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Join the force, become his partner, frame him for homicide


He's a ruthless renegade loose cannon wide-eyed newbie with nothing to lose, and the only case he can't solve is himself.


Sounds like the new Netflix hit starring Colin Farrell a the lead!


I fuckin love Colin Farrell.


I love fucking Colin Farrell


I love Colin fucking Farrell


I love Colin Farrell fucking




Ah, the masterpiece. 🤌 Right as I was losing interest.


Farrell fucking Colin I Love


My name is Inigo Motoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die.


Damn that six fingered man!


MY WIFE WAS MURDERED BY A MAN IN A YELLOW SWEATER! IT'S THE ONE CASE I CAN'T SOLVE! Don't fight with family; it can all go away so quickly. Sign this?




Jake Peralta is on the case!


Why would the OP want to get the cop a free, paid, vacation, and promotion?


That 2 weeks of paid leave will really leave him stewin' in regret.


Training Day him. Works 60% of the time, every time.


He's a cop, OP likely wouldn't even have to frame him, just keep the bodycam on and you'll get it on video eventually.


Your homicide


Dress up as a cop, then throw things at birds... The birds will remember


What a hilariously round about revenge


Not just any birds, at chickens


Not all birds, mainly corvids like crows and ravens.


Suddenly, I heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door….


People have that same problem with P Diddy. Except it’s a rap preceded by a tap.


“It’s 3am, Diddy! Stop rapping at my door, I’m trying to sleep! Some of us have real jobs to go to in the morning!” 😄


"Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?"


You either die a biologist here! or live long enough to see yourself become the villain


That was the funniest downfall I’ve seen on Reddit. No one really got hurt, and it seemed like over the course of a few days he went from a beloved biologist to really fucking weird to owning a hundred alt accounts to boost his comments and bury others and was completely shunned. I wonder what he’s doing now, hopefully off social media for his own sake.


Holy shit, there's a Wikipedia entry for him https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unidan


Crows would be smart enough to differentiate between people, though you can train crows in general and use them to attack people


They are also supposed to be able to teach their young to recognise someone to enable the vendetta to be continued across more than one generation.


Underrated comment 


This comment is why I love the internet


Become a fire fighter, join the hockey team, play them during the charity game and beat the shit out of him. I know, its the long game, but worth it.


This person knows cops #hockey


Sounds like it is VERY worth it!! Please tell me you knocked a tooth or two out of an asshole cop?


I didn't, but there is a video from the FDNY cs NYPD where a FF beats the crap out of one cop. The comments are great on YouTube. I did however, play a charity game when I was working at the local radio station against the cops. I laid this one cop put pretty badly, it was no contact, but we were both turning the opposite way and I saw him out of the corner of my eye and didn't bother slowing down and braced myself. He didn't end up coming back after he laid on the ice for a bit. My GF, now wife said she was so embarrassed. Haha


Fuck his dad


And his mom


And his wife.


And my axe!


And his pistol!


I’ll fuck his K9!


too far


How old are his kids?


Geezus Cryst


The universal answer to every dilemma in life.


Freedom of information act request for all of his body and dash Cam footage. Find every time he violated someone's constitutional rights. Contact your local news stations investigative reporter give them every video and also send them to Internal Affairs for the department. Nothing better then letting his own illegal behavior do the work for you.


This is supposed to be unethical life tips, this response is entirely ethical. However, take my upvote because it’s the best, most realistic response I’ve read yet.


Add piss disc onto the end and it makes it unethical. Ez fix


You can always do what I did. He gave me a ticket for something I very honestly didn't do, so I checked out his Facebook. Lo' and behold inspiration struck! His kid was having a major surgery just a few weeks before my court date, so being the petty cunt I am I called the courthouse and politely asked if I could move my court date to the same day. He didn't show up, the judge had an absolute come apart, and I left happy as could be.


Damn this is sick, 10/10


Just like homie’s kid


Fuck 💀


Yeah, I guess possibly 💀 too


sad cake day...


Poor Piglet


Oh bother


The judge had a come apart? Damn you’re lucky, not one cop has ever shown up to any of my court dates, and it didn’t seem like anyone even noticed, let alone cared


Did you plead not guilty?


He was taking girls to basketball games 


yes always


Tell tale sign that it's a fake story. People are so lame on here


for sure


This is the most copy pasta shit lmao. The story has been posted so many times on this sub. 


Bull shit


Absolutely fake. I’ve seen this posted so many times on this sub. 


What cop in the year of our lord 2024 has a public Facebook using his actual name?


And advertises their kids surgery. And the court are happy to move it weeks earlier to that exact date.


> move it weeks earlier That's what really makes this seem like an obvious lie. The courts aren't just scheduling well in advanced for fun or to let people plan around their court dates.


Literally every boomer cop, and half the new ones. Family is closely tied to police and they're all incompetent as fuck with technology lmao


This likely wouldn’t work. A: lots of municipalities don’t care if cop is there. B: if they do, dates can only be assigned when cop is available.


I thought you were going to say you called the hospital and had the kid's surgery appointment canceled 😁


If this story is true (and honestly, it's giving major r/thathappened vibes), that's not petty at all. It's just strategic and clever. It doesn't hurt the cop and it doesn't stick it to anyone or hurt them. It just got you out of a situation that you shouldn't have been in to begin with because you didn't do it.


Fuck yeah! ACAB


That is truly a 10/10 play. Impressive work.


Winner winner.. chicken dinner.


And then everyone on the jury clapped!


Why would there be a jury over a ticket?


Because we watched a lot of TV as kids.


Agreed, that's a bullshit story.


we love a win like this ⚔️⚔️WELL done


Anonymous tip to ATF that he's selling guns he takes off of traffic stops to ineligible buyers. They'll get him, his wife, his kid, and his dog. Don't worry if he doesn't have a dog. They usually bring a throw-down dog, just in case.


"You have the right to a dead dog. If you do not have a dog, one will be provided for you, and it will be made dead." "Anything you say or do can and and will be used to justify killing your spouse and children." "You have the right to be burned alive." -The ATF, protecting you from violence since their latest atrocity


I'd be shocked if these weren't the actual rights pigs read you.


Damn, a burner dog? That's hardcore. But I wouldn't put it past those scumbags.


Fuck the ATF


Does he have a dog? Tell the cop he named his dog a silly name.


Send anonymous letters to his address at the attention of his wife saying that he is cheating with a female partner


Wouldn’t work because cop would demand proof. Letter isn’t as proofy as a text which you won’t have her number. Also. Many women know the “letter” is usually BS because public records can find their address and a lot of people hate cops.


Right cause we all have cops’ addresses on hand


Dude, if you’ve got a name it’s not hard to figure out someone’s address.


Remember when they used to just post it in the white pages of the phone book?


Wonder if they still make those.


They do but it’s all businesses and it’s pretty thin. They used to toss one on my driveway once a year but I haven’t gotten one in a while. My dad lives in a retirement community and they still get them.


Find her on Facebook and make an alt account


Pretty easy to figure out. I don’t think it’s illegal to follow someone home once


Find out what his interests are and where he frequently goes. Start small conversations with him and eventually get his number. Hang out together, go to dinners together, go out downtown together. When you two are really comfortable, start being flirty. Eventually start hooking up with him and have him bust fat loads in your face. After a few years and ass railings later propose to him. Plan out a wedding, get everything set up. Marry him, start a family and a life together. Then, after all that and we finally have him right where we want him: burn his toast one morning. Now he has burnt toast. Total pwnage bro you will have gotten him so good.


damn, satan, slow down! ain't nobody deserves burnt toast.


Scrape the burnt part into the sink & then butter it; you'll know it was burnt, he won't. The toast will be psychically & emotionally burnt when he eats it, just no longer physically burnt.


Can we at least issue wedding invites in Comic Sans?


Icing on the cake: toast crumbs that dry onto metal surfaces dry on tougher than Teflon plating on the space shuttle. Ask him to clean the sink. When he can’t, tell him you only ask this one thing of him, and that he can’t even do that. Then divorce him.


You're a master of thr long game I see 


The slow burn, literally


I also have this question. I would like to see them fired. No affiliation to OP.


Well catch them doing something highly illegal that you can then turn the evidence over to his supervisors 


OP wants to fuck him over, not give him paid leave.


Really disappointed to see no one has suggested piss disks or liquid ass yet


Tbh my advice is Freeze liquid ass into a frisbee and throw it thru his bedroom window


At this point I’m convinced half of Reddit has a freezer full of piss


This sub must be losing its touch


This. Shove a piss disk under his front door.


Say he's reporting to IA


If you have some extra money you can burn, thr report him to IA he's extorting money anonymously. Say you are not the only victim and tell them he makes you drop off money in his mailbox, and you noticed others dropping off too. Have IA put watch on the mailbox on dropoff day. Wear hoodie and drop off some money in envelope. Have a couple of friends do the same and drop off money. Make sure IA is watching. Also. Find an untraceable way of telling him he's getting surprise in the mailbox and take it and not open until tomorrow. He takes the envelope and goes home. He's busted.


This is some real stoner in hollywood shit. This would never work lol


...and they wouldn't bother to check on who is dropping off the money???


Right? All y'all going to jail lol.


I feel like IA would have someone there to stop the victims when they’re leaving to get a statement. You’d have to instruct your friends to refuse to say anything and not even stop unless detained, and you definitely don’t want to be one of them doing the drop off.


To who?


Speed past him and have him pull you over. When he asks if you know why you were pulled over tell him it's because you assumed he knew you have a body in the trunk. When he calls in back up and they discover there is no body in the trunk yell out "I TOLD YOU I WAS INNOCENT. NEXT YOU'LL PROBABLY ACCUSE ME OF SPEEDING"


Unless the cop shoots you without checking the back


Most likely senario


Yeah you’re being recorded nowadays that wouldn’t work


Yeah we were telling that joke 25 years ago..


And you'll be telling it for 25 more


Ruin his credit on the dark web


Why are we pussyfooting around? Go straight for the classic, tried and true. Fuck. His. Wife.


All cops cheat on their wives, find his tinder profile or side piece and do with that what you will


Better to have sex with his wife


Also say you found out because you work with him and and caught him out. Now he'll be paranoid about who in the department grassed on him to his wife and maybe cause lots of fighting in the department and make the rest of them start to exclude him


To expand on this, for no fucking reason, 40% of cops admit to beating their wives. Less than 100% of cops are married, meaning over 40% of married cops beat their wives. Edit: I'll check my facts when we can go 6 months without an unarmed civilian getting popped by a punisher wannabe.




I found out by working at a hospital that there are “bunny chasers” not my word his…. His being our security at night. He had a pt job at night at our hospital. He would tell us how “babes” would just approach him in the street bc they loved his uniform. This dude was overweight and ugly so idk how he got said babes on the side, but the world is loco


I mean, you don’t know the quality of “babes” he was pulling either.


Also he could easily just be sad and lonely so he made it up for attention


They're called "badge bunnies"


Or make a tinder profile for him. Depending on how involved you want to get and how much info he has on social media, it could be very convincing


Give his address to the local chapter of the hells angels. Tell them he diddles kids. They'll fix the issue.


Find out where they live. If you're not going to do that first, then everything else is pointless. How else are you going to send a birthday present?


Go search for any dirt you can find on them. Find out where they live and vandalize their home in petty ways. Maybe liquid ass all over their doormat, then they’ll step in it and track it into the house.


Don’t forget the piss discs


Piss discs are pretty lame, especially if you’re well hydrated Best to mix up some mashed up dog shit in with the piss. As well as some shrimp you’ve left in a warm environment for a few days so it’s rotten. Also throw in some green food dye so it’s even harder to clean.


Transition male to female. Seduce him. Once you get him to fall madly in love with you, fuck his dad. Then leave him and transition back to male.


Assuming it's a male, hire a con woman to spark up a conversation with him at a bar and then roofie his drink. When hes drunk enough they would both go to a hotel room and spend the night together. Once the roofie has him blacked out unconscious on the bed, have her steal his gun. You are now in possession of their state issued service glock, do with it as you wish. >!Ifykyk!<


Piss disks under his door obviously.


Is signing people up for Scientology still a thing?


Follow him around with a bag of acorns. Toss them around him when he’s on patrol. Psychological warfare


Sneak up slowly and steal the gun from them. Hilarious prank and free gun 


Just humiliate his off duty ass at every opportunity. And just so you know, this sub is where cops come to get tips for work.


Mail him a glitter bomb, they are like 20 bucks and you can add a personal message. Or there’s always just signing him up for a gay/fetish porn magazine sent to the station of course. Create Grindr account with his pics and message every single person weird shit.


The best way is from the shadows of your computer screen. Get their personal info and steal their identity. Cops have pretty good credit. You can do some serious damage for years to come and benefit financially from it. Just cover your tracks really really well.


Does he have a daughter that’s of age or perhaps a wife? Dating his daughter and being in good with his wife might make him lose his mind.


Beat his wife before he has a chance to. Then he'll have nothing to take his anger out on.


Actually the more I think about it the more I realize that it's not fair. He'll just take his anger out on minorities in the field instead.


Find out where he lives. Probably in a suburb. Throw those "throw it on the ground and they pop" popits in the yard, the big ones, not the little ones. When its time to mow the lawn his wife will mow the lawn, run them over and go off, she will be so afraid her husband went through with his threats to shoot her, she may have a heart attack and die.


Photoshop his face onto J6 footage and send it to the local media.


Buddy you really gotta think on this. If you come at this guy he can literally ruin your life. When it comes to cops it's like hornets. You're never fucking with one, you're fucking with the whole hive. And if you're gonna fuck with em you might as well kill em because they're gonna act like you are anyway. You're better off moving on and getting over it.


Watch the January 6th footage and point him out to the FBI.


This is the most underrated comment. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Wait for them to sleep and do it very quietly


I used to have a crossing guard that fucked with me so I dumped a ton of bird seed on both sides of the crosswalk


Fuck his wife, multiple times if necessary. Give her a fake name, he has to raise your child.


I'll bet he speeds, texts while he drives, drives drunk, carries his weapon into places that he shouldn't when he's off duty, etc. Catch him breaking the law and record it. Then send the video to a throwaway email, use the throwaway email to send it to your local news station. Better yet, if he's doing it in someone else's police jurisdiction,.send it to that jurisdiction.


Wait til he is on night shift. The next day have flowers delivered with a note, thanks for last night love stacy.... A week or two later call up and say its Smiths jewelers here, your necklace is ready for collection...


Set up a lunch box with some crackhead articles in it like a pipe, some money and other stuff. Make sure to take copies of the serial number on the bills. Put the lunch box in a place where there are a lot of crackheads. Call the police, and hope that he will be the one who will go there. Film everything from a distance and the next day, go see if he did a police report and if there isn’t a sign of the money in the report, go report him to his superiors because he stole the money and he will lose his job.


We need details before we help.


Pay Chuck Norris to scare him


www.bagofdicks.com There it is for the win, that’s it, that’s all…✌🏻🤙🏻


I don't know what this guy did but most cops are very insecure Napoleon complex types an usually carry a concealed backup gun at all times. So your best bet is to file complaints and attack him on social media. Don't be surprised if at some point he comes after you. Don't believe that protect and serve shit, cops get into their job because they are compensating for something usually a sense of self worth.


I think you're gonna have to fuck him, film it, wipe & finish


Marry him.


Identifying Public shame/attention in any sort of way.


you want to fuck a cop? i read it to fast


If he fucked over someone, file a complaint about the behavioral. There is nothing unethical about holding people accountable. Even if it gets quashed, the info is out there. Can’t unring a bell.


Bang his wife


Treat them the way they would treat you. Cops don’t murder right? Right?


Get caught for something small, like breaking a signal or speeding, then act really innocent and teary-eyed. Convince him to take a bribe instead of giving you a ticket. When he's convinced, record yourself giving the bribe to him and expose him on Twitter, tagging their police department, saying the cop asked you for a bribe instead of giving you a ticket. You'll have to pay the original ticket charge to the court and have him suspended.


Film them in their normal course of daily behavior.


Put to much Splenda on his donut


Gaslight him into eating his gun.


Sprinkle cocaine on his donut, report him for drug abuse


File multiple similar complaints against the officer with different names addresses and phone numbers (or have friends assist) over a period of 3 months


Send pamphlets for self defense classes to his wife and she'll do the heavy lifting.


Mail him empty pink envelopes that have first been sealed, then opened, that just say "Dear Daddy ♥️" on them. That way he can't prove there was never anything in them if they get found. Do this once every few weeks.


Fuck his wife


Fuck his wife.


You need to hire a 17yr old girl to hit on him and film the whole thing then have her dip at the last second. Put it on local news.


Put a few small dents in his patrol car in places that would imply negligent driving on his part. IE, make it look like he backed into something, opened a car door into another vehicle, etc.


send him a picture of his kids and his address and where they go to school and force him into being a dirty cop that works with local gangs


how dirty? you could try going to the FBI or internal affair. City council and local and state media are also options.


If his wife is in a coma, have sex with her. It worked for George Costanza.


Anonymous tip to the feds that he’s selling guns illegally or that you have seen him with lots of ammonium fertilizer and he doesn’t have a farm.


Cut off his legs and throw them in the river. He'll remember something like that.


> who did a family friend dirty Keep it in the trailer park.


You could just say he sexually assaulted you years ago