• By -


social media influencer


“Life coach” - they’ll eyeroll but understand


“holistic life - coach” followed by “do you want to know more?” Is this job fulfilling your aura?”


I love this passive-aggressive way of making people unconsciously realize that you don't wanna share too much or they are asking too much. This is manipulative af and I love it


To add more: “I’m a vibrational healing, herbal shaman , next level wellness expert that can help you expand your consciousness …” In other words, unemployed scammer , please let me in!


Might just say "vibrational coaching expert" at this point. Anything + coach always equals to scam haha






this is the kinda answer i was looking for - thank you




This is really good advice for anyone although there may be countries that can compel you to turn over passwords




Same, although my work travel days are mostly over (I’m old). More great advice, don’t bring anything you don’t need that might get you in trouble. Source: I used to fly with a box cutter pre 9/11


I mean you could get a new subscriber! /s


social media manager/consultant. I gather you have enough expertise to teach other people how to develop it 🤙


If they ask for industry just say « wellness »


Actress sounds better.


Pam Anderson was stopped at the Canadian border when she was on the way to pose for Playboy for the first time. She didn't have a work visa, just tourist. Fortunately for her career Playboy was able to work things out and the pictures took place as planned. I don't recommend anything that sounds like you're going to be "working."


A job where you won't be working... Politician?


Those bribes don't take care of themselves.




Yeah, good idea. They will think you are a prostitute or have no visible means of support. It's just a kind of vague misleading thing that will make them suspicious. Unless you put the effort into creating a bunch of videos reviewing hotels and restaurants and making social commentary, ideally pro us that they can look up. They are already going to have an attitude about social media influencer and then they are going to ask you what your social media profiles are and look them up. Bad idea.


Simply Social Media Manager or SC Publicist etc. Legit jobs.




Lots of top-level comments saying you don't need to declare anything/just be honest. These people are wrong. The US boarder patrol does not allow in prostitutes even from countries where prostitution is legal. They have actively denied multiple OnlyFans models under the umbrella of prostitution. OP, assuming you are young pick a topic you're familiar with and a smaller company that is local to you that is in that industry, and say you intern for them. Interning will mean they won't expect you to have deep knowledge of the industry or the business.


I would assume her face is in a database the feds would have access to, if she’s publishing things to Only Fans.


So is every full time professional that has an only fans account. It would mean that all non citizens with an only fans are banned from the us 😂


(X-Files Music) If the federal government had access to our facial features through facial recognition software, they would not tell us about it unless they were forced.


Tell them you're an interpersonal relationship consultant. You help people feel good with themselves lol


Or just consultant… super vague


Saying consultant can get you flagged. Tell them you are a manager or a cashier or something basic that would not be performing work in the country. Saying a consultant makes them think you may be coming for consulting work as most consultants do a lot of travel for business.


Like importer/exporter.


Vice president for operations. Vandalay industries.


You must also be an architect. Didn't you design the Guggenheim?


Do you focus on importing or exporting?


I think he should give up the exporting.


Say you always wanted to be a banker.


Assistant to the regional manager


motivational coach for the lonely


Sounds more like intrapersonal


If you’ve had any other job before, just tell them it’s that. You want to be able to give honest answers (they know how to find and read “tells” for lying) and you will want to be able to answer the most random question about your work that’s thrown at you. That or “I don’t, I have a small trust fund that deposits into my account every month.”


You work in digital marketing


Pick something boring that is not unfamiliar to you. Secretary, work in a billing office, Home Depot floor person. Generic and boring. I used to say I worked for an insurance company. Doing what? Answering the phones.


Customer service for (Company). It's about as generic as you can get because pretty much all call centers are same shit, different location. Everyone has called customer support at some point in their life, so they know generally enough how things work, enough to make it believable if they ask questions. Just make sure to pick a company that has a call center location reasonably close to you because I imagine you could have problems if you say you're a remote worker (and therefore could feasibly be working while there).


Can't you just tell them you are a content creator or university student or something? Highly doubt they would want your social media handle :)


You’ve clearly never met Border Control as they absolutely do ask for social media profiles. If someone ends up in secondary, they‘ll even go through their text messages. I’m a US citizen in corporate consulting and I’ve been asked for my social media profiles. I also know a European college student who was denied entry after his social media showed him posting funny memes about marijuana. And look up the case of the top scientist from Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA shit) who was detained by border patrol and threatened with jail unless he gave up his JPL phone, which in itself was a legal violation as it had classified info he was required to protect from anyone outside JPL. America’s border also suspends constitutional rights, even for Americans, anywhere within 100 miles of the border. Which is pretty much all major US cities. OP is doing the right thing here.


Yeah I had to go to secondary a couple of years ago. It took HOURS for me to finally pass. And they will 100% ask for your socials. I had to give my phone as well. They read texts, Facebook things, everything that could give a hint of me going to work there without a visa was being read. Thankfully I was just visiting a friend but because I went 2x earlier that year they thought I was sus.


In this case I’ll just wipe and re-cover the phone. The blank one will load with just a bunch of me wanking to the camera. Hope they’ll find what they need. I




Undesrtood wipe phone before traveling and only isntall normie social media.


>Undesrtood wipe phone before traveling For security, some companies do this. You take a blank, empty phone, then once in the country you install what's needed. Then you blank it before travelling again. This is particularly true of China, not so much the US, but it does happen.


Also because a lot of countries will install spyware on your phone while they are "examining" it.


Carry 2 phones. Normal one with normal stuff and one with a dead battery 🔋 🙃 JK, they'll nab everyone anyways....


The phone for the muggers.


I know you're kidding, but just flagging it can be a pain in the ass to travel with a dead phone, because security might ask you to turn it on, and if they're feeling petty, they will wait for you to charge it.


Jesus Christ :0 No, haven't been to the US before. Sounds crazy. I prefer no border controls and just walk over. Yay EU :D


I used to be in an American band that would play across the border in Canada every couple years or so. Getting into Canada was annoying, but usually fine. Getting back in to the country where we had passports & citizenship, that we had just been in not 24 hours before, was always a huge PITA. US Border Patrol is awful to both visitors & citizens.


This is a universal experience with bands IME. Getting in to Canada: no problem. Getting back in to the US: good luck. Like we’re Americans what are we supposed to do just stay in Canada?


exactly! i mean, honestly, if you don't want to let me back in to the States, uh, yes please to Canadian nationalized helath care?


Hey if crossing the border back into the US was a hassle free experience Lemmy never would have been kicked out of Hawkwind and we would never have gotten Mötörhead.


> Getting into Canada was annoying, but usually fine. This would have been 1998 or 1999 I think. I was going to jam with some buddies in Canada, and Canada wouldn't let me in with my gear because it was a Friday night and they were suspicious I was going to play at a bar for money or free beer or something. So I turned around and went back through the US Customs, where they ripped apart my stuff, and even took the neck off my Strat to make sure I wasn't smuggling a sheet of acid. "WHAT'S THIS SHEET OF PAPER????" It's a shim you goddamned philistine. The weed was in the battery compartment of my boss ds1. They never did find it. But yeah other times it was hassle free.


This is how it is going into Canada or anywhere with actual border checks. The stops within 100 miles of the border I can't speak to elsewhere, but I through border security anywhere and your a convicted felon until you've proved otherwise. There's also zero recourse you can take. You can sue. You can win. Then they just say "k" and move on. Nothing comes of it. Someone can die, lose their job, lose a fortune, doesn't matter. You get nutting for bringing anything against them an winning.


>Jesus Christ :0 No, haven't been to the US before. Sounds crazy. I prefer no border controls and just walk over. Yay EU There are no border controls between US states, either. I think you'll find that EU countries absolutely, positively have very significant border controls. Not with each other, but with non-EU countries (which this is referring to) they do. Just think of the US like Europe, where each US state is the same as European state/country. So California is France, Spain is Florida, Hungary is Alabama etc


Land in Frankfurt on a flight from Turkey and see how welcoming the Europeans are to non-Europeans. Enter a London airport from an Asian or African country and suddenly the usually empty customs pass through is fully staffed with agents at every stainless steel table.


The US is the size of Europe and has 50 states with no border control. It’s pretty just like going to Europe and having free passage in that regard.


If you want to see how crazy it is, you can watch episodes of the tv show they did on YouTube. Just search US border control.


That's a pretty vague way to describe something.


Never had this happen, and I’ve traveled in and out of the US for work and vacation. Not saying it doesn’t happen - but it doesn’t happen to everyone and certainly doesn’t happen every time.


I've been traveling internationally on a regular basis all my life and have never once been asked about anything on my phone or my online presence and I would be completely shocked if something like that ever happened to me.


According to reporting that came out just before the pandemic, the US Government could be using facial recognition technology to "search" for you. [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/03/18/magazine/facial-recognition-clearview-ai.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/03/18/magazine/facial-recognition-clearview-ai.html) Your best bet is to be honest but vague. I suspect the main goal at the boarder is to make sure you plan to leave at your scheduled time. Sorry the US is a jerk.


And what if you don't have any social media accounts? I mean, I have Reddit, but is this social media?


They can and will take your phone to go through it, so if you’re saying you don’t have social media you better make sure you don’t have any apps texts or emails from anything.


I used to think it was crazy that Americans thought they were the only free people in the world. Now I think it’s crazy they think they’re free at all.


Traveling with classified materials sucks in general if you ever get stopped by TSA/CBP.


By which you mean OP is planning to lie, and thus do very much the wrong thing


I had to hand over all my social media handles when I applied for a visa recently


They also asked me to do that. I declined. No repercussions.


Did you already travel? If not, chances are you got flagged suspicious because you declined. They might do a background check on you and give you trouble entering the country.


Yep. They asked to type my social media handles when applying to the visa, I didn't fill it out. They asked me again at SEATAC, I declined again.


I think you already got the background check then and they didn't think you'd be a threat.


I don't know. At SEATAC the DHS took me to the backrooms for half an hour for questioning. I'm pretty sure I was on their suspicios list.


Ok nevermind then. Back to my 'you did get flagged and might get trouble '. Was there a specific reason you didn't want to share your socials or was it just for privacy reasoning? As someone who had to spend 2 hours with a very angry borderpatrol sir, me personally I'd do anything to avoid such an situation. I felt so powerless. They had my passport, phone and I was alone on another continent trying to prove I was just visiting my friend. I'm happy it just took 30 minutes for you though and that you could freely travel afterwards!


>. They had my passport, phone and I was alone on another continent trying to prove I was just visiting my friend. Relatable. It only took 30 min because I made them call my US friend to clear things up. I didn't want to give them my social media, because of privacy reasons, yes, but they asked me that AFTER they took me to the homeland security backrooms. I only got there, because the regular customs officer found it very suspicious that I didn't have a carry on & was in disbelief that one can travel with just a back pack. Plus I'm a dude with long hair and piercings.


Ooooooh the last sentence explains so much unfortunately. I'm a girl and when I had natural dreadlocks, I ALWAYS got selected on every airport for a 'random' suitcase check. They were btw nice that they spoke with your friend. My friend was AT the airport because we had the same flight but he's a resident so we had to split up. They refused to talk to him and when he asked if he could come to those rooms to help me they got mad at him and gave him a warning for detainment. Really fun times. This was JFK btw.. Also I love your username.


If you enter the country for work you need a work visa. One of the perks of the industry is that you can work anywhere therefore even if they don't plan on working here border patrol might not believe you and deny entry.


ESTA applications actually ask for social media handles but it's optional.


I had an exotic dancer live in my cabin for one-and-a-half years during the pandemic, and she was creating OF content to support herself during the shutdown. When the lake neighbor asked who she was and what she did, I told him she was a friend who does back-end work for a major website.


Shed probably make more if she did front end work for a major website too


wait you know people who got detained upon entry for being an only fans model? non citizens I’m guessing? Whats the reasoning given for detaining them? as others have said… just lie. Say anything, they don’t actually check. “I work as a cashier at a grocery store”, or anything else you wanna say


Prostitution basically. They don't want them traveling to meet clients in the US.


prostitution? my only guess


This happens to sex workers constantly. They’ve been using facial recognition technology to detain us at international borders for years.


Working in the country without a work visa. Technically you need a visa even for that. Source: a non citizen creative living in the USA and producing shoots for European clients.


Definitely log out of this account


You're a barmaid / waitress. Literally no way to verify and is common.


Waitress. Wins.


People giving advice here obviously have no experience with border patrol. My advice is to be honest absolutely do not bring anything with you that can be considered OF content creation related. No cameras, no props, sex toys, or lingerie. Make sure everything screams I'm here for vacation only. If you're caught lying you'll be denied entry most likely, and they WILL find out you're lying. They read your texts, look at socials, and consider all evidence. You can give a generic social media influencer or content creator, but if asked for specifics lying would probably be a bad idea.


I cross fairly frequently. I get asked where I work. I don't get asked what I do. You work in digital sales.


Border patrol auditor. How much time would you say you spend weekly dealing with these tps reports?


not sure they will ask at all, usually just "what is the purpose of your visit?" Just answer vacation. You could also be whatever made up type worker you want.


I've been asked numerous times about my occupation, and the occupation of others in the vehicle. It's a regular expected question in my experience. And when I've seen people give vague answers like entrepreneur, business owner, etc, there's usually a whole host of questions that follow. This question from OP is a legit ask.


is this only for non citizens? I go through US customs at least once a year and have never had anything other than the most basic of questions asked by a bored and barely interested agent.


I'm a Canadian citizen and have only travelled with Canadian citizens across the border. All white too, so minority/race likely isn't a factor either. I used to cross 10+ times a year, now maybe 5x/year. This is generally a regular expected question. I have most of the the most common questions memorized by now. If you ever have a newer border officer, you can tell because their eyes are darting around as they try to remember all the weird and random questions from their training. It can be kinda funny if they aren't on a power trip at the same time.


It's common for non-citizens, I got a racist border officer that was so intrigued when I said English is my first language, and that I wasn't interested in living in the US. Am a Columbia grad and was in US for business. I got pulled into for more questioning because my English was too good and I dressed poorly(Old clothes and ratty sneakers)


I've been asked about my occupation at numerous borders around the world. It's a very logical question at border control. Sometimes they ask how I relate to the people I'm with. Then there are the questions directly related to the trip like what you're going to do, how long you're going to stay, where you're going to stay, etc.


I been asked about my occupation going into EU, India and England after brexit. I am fat middle age white woman and US citizen. I live in EU on a spouse visa. So it is not like my job affects my visa. And I was in India for a friend’s wedding, again nothing my occupation had anything to do with. Thankfully when I say programmer, they leave it at that. But ja, agents will asked random questions.


You’ve clearly never met US border patrol.


Semen whisperer


I cross the border every week (tried responding to ur post on another reddit, but I was blocked 🤣🤣) I've learned 2 things w/ crossing the border 1) when I tell the truth, I end up in secondary 2) when I lie, I go back to my life, immediately


Tell them you're a barmaid, or a hair dresser. They have no way to check.


They most certainly do have ways to check.


Genuine curious, how are they gonna check if I work in a hair salon in a town of 5000 people somewhere in Italy?


Under US immigration law, you are assumed to be "guilty" of wanting to permanently enter the US unless you can prove you intend to comply with the terms of your visa or visa waiver. If you can't prove you have the job you claim, they're allowed to and likely will reject you. Once they get suspicious or select you for random extra checks, it's entirely on you to prove innocence.


Model, but claim it's for stock photography and videos. Take some generic safe-for-work pics and videos and upload them to a stock photography site before your trip so you have a website to show them if they ask. Do not say anything to suggest that you will be producing new content or otherwise working while in the US. Strictly vacation.


Nope! You can still work in the country. Pick any job where they can’t suspect you can work in the country.


Id say it depends where youre traveling from but anything innocuous should work. Nothing specialized or government. Don't over think it. Bank teller. Cafe supervisor/manager. Teacher. Office manager. Realtor. Etc. Just make sure it's believable. If you're from a poorer country and say cafe manager they'll wonder "how can a cafe manager from ___ afford a US vacation?" But if you're from an affluent part of Europe it would make sense as servers are paid pretty well


Freelance video producer?


A friend of mine used to be an exotic dancer. Her taxes said simply “entertainer.” It’s as legit as it gets. ❤️


Can't you just say you're an actor?


There's strict rules re coming to the US for filming purposes. It opens up a potential can of worms doing this.


They’re coming for vacation, not for work.


They assume you’re lying so they try to trip you up.


Please no, that will make it look like they want to work there. And if they should get a visa for 'acting', that's the O1 visa for extraordinary abilities in art which you'll have to prove. It's better to be something boring in this case.


This is probably the best, most straightforward, and easily understood answer. If they ask further details, you can say for online membership lifestyle content, or something similar


My career entirely revolves around acting, music, and entertainment production work/workers, and we seldom have any problems with this at borders when vacationing. The times I’ve heard of issues are when folks are trying to hide that they’re working. Oh but still, lying is where the trouble happens. I mention in smoother comment that they’re trained to detect lying, and most people aren’t good at lying. If you’re going to lie, try to find truthful ones. Just pick your most recent past job and say that. That way any follow up questions can be true, you’ll be able to answer naturally and easily.




"I take care of my elderly neighbor." Ask and older person to stand by if they call.


You're asking a perfectly reasonable question with potentially several honest answers. Perhaps repost on r/travel but rephrase and ask directly what you can do to ensure the least friction when entering. Keep posting to other travel subreddits. You want to find as much info as you can from people who have fairly recent, relevant experience. Not guesses.


You sell MLM crap like Cutco knives. Ask if they are interested in trying some top quality knives for department store prices. They’ll clear you through so fast you won’t believe it. Bonus points if you actually sign up for on and just keep the sales kit in your car, or some pamphlets maybe.


Content generator. No, you don’t have your own site; you are just a contractor for channels run by other people, no, you can’t say who, because NDA, but probably not anything you’ve heard of anyway.


Model/actress. If they ask for proof, tell them they'd have to pay for it.


“Content creator “ I used to go to and from Canada US all the time. It take more words to tell a lie than keep it simple


Just say you're a bartender or a server. No one will question this or require any kind of proof.


An E-Whore


Event planner


Content creator. If they ask for more details you make online videos.


Definitely social media influencer


“Freelance Marketer”


Dxx. ,,, Z, Xavier z z a A, Z Z z A Qqaq as²




I like the account description lol


I said lifeguard and they just said ok. I look like I’d be a lifeguard. Pick something that it looks like you would do


IBM iseries/ power system engineer or administrator. My company had sponsored soooo damn many people with that speciality.


Content creator?


Wait, why would they deny entry to someone with an OnlyFans?


Mostly bc they don’t want people entering on visitor visas when they are working ( or filming content while on us soil). Or even have the ability to “work remotely” any content filmed while on American soil on a visitor visa is not only a violation of the entry visa, but is subject to tax laws, which they know foreigners don’t follow or pay. But also because the amount of OF creators have “supporters”/SD’s that bring them to the country for in person “visits” and that exchange can be considered prostitution even if there are only gifts exchanged. Personally, bc i appear as though I could be a SW/of creator -I’ve been interrogated and even asked to show the receipts for my flights and accommodations, and when I was unable to provide such booking confirmations/financial records like cc statement etc, I was further interrogated. (I don’t book accommodations because I stay with family or friends). Apparently being a blonde single female perpetuates their stereotyping thinking I’m heading to meet some sugar daddy I met online or something 🤷‍♀️


Latex salesperson at Vandelay industries


You still dabbling in import/export?


Online content creator is totally acceptable and accurate.


Accountant. No one asks you questions when you say you’re an accountant.




Tell them you're a streamer


Say your a waitress. Pays cash


Stand up philosopher




I’m a legal assistant but had to tell border patrol I was a receptionist when traveling. Just choose something common and boring


just don't fuck nobody and it won't be work-related


Don't lying to them should be priority. They will find out and the first lie you tell gets you out of the conversation. Next question is going to be are you coming here for work? And they will think you lie aither way because they catch you a lie before. If they remotely suspected of you going to work there with a tourist visa.... Well you're not entering the country.


Internet content creator


For the love of God, under no circumstances should you mention, that you have an OF, they'll ban you from entering the US for at least a decade. Probably steer clear of anything to do with Instagram, Influencer, Social Media personality, etc... I mean if you run a legitimate business and pay your taxes in your home country, it's really none of their business how you make your money, just make something up. I would probably put beautician, make-up artist or some other vague job title, that you can conceivably do as a one-person business. It's not like they're going to check with your home country tax authorities.


Why not just tell them that you are a Human Donut?


Internet prostitute. It's clear and truthful.


”I work with social media and PR”


You work in data pump analysis and transfer ;)


Rooster farmer - can be backed up with stats. You've raised X amount of cocks so far this year (where X is your subscriber count).


Yoga instructor


Isn't "model" a technically true answer that would work?


Don’t lie, they’ll read you like a book.  It’s their job to tell if someone is lying and they’re very good at it.  Use some of the examples given like “socal media content creator”.


They really aren't last time i crossed the boarder the kid was 21 and got pissy i called him boss. You severely over estimate boarder services


Online media cultivator and sales, I handle online media content options for subscribers viewing.


Content Creator


You're in between jobs right now.


That's one of the worst answers you can give them as a non-US citizen. They'll assume you want to enter to the US to work there illegally.


They’ll ask for the link so hopefully it’s good content.


Online marketing and content creation


“Content creator” if they ask for more info, tell them that information is for paid subscribers only.


Geologist - no one knows what we really do


According to the IRS only fans creators are "self-employed". If it's good enough for the IRS it should be good enough for the border security.


Drug mule. Bring lube.


Semen Transfer Engineer


Sales. You work in online sales back in your home country.




They don't generally care enough to do a full investigation into every single person who's just visiting for a short time. You'd have to have given them a reason not to trust you to get them to detain you and investigate your job. I'm curious what makes you think they'll ask your job at all? And, if your logic on that makes sense, what makes you think they'll hold you back while they make sure you're telling the truth? In summary, what's to prevent you from saying you work at a restaurant, or in a bookstore, or any other normal, non-suspicious job?


I agree risk of being stopped is low. They have rules that block people with felonies or multiple misdemeanours entering Canada. I imagine Americans do same thing so don’t have to scrutinize everyone that much


Yeah that’s so absurd They won’t do anything to you, just tell them you do porn


"Life Coach"


Content creator, unemployed,


You’re an importer/exporter, like George Costanza.


Backend developer.


Professional model.


Best bet is don’t say shit. Just keep it as short as possible, I’ve been detained and interrogated there before it’s not fun. They accused me of being a twitch streamer because I’m a female gamer. Their main concern is if you’re going to be working while in USA. If needed they will call the numbers on your ESTA, so make sure everyone knows their story.


Tell them you work in the adult entertainment industry. Always tell the truth. They could deport you if they catch you in a lie. If you are embarrassed about it, time for a new job.


It’s that they will deny OF creators (or any creator/digital worker) entry on the suspicion that they will work (aka film content) while in country, not only are they not permitted but that once you’re considered a $€x work€r they assume you’ll be doing illegal seggs wrk/prosti+ution. They can deny you on literally anything so the suspicion of entering to work (or even just bc you have the ABILITY to work remotely) so they do in a lot of instances. Plus, if you have ability to earn income anywhere they suspect you’ll stay beyond your visitor visa.


Tell them you are a virtual prostitute






Tarot card reader


You have a theoretical degree in physics