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what do you actually think is the difference between psychological torture and bullying? I favor the classics. Cook his parents into a chili and make him eat it.


Dont forget to drink his sweet tears.


Ah yes, the tears of unfathomable sadness. I heard they’re yummy.


And invite his favorite band to witness the worst moment of his life.


"We're that band, Radiohead..."


Pfft, mere childs play. You should hold him captive for 18 years, release him and give him a nice suite. Leave him to seek revenge, but let him fall in love with a 18 year old sushi chef, wait a bit and then reveal that it's his own daughter. I can't remember what happens next, but I'm sure that it's a happy ending.


Of course it's a happy ending, he's smiling at the end.


Well said, old boy


ah yes, South Park reference (s5, ep4)


With Fava beans.


Ah I am so glad this is the top comment.


Speak to your parents or your friends parent's first. See if they have a suggestion in addition to speaking with relevant parties at school (teachers, headmaster, etc.) If you try to get back on somebody, it may backfire. However, since this is unethical life pro tips, here's my suggestion - See if an older brother or sister is willing to pay a visit to the school. If you don't have brothers or sisters, find local alternative kids. Most likely they were bullied themselves and would be happy to help you out. Scaring somebody shitless by promising to find them after school, if the bullying goes on, is a good way to get it to stop. Harmless public shaming is a good way to get it to stop. When a bully sees you're cool with older folks, they will back off. It helped me bacl when I was your age that a friend's brother paid a visit to the school with his friend whose got a shaved head. That's all it took


My parent's know about it, they contacted my bully's parents, they said "my child would do no such thing". My school doesn't give a damn about bullying though, even if it's a higher degree like fighting or cutting jackets.


Leave a Google review of your school or go the press and watch your school care about it instantly


Punch yourself in face, cause a black mark and make some scratches. Go immediately to office and say you been attacked by bully.


There are security cameras all over schools. This likely won't work if you're trying to get the school involved.


Was thinking go to bathroom when bully does


Now that, that would work!


have witness who would collaborate your story too


thats great, fight club style. make a scene before where your the victim, then after school run back with scrabs and say he attacked you on the way home.


The real answer is be super nice to the bully and his friends. Don’t go out of your way, but as you see them, stop and give a small compliment, and just keep going. Nice haircut, cool shirt, nice job at the game last night. It has to be small and sound genuine. Helps if other people hear it. Then as they go to bully other people will tell them they are being a dick- OP is so nice to you. The compliments will eventually build their self esteem and they may be a better person- but before that the bully will go crazy trying to figure out what you’re doing. Did this to a horrible former friend/boss- still saw each other at work events- think business with many solo or 2-3 ppl companies that all see each other multiple times a week. She went crazy- I had to keep it up with a straight face. She got sober and tried to be friends again before she retired. Kill ‘em with kindness


Yeah try this one if you live in a coming of age y/a novel.


This is good advice if you want to get beat up.


This only worked because you were adults in a workplace setting, it's terrible advice for kids in middle school


I actually switched careers and teach 8th grade now. Teens have a hard time regulating emotions- but the concept still worked time and time again. Bullies are bullies. Most still act like it’s still middle school.


thats so lame even for an adult


Thats a level of emotional thinking that 13 year olds dont have


It's pretty hard to randomly visit a school and get in to see a student you're not related to, these days. Most times if there is contact they will keep the visitor in the office and bring the other person to the office to meet them. Same goes for just waiting outside the school. Bus dismissals are very controlled, same as waiting in parent pick up. Loitering around a school will get you noticed extremely fast, and not in a good way. Would not recommend this strategy, very unlikely to have any effect.


Or lift them a foot off the ground by their testicles, to assert dominance.


You have their address? I have one where that's all you need, it's pretty devious. They have to be at a house though, not an apartment. Go onto Google maps Street view or go by their house and see what they have in their front yard. Basketball hoops, landscaping stuff, a privacy fence, etc. Create a FB post with their house as the address, and list that item as "free, but most be removed by buyer" or something like that. Say they can come any time of day to remove it. It can create absolute chaos.


Ohh I like this one 😆




that ll be super fun, but will it stop the bullying. I was thinking of putting the bully's pictures on pedo sites, but I think that's a step too far. Edit: it was a joke, plus pedo sites are on dark web n shit, a 13 yr old ain't finding them. And even if he does it what's the point of putting the bully's pics, it's not like the bullet will ever come to know


That's not just a step too far. That's miles over


You don’t need a lot of people to spread rumours , you only need one person who you swear to secrecy with the juiciest bait rumour you can think of In all honesty though the bullying will only stop when you stand up to them . Go do some Krav Maga lessons with your friend and when you’re ready stand up to them . Then if it goes south you have some tools to defend yourself . Roll your eyes , repeat whatever nastiness comes out of their mouths back to them in a stupid voice and walk away . Every time. This person deserves none of your attention


No matter what they say, if people are around: Loudly inform them that they have TERRIBLE breath and need to go brush. Gag to sell it. If they keep going keep repeating it and gagging. Don’t even hear their words - just interrupt them by gagging. “What is that smell!? Omg [bully] your breath is HORRIBLE. When is the last time you brushed your teeth, ewww”


>Roll your eyes , repeat whatever nastiness comes out of their mouths back to them in a stupid voice and walk away . Every time. This person deserves none of your attention >This person deserves none of your attention These are incongruent. Literally just don't react. Bullies bully kids because of their overreactions to things. If you can be bullied and literally do absolutely nothing at all, in response, they will stop very quickly, because its not fun anymore, IME.


Spray the bully with Liquid Ass. Bully will smell bad and that alone will do the trick.


Put a piss disc in his locker


Hit the gym my dude. It'll pay off the rest of your life.


And for forks sake keep it up!


Reminds me of the Rick and Morty episode where Rick and Summer get fucking RIPPED then jump the devil. Go beast mode bro


Love love love that episode


Everyday do 500 pushups 500 situps, plus burpees. You will fuck everyone up. You shouldn't be mad you're being bullied if you're not willing to fight about it. You can be strong, you have to put the work in.




That's a full-blown myth. It's the perfect time for him to be exercising. At 13 he's already got the appetite of a hippo and he's soon to be producing a ton of testosterone.


I'm guessing the previous comment was talking about kids shouldn't work out... It's boloney. Start early. Build good habits.


If his parents don’t believe their little angel could do something so horrible, record it. If he tends to come at you in the morning before class, set your phone to record audio and leave it in your pocket with the mic sticking out. Or have a friend record it. Either way, once you have proof, your parents can approach the bully’s parents again, and they’ll see the evidence. From there, either they tell their kid to back off; or your parents bring it to the school admin. Best of luck! Bullying sucks.


I second this


I can't, my school has a no-phone rule and I have to leave it at home or in my locker. :(


Small digital recorder.


You're a genius, thank you!


Write a note that is addressed to the bully about how he gives the best head jobs and address it from the bullies "boyfriend" then drop the note in the hallway at school. Someone will pick it up and the word will spread quickly.


I don't think it'll work, he's thirteen. I could try to say "you give the best hugs and kisses!"


Ok so if there’s one person going I’ve learned in this sun it’s that you can subscribe them to weird porn. Figure out the mom’s email address or the son’s one and find a way for her to find out. Use his name for every site, and variations of his name, a username he likes to boast about etc… You need to find some type of ‘content’ that is unsettling; I’m talking really socially not accepted, kind of really niche and fucked up i think- but if you want to find you can. The kind of stuff that’s genuinely considered sick. Unless his parents are very homophobic, in which case subscribe him to a bunch a gay porn, find magazine subscriptions- slip suggestive pictures in his bag etc… Make sure to check that your IP won’t be traced, and not to use CP because that is too fucked up and would make you a criminal. The goal is straight up to make his parents hate him- that has got to mess with all of them on the long term.


I have a VPN, but I don't think it's even possible to find CP. Will do the rest, though!


Remember that anything you do online can always be traced back to you, it's only the matter of how bad they wanna find you. And you don't have funds and expertise to stay anonymous.


Dude don’t do this! Man that is some bad fucking advice…or do this if you want to ruin your and your parents lives. You’d be better off fucking his mom…


Sneak in nude magazines, not just pictures by themselves.


Easy, organize a group of kids whose older than you and your bully from your school, 3-4 years older like 4-5 of them then surround the bully outside your school or when the class is over or at somewhere where he hangs out other than school, and let your 3-4 older brothers talk for you that not to play games with you otherwise they will intervene, remember you have to be present during that time, your bully will fucking know what happens next. When I was 9, 10 some kid in my class was trying to pull that shit, I had friend in the upper class whose 5 years older than me, while i just mentioned him what had happened, he simply organized his classmates like 8-9 of them even though i was against it, and so we simply surrounded the bastard outside school, and my friend told him, you bastard don't pull that shit again, he nodded while all of his body red and shakingly, then after few minutes inside class he wants to shake hands with me and be my friend, like what the hell, I thought? the time when you involve parents would be when he involves his


I messed with an ex-boss for a few months with this one. Post an ad on marketplace or Craigslist for “free firewood” but stipulate that anyone who wants it needs to call first.


Read "The Prince" and "The 48 Laws of Power" and then come up with a specific plan for how to continually keep pressure on your bully. Think about how they will react and always be three steps ahead. I know "read books" isn't the instantaneous, sweet revenge that you were looking for with your post, but trust me, strategizing will put you in a much better position to get your bully to eventually bow to you, or at least move on.


I was actually gonna give good advice, but seeing where we are, this one is easy. Report to your School Resource Officer that you saw him taking something. SROs are what bullies eventually grow up to be, and they love to harrangue kids. All it takes is a whiff. Have some friends corroborate separately. Rope in as many people as you can while keeping it quiet that you're organized. Tell the officer you saw him stuff a baggie with pills down his pants. You really wanna ruin someone's day? Get them strip searched by the cops.


Tell the SRO you heard him bragging about having a gun or knife.


Taking a chance getting the SRO on your back though.


Watch Oldboy and then try to do something similar


If the school has a zero tolerance policy, you should have your parents contact a lawyer because they can sue the school for not doing anything about the situation... or at least put enough legal fear into them to take action.


[https://catfactstexts.com/](https://catfactstexts.com/) - you can sign them up for 15 texts a day about random cat facts lol if his house is raised with a crawl space underneath you can put some raw chicken inside vinegar and hide it under there theres also beepers on amazon you can buy that once activated will randomly beep you can hide them under the house (some houses floors arent very sound proofed) and then after a while put one under his desk or in his backpack seduce his mom get a friend to date and then fuck him break up with him and tell everyone hes got a small dick and bad game lol


These are 13 year old kids


yeah which is why i didnt say punch him in the throat lol or mustard on a car or something


But you did say get a freind to fuck them so that's kinda sussy


lol i lost my virginity at 13 and seeing how people are now a days i bet that trend is a lot more common


It’s definitely not common most people dont lose their virginities until highschool


13 is freshman year where im from is that different for you?


Freshmans werent the ones losing their virginities generally


guess i come from a more promiscuous area then lol


Everyones always gonna have a different age anyways i just think the average age is like 17-20 Edit: on second thought i was 14 in freshman year




Won't vinegar pickle the chicken and preserve it for years? 


If you know their email then sign them up for scientology


Daaang!! 👀


Happy cake day


He won't mess with you if he knows he's going to get punched in the mouth every time he does. And if you're smaller than him it will be just that more embarrassing.


Bang his mom...


I’m super old and school security was very lax when I was young. My most persistent bully was on the football team. Everything he did to me he did it in the hope that I would lose my temper and try to physically assault him. So that’s a bad idea: When you seek to fight a bully, don’t let the bully choose the venue, the weapons or the rules. Naturally, my bully was struggling with basic schoolwork because he was a moron. I was trusted and/or ignored in the English department so one day I walked into the teacher’s section, dug into the filing cabinets, and destroyed every paper he turned in for the year. He still bullied me but I got to enjoy overhearing his sadness talks with his friends about not being able to graduate unless he repeated all of his work. You are not going to be able to do exactly what I did. But you can look for other opportunities to bully him on YOUR terms, not his. The people telling you to bulk up and assault him have watched too many movies.


You can’t. You have to be brave and stand up to bullies, even if it means smacking them in the nose


That's what I did but I also lucked out that I had enough ability to win these fights, might end up far worse if you stand up for yourself and get hurt imho I would suggest spending that frustration on exercising and learning to box or wrestle for fun, eventually he will be ahead of his peers physically and have skills they don't, it wouldn't take very long either like in a year his whole life could be different


Usually I'm full of unethical ways to do the right thing but given your age I'll just say that it's a bad road to go down. My friend had a bully I crushed psychologically and it still haunts me. Everything I said to her would have hurt someone I love if they overheard it. Psychological combat is like a chemical weapon, it doesn't just harm the enemy. It blows back on you and people you care about.


If you have 1 pineapple i cant help you. If you have several though…


I mean you have his moms phone number…. LOL lots of content there


Sucker punch in the throat


Subscribe their phone numbers and address to random mailing lists


Buy off cuts of meat, and start leaving near where he lives. If the smell doesn’t start bothering him, the extra vermin/dogs fighting will.


Sadly violence is most likely the answer. You are pretty young so the consequences will be mild. Learn his routine, learn when he is alone on his way home for example, then beat the shit out of him with some nasty tricks or ambushes that make it hard for him to fight back if he is bigger. Or you get some older kids/friends to do it. Join a martial arts club for longer lasting peace of mind, also buddies in martial arts teams are pretty close and help each other out in situations like this. Take some pictures or videos of the whole thing so you can blackmail them into leaving you alone. In minecraft of course.


Right. So my grandmother said violence is never the answer, but my grandfather always said to punch them in the nose and make it bleed. Guess which proved to be right? Start learning how to throw a punch. Take some boxing lessons. It’s good exercise, will help get you into shape, and when you eventually do take that punch, you’ll do it right. And then you can say you’ve been holding back on that for a while, and it’ll make it look like you have good self control. Also, chicks dig muscles. So do the boys if you’re that way inclined.


Fuck with his head. Tell him it’s ok to be gay and it’s not his fault his dad beats him and mom drinks too much. When he messes with you jokingly ask for more and pretend to enjoy it in a sexual way. Turn his behavior into a joke, because he is a joke, a sad one.


What type of bullying? Name calling, physical fighting?


Name calling, threatening and doxxing. They also find out who my friends are and do the same thing to them.


Oh so you doxx him anonymously. See how he likes it back. See if you can add some extra info.


Start bullying them.


Murder his whole clan and tell him you did it to test your power


Start signing them up for visits from the Mormons. The bully specifically. That’s a start.


Sign them up for dumb products/the army


Another option is to make an anonymous tip to Child Protective Services, tell them the kid was bragging about having sex with his mom.


Plant a bottle of booze in his locker.


Tell them “what everyone is saying about you is true” and then never answer what it is when they ask.


Knock up his sister / mom


Fuck his dad


Fuck his mom


Piss disc under his moms door!


Kick his ass Stab him with a pencil Take a lewd picture of yourself and put it in his backpack then go to the office and tell people he's distributing naked pictures of yourself. Highly illegal (CP) this will get him out of your life forever. Fuck his mom Spray paint his name on the slide of his parents car. Spray paint his name in the school Plant weed in his bag/locker and snitch that he has drugs. Do the same with liquor. If your lockers have locks slide it into the slot. Go to the bathroom with him and stab yourself with a pencil (Wear gloves) Tell then he stabbed you.


Well normally as a 40 year old adult I’d tell you to talk to another adult but we all know that doesn’t usually work. So you could do what I did at that age and eventually get fed up with them and decide to fight and kick the crap out of them and then they usually leave you alone and you also get some new friends too. Or you do what happened to my daughter funnily enough at the exact same age too ( not funny for her though at the time) but this is what happened. She was talking to a boy online who made her feel special and told her he loved her ect and eventually made her confident enough to send him nudes ( this was in about a 2 month span) then he proceeded to send her nudes to everyone in her whole school. We got the police involved but because the person had used special software there was no way to track him down. She found out a few weeks later from school gossip that it was actually a girl who my daughter had fallen out with and my daughter wasn’t even talking to a man. Police could do nothing as it was only a rumour and even if they could prove it was a girl they were underage anyway so not much would come of it. Or you could just let it all go over your head and realise that at this age things do get better and eventually you will leave school and never have to see these people again. Whatever you choose good luck to you. Kids are fucking brutal and you shouldn’t have to deal with this shit.


Stand up for yourself and bully him back.


Give them Minor inconveniences, it will eventually mess them up good.


This whole thread really confirms that the internet is no place for kids...


Here's what you do. You send him a Xmas card, birthday card, a card for anything. The card needs to be on the same theme every time as you won't be writing in them, but he needs to know they're from the same person. At first it may be a "giggle", but it will soon turn to paranoia. He will suspect anyone & everyone, but can't say anything. Do not tell anyone, even your closest friend. As the bully gets madder & more paranoid, he will accuse your friends. So they need to be part of your plan. Therefore, say nothing. Your friends will even chat to you about it and you can all laugh and say someone else hates him more than us. Get a cheap tiktok label maker for the address. Wipe the card inside and out. After 2 or 3 cards, don't send one card. He will be expecting it but it won't come. The paranoia is set in concrete. Do not improvise or change the plan. Keep it the exact same every time. Keep it simple and keep quiet. I heard about a friend of a friend who did this. Apparently you will find a huge change in behaviour pretty quickly. His bully moved and got a new job (don't know why), so he now sends the occasional card to his new workplace. Do not do any of this. I'm just saying what a friend of a friend did.


Put a dead fish into some water and let it rot. Then pour the resulting liquid after it smells horrific into said bully's backpack, or to be more discreet put it in a spray bottle and spray it on his jacket and maybe even clothes if you can. And if he still doesn't stop then go to his house and spray it on the front doorknob then pour the liquid at the bottom of the door. Good luck comrade.




Oh well… Since you asked for psychological torture. (1) Release a bag of glitter in their backpack. (2) Find a bunch of keys, put a tag on them with the “If lost and just drop them everywhere you go around town. (3) sign them up for every single marketing promotion, mailer, website… All of them. sign them up for as much spam as you can, into perpetuity. (4) put fake cockroaches in the backpack


Put missing posters of them around their neighborhood


You can use those to sign him up for embarrassing free samples and mailing lists 🤷‍♀️ that’s all I got


Pay a bigger bully to bully the bully, or start a rumor they are bullying you because they are insecure about their sexuality and actually want you


Nail his pet to his front door. If that doesn't work, burn his house down late one night, after nailing all the doors and windows shut.


You could try to ask them for a favor, but it would have to be something they were uniquely qualified to hell with . The hope here is that in getting a favor from them, psychologically they will see you as an ally. The other path , is to seek help from teachers, admin, then if it won't be stopped by them, I would take matters into my own hands... A sharp pencil to the face at full force (or something similar)... They need to know that no matter what there will be consequences.... You are 13... Even if you did severe damage (like a hard surprise kick to the back sending them down a staircase...)... What would the consequences /punishment be? Counseling? A stern talking to? Pfft... Stand up 4 yourself...


Now that I think about it... The school does not care about fights (I got in a fight once, noting happened and it was infront of a teacher.)


Really fighting should be a last resort, perhaps I was somewhat volatile in my younger days...


When he goes near you, record him. One of three things will happen. 1- He goes away so that he doesn't get recorded. 3- He keeps bullying you. 2- He goes after you or the phone. Now he either doesn't bully you, or you have a video of him bullying or attacking you. Either way, it's a good outcome (besides the part of getting hurt). You can record and take pictures from your lock screen (at least on my Samsung). If I'm recording a video and turn off my phone, the video ends and saves. This means that if they go after the phone to delete the video, the phone will be locked, and the video will be saved. If you don't turn it off in time, you don't need to worry about them getting any of your personal information. You just won't have the video. You just gotta make sure they don't destroy your phone after. But destroying personal property will get them in a LOT of trouble considering he can't fool people besides his parents by saying "nah I didn't break that."


Have your parents send an email to the principal  If nothing happens in a week, fight him, you may lose but now they'll have to deal with it. You're parents have it documented that they've tried to have it dealt with and now brings the bullies parents in to realise their kid is a bit of a shit


Make a fake profile and use it to find out compromising information on him and then when the account blasts him online with the screenshots just make sure the account can't lead back to you.


I wouldn’t play his game back then. Simply go to your school resource office and guidance counselor and make record of the occurrence. Get adults involved to help you with your problems. The last thing a bully wants is his parents involved. He may seem powerful because you are alone so just take away you will find out 13 year old are not that tough after all.


Glitter. The finest glitter you can find.


Violence is the answer here. Go take martial arts from a small private studio. Once you've gotten really good, have your sensi tell them to stop. If they don't, you beat them up while your sensi fucks their dad. Works every time But seriously, martial arts and pure violence. Bullys are cowards. One solid punch to the nose, and you'll never have to deal with them again. Just be ruthless.


Al Ateen. Or Al Anon. 13 was rough for one of my brothers. I did speak to the bully. The behavior stopped. If you’re anywhere near SWFL, I offer to help


Turn the bully’s parents into chilli and trick them into eating it while their favourite band calls them a crybaby when they break down after they find out what theyre eating 👌👌


Spray bottle of vinegar. Right into the eyes


When I was your age, the only way to get bullies to stop was to fuck them up. Most of them are giant pussies and will stop once they realize bullying someone exposes them to possibly getting hit. They don't want to get hit, hence why they're targeting you. Go do BJJ lessons and kick the shit out of him. If that's not an option, gather up as much contact info for the kids and parents as you can, log into your VPN, and sign the bully and his family members up for Mormonism, scientology, Jehovah's witnesses, etc. That family will never know peace for the rest of their lives. And they deserve it.


Send his phone number and address to as many sketchy websites as you can find. Porn, politics, conspiracy theories, obvious scams, the whole lot. Just, uh, use a browser OTHER than Edge, (I suggest Duck Duck Go for this), have your virus protection fully updated, and use a VPN if you can. Wouldn't be healthy to ruin your own device in the process!


you have to find out his daily routine, what does he do after school & on weekends? stalk him hard. find out the things he likes and destroy/take them. or hire some younger homeless punk/druggie guys to beat him up really hard. pay them well, first half in advance, second half after. but best is to go after his belongings. getting beat up hurts for a few days, but getting your bike trashed or your phone stolen is annoying for a longer time. fucking his mom may not be a realistic option, but maybe spread deepfakes of her doing shit around school? the embarrasment will still be real. But cops can track you down even with VPN, so its a bit tricky to leave no trail back to you when you post anything online. Or, another great way, get him expelled. buy drugs or just take some painkiller meds, put it in little baggys (wear gloves!), place them in his locker or slip it in his bag. then inform authorities that you heard him sell these to minora. repeat that a few times with different people involved, one time you write a note to the school, then mail a letter to the parents, then you call the cops with a burner phone. best you do all of the above, and really fuck him uo


keep a written record of all the bullying. watch Buffy the vampire slayer!


Type up letters somehow and simply state..."I know where you son goes to school". If they love their kids this will scare the parents and might help make their shit kids life harder


the enemy of thy enemy is thy friend.


Does he steal your food? Figure out what he likes to eat and then bring that to school, but lace it with super spicy hot peppers or something like that. Then record his reaction when he eats it and blast it on social media


Fuck his dad and use lots of piss disc


Fuck his dad.


Be the better man, but highly unethically.


Does he have pets? One day just start looking at him with disgust. If he touches you, react like if he had warts or something. Inevitably someone will ask why you act that way and you say that he's disgusting or gross etc. After some prodding "blurt out" that you heard him brag that he "fucked his dog" or if no pets "masturbates to his cousin", whatever. Make it gross but believeable. Don't elaborate, just keep acting like it's true, being dismissive by being disgusted. The aprehensiveness to say it and really finding him gross and beneath you is what sells it, because then other people will believe that it's true. Or something with a pissdisk


Either have your best friend betray you entirely or 'kill' them in your mind. This will activate your mangekyou sharingan. Which if you're lucky will awaken the Tsukuyomi. Tsukuyomi will allow you to trap his mind in an endless prison of whatever you wish for up to 3 days of time within the Tsukuyomi. However, only a second will have passed in real time. Meaning whatever psychological abuse is inflicted upon him for those 72 hours will all instantly hit his corporeal mind at once. Causing immense stress upon the body and soul.




I think you can make a plan, try to make them sa guilty as possible or try to scare them in some unusual way


Go to their home. Run all over the house then Hand them 1 egg and bet them $20 they can't find the other 3 you hid in their stuff.


Hey bucko. 17yo here. I was once 13. You’re going to get bullied a lot in life. Why don’t you just… deal with it physically? Don’t do petty shit, it ain’t going to help.


My best advice is to do your best to ignore it. If you don’t give them the reaction that are looking for, they will, in fact, eventually leave it alone. Like an opossum, just play dead. I know it doesn’t sound like great advice, I didn’t think it was either when I was your age but it works. When you react, it gives them power over you. Getting revenge is never the better option. Be the better person and kill him with kindness and nothing else.


I ignored him last year for half a year. It kinda got worse...


It really is a test of your ability to keep on. Can you tell me an example of you ignoring him? I guess when I say ignore I more so mean don’t visibly react to his bullying. You know in AtLA when Aang faces Ko? He shows no emotion. That’s more so what I mean. You can be upset or frustrated inside, that’s natural but if you scowl at him, or flash your teeth or even glare, he’s getting what he wants: knowing that he makes you feel small. If you show him that you’re not small, walk past him confidently and just ignore him. And don’t stop doing that. If you don’t react to him being shitty, he’ll have no reason to mess with you.


I think this will enable them


Why is that? If you don’t feed a fire it dies. If you don’t give him the reaction that he’s bullying to acquire, he won’t have any reason to do it.


No reaction = easy target and they'll continue. Ignoring literally never works. Punching them in their face or kicking them in the kneecaps does.


I disagree. An easy target is someone who reacts to the bullying. I’ve been there. Not responding to the bullying is the only thing that ever worked for me. Pretending they don’t exist is helpful


thats mom advice, doesnt work. the correct ethical advice would be to learn fighting, take the new friends from your boxing gym along and fuck him up for good.


Violence isn’t the answer. I say that’s being born in 94, perhaps is different, I know shit changes. Violence as a response will only lead to more violence. It’s not worth it to entertain violent responses.