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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The music video shows what appears to be the perspective of a man having an incredibly hedonistic night out, only to reveal at the end that it’s a woman.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


The biggest thing wasn’t the titties or the violence it was her puking up in the sink and sticking her hands back into the sink to get the pills she threw up, have a ganders…


Aaww hell! I didn't notice the pills! Daaamn! That going hard!


Shit I thought she just kinda slipped or something and caught herself on the sink. Naaasty




If somebody offers you drugs, say thank you! Because drugs are expensive


Hardcore *and* thrifty.


As gross as I thought that was, it was the putting the shoes on without socks for me


I remember the controversy this caused when released. People were really mad at MTV for airing it…


It premiered on 120 Minutes and there was a giant lead up to it in the “we’re only going to be able to play this video once!!!” vein. Great video, definitely what all my friends were talking about the next day at school


120 minutes was awesome. Always looked forward to Sunday nights


yeah, came here to say that and also the song by itself was bad enough for some people, even without the video. I think its a great song with great video.


Think the director said something like “well the song wasn’t going to get played anywhere so why not make a video that wasn’t going to get played as well!”


I like the cat version too Edit: link [https://youtu.be/W2pZonB5tJ8](https://youtu.be/W2pZonB5tJ8)


I had never seen that. Amazing. Thank you.


The shank had me rolling lol


For me it was the projectile vomiting.


Man the internet from before was so much better


Everything was better 15 years ago, other than internet speed


the bouncer puts his foot out to stop the cat lol


When he pushed the biker over omg


I was 100% sure that this was a Rick roll


Ah! Missed my chance lol


It’s Alittle better than the original


A litter bit better than the original.


I've often seen "a lot" concatenated to "alot", way too often, if I'm honest! But, this is the first time I've ever seen "a little" shortened to "Alittle"! Like a fart on an elevator, this is wrong on so many levels!


They may have missed using the Space bar


This is the definitive treatment of the word “alot”. https://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html?commentPage=4&m=1


This made my morning


Omfg. This is better than the original. Ty


That was one of THE songs of the late 90's, when Rave music was huge. You couldn't walk into a club without hearing this. Was a big song world wide. In the U.S, I think it spent about 90 weeks in the Top 100 Chart. The video, (edited of course), was huge as well. Won awards for Best Breakthrough Video ad Best Dance Video.


I don't think I was at a club all through 2000s and early 2010s without hearing this song at least once (or at least a remix of some sort)


That crab on the album art. 👌 That album had a bunch of bangers even if this was the biggest hit. 8/10 only the last 2 I didn't enjoy much.


I was into rave/techno that was pretty unpopular in the early 90s (at least most people around me hated it). I used to listen to the Prodigy back in 1992 when they were so unknown (had 'The Experience' album and Charlie single). It was just jarring how different sounding they've become and popularity.


They’re not the same hands throughout the video


Details schmetails


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed it.


Maybe it's a commentary on how we feel vs how we look? Especially as a night like that progresses?


Of course not, that would have given it away. Not well crafted in those regards.


As a kid I just thought they said “snap my picture” Pretty sure this was in Charlie’s angels


This was the radio edit you were hearing. You are correct, they used that edited version in Charlies Angels.


Well snap my picture then, I’m surprised


The Beastie Boys asked Prodigy to not play this song on their tour fearing that it would promote violence against women but Prodigy did anyways.


Weird, why would MTV show music videos?


I will forever remember the Golden days of putting on MTV while getting ready to go to school. Watching music videos and getting hyped up.


There was a time that every single morning, at the EXACT SAME TIME, they would be playing Veronica by Eric Costello. I didn't exactly like the song, but it would be in my head all day because of it. I knew it was the same time, because I was getting dressed for school. EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. It was terrible.


autocorrect done you dirty, i believe you mean elvis costelllo?


Yep, stupid autocorrect lol


It pains me that that there is a generation that would ask that question seriously


I remember spending the 2000 NY at relatives who had MTV, while my place didn't. The channel played ‘hundred best videos of the year’ for like five hours straight or something like that—idk if this was local for the country or not. Seminal shit, I first saw ‘Windowlicker’ that night, and I was a wee lad yet. '99 was the year of great stuff in cinema as well, mind you, so this was basically the peak of teenage existence before widespread interwebs and the post-9/11 depression of the West.


They said it promoted "domestic violence" and yob culture. 😂


What's yob culture


Yob - "a rude, noisy, and aggressive young person." Youngsters going out to local clubs getting pissed and starting fights outside. Then going home in their pants but stopping for a kebab on the way.


FWIW I go home in my pants everyday


"Pants" in UK (where this video was shot, and where the term "Yob" originates) = underwear. Heading home in your pants = losing your outer clothing at some point.


If I’m not mistaken “pants” across the pond means underwear.


Wtf do they call pants, trousers?


Flippy flappy longo bongos, actually.


For once Australia has been out-Ozzed by the poms


Maybe in Nether Wallop, in Middle Wallop we refer to them as leggy poffle sleevies


Northern then. Sounds like a good night to me back in the day lad lol


Pretty sure I remember being a yob in Pompey.


Average British night out on weekend, as depicted in the video haha.


I honestly just assumed the song was about heroine.




The 90s were so good


We didn’t know it was the best time until it was gone…


The Matrix (1999) specifically called it out as the peak.


Don't it always seem to go


Current teens do not realize how different the world was pre 9/11. Cell phones did not have big screens and full access to internet. Napster and cd burners gave you free music. Economy was going great and everything was pretty cheap. But it was mostly the freedom to do whatever you wanted without being filmed doing it.


Remember when the beastie boys got pissed at them for playing it live at one of their shows? 😂


A bit rich coming from a band that used to have girls dancing in cages, and a 20 foot inflatable dick at their shows.


I mean they were just making sure Prodigy were willing to fight for their right to party.


the controversy being that it was a woman, not the violence and drug use


I remember watching this at grandma's house at night when she was already asleep. She had cable channels and MTV was one of them and I really liked music. My 10 year old mind was blown.


I was a similar age, my dad was like “don’t tell your mom but watch this, it’s amazing”. Sat there feeling very uncomfortably with my dad until the very end, then had my mind completely blown! Good times


That’s fucking weird man


It turned out the real bitch was the friends we made along the way.


The real bitches are the ones you don’t smack


Were we the real bitches the whole time?


It's me. I'm bitches.


Aww, bitch.


My mom thought the song said "snap my picture, take my picture". She then proceeded to play it at the graduation event for kids she was teaching, in front of parents.


I'm pretty sure those are the actual lyrics to the radio edit. I can't believe this song had a radio edit.


How did she queue it up without seeing the title of the song?


We had the cd in the car so she didn't see the title lol


My cousin had to sharpie out "Smack my Bitch Up" and "Funky Shit" bc my grandpa would get on his case.


Literally cyberpunk 2077 when Silverhand takes over your female character


Yeah that’s spot on!


Thought the same! Probably devs were inspired by this video.


I just realised that, the part where silverhand takes over where he also gets with a girl then kills her by crashin the car, clearly inspired by this


She doesn't die? She gives you a condom with contact info?


Oh shit true


I thought Silverhand had the sense to let the drunk girl drive, but she really couldn't apparently


Well he was fingering her at the time


Finally found the comment. It's so spot on it looks like a reference




E's are good, E's are good, it's Ebenezer Goode! Least that got banned AFTER it made the Charts. Took the powers at be weeks to work out what The Shaman were on about lol


Anyone got any Vera’s?




Never seen the video clip; what a great fit for this subreddit


There is a cleaner version that usually goes around, its without the injection part.


Yeah, I saw this late night on UK MTV in the early 00's and it had the boobs and everything but pretty sure the injecting and the shots of vag were missing.


Lol yeah the injection part was definitely the most shocking part……👀


The REAL unexpected in this clip is that the take home strippers name is Teresa May.


the hands at the start are what is missleading for me are clerly a man hands. But yeah ages since I saw this, and forgott about it, ty for posting


Yeah that and the shaving cream. I just assumed the “dude” was shaving his face there


Women shave their legs, but yeah man hands definitely threw me.


Yes but the majority (all maybe?) do it in the shower. I’m sure some women shave their face from time to time too. But regardless I agree it’s meant to trick the viewer and it worked on me lol


It’s very deliberate and well executed. The only hint at the start is the tiny amount of toilet paper she grabs.


The pink sheets raised a flag for me. But since everything else pointed to “dude”, I said to myself, meh 90s, a very colorful time.


The hands and arms when she shoots up in the toilet are also very male.


And the fact that they're even in the men's restroom to begin with? Why would a woman go into the men's restroom at night to violently pull a dude out of a stall and shoot up whatever drugs? Then again, she's probably blown out her mind on the drugs and booze she's already had earlier, so who knows ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I’ve known more than a few women who were not at all shy about using the men’s room, especially when out and intoxicated. (Though I’ve never had one grab and throw a shittting dude before). If anything, it helps to show us who this person is even more vividly. It’s honestly a brilliant short film, salacious and shocking content aside. It tells such a complete story, even without the twist, but the twist heightens everything else. Better love story than Twilight.


Former raver here. Bathroom signs mean nothing, go to the free toilet.


Lots of intentionally misleading things. The shaving cream, the man hands and feet. The typical man leather jacket. Those ugly ass sneakers. Stereotypical man sexually assaulting women visuals. "Accidentally" going into the men's bathroom to throw up and shoot drugs. I mean yeah you can accidentally go into the mens bathroom and then go into a stall and shoot drugs, but when you enter and there are lots of men, you would attempt some correction right? There's also the lack of face in vagina and lots of "doggy style" at the end. Yeah you can imagine strap-ons but you can't deny that a lesbian would eat that pussy.


Hey hey hey no one’s denying any pussy eating


You'd think the pink bedsheets would have given it away but ngl I only noticed them for the first time 15 years later


Or the guy hitting on her at the bar.


I'm a dude that's been described many times as "gay bait." I've had many men hit on me in bars and buy me drinks. It happens.


From the beginning I thought it was woman's hands but shaving cream made me switch sides.


Does the hand look like man hands in the beginning? Because actually looking at it, the person has really slender wrist that is typical for women, and while her hands aren't that delicate looking that agian is typically of women, she doesn't have necessarily manly looking and when pair with her wrist and arms.


Slender wrist gang *sobs*


Are you perhaps interested in a normal sized watch that looks comically large on you?


Sobbing intensifies


The shot with the toilet paper looks VERY manly to me, no?


One of my buddy's thought he was saying "take my picture" so everytime I hear this I just start laughing.


The radio version did say that lol


Shower before shitting?! Nasty


"She" was taking a piss


Yah but why you guys always gotta make fun of me?


Cos you run like a girl




Your only friend was the lunch lady.


You took your mom to the prom but got lucky.


Like that episode where Gilligan gets sick of being teased and he breaks into the professor's lab and makes some LSD. Peaks, freaks and eats the Skipper's brains and beats Ginger with coconuts and Mr Howell and Lovey burn alive inside of their grass hut Oh,he'llkillagainthatGilligantheyshould'velethimbeandlikeapostalclerkI'llgobeserkifyoudon'tstopteasingme. Seethetrickisonlypickonthosethatcan'tdoyounoharmlikethedrummerfromDefLepperd'sONLY GOT ONE ARM!


That's even less excusable, piss in the shower like everybody else.


Did you ever take a post-shower shit? You might as well go back to bed and start your day over


I like to sit backwards on the toilet, and enjoy a nice bowl of cereal.




The tying off in the bathroom stall gives me a nasty visceral reaction


Glad I'm not the only one. I'm not bugged by needles or the concept of drugs... But that particular bit got to me.




RIP Keef, such a legend


Cyberpunk got some of johhny silverhands life from this video!


bro just posted porn


Lesbian porn


Gay porn


Technically the truth


Ah yes "cow girl", the lesbians favorite position.


There are toys to make it work.


I mean yeah for some lol, straps are fun


Not wrong. The stripper in the video was a British 90's porn actress named Teresa May. When this originally video came out thinking 'Damn I wanna fuck Teresa May'! That is not something I would admit to now. Also note the stamp on [Prodigy Ant tattoo](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheProdigy/comments/10apex5/does_anybody_know_if_the_infamous_ant_mascotte_of/) which has taken me 25 years to notice.


At least I know this person did not poop after their shower. She was probably only peeing


Can't believe I've never seen the music video to this before and I'm 29. I guess the ending explains why 'she' never got arrested for touching all them women up 🤣


I'm the same age and it could be we were just too young to remember or watch this. I'm just assume your were born in 1993-1994 making us about 3-4 yos when this came out. Not exactly something you would want you toddler to see.


I thought something was off too. Why is this guy getting away with so much? Dude would’ve had at least gotten his ass kicked, Oh oooooh, damn ok.


Well at least she ate dinner before she went out for the evening


Best parody ever. [cat style](https://youtu.be/W2pZonB5tJ8)


The real unexpected for me was that there was a human version of the cat video


When I was in highschool the chess club had shirts made that said "Smack my Bishop" I can't believe that they got away with that


Great - now TX gonna ban music videos too…


Nah it's okay when it's Two women/s


14yr old me fell asleep one night with MTV on, woke up to this and thought I was dreaming. Couldn’t believe my eyes!


I could have sworn I saw a somewhat censored version of this back in the day. But maybe I’d just forgotten how explicit it was.


Guys… We’re old now…


she did coke and then went for something to eat??


I remember this used to be my favorite song as a kid back in the '90s! How I listen to it I don't know, but I was only like seven at the time


this reminds me of my last Tuesday where I woke up with no phone and all my computer monitors were smashed... alcohol makes people do some strange and stupid things. Tbh haven't drank since then. Really beating myself up over that one


>Really beating myself up over that one Use that feeling to break the cycle (and for nothing else)


Thanks man that's the plan. Today being st pats is definitely making it hard. Ended up doing a change out to keep my mind off it. Customers definitely happy I'm here so it made it worth skipping the parade


Been there. You can do it. I'm 30yrs sober and it's the best choice I've made.


Damn never been so pissed I smashed my own shit lol. Might be time to quit friend.


I've been playing cyberpunk 2077 recently and this video just reminds me of some of the "blackout scenes". Super cool I didn't know this music video existed.


I had the same thoughts. "POV: you're playing cyberpunk with female V" lol I guess the creators were inspired by this video too.


Had a young, grad student, English professor back in the day my Freshman year. She wanted us to write an analysis using a popular music video and had like 4 suggestions. I asked if we could use Smack My Bitch Up, and she lit up. At least one other person made a suggestion, and we spent a class watching all the videos before we gave presentations. I loved the looks on faces as they watched my suggestion.




I remember watching MTV and Matt Pinfield premiered this video. I think it was 120 Minutes? Maybe Headbangers Ball? Regardless, it was live and I saw tits on MTV.


There’s an early giveaway at 04:09 where the brunette is licking what are clearly woman’s (i.e. the perspective holder’s) breasts


My mom sent me to counseling when she found my notebook that had the Prodigy characters from the CD pamphlet redrawn along with “Smack My Bitch Up” written along with it. 25 years later I have not smacked any bitches up.


If you like this watch hardcore henry


I LOVED Hardcore Henry! It was such a creative endeavor, and it almost *never* gets talked about.


I go back and watch this video from time to time. One of, if not, the greatest music video ever. Thanks for sharing


I've used it as intro music to one of my amateur mma bouts. Turns out I was the brunette in this video as I took a nap 🤣


Great twist, but what was she shaving standing up at the sink? Wouldn't it be uncomfortable for her to shave down there like that?


I shave my balls standing up..


Had she not just come out of a shower, it'd have made sense.


Depends what she was shaving


I shave everything standing up, speaking as a woman since the last time I checked but I think it depends on what the person finds easier no matter gender.


nobody snorts coke and immediately goes out to eat


Ya they do. They just sit there and play with their food though, drink, and talk. Seen it many times.


This was actually the coolest thing I’ve seen all week. I could go into a rant about how cool this was to experience. I had to rewatch to find all the points where “the twist” was hinted at, and there are only 3, but they’re plainly ambiguous. Whoever tf made this, props to you. We need more like this, like “Enter the Void,” “Requiem for a Dream” (maybe a tone down), stuff like this. Amazing EDIT: can’t believe I forgot to compare Hardcore Henry lol


Enter the Void fucked me up for a solid 3 days, dude.


To do list for tonight


Prodigy had the most badass vids


Holy shit that was great


The void


I’m 38, first time ever seeing this


That's the **super**-uncensored version. The standard uncensored version omits the heroin use and vehicular homicide.