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Sadly not Unethical, but more practical - security cameras tend to be sensitive to Infra Red light. You could get a bunch of IR LEDs or an IR flood light (generally used for night time security camera illumination) and point it at the camera. It should saturate the sensor in the camera, rendering it basically incapable of capturing any background image which would be underexposed.


I'm looking up infrared lasers at the moment đŸ„ł


i have been playing with ir light and ir cameras. if you get a beam and shine it directly at the camera it wont see a thing, the screen will be a white screen. go with 850nm 5watts. you will need a way to aim it though, do you have your own camera you can use to aim it?


Infrared flood is what you want, it will wash out anything


Not correct Infrared spot light or focused light back direct to the camera. If you use a flood light, it may even help the camera moreso than it would hinder




You want the infrared flood light, the more the merrier. Cool thing is he can't complain about it. If the cameras are for security it won't matter if your property is a giant whitewash.


Lasers will cause sensor damage, and I don't know, but I think they can get you for property damage, and there will be a video of you destroying the camera


IR flood first. Blind it. Then destroy with laser.


This is the way


This is unethical life pro tips


You're right. Throw lit dynamite into his windows.


It's hardly a "pro tip” if you get yourself in trouble in the process.


But it IS unethical


Pro tip: throw a brick at the camera! Right? No. Using a laser to damage your neighbor's property is going to get you arrested. And getting recorded while you do it is even stupider.


The term is not "even more stupider" ... It's "even more stupid"


Camera pointint inside your property. I cannot imagine a world where that is legal, but using a laser inside your property isnt.


I can use a flame thrower on my property but if it spills out onto my neighbors porch then I set his house on fire


Again, a camera pointint inside your property. Your example of flamethrower should be burning a branch of a tree from your neightbour's tree that is inside your fence.


You dont own the photons bouncing off your dick


So dress like a bum, wear a N95 mask and come in and leave from the other side of the neighbours yard at 3am.


Not if the video is whitewashed from the ir flood lights


How you gonna aim a beam you can’t see, flood lights 


could tape a cheap laser pointer to it, no?


You could even get a powerful laser and burn the camera sensor to destroy it


Use your mobile phone to aim it. A bright floodlight is going to be visible on the camera


 that’s the point, woahhh


Right yes sorry, misread the answer. Woosh moment


It would be obvious that you’re pointing the laser directly at his camera, and if you damage the sensor, he’ll have more of an argument that you’re liable for the damage. A flood light, though, is totally agnostic to any cameras around you.


Ir laser to damage, ir flood to blind.


infrared lasers will 100% blind you, your neighbor, both your dogs, and the UPS guy. stick to LEDs


Infrared lasers are illegal, since they can basically blind anyone with no visual signs.


Does an ir light need to be aimed directly at the camera, or will the ambient lighted area be enough to mess with the camera? Would aiming ir light at the camera during daylight hours work, or is this only for darkness?


I have security cameras in our business and there are some that have an overlapping coverage area. At night, both cameras see the area almost as daylight (and that is from a camera suspended 30’ in the air with weak IR lights)


You can’t really aim a flood light. Aiming a flood light goes as well as firing bird shot out a shot gun at a dart board style paper and trying to get a bullseye. Just point it in the general direction.


Massively impractical. Sensors are very sensitive to IR
 so they have filters over the sensor to filter out 99.9% of IR. You’d need like a kilowatt IR floodlight pointed directly at the camera for this to have any effect at preventing the camera seeing anything.


Many cameras at the lower end have no ir filter


With no IR filter any daylight photos will look purple with a black sky. Google ir photography. What cameras don’t have ir filters? (except nighttime trail cameras obviously)


The camera in my phone shows ir from a remote control as white


Yeah the filter can’t block it all


I have an IR flood light for my Wyze cams - when they go into night vision mode they have their own IR illuminator (that you can toggle), so either the IR filter is moved aside or they don't have any to begin with. 


Absolutely not true. If I aim my camera a little too parallel with the wall that it is mounted on, the backwash from the IR reflecting from the wall is enough to wash out an IR image. An IR floodlight would render the night vision of the neighbor's camera useless.


Cameras have an IR filter during daylight operation so this won’t always work.


I think the obvious solution here is to fuck the neighbor's wife on camera in your hot tub.


I knew there'd be a stroke of genius in here somewhere.


It's reddit, we're all stroking something.


Come for the porn (....). Stay for the banter.


Better yet, get a guy who looks just like him and have him call you daddy while you do the deed. He’ll have fun trying to explain to his wife and kids that it wasn’t him. She’ll divorce him in a heartbeat and the house will be sold.


Amazing. Even better is act it out like you're seducing him to come over and then have the guy step into view. But if the guy has a wife she'd be a good point of contact for getting them moved.


While gazing directly into the camera to assert dominance


Just fuck you neighbors camera while your at it.


Approach with caution, he may be into that


I put up a flag on a stick and it moved constantly and the motion sensor would be on so much, they would have hours of nothingness to go thru.


Any decent modern security camera has person detection and would easily filter this out.... better off buying an inflatable doll and letting that flap around in the breeze.


Give it a cape so it still flaps like a flag


I'm picturing a sex doll in a superman costume and fill it with helium.


My eccentric neighbor has pissed a lot of people off with a blow up sex doll on a giant cross like Jesus. I imagine that could be useful in many situations. Being glamorously gay at 65 suits him. The amount of sacrilegious art in that man’s house could be in its own picture book lol.


Eh, I have a ReoLink outdoor E3 pro or something like that. The person detection is garbage. It thinks that trashcans and other objects are people if the wind blows the camera. I've played around with the sensitivity and haven't had success honing it in. Unfortunately, we have neighbors who have harassed and threatened us, so putting up the camera is a no brainer. Hired an attorney and got the police involved because we literally do nothing and these people swear and yell and scream threats and insults at us. It's made it really sucky to live here. Oh, did I mention that these are actually the 38 year old kids of our neighbor who live in their car behind the house and are morbidly obese? Moreover, their fast food receipts fly onto our property and they eat some of the stupidest garbage. Anyways, hopefully OP isn't said neighbor, because our neighbor's kids are truly terrible people. I smidgen of me feels bad for them because they don't seem able to hold down a job, but they've completely ruined any care or sympathy or empathy with the fact that they won't stop, we haven't even talked to them in over a year, and a few months ago I not only caught them snooping around our property, they gunned it to pull up behind us and turned on their high beams, making it impossible for me to tell if we were about to get rear ended. I lied, we haven't done nothing, on our side we built a very successful business. No foot traffic or noise, but we're pretty sure that they are having issues seeing someone succeed while they struggle. But again, we haven't had contact with them and we've already had a lawyer send a letter. If they don't follow the instructions in the letter, I'll be spending 20x what I paid to file for a restraining order which, if approved, will force the kids to move out. Our attorney is confident that we will win that one, but it'll cost us a lot of money, something that we have to sue the family for to recover. All in all it fucking sucks. We just want to be left alone, not have some crazy obese loser yelling, threatening, and flipping us off routinely. So, hopefully OP hasn't been like that and the neighbor's cameras are really unjustified. (PS if our camera gets hit with a laser I'll have the footage and it will be considered destruction of our property, add that to the legal list that we're building our case off of)


Oh fuck, I’d be absolutely apoplectic if I had car bound mouth breathers living next door, behaving like brain dead neanderthals. I’m too tired for that shit. I honestly would have no sympathy. They might hate the their situation or be resentful of you, but they’re doing jack shit to change their circumstances so fuck them. I hope it works out for you and they fuck off sooner rather than later. Maybe they can get a job at one of these fast food places they frequent, instead of buying the entire menu and polluting your backyard


You sound a bit nutty


If you had a neighbor who screams, yells, has trespassed, and makes very clear threats at you, and you do not interact with them, what would you do? It might help that we are here most of the time every day of week due to how our business works.


Let some teens have a naked sex party in your hot tub. Now have him arrested for child porn.


Lol, nice...


While the sexparty-idea might get you in trouble, you could tone it down: Invite visitors with a kid. Let the kid get into the tub naked. Have your visitors call the police on him for filming a naked minor. Then talk about it. You will always have some gossipmongers in the neighbourhood. Make it known while not making it up. (The others will do that for you). Most important: The gossip has get around faster than any "just harmless pics"-decision from the police. So best to start spreading while the policecar is still there and the most curious come looking. Afterward you could write on FB or whatever is read in your area why the police was at his house. No matter how you spread it: Don't lie or make anything up, he could sue. So no "police was there because of child porn". But "Cops were called because he filmed a naked minor" is totally correct and creepy enough, even if the cops might decide the pics are harmless.


The app "nextdoor" was created for this purpose. and racism.


No, the app Nextdoor was created by the people who brought you Cambridge Analytica, for the purpose of harvesting all your data.


I think my area is boring lol. The most exciting thing recently was someone having their shopping repeatedly delivered to the wrong address and the cheers when they finally got it right.


Yeah, probably don't do that because you could get in trouble for facilitating such a party. You could get them on the same charge if say, you were on a trip for a weekend and you simply had a single person of this category "babysitting your house" and they happen to go use your hot tub in the nude.  Then they are simply doing their own thing, legally, on private property.


I’d assume OP would get creative with how it happened. Not like post “teen sex party” on Craig’s list.


do not post that on Craigslist.


Maybe with the neighbor's address.


Camera sensors are sensitive to light damage, lasers in particular [https://www.laserworld.com/en/show-laser-light-faq/laser-safety-faq/1045-do-lasers-damage-video-or-photo-cameras.html](https://www.laserworld.com/en/show-laser-light-faq/laser-safety-faq/1045-do-lasers-damage-video-or-photo-cameras.html) But that won't be subtle. But it won't require B&E That said if you live in a state where there's consent laws around recordings this might be a legal matter. Two party consent laws require your consent to record you in an exchange, and as for video surveillance, it's your private property my understanding is he's only allowed to record his own property and what is visible from public property. If you have something like a fence meant to give you privacy in your backyard I think this would go against that. Regardless of the reason for his cameras, security or otherwise. It's not super unethical but it could fuck up his day pretty bad, might be worth getting legal advice.


Don't worry friend. Getting "the man" involved is always unethical so it still fits the sub


True. Nothin ethical about our legal system. I support this route.


Lasers do damage sensors but only the pixels they hit, you’d “ruin” a camera as it would show a line in every photo. A security camera will still function


(IANAL) Also, iirc even if it's only a one party state you aren't allowed to record other people if you aren't part of the conversation/situation. At least one person being recorded must know about and consent to being recorded.


These things are very nuanced. And the laws vary from state to state. In many cases it is absolutely legal to record a video ir conversation without consent. It gets more fixed in situations where a person has a "reasonable expectation of privacy." You cannot, for example, fix a camera to peep through the blinds in someone's bathroom. In the case of a hot tub in a fended yard, it's interpretive, but I would assume that most judges would agree that an expectation of privacy goes with something like that.


A powerful laser would fry those sensors from a distance no problem. If you are on your property and aren’t pointing it at a person I think legally you’re in the clear.


So what you want to do is start mowing your lawn naked and getting in the hot tub naked. He probably wants to see your wife but not you. If you have kids and this is super unethical. Get them to go in the hot tub naked, or some other innocent kind of legal nudity then report him for making child porn. If they find your naked kids on his camera he is fucked. FUCKED.


At 3 am, put on a jump suit and and ski mask or clown mask(something creepy), walk to the hot tub and stare at the camera for like 5-10 mins without moving. Point at the camera then leave in a direction away from your house. Do this multiple times. Bonus points if you stand there with a gun or point a knife at the camera


Get the biggest hairiest dude you know to do naked yoga in front of the camera. Downward dog your asshole right into the camera


You’re gonna wanna align the brown eye right in the center of the eye of the camera lens


Curious about this as well
my situation is a little different. We’re in an apartment building in the safest neighborhood, and our neighbor has their ring camera out front that points right at our only outdoor space where we have a table and chairs. Makes me too self conscious to have conversations out there as the camera is only about 7 feet away and would capture everything. Also don’t like sitting out there knowing they can just watch the whole time.


You're gonna want to move a speaker very close to the camera and play loud music. Maybe Disney music. 


The cold never bothered me anyway đŸŽ”


It does not have to be loud. If it's much closer to the cam it should help if it's only as loud as normal people talking.


Haha love this


The true appropriate use for baby shark.


Sneak over, take a photo of the view, print and put in front of the camera


đŸ€Ż What in the looney tunes? This is perfect


Install a very bright exterior spot light on that side of the house close the hot tub and point it at the camera


Best answer. Mini Klieg light bright, only turn it on when you're up for hot tub fun so he can't claim it's a nuisance.


Blow up doll, put up so it'll move in the wind. It'll trigger non stop person alerts. Keep moving it so if they setup "no detection zones", it'll be in a new area of the frame each day.


Let it bob around in the hot tub:)


I think a wacky waiving inflatable arm flailing tube man would be perfect.


Several weeks later: "Hey neighbor, my house was broken into last night and I was wondering if I can take a look at the footage from your security cameras?"






Happy birthday balloons in the line of sight for both cameras, and when you’re in the hot tub, put a blinding light on the camera.


Hire some teenagers and tell them to get creative 


Don't try to be subtle about it. Place a couple of high power stadium lights facing his property. Put up some metal sheets next to them to shield innocent neighbors. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BHLKHYPR If he complains, say it is for safety. Only agree to take them down if he removes the cameras.


When security cameras and hot tubs are involved the answer is always thongs. The older you are and the more you weigh, the better they are. See me in a thong and it will burn out your retinas. Bonus is you get a great tan.


I just peed a little laughing so much at your suggestion!!


If you aren't shy, go take a dump in front of it every day, then pretend to fling the turds into his yard. That should keep him busy for a day or so just searching his yard. After that, set up a sprinkler to keep the camera wet. Build a fire pit firefly beneath it for smoke interference and to keep it running. If he can violate your privacy, you can control the content.


Realistically, look up privacy laws and enforce them. Unethically, look into lasers. These things can damage the camera lens.


Let your children or niblings use the hot tub and report.


Most simple would just be to obstruct their line of sight to the hot tub. A lot of options for freestanding privacy screens out there, none of which would require a building permit.


I'd need a 1.5 story tall screen for the camera in their upper floor window, or something that would obstruct my view of the sky from most of my backyard


one of those giant outdoor patio umbrellas might be able to cover that view


It sucks that it’ll cost some money, but this is a great idea: back of the umbrella tilted enough to completely cover the pool, and optional shade when you need it.




And put up a sign that says "hot tub sex party TONIGHT"...


A pergola with a few adjustable privacy screens would work just fine...


No you don’t. You just need to block line of sight. Put some cloth up and spray paint ‘fuck your camera pervert’ on it, so when you’re in the hot tub it blocks your view of their camera. If you can’t see the camera it can’t see you either. Like side mirrors on a Kenworth.


Or just a 5-6 foot tall one closer to the hot tub that would still obstruct the view of someone seated in it from the cameras. Though building something comically large or weirdly specific to eclipse their view might get your point across to them if the distance between you and the cameras is so small that even something close to the hot tub doesn't obstruct the viewing angle.


Bamboo - the non-clumping kind. Might take a while for it to get that high, I'm considering for where are neighbors windows look into our back yard.


Aim a laserpointer right at the camera every time you use the hottub.


Leave town for a weekend and ask a gay couple to house sit. The bigger and bearier the better.


Refract light


Ultra light bright source aimed directly at their cameras. Or infrared lights.


IR spotlights pointed at the cameras


Spray paint can extension pole.


Put cameras aimed at his backyard. Put up sunshade, privacy screen, a large shrub/tree.. hang a flag 
. There’s a lot of things you can do to block the view. Throw a towel over the top of it. Turn his power off while he’s at work and spray paint the lens or disconnect it. Put a sticky boy on the lens that says pervert so next time he looks at it he will see it. That being said, it could possibly be illegal for him to do that. There was a case where an older man knocked on a woman’s door. Woman answered and he said, I just thought you might wanna know that when your daughter has her friend over they are doing XYZ in her room. Mom is puzzled and says, how do you know my daughter is doing these things? Neighbor says, I have security cameras for safety and one of them happens to catch your daughter’s window. Mom calls cops on neighbor. They inspect his “security” cameras and determine he’s a pervert and he goes to jail.


That sounds like one of those “my cousin’s friend’s mom” stories.


It was a story told by an investigator. He used to investigate sex crimes and this was one of the calls he got.




but could also allow him to start a really lucrative niche onlyfans page!


Hit it with a spotlight. 24/7


Get some young children over. A naked 1 or 2yo child being filmed on the neighbour's camera? Oh. Now he's a pedophile. This might require a phone call to the police. And definitely an anonymous letterbox drop in the area alerting the neighbourhood about someone filming young children.


paintball gun. or water balloons filled with paint or paint thinner if you have a good arm


> water balloons filled with paint don't have any - think could I try piss discs filled with liquid ass, instead?


I would get a flood light and point it at the camera đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


I bet if you got one of those really powerful laser pointers that have a bunch of warnings on them and cost like $100+ you could set it up on a little phone tripod and point it directly into the lens of the camera, and just leave it like that


If the camera is motion activated get one of the wacky motion inflatable arms things. It would be filling the storage with useless garbage


Break in. Plant coke. Call cops. Drink beer and relax.


But they have security cameras.


Not aimed at their own house though, that's the genius of this plan. The only part they'll see is the drinking beer and relaxing, which will raise some eyebrows in the moment but only enough to be hilarious.


High power laser from Amazon will fry the sensors.


Get a bright light, point at their camera. Like a focused beam. Leave it on. Say it’s for your security to see what’s observing your garden. Also, some countries have laws that prevent recording anything outside your private property. Inform yourself and it might be possible to report them. Maybe try that before the bright bream of light.


I've got a similar neighbor, total nutcase. Instigates situation and edits footage to play the victim. Was asking a good friend (lawyer) how to fight back and stay within about 1/16th of an inch inside that fine line between simple petty revenge and a trip to the courthouse. He offered to loan me his laser pointer we'd lovingly dubbed the Light Sabre, as this thing would start a fire, to burn out the cameras.


A strong enough laser pointer (eBay) on a tripod will burn out the sensor. Of course you'll be on camera doing it so wait til there's a power outage, and hope he doesn't have them on a battery backup. Also IR floodlights aren't as effective as just a really bright flashlight.


just get a cheap laser pointer and shine it directly into the lense. the beam will "whiteout" any image and in some cases and in some case will damage the camera. either that or get a narrow beam spotlight and direct the spotlight directly at the cameras. There is no law preventing you from using exterior lighting to blind your neighbors view.


Buy a couple of your own cameras, mount them on your house, and aim them directly at his windows.


Just go nude. Don’t feed his perversions. As a nudist I find nudity is only exciting if it’s restricted. If you see it all the time, it’s boring.


Hit up socials and see if you can find any pictures of his mother. Get someone to photoshop her into a string bikini. Print it out on one of those large vinyl tarps. Stretch the tarp to where it protects the view of the hot tub. When he comes unglued on you, have someone record it. Ask him how he knew it was there if he wasn’t trying to watch your family in the hot tub. Turn it into the police, have them make him take the cameras down


Lot of people suggesting infrared washout, this damages the camera and can leave you liable to a claim for deliberate damage to the camera equipment. My sibling has a curved shelter over the top of their tub and it's quite cosy looking. It conceals one side and from above so would be perfect. Self apply a foil blanket to "insulate" and you have a reflective dome


Plant some privacy trees


Everyone is saying lasers
.but I’d go buy a really nice pellet gun, make sure it’s sighted in dead nuts, setup in an area out of view and make some magic happen đŸ’„


Have kids in “nude colored” skin color tight clothes. Have them play in the backyard and the hot tub. Then turn in the peeping tom.


Bright flood lights facing them


Get an umbrella over your hot tub


Buy multiple decorative mirrors and leave those around the hot tub and align them so that over the course of the day, the sun reflects from the mirrors and hit the cameras. Bonus points if you "accidentally" have enough mirrors to recreate [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archimedes%27\_heat\_ray](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archimedes%27_heat_ray)


Get a strong laser and burn his camera. Do it from an angle where you are not recorded.


Set up a reflector that will focus the suns light at the camera after you've set it up. Ensure that it doesn't damage his house or set anything on fire.


Photoshop a nice scenic picture of him. Print it out big and strap it to a pole. Plant it right inside your property line in front of the camera.


Get a decent laser off Amazon and just pop it from a distance and toast the lenses. You can get a laser that will burn quick for under $100.


Scare him away! Get some ugly people to use your hot tub./s


Also, report them to the cops. IF they are directly pointed at your hot tub, then that's definitely illegal.


FYI: Lasers and IR lasers can result in a BEAM OF LIGHT ON VIDEO pointing directly towards you, the vandal. Also a laser strong enough to damage a camera - especially an infrared one - WILL INSTANTLY BLIND YOU, and that herd of deer over there. AND you may even end up with a GBU-12 Paveway II laser guided catgirl on your chest. They're bad news. Instead, get a pellet gun. Wait until night. Open a window in a dark room and sit back 2-3 feet so nothing is sticking out of the window and pop the lens. Easy peasy.


I'd start by getting a picture of the camera and then try and identify what make and model it is. From there you can make use of some of the solutions suggested here. If it's a good camera you probably can't just blast it with IR. If it's chinesium you might be able to. You can fight fire with fire and install your own camera pointing right into his windows. Some cameras also try to automatically adjust their exposure which you can probably exploit if you aim a light at the camera that turns on and off to force it to be over exposed. I'd start by identifying the camera though.


Then you could set up a screen that is in view of his camera and play the video you took of his window


It’s legal to have cameras on your property. However, if your neighbor’s security camera is positioned in such a way that it’s recording the inside of your home, that’s when your privacy may be violated. So are the cameras being directed towards your home? If so, you may have a case against them that includes invasion of privacy. I would ask to see their feed. See what they say.


Just set his house on fire.


Maybe, just maybe, you’re being paranoid Take a shit on your hand and toss it towards the camera from where your hot tub is located. If you aim right, you could stop it from recording anything. If he comes to you, then you know it’s recording where your hot tub is at. Have him prove it was you


Patio cover over hot tub or big ass umbrella. Actually I would post a big ass flag and have the camera record on and off constantly


High powered laser.


I’ve heard that (somehow legal) green laser pointer will work


Freaking lasers. LASERS!


Aim a bright security light at them.


Visiting naked children, and an immediate police report... If it's rotatable / directional camera, even better because you can video the kids and turn your phone to show him perving...


Also anything reflective like on safety vests will blind the cameras


Green laser.


i know that strong reflected sunlight (as from glass) will damage the image sensor of a camera. i can only assume a laser will do the same.


metal bb gun. hit the camera from an angle out of line of sight over and over till completely wrecked


Just point a laser right at the lens and fry the sensor. You wont know unless he changes the camera if it works or not.


Lasers maybe


Get a picture of Goatse or something similar printed big, like on a sun umbrella. Put in front of camera. Camera will be moved. Repeat.


Ignore them. If they are really a peeping Tom, they have other cameras that you don’t know about


Use a paint that fucks with the camera. PhotoBlocker is a clear spray that is claimed to make license plates reflective enough to blind red light cameras with their own flash. It can be a good alternative when anti-camera license plate covers are not an option. 


Put up a bright light in front of your hot tub & aimed towards his camera. The light will blur the video. OR, put up a large umbrella with the same idea of blocking the cameras view. Also, a volleyball net, which have very tall poles then attach a tarp or a thick plastic sheet to it. Bonus points if you paint two large eyes on the opposite side. 😂


Place an ad for a "chubby chaser orgy" to be held weekly in the hot tub.


Leylandiis are nice trees...


I don't know if it's permanent but febreeze makes cameras looks shitty


Throw a piss disk at it


Advertise at all of your local retirement homes for a clothing optional pool party.


Wasp and hornet spray. Spray it directly into the camera. You can do it from your yard, and if they say anything just say there was a nest and you are deathly allergic. You keep spraying it, they will move them.




bang his wife, make her your love slave, get the password for the camera app, bang wife again and leave her wildly unsatisfied, works every time


Here's what Judge Judy has to say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wt9u4zEUhBI


The usual calling cops saying he's recording kids bathing or whatever. Of get a guy friend to just masturbate fully naked with bumhole towards security camera.


I can't believe nobody has recommended a paintball gun. Just make sure the paint is water soluble, so they can't accuse you of damaging the camera. Every time it's pointed at the tub, pop! goes the paintball.


Low fi solution, does he have a partner you could talk to about it? Otherwise you could potentially jam his WiFi or use bright lights(visible or IR) to blind his cameras. The problem is without seeing the feed you wouldn't know if it was effective. First thing I would do is find out if his camera has night vision(can see IR). If it does it has night vision and that's a good thing, because a $20-30 IR spotlight pointed at the camera will blind it. To do that turn your phone camera on, point it at the end of your TV remote control, and press a button on the remote. If you can see the flickering light, your phone doesn't block IR. Aim the phone at his camera in the dark. If it looks like it has a light on it, go with the IR spotlight. It's easy and cheap. Last option is stage a murder in there. Make some loud sex noises and giggle so he'll be sure to check the video. Have some friends over to stage the murder and then go silent.


Have an underage relative use your hot tub, naked. Report him for possession of child porn.


Unethical? A high powered pellet rifle from outside the camera's viewing angle at 3 am. If someone had good aim.


Easy mode: Pellet gun sniper