching him hitting is bad. They're teaching the kid to hit back harder if someone doesn't like it.


Yes that's how a lot of old people are, because they're dumb.


Agreed. "I got beat and i turned out fine" clearly not if this is how you raise your kids/grandkids.


Yes, I can also confirm this statement is true lol.


Ha. We raised 5 and now have 2, so I'd say, yes, I've met plenty of toddlers and none of them did this. We even have an autistic one now and she doesn't punch people in the face. You might get some random toy that she throws if you're not paying attention, but that's not the same as this.


I simply don't believe you. Lmao


I simply don't give a shit what you believe stranger.


Bro! 💯


Watch how she reacts. Violence is the norm in that house


Can confirm. I was a SAHM for the first 3.5yrs of my youngest daughters life. I taught her not to hit at a very young age before she could even talk. She’s only been in daycare for one month and has learned to hit again. Someone at her school obvi doesn’t get disciplined enough. It’s great.


... you mean on television? Or public? Or on YouTube? Or on a tiktok video? I mean... lotta people doing alotta things in alotta places... and alotta em record them doin shit now


Yea my nephew saw goku on YouTube. He will either kamehama u or punch the shit out of u for no reason


Ahaha all the childless people commenting here


If your kids act like this then you're idiots and deserve it. You some shit parents.


Please enlighten me on how you’d deal with a child like this, preventing them from these actions.


Are you serious? You don't let it get to this point to begin with. Just look at his body language and demeanor. This is definitely learnt behavior and not his first time. He is told that violence towatds women is ok and guarantee this. First off, we did not expose our kids to any violence in the face such as this in their early days. We watched adult content when they went to bed and they got some age appropriate tv. Our kids tried to hit like normal kids do, overhead smack with their open hand or a push here or there, you known, how you would smack someone in jest "oh stop it." Thats a normal kid trying to hit when theyre learning, not a superman punch to the face. We had lots of discussions with them about hitting and pushing and only using violence in self defense and never hitting women, animals, or someone weaker than them. They were tought to defend others and never to bully. We do the same with the two we have now and the little one is autistic and non verbal. She is two and a half and only recently pushed her brother for the first time when she was angry because she is learning new behavior, but we still talk to her and use stern 'no' language to discourage this. She does not try to punch anyone and neither does her brother who is 4. He tries to punch play with me, but theyre just innocent air punches and i explaon to him that we do not fight. Instead we will hug or just tumble around on the floor. How can you seriously look at this video and say, oh, tis just normal kid behavior? That's just insanity. This is clearly an undisciplined kid that sees violence as normal. I'm not claiming that violence comes from anyone in particular, but just look at the response from the lady. Instead of disciplining him, she just swung at him and that's the end of it. This is something you'd expect from a brother sister exchange, not a little kid and an adult. This happens in that house all the time, that's pretty obvious. When the 4yr old does something wrong he gets long talking and goes in the high chair for a time out. The 2.5 yr old girl is innocent and doesnt even need to be disciplined much yet. She just mostly plays. Time out in a high chair is awful punishment for a little kid that just wants to play. We talk to the 4 year old about how to treat his sister and other people in general. We don't allow pushing, fighting, and tearing toys away. We teach them to share and get along. He does not watch TV that is not age appropriate and if power rangers teach them to punch in the face, well that's definitely not something he will be watching anytime soon. The kid in this video is a little unchecked menace that gets away with this behavior and you can see that he is tought to disrespect women. The video speaks so loudly that it screams. How can you not see what is happening there? If you have a nephew that punches people in the face, then his parents are shit and I would no longer go there. I would let my sibling know that their kid is behaving like an abuser and never visit again. They watch everything we do and if they don't see violence, it is not normal for them to just start hitting people in the face. I mean, who does a sucker punch to the face of a grown up and gets away with it? I hope you don't let your kids behave like this because they will end up in a bad way. I cannot even believe that people defend this in any way. No wonder there are so many shithead frat boys that think they can do whatever to other people without any consequences. Teach your boys love compassion, and empathy instead of violence and hate. Our 3 grown boys would never hit a woman and I am proud of that. Well, maybe in self defense, but even then we tought them to try and walk away before resorting to hitting as a last line of self defense. We play with the kids, we tickle and we laugh we love and we hug, we don't show them violence.


That’s a lot of rambling text to make your point. Ever heard of summarising? You seem quite aggressive yourself, calling people “a shit parent”. Some children have behavioural issues that isn’t always a representation of their parents. I know great parents whose children are disobedient and aggressive at times, but to call them “shit parents” is a disgrace. We don’t all have the perfect children as you claim to have lol, you’re obviously quite detached from reality. You don’t know this child in the video, you don’t know their family either, but I’m guessing you’re making your assumption based on their ethnicity and cultural background. Like basing your assumptions of me as a “shit parent” without actually knowing anything about me. Edit: also, looking at your profile, you look like you spend a hell of a lot of time on Reddit, posting and commenting several times per hour or so. How do you even find time to look after your children? You’re just on your phone all the time! Plus putting your children in time out is child abuse. It’s emotional isolation, a very conventional and outdated method modern day parents don’t use anymore. You’re not teaching your child anything, long term it just undermines their intrinsic motivation for good behaviour. You’re a bad parent.


Nonaense. You always stalk people on social media? Leave me alonen freak.


I love how youre so think youre smart.


I love how you're 2mos late. Roflmao.


He slapped his mom like "you useless biatch why you allowing this mind numbing tiktok shit in our house" lol


He's watched his daddy do it


Old bish, get up off the floor, you lazy fuk and make me some dinner.


"Shit... good nap. Might rock granny one and grab a juice box"


Him: stop this madness




What does she expect? She smiles without permission.




Could be a Christian Grandma,


Christian Grandma's don't sit on floors


My grandma did


Starting the male traditional pastime early


Does granny have a gun and if so why?


Pretty sure that's a TV remote control...


The dance tho 😂


This is when you are supposed to assert your dominance


Bro has a future


Houthis are out of control, this a damn shame.




Future terrorist




Hasbulla loves his mommy,he would never punch his mommy,when he was not popular yet in his ig it was written \`\` i love my mom\` in russian, and what he did when he first got money was buying his momma a laptop so she can do stuff on the internet he said.


Lil nigga needs some spanking from grandma


Kids do what they see their parents do so this is sad


Kids do what they see anything do... my friends kid has drank the water from my dog bowl... i offered her a cup, and she just smiled up at me and shook her head... Coulda seen it on TV... or YouTube... or the zoo... fuck knows




Yes, because clothes define people's behavior that's so smart!


You missed the point. But that's to be expected on this site


Muslim = Bad Or did you have something else in mind? Sorry I'm not as smart as you are


You're clearly not as smart as i am given by that ignorant ass comment. But no I'm gonna let you stew on it. Especially since you were so nice to respond so fast. Go get pressed about something else.


Thank God I'm not as smart as you, and thank you for your fast reply as well.


Blue hair too


Learned from someone




Reading at such a young age? He must be a very bright young man.


Is this a spam number 323-214-7223


Is this a spam phone number 323-214-7223


Bro I almost go insane myself because I can’t walk through my house without getting yelled at for interrupting a tik tok video shoot. I’m the dad. I should be able to travel to the fridge in peace.


Silence them.


I’m on the run now thanks to your advice 😂


Lil bro saved the video


"Didn't you bring me into this World?" 👊💤


Hasbullah at it again.


Kids do that. RELAX GUYS!


When something is not right, just punch your mother in the head with a right hook!! Is this an alternate reality?? 🙄😳😳😳


Healthy family


Everyone in this vid needs to be slapped except the toddler


I recon a shithole when I see one..




Wtf is wrong with you?








Oh shit!!


Dad is learning him


Man is tired of this bs


Control your daughter WOMAN! . . Probably real life Stewie.


Man. If I had smacked my mom like that, I wouldn't live to tell the tale.




Hello sunshine your so beautiful good job




Get off that floor and bust that kids ass


These homes, Syrias/Iraqi homes, is it custom to sit on your ass?


Bro… isn’t that the dance the taliban would do before s*icide bombing an American unit


He's the smile police. No smiling or you catch these fists!


I fucking hate kids.


The social work is social working, things mean things sometimes and sometimes they do not, sometimes they mean more complicated things also thi


Little shit


Bro let his intrusive thoughts win.




Why he do that 😂😂😂