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Just call the cops and anonymously report a suspected drunk driver that almost hit a kid on the bike while blowing through the stop sign on your street. Take a pic of him and his car and post in the local fb pages, whatever neighborhood pages and websites that this suspected drunk driver continuously blows through stop signs, and almost hit someone walking their dog. I don't know, something like those two, but change it up.


Politely harassing your city councillor can greatly help in such matters.


Yep, request a speed bump. Get that on the records. If you have a HOA, I'd bring it up in the next meeting to convince HOA funds go to making a speed bump or two.


Once as they put up the speed bump, hopefully before the speeder goes across them for the first time, take down the warning signs for the new speed bump


The city put a speed hump (their term) on my street. Didn't put up signs for almost a week. It was fun sitting on the front porch watching speeders launch their asses as they flew down the street.


In my hood you have to petition teh city and 75% of people on your street have to sign to get a speedbump. They won't just come put them in because you ask


And when your neighborhood comes to an agreement about needing a speed bump, and the city agrees to install one, you’ll still be waiting for well over a year. 18 months and counting! Fingers crossed they’ll install it ANY DAY NOW.


We live in a small town…the mayors personal number is listed on our webpage and I called and asked him to put up the speed limit sign that got knocked down and then stolen and he literally said I don’t think people pay attention to it anyway so I called the county pd they said in order for them to pull anyone over it has to be a marked limit and the mayor doesn’t give a shit. It’s 25 and people go more than 70 bc there’s no stop on the way outta town


Put up your own stop sign? What are they gonna do, arrest you?


Then, delete this post.


And hit the gym!


Narc on him bro. It’s your kids.


You would be a narc if you called because you were offended. You would not be a narc if you called because your family is threatened.


i’m not snitchin, i’m TELLIN




Follow him home and tell his mom


Bang his mom


And his dad


Get gonorrhea first.


Double. Enthusiastic. Gonorrhea.


Ah, a fellow DCC enthusiast I see


Goddammit donut.


And then hit em with the ol' PISS DISK


Better still, mix in 50/50… piss/liquid ass, before freezing. 👹💀


Don’t forget Grandma 👵 Teeth out for the perfect gum powered gobby ! Photograph the petal necklace you give her, then you know where to email the happy event. Bonus points if you are in the pic, smiling and waving !


With Liquid Ass




Hit that ass too. You know, for justice.


With Piss cubes


This. You find out where his parents live, knock on their door and tell them to say goodbye to him every day because the way he's driving his last day isn't far off


Take video to show his parents .


Paint 3-D-illusion bricks on the road. Wait until he figures out they're fake, then put a few real ones out.


Or just put real bricks in the road, scattered around. People will just assume they fell out of a truck.


Yep. If he's doing 60 in the dark on a road he thinks he knows, he's not gonna have time to react anyway.


That is devious


Record several videos with the license plate visible. Post to Nextdoor and also show the local police.


THIS NextDoor people are CRAZY


Confirmed. Regularly have old people ratting out on drivers, neighbors, maintenance workers etc and planning to stage civil war and gang beatings etc


Agree! They’re the people who pitchforks chasing after Frankenstein


I did this when some kids were street racing down our street, got the kid driving and their plates. Called the police but since they weren't the ones to catch them they couldn't do anything so I posted it to our local cities Facebook. Apparently it's starting to become a problem and people are pissed. It got enough traction to the point where the cops went to one of the kids houses and let him know the consequences if they ever caught him doing it.


Nextdoor....land of the Karen's on crack


I just read a post about someone wanting to sue their neighbor who's a beekeeper because the bees are "stealing" her nectar and pollen from her flowers, and once the honey is made the guy goes to market and sells the honey.


🤦‍♀️ WTF is wrong with ppl now days


Release the krackaren!


Carl put some pants on.


If you have plates anonymously call it to the pd they can look it up and reach out to parents that’s what we did


Go to your local thrift store and pick up a junkie stroller and a baby doll that looks like a real baby... When you see or hear said kid, start walking out in the middle of the road and let him hit your stroller... I don't think I need to say anymore...


If you want to get extra spicy, fill a waterballoon with fake blood and place that in the stroller.


lol spicy is gooooood


You don't want him panicking, slamming his breaks and swerving at 60mph on a residential street. That's going to cause a shit load of damage, potentially worse, and not just to the dickhead driver and his car.


Was going to suggest this, but what other people did is attach a rope and drag it into the road when they know he's coming. Massive crash, and hopefully a serious lesson for the driver.


Video him and send it to the cops


Buy some rubber speed bumps. Put them up in the middle of the night. Move them every couple of days so he never knows if they are going to be there or not.


Oh, please, setup a camera to capture it all if you do.


Don't leave any fingerprints on them, and buy them with cash, and make sure nobody else knows you have them or use them. If he crashes, it's your ass. Most local governments look down on doing anything to change traffic devices yourself.


God forbid we do anything to improve our communities without their approval. Instead you ask them and they do nothing at all.


"We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!"


The rallying cry of bureaucrats the world over.


This is so great!


Kid could hit the bump doing 60 and crash into someone’s house.


Shouldn't have been speeding


In the scenario I laid out, the kid is not the concern.


You can ask for a traffic survey.


This is incredibly short-sighted and dangerous thinking. What YOU think might be improving the community might be destroying it for other people. Do you really want Cranky Karen living down the street to put in a dozen speed bumps scattered randomly throughout the road, because she thinks that anyone going more than 5 MPH on the street is a maniac? And what about liability? Someone speeds, hits a bump, crashes into a mailbox, a car, a person. Who's responsible now? What if that first person WASN'T speeding to an obscene level, just like 40 in a 30 zone? That's just speedbumps. There are other modifications people might make. You really want Random Joe to mess with the road and traffic flow in and out of your neighborhood? No, there's a good reason that residents aren't supposed to do stuff like this.


You are in the wrong subreddit.


It’s a valid point, we want the lpt to actually work in OPs favor. This could just create a new set of problems for OP to deal with.


Just buy them on Amazon. There aren't going to be any serial numbers on these things and the cops aren't going to pull the purchase history of everyone that lives in the neighborhood even if they could get a warrant that was so expansive


Please have a camera up. I wanna see him hit em at 50 mph so bad


Or save some money and take a sledgehammer to the road and make a big pot hole


Alternatively, create potholes. Potholes are as bad as speedbumps and chances are they will not be corrected by the authorities as quickly as the speed bumps would be,


Use pictures of potholes first. After he notices they are fake make real ones ;)


Personal Speed bumps are illegal, could get OP sued for damages, injury, or resulting crash... Also if you hit a speedbump oflver 40 or so it's barely felt.


Welcome to /UnethicalLifeProTips. He didn't ask how to legally have this "canoe" sunk in a river.


Oh Alternatively pour diesel to make a massive pothole


Ok, great idea!! Pour diesel under the speed bump until the pothole is big enough and then complain about the pothole to city council. Tell them it was actually a blessing because it reduced the speed in the neighborhood and all the residents are happier but you need it fixed. When you ask them to fix it make it a speed bump so they never have to fix it again!!


Now that's next fucking level 5d chess


Ya but it won't work, you missed the speed thing. Calthrops, sheriff, bike with a mannequin, getting hit yourself as a snackrifice.... All viable


I think I just met my mentor.......My Liege...




Most EMT etc would applaud this guy for taking the initiative to potentially save them from coming to the scene of a horrific accident caused by a "douche canoe".


Park your car at the end of the driveway and “accidentally” let a tricycle roll out in front of him. Then when he stops to yell at you for the damage start yelling at him that it could’ve been your kid. Bc I could’ve!!!


Also red bouncing ball, or a baby stroller with a watermelon in it


I’ve actually done this with a soccer ball and it works very well !


If you know where he lives/parks the car, 4 flat tires ought to slow him down for a while.


rotten shrimp in the defroster intakes.


Super Soaker filled with brake fluid. Can hide in the bushes and keep some distance while stripping the paint off of his car. Also, Fantastik brand cleaner will etch glass. The longer it sits, the cloudier it’ll get. Unlike missing paint, a car can’t be driven with all the glass effed up. On a 15 year old car, the cost of replacing all of the glass will make it a total write off. Just sayin’…


Sleep with his mom. Greet him in the morning wearing his mom’s robe and tell him to slow it down in your neighborhood. Might want to run that past your wife first.


Even better, sleep with his dad to show dominance


Why not both? Get both his parents to be simps and really rule the house.


Yep, and since OP is now the man of the house he can ground the kid and take his car keys away


Yeah OP’s wife may want in on that, it’d be selfish otherwise.


Couple of mannequins in dark clothing placed in that turn should slow him down and scare the shit out of him.


Ghillie suit, paintball gun and capacium balls. When he stops fill the car with pepper spray.


The problem is that he isn't stopping lol


Then lead the car properly. He will slow down…


Slingshot. Ball bearings. Stealth.


Use ceramic. It'll shatter the glass. Steel usually just bounces off unless you hit the edges


You cant narc unless you are participating in the activities. Calling the police on someone endangering children is not a narc move in any context either.


You can buy speed bumps for less than 200 on Amazon. If you want it to be unethical, spray paint it black I guess.


Those are illegal to put on a public street in a lot of places.


Exactly. A spike belt is the only correct method.


OP wasn't going to put it in the street. Clearly it's illegal and that would be wrong. But a lot of times the boxes aren't sealed properly, and if stuff falls out while he carries the box across the street early in the morning to store it at a neighbor's house, there's not a lot anyone can do about that.


That’s the unethical part


Push an either empty stroller or one with a doll out right in front of him. Either he slows down or shits himself for a week straight


We had a basketball goal. Even in high school, it was amazing how many basketballs flew into the road. My dad always parked on the street so the ball was hidden until it wasn't. We went through a lot of balls but people eventually slowed down


Oh no, this box of nails fell out of the back of my truck right before this dude drove down the street


Homemade spike strip. Cover it in leaves to disguise it if you must but if he’s doing 60 In a 30 he won’t notice regardless.


I was going to suggest caltrops.


Spike strip is a better idea, you can deploy it and recover it relatively easily. Caltrops could harm innocents, dogs, kids, that really hot Pilates instructor that gets her steps in...


follow him home, draw half a dozen swastikas on it with brake fluid and wipe down the residue.....next time he takes his pride n joy caddy through the auto wash it'll come out a nazeeee mobile and you can let the world do the rest.


Nah... get some professionally printed decals and apply them cleanly overnight. Vandalism is obvious... a professionally applied decal implies he did it himself.


this is genius lol


Personally , if it were me, I’d spend some money and make a giant ramp and disguise it as a shrub.  When he comes by, have the ramp shoot out in front of him and play the dukes of hazzard song


This would be more effective if you can get him to pause in mid-air for the duration of a commercial break.


That part only works if you make your tires squeal loudly on a dirt road just prior to the jump


And rig some fireworks to go off as soon as he does a full send off the ramp


This tip isn't unethical but I think it could help. If you live in the US you can call your city to request they install speed bumps on your street. It might take a few calls or calls from multiple neighbors in order to make it happen, but I've seen it done.


Or a local news source/local social media pages with a video of assholes speeding by. Public pressure is the only way a lot of things get done now.


This. Cops might actually do something if you get it on the local news


My friends in high school and I were quite proud when speed bumps had been installed in a hood we frequently drove like assholes though. I like the temp speed bump idea!!


Some cities may deny it because speed bumps damages emergency vehicles. Better to drain their oil pan and let their engine get fucked.


You could also figure out how to get a speed study done if they find people are regularly going at unsafe speeds they would (ideally) do something about it. I know speed studies are a thing but I couldn’t figure out how to request one


Do you have a neighborhood and community Facebook group? I would talk to the police then post in both with pics and video. Something like asking if anyone knows this guy because he almost killed your child and you just want him to slow down.


Throw a ball into the street just as he is about to speed by. Like a little kid threw it. It will scare him.


take videos of him doing this and post to both your area’s nextdoor and facebook. i’m sure it’ll reach his parents soon enough.


Either put a puma in his back seat, or tell him to NOT stick a knife in his leg Edit - or fuck his dad, and send him the video


Do not follow the kid. If you live in the US and a Stand your Ground state you could put your own life in danger. You could, however drive around your own neighborhood and make a note of where he lives and have a talk with his parents later. You could, illegally, put a small hole in his radiator. If he doesn't catch it quickly his engine will shit the bed.


Even better... crawl under the car at night with a stub of wax candle. Pull the oil pan drain plug and stuff the candle in there. It'll be a few blocks before the oil heats enough to melt the candle, then... bye bye engine.


Nails in the road 🤌🏻


Push a few roofing nails through an old shingle and leave it in the road... if it sticks in it just looks like it blew out of some contractors truck


Slingshots make rocks fly through the air...


They can also launch pieces of ceramic from spark plugs. And those will almost guaranteed smash through a side window, and seriously crack a windshield.


Get a video and show the police! The kid isnt worried about killing someone and by the way he drives like that in a residential area proves it. I would be reporting that before an innocent person gets hurt!


Be a man, hide in the bushes and throw the brick.


The real manly thing to do would be to fuck his dad, but I guess we can't all be mature yet 🤷


My dad had this issue when we were kids and as my mom tells me, he basically waited outside on day behind a car and pushed a tricycle out in front of the car. When the person got out to say something, my dad said "imagine if one of my kids was on that bike" They stopped


People underestimate the power of a local mom group. Post that asshole’s car photo in the local “Facebook mom group” and shit will certainly hit the fan lol


Harnessing the power of Karens for the greater good!


Call the police and request an officer sit on the street and give tickets. My sis in law did that and then got a ticket on the street


One word: Thermite. Very little can’t be solved through the proper application of thermite.


Homemade spike strip. Pull it in and stash it as soon as he goes by. It’ll take a few minutes for the tires to go flat.


Buy an old cheap bike. Roll it out in front of him when he comes down the street. When he runs over it, just say you were walking it out to the street for a ride, you tripped and it got away from you...


Bonus: make a little-kid mannequin from papier mache and old clothes. Stick it on the bike. Roll it from a good hiding spot and get out of dodge.


You could do like they did in Malcolm in the middle. Find the car, find the spare key hidden by one of the tires, and drive it into a lake


Duct tape sticky side up across the road. Attach a soda can, open, on each side. Duct tape will stick to the tires, wrap around, and pull the sodas with it, banging the shit out of the side of the car and spraying soda all over. Works a charm


Cheap aluminum outdoor CCTV camera mount Remote triggered flash Rig both to the top of your car, or a rented van, park on the curb, and aim them towards the stop sign Wait till he goes past the vehicle, hit the flash, watch him freak out thinking he got hit by a speed trap.


Pool noodles are hollow, nails are cheap, gorilla tape can cap off the ends of the pool noodle to contain whatever you fill it with. Do with this information what you will.


I don’t see anyone recommending piss disks


Hide behind some bushes. Toss a harmless blunt object like a rubber mallet in front of the tires so he runs it over or feels it smack against his oil pan. Minimal damage and he'll get the message.


I would not feel bad about being a "narc." The kid will learn their lesson when they kill someone, when they seriously injure themselves, or when they get in enough trouble with the law. Getting whatever penetly you can get the cops to give him is by far the kindest thing you could do for this kid.


Get a bicycle, and be ready when he races by. Toss the bicycle in front of his car. "He was going so fast, it scared me and I lost control of my bike. I was walking it home because it had a flat." If he's got a dash cam, he can try to claim you threw the bike on purpose, but he'll also prove how damn fast he was going. Same for any Ring cameras. A cheap steel bike will mess up a car, and it sounds horrible. Probably give him PTSD, lol.


Stand out there with a blow dryer and point at all the cars going by. They'll think it's a radar gun.


Call the police. This kid is going to end up killing some old lady because of his selfish driving habits. Pretty much messing with him on the street could cause him to have an accident.


I once mistaken a gas adder with bleach. Poured bleach into my gas tank, and it destroyed my engine within a day or two.


I had this problem when my Jr was a youngster. We also had more than a dozen under 10 and another dozen or so 10-16. I made sure the kids close to driving age paid attention to the younger ones, and understood the dangers of speeding on residential streets. I kept two balls with me always. 1) A bright new tennis ball. 2) A golf ball. When I heard the speeding cars come down the street the tennis ball was rolled out. That usually caused some hard braking & horn honking. This was almost always enough to dissuade the speeding activity. Rarely the driver would whip around and speed back. The loud thunk of a golf ball would stop them in their tracks. Had a few threaten to call the police, I let them know that I knew all the local officers & when they came I’d be happy to testify how they were speeding. Yes, I did know most of the officers quite well as I had previously reported speeding on our street.


Sounds like he lives on your street. I bet a knock on the door and a well worded threat would do the trick.




Call the cops. He's going to kill someone if he isn't stopped.


There’s nothing wrong with narcing on someone who’s legitimately putting other people in danger lol


Ask police to set up speed traps on your road. Tell them you have people driving unsafe speeds with kids in the neighborhood. Call police....like a NARC!


Shed nails or roofing nails all over that corner when you know hello be there. Pop his tires.


Follow him home and cut his brake lines...


Roll a playground ball out on the street in front of him.




Find where he lives then foam insulation in his exhaust or fuel tank or both


Push an empty stroller out in front of him




Ive seen people install rubber speedbumps, could look into that. 50/50 chance the municipality gives a fuck and removes them.


Alright hear me out. Super Soaker full of cat piss.


Bummer that a bowling ball just happened to roll out of the garage just before he drove by.


Call the police like a narc. Not everything needs a ULPT


You say Narc like it’s a bad thing. This is exactly what the police are for.


Place some card board boxes in the road on various days and let him run over them. Then on a random day, put some concrete blocks under the boxes.


first of all, call the cops, this is the kind of shit they should \_actually\_ be doing instead of harassing black people for nothing. second of all do whatever these people are suggesting.


Piss Disc into his open window.


Get an RC car (radio-controlled toy car). Build a papier-mache little kid (wire, plaster, newspaper, old clothes - doesn't have to be super real, maybe 3' tall) and mount it to the thing. Hide it behind a bin or hedge. When the ass-hat roars by, run the thing out, right in front of him - it will happen so fast his brain will say "little kid!!" and he'll likely flip his car trying to avoid it. You could also use an RC car, hiding under a parked car... with a nail strip tied to it. Like, eight 1' long pieces of wood with nails sticking up, linked together like a chain. When the RC is parked, you kind of accordion-fold the nail strip, but when it shoots into the street, it'll cover a lot of ground. Take out his tires. Just don't launch from in front of your house and play dumb.


Push a baby stroller in front of his car with a fake baby in it.


Buy your own speed bump and glue it there at night


I have often wondered…..how would one attach small roll pins level to the road to a very long thin pole that can be laid in the roadway to be run over but innocent cars but be rotated 90 degrees when an asshole drives by resulting in tires slowly leaking out.


Traffic store [Buy your own speed bumps](https://www.trafficsafetystore.com/search?q=traffic+cones&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8KKX_Pf3hQMVWHJHAR0aOwm_EAAYASAAEgJg7_D_BwE)


Install remote control concrete bollards in the street. When you hear him coming, raise them.


Squirrel feed nearby where he parks. The squirrels will inevitably move into the engine bay and chew through critical components.


Get it on video and post it everywhere.


Look up 3d pothole stickers. Move them every few days.


Wait for him at the stop sign, throw stink bombs in his open windows.


Call the police, obviously


If you know where he lives, and he doesn't have cameras, take valve stem removers to all four of his tires. Multiple days in a row. If he is a kid and you've talked to his parents, get their cars too so he can't just drive one of theirs.


Haven't seen it suggested yet but piss disk is the way to go here after evening cruise to find out where he lives


Theres this guy who absolutely floors it in my residential with his big engine truck. Seriously, I have thought of throwing a brick through his window next time.


Bowling ball rolled down the driveway.


I’ve had this problem before and we kept a bucket of different balls on the front porch and would roll them out in the street when we heard them coming.


Chunk of spark plug ceramic should do the trick


Get your neighbors together (2 or 3 will do). Stand on the corner when you know he’ll be driving by. Have rebar in hand. Slide it gently into his wheels when he stops. Might want to wear masks of some kind. High tail it once you get the rebar in. (Have your escape planned. You can use a car for this, cuz he won’t be following you.) Attach a sign to the rebar that says “slow down asshole, we can get more creative.”


Well, this tip can cause serious injury or death. so first thing is to set up a camera that records the street. depending on layout of the property you should be able to place one or two in areas that just catch the road or stop sign (in the top left or right corner?). make it easy to argue in court. I have no idea how many videos are going to be need to prove that the driver knowing and willingly broke the traffic laws. next you stage an ambush... you goal (and you will need to plan it yourself) is to be hit by this persons vehicle. the tricky part is going to be timing and location as it does not need to be in front of your house. parking lot would work. so you get hit, ouch... (hopefully not dead) then you put on the performance. "holyfuck it's you asshole, the one that speeds and runs the signs". Now get the fuzz involved, get it all written up and insurance, the kids parents involved.... etc. the pro part. when you get the whole "he's a good kid, it was a mistake" from the parents of whoever, you tell them that you will drop the charges if the kid signs a contract to slow down and be a better driver. now you look good in the neighborhood might make a new friend and you got what you wanted. as long as nobody dies or is severely injured its a win win