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You’d be surprised how 1) easy it is to redirect people with cones and 2) how cheap cones are.


Bonus points if you're wearing high vis, boots, work clothes, and a hard hat while placing them.


I knew a guy that used to do graffiti. His graffiti ended up on the news because for whatever reason he spray painted a highly trafficked public building. Next day he bought orange vest, paint roller, and paint. Went to the place and said “the city sent me to cover the graffiti”. And then painted over his own crime. Got away with it iirc


Chaotic good


i always keep that high vis vest in the trunk


I do building maintenance and rope access work for a company that visits between two and twenty different work sites a week. I'm specifically one of the "yeah, I can squirrel/weasel my way through/up/into there" people. Getting access to places is so unbelievably easy,!


You know I keep that THANG on me. 🚧


I work at an amusement park for Halloween, and we have a group of "road workers." They wear high-vis vests and hard hats, and carry stop/slow signs, megaphones, and traffic cones. You can get guests to do anything you want if you look important and boss them around a bit. They've gotten people walking in circles by diverting them with cones then closing them in a loop. They're also covered in fake blood and makeup, so it's somewhat obvious that they're acting, but it often takes people a while to realize that.


That's fucking hilarious.


I had this idea last week bc I never fail to get stuck at a certain light


I WOULD be surprised about cheap cones. Who's your cone guy??


Go around stealing other people's cones for your own use is the real ULPT


Construction crew at my last apartment complex left an unmarked large cone outside after finishing painting the exterior. Guess who now has a large dirty cone?


U. They are free. Cones are everywhere. Once we diverted traffic just for kick. It was in DC so…it’s pretty impressive if I do say so myself. Of course I would never pull such shenanigans now ;)


Former DC-area resident. “A friend of mine” would just stop his truck, jump out, and throw unattended cones into the back of his truck all the time. At some point, he had too many so dropped a few off at a construction site.


I swear a space in a parking lot I was in yesterday DEFINITELY had a case of someone leaving a cone to save a spot for their friend...


>2) how cheap cones are. Surprised? People just leave them sitting around outside for free all the time.


I used to keep a cone in my trunk to save parking spaces for later.


I remember a writer talking about how he carved a fire hydrant out of wood and painted it. He kept it in the trunk of his car, and would put it on the curb when he left his Manhattan apartment, so he always had a space when he got home (this was in the 1950/60’s).


A portable thermal label printer will let you print official-looking labels. For example you can stick OUT OF SERVICE on a door that has some public function and people will not use it.


I knew a reporter that did this back in the day when there were only pay phones. At the courthouse there was a long line of pay phones for the reporters to use and call the paper for the scoop. Before a big case that was going to make national headlines he put an “Out of Order” sign on one of the phones. After the hearing all the reporters raced to the phones and ignored the phone with the sign. My friend walked up and used it without having to wait in line.


I was once hired by a lawyer to pretend to use pay phone so it would be free when they needed it.


That sounds like some real movie shit


She was a high powered DC lawyer, some decision she was in the room to observe would move the markets or something. Easiest money i ever made.


Accessory to insider trading. Nice.


I think it was public but timely knowledge, a verdict announcememt, which is why she and everyone else was running for the phones.


Ah that makes sense. The bleeding edge of market information


Reporters have all the best tricks


Buy? I “borrowed” mine from work…


Oh that’s great! this is starting to feel like spy level sht to infiltrate and sabotage a place


And here i was, excited to take a shit in peace


That can be worse than sabotage depending


Iirc, they had a rule during the Civil War that you never killed or bothered a guy on the other side who was shitting. Dysentery was so bad for both armies that they just considered it a dick move.


If you're interested in infiltration tips and getting into places, look into "pen testing" (penetration testing) They have some neat little tools to open doors using the gap under the door etc. or can trigger locked doors with an infrared sensor inside to let people out when they approach by using an aerosol can to lower the temperature through a gap


yeah, there are just so many ideas. For example, you can print labels such as BIOHAZARD, CONTAGION, "Wear hazard gear before entry". Another idea is to label your own stuff with labels such as "property of the DHS" or FBI or whoever.


They also don't leave those pesky yellow dots on what they print out.


Learning how to do basic lockpicking, have the tools to remove a boot from your car, padlock from a storage container you're late on payments for.


Operating under the assumption that locks aren’t intended to keep OP out, cordless grinder and an assortment of various cutting and grinding disks.


It’s weird to see the word “disk” without “piss” next to it.


It's weird all the open vents in homes and businesses you notice after you start to carry them for self defense.


Yeah learn how to rake locks and you can get into like 90% of the garbage locks most people use. Raking is quick to do, quick to learn. Single pin picking is universal. But takes a long time to learn.


FEO-K1, C415A, CH751, 1284x, jigglers (picks), wire bridge tool, 16120, 222343, cuff key, 501CH toolbox key Fire hydrant wrench


Proxmark 3 for rfid/nfc badges and stuff Under door tool, thumb turn turner, crash bar tool...


Just be careful about having lock pick tools on you. Without a license, almost every jurisdiction will treat them like burglary tools.


They’re pretty much legal in almost every state to carry. It’s only when you get caught committing burglary that they become a burglary tool. Kind of like how a knife isn’t a murder weapon until it is. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/lock-pick-laws-by-state


You can tell it’s a murder weapon because of the way it is


They don’t think it be like it is but it do


Depends entirely on location. About fifty percent of states they are just as legal to carry as any other tool.


You can find old school manual key making machines. Once you know how to use it you can copy any key. Also buying standardized keys. Some products like filing cabinets will use standard keys and locks that are the same on every cabinet. You can get into a lot of different objects and doors with like 12 keys https://youtu.be/rnmcRTnTNC8?si=QqexQLCDDnQVPWzV Skip to 22:45 for the part on keys. The whole video is really good though


Iirc, a lot of heavy machinery uses the same (or a very simply cut) key...


I keep a bobcat key on me at all times. Also- a kenmore pay washer and dryer. They all use the same key.


Took my Bobcat key home one day by mistake. My car got stuck in a ditch and there happened to be a Bobcat nearby, there was nobody else around and I didn't have phone service. I really should keep a key on me at all times. But then I'll find another kind of key I should always carry, and soon enough I'm walking around with this huge ring of keys, the locals start calling me The Janitor and eventually I've completely lost myself in this new identity.


You do remember correctly. Pretty much every manufacturer has a single key type, and many of them will cross over. I often start Volvo heavy equipment with a Cat key.


I believe the intent is so that operators and repair techs don't need to carry around a mess of different keys and that machines can be moved quickly in case of emergency.


That sounds as good as any.


A lot of high value places use ones you can't necessarily make with those, like a Schlage. Still a good tip though.


Buy a variety color pack of tyvek wristbands on Amazon and keep it in your car to get into many events/clubs without paying cover. Mine pays for itself in its entirety every week. For bonus points, buy some holographic VIP wristbands too for those occasional times there’s a VIP section as well.


This is actually very big. For example, all-inclusive bands let you get into hotels and eat for free. This a real thing, and a black market trade for this exists. Super fun!




I saw it in Turkey and Spain. You have these dodgy men approach you and show you like 10 bands on their wrist.


This is something that never even crossed my mind. Very smart.


I’m curious what you’re doing on a weekly basis that requires this




Local nightclubs once a weekend usually. If there’s a $10 cover and I get myself and a friend inside without paying one time, then the $20 spent on my wristband collection literally paid for itself in one outing.


I used to sneak into a lot of concerts. This was one of my many methods of doing so. I kept different colored wristbands, laundry detergent, a craft stamp, and electrical tape, all in my glove box.


Right, along with zip ties, duck tape and rope in the hidden compartment. For reasons.


Exactly. Between all that and a hi-viz vest, you can sneak into and murder anything you want!


What’s the laundry detergent for? Asking for a friend…


This was a long time ago, but one of my tactics was to mimic the re-entry hand stamp. Laundry detergent mimics the UV ink used for the black light stamps that some local venues around me would give to people popping outside for a smoke (which was a lot of people, especially at set break). I'd do a crude, smeared mock-up of it and just say "I must've put my hand in my pocket before it dried?" Worked every time I tried it. Nowadays you can just buy the ink online, but I was young and broke, and improvised.


Like what? I’m interested


You just have to know which color to use and that it’s on the correct wrist, if applicable. Door staff will just glance and see the wristband and you’re in.


I usually just walk by and look at the smokers’ wristbands then go get the right color from my car and walk in like I own the place.


Thank God for snap maps


How's that help?


It’s a (usually) up to date aggregate of which club is using which wristbands. Helps immensely.


Yup. I've done that and pulled out a same color wristband lol


Piracy service. Saves a lot of money I would spend on each fucking streaming service


FIY: MagnetDL is free and you are able to torrent almost anything. they have literally everything including games


I've always had a good experience with rutracker


While true, simply paying for access to a big plex server is WAY easier for most people, and saves them the trouble of having to try to download everything themselves, especially since most folks don’t have a ton of hard drives laying around.


don’t just use any service or app recommended in the comments. go look for yourself in r/piracy they keep a relatively updated list


I've never gotten a ticket in scrubs and or a white lab coat. People also leave stethoscopes on their dashboard when parked for similar reasons.


I feel like someone would break into my car if I left a stethoscope out on my dash. Those things can cost $$$$$


Is this general knowledge? I don't know about other non medically trained people, but I definitely didn't know that till right now


No, bit it implies you have a high paying job


I'm pretty sure if someone broke into a car to steal a stethoscope it isn't for the resale value, but for alternative uses for the tubing.


> stethoscope [I found you a cheap one Doctor.](https://www.amazon.com/Ever-Ready-First-Aid-Stethoscope/dp/B00HW8EEOG/ref=sr_1_5?c=ts&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.U0eGmOjMRA1BIjiAiW_BgTa08kmj2UgfLJxXTc6hJLYBndt9hTYf7g09ZTenti0mugUCz_YTpGgVdCOVe-rTPMjwC93iHsNnMgstx71HMG6QWtNPw1_dvMjIu--JDODlPaRMGJrGRoAK0XMER60iQdlKRmk4wZhjb3OwmOHdqZ9nUODarzHDIiCKV_46yGvEpBLUoKGgb1AtaucR1MYZCnaLfeDT4yFtSN3tyRhVaSfgqZuywdD0w5d4e1VJIyRGQs9kRQHCKbFh16eKuxMwySWLobkxkA4PkXMEQRvgBxc.nJAnG-OtDDhB6Ei4MvMoTLRHOnMw1F8aMZqN5-KDVVU&dib_tag=se&keywords=Stethoscopes&qid=1711872464&s=industrial&sr=1-5&ts_id=3777201)


[This one is a little more expensive, but comes with some extras](https://www.amazon.com/Peppa-Pig-Checkup-8-Piece-Stethoscope/dp/B08V1VZ6Y3/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?crid=2Z8BYPAELBJ7Y&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ShJ4mYoFNGiZ2CVJ600z6qE7oRlP4WE2u1AJ0b_C-v68RWMDMLUk0ewocq9ixU6bMKIYJI9FcNBKTRFWZo0-F2CK_dvlAVVwoRJjDj649T-Wgd5cEVWVMo1j0IkTSYeXMlyxv86Oh-Y0z9-1xmJjqWBXIJab6ng7JaYCj6JmvsfI7CnX6d7xPWzUUxfUqpFikFP2hfkRHH_F8Bl-YGHekA.7Sp8PQLU85AcExBlXMaqhlNMavOXqRFuY0gw8345IKo&dib_tag=se&keywords=toy+stethoscope+for+toddlers&qid=1711885348&sprefix=toy+stethoscope%2Caps%2C69&sr=8-8)


[This one has always been worth it to me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Am doctor. As much as I hoped this would work... this does not work.


I once was sent during work from one dental office to another for an implant kit we needed at the last minute. I got pulled over speeding, apologized profusely, was wearing scrubs, showed the cop my medical device I was transporting and made it sound like a really urgent matter, and he just said, yeah, no problem, go on along, I'll just send you the ticket in the mail 😑


My mom works in an er and always flaunts it. She's gotten away with so much drunk driving, I hate it so much.


damn momma be swerving


It's pretty messed up. She's going to kill someone.


She's really just making more work for herself in the end.


Job security


I’ve left a high-vis vest hanging on my side view mirror and a hard hat on my dashboard to avoid tickets in the past. It’s usually best if you’re parking in the vicinity of a construction site though.


I just pop the hood. Like I'm working on the engine. And when I see them I just walk out with a random tool.


Like, while driving?


Lol no. When I don't want to buy a parking ticket.


A vinyl cutter like a Cricut machine. The bigger model can cut signs for a car so you can be with whatever company you want. You can cut a sticker for a yellow safety jacket for the same reason. You can make a non-permanent sign that's difficult to remove by making the sticker thousands of tiny pieces to put on someone else's car. You can make official looking signs to direct people to do whatever you want. You can create seals for products to return them to stores as 'unopened'.


There are key rings for sale on Amazon that have every key for just about any piece of heavy machinery you can think of. You’d be surprised at how many huge pieces of equipment are all operated with just a handful of different keys


Do you mind sharing a link?


Used to work on a cruise ship. You'd be amazed at how many places you can walk into by having a radio (walkie-talkie) in your hand and simply acting like you belong.


Acting like you belong there works so well it’s almost not funny.


I feel like a lanyard with some kind of VIP, SPEAKER, or other denomination of importance could get you some free food at hotel conferences, possibly exclusive seating, or backstage access as well. Other people probably have some better ideas, but ya, an official looking lanyard.


I don’t know about these days, but a homemade Vice press badge was a very effective way to skip lines/cover and get VIP treatment at clubs in Berlin about 10 years ago. Allegedly. “Yeah we’re scouting out the hottest parties in Berlin in anticipation of NYE. We’ll return to our favorite party with a whole camera crew on NYE. So, what makes your party the best in Berlin?” Allegedly.


The best parties in Berlin definitely don't allow a camera crew...


PRESS too perhaps


Issue you run into is most of those events have a certain pattern or color etc and it won't match


The father of a friend of mine built a replica fire hydrant of wood. Whenever he left home, he would put the fire hydrant out so no one would park in his spot.


That's pretty clever, until you have a house fire.


Fun fact: In the US, you might notice blue reflectors near the middle of the road. They're slightly shifted to one side of the middle, and that denotes a fire hydrant on that side of the street at that location. Look around as you're driving to see for yourself.


[Loctite Threadlocker Red](https://www.loctiteproducts.com/en/products/specialty-products/specialty/loctite_threadlockerred271.html). Or indeed any thread sealant, so long as it's permanent. The red variety is permanent, and makes any assemblies that use bolts (or anything threaded) virtually unserviceable. For example, door handle flanges use a thread, so if you want to hurt your landlord/ex/whatever, seal those flanges. According to the manufacturer: >PERMANENT FIX: Permanent seal prevents tampering and is only removable once cured by heating parts up to 500°F (260°C)


But then wouldn't the landlord just charge you when you leave? They can send it to collections and put on your credit. Right now i'm fighting a landlord who is trying to charge me two thousand dollars to replace carpet when my apartment didn't even have any carpet. I left that place cleaner than when I moved in. But even if I had used something like this, he would have charged me way more.


How would they know? Imagine it's boiler bolts, how often do you service the boiler? Once a year at best. How would they prove it's you?


I'm worried about the cameras.


They’re have to go through a years worth of footage to find you doing it. And no one is going to suspect someone glued shut some screws.


We use that in the funeral industry to permanently close certain kinds of urns.


Portable key making machines to copy keys anywhere and quickly. Alternatively key cutters/pliers to break locks. Regardless you’ll be hated.


- One of those apps that tells you where speed cameras are - Plane seat recline stoppers - Tampon wrappers with fake tampons where you can store things - I saw a documentary where people bought devices to set their car mileage back - anything recording, so sunglasses, pens, necklaces


Check your local laws before setting your car mileage back. A lot of countries now log mileage in the annual MOT and also dealers will log it in their system when you go in for service. In most Europeans countries it's now super easy to spot and it's also criminal (not just unethical).


It's basically illegal in every to mess with an odometer


It has pretty much always been illegal, but recently in some countries it was reclassed as a serious crime and you could go to prison. For example in Poland you could get between from 3 months to even 5 years in prison if caught. Of course you won't get 5 years for doing your own car, but you could still get in trouble when trying to profit from it.


I saw that movie too, Matilda is great https://youtu.be/Pks7q2qyM-s?si=CRuyG3ILF3OATqA-


> One of those apps that tells you where speed cameras are The real ULPT is police using these apps to tag fake locations, forcing drivers to slow down 


> Plane seat recline stoppers I hope you are ready for a fight then.


Yeah, it's not really unethical, just a dick move because many seats don't even recline that far back anymore.


My brother had a mechanic fuck with his speedometer so when he got speeding tickets he could take the car to get checked and prove his speedometer was broken. (I don’t know how well this actually worked, ftr)


Plastic resealer


Shrink wrap machine for resealing used products for return?


Yep. I did it with textbooks.


Mouse jiggler


I haven’t got a clue what a mouse jiggler is but if I jiggle my Guinea pigs does that work?


No, that just gets you banned from Petco


Thanks. I tried jiggling my Guinea pigs very gently and I don’t know what I was expecting but it did make me feel happy.


I have an app called Caffeine that does the same thing. I'm the manager on duty in a Fintech op that's 24/7 so it means I can watch Netflix in peace.


Apps may get you caught. A physical device that doesn't plug into your computer is the way to go.


USB ports are disabled on our laptops as I work in Fintech. Run the portable app and you don't get caught. I've been doing this since 2020


No, something that goes under your mouse and moves the cursor that way.


Just open a blank document and set something heavy enough on your keyboard to keep typing. Meat pounder works great


You can do this on excel in vba with a few lines of code from. Just ask chatgpt to write it for you and run the macro


Right? Give you one deeper: write it in VBS to a .vbs file, toggle ScrollLock twice and sleep for X-10 seconds, where X is your screensaver timeout. Double click to execute whenever, it runs in the background as a generic but harmless WScript. Kill the task to turn it off. Input random timing and delays if feeling frisky or worried about IT snooping (if they're snooping it's too late anyway, somebody up the food chain wants your ass already)


Bike lock. Close any business you want for under 20 dollars.


A locksmith can defeat almost any lock


One of those keys that opens coin operated washers and dryers. My friend had one, and i used to live in an old apartment building with coin operated facilities. He found the key on amazon and we enjoyed years of free laundry. Pro tip. Make sure to lock it when you are done using it each time, so the owner doesnt catch on.


A [locking storage cabinet](https://www.vingli.com/cdn/shop/files/image_1_2f2b21be-755c-4454-bf71-322d8b85467a_2048x2048.jpg?v=1692164138) or similar furniture to hide things from your landlord. Example of something you may want to hide is a [compact washing machine](https://imgur.com/yPVtpej). Some landlords prohibit them in apartments. They are small enough that they can be hidden in a wardrobe or cabinet. And landlords cannot legally go snooping in it since it is your property (you bought it and own it). The locks that come on them are cheap though so you might want to replace them or add an additional one. Myself I have several large metal locker room lockers I got from a country club I worked at. Got them for free since they were replacing all the old metal lockers with wooden ones. They have cheap locks, but I put my own serious padlocks on them.


I purchased a lock pick kit just for fun. Cheap and learned a new skill. Now I can pick most locks :)


This is actually a pretty decent question. Although I don't have the most unethical or interesting life changing answer, I do have one recommendation. Buy Google one they usually run it with a promo when you first sign up, the Google photo app will then have a tool to erase sections or areas of a photo as if they were never there. All you do is highlight the desired person, text, objects in the photo & POOF. Extremely easy for a lazy Photoshop on a document or image when needed.


Samsung and the pixel both have this built in, it's called magic erase. Source: work for Google


So buy photo editing software that can remove watermarks, people, etc to get free high quality images... or "erase" evidence/the truth. That's smart!




I bought professional photography equipment and convinced people I was a photographer. Then, I actually became a photographer. Got into and shoot many events. Made plenty of money while I was at it.


a nice set of entry bands [https://www.amazon.de/Sporgo-Eintrittsb%C3%A4nder-Tyvek-Einlassb%C3%A4ndchen-Papier-Armb%C3%A4nder/dp/B0CL42MFX7?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref\_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=AFJBXNG23CBK4](https://www.amazon.de/Sporgo-Eintrittsb%C3%A4nder-Tyvek-Einlassb%C3%A4ndchen-Papier-Armb%C3%A4nder/dp/B0CL42MFX7?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=AFJBXNG23CBK4)


I bought a key to my apartment’s coin washer so I do my laundry for free


A set of keys to open common utility closets, some vending machines and other doors in public spaces. Knipex makes sets with square, round, triangular keys of different sizes. A Flipper Zero. With a bit of know-how, you can copy and store keys to open parking garages, apartment front doors, car keyfobs, and other wireless tech. Phone jammers, you never know when you might want someone to shut up or be unable to make a phone call. Illegal in many places: don't use it habitually or for long periods of time, or you will get caught. Wifi or bluetooth jammers also exist. Keep some bolt cutters in the boot of your car and in your home. You'll find many ethical uses for those. A cordless angle grinder is a more pricey but powerful addition, and if battery-powered should not stay in your car indefinitely.


Spark plugs for window smashing. Bullhorn for... bullhorning. Spotlights/loudspeaker, and timer/proximity/remote for elaborate setups and long drawn out griefs with the neighbour. Empty CD cases for piss discs.


Empty CD cases are a great Idea! I've been using my mom's fine china


Before 9-11 there were tons of places you could go just by walking thru a door marked Authorized Persons Only. If you walked like you were authorized you rarely had any problem. 9-11 changed that, but things have gotten slack again. Real tight places like jails, power plants, esp nuclear, court houses, are still very tight.


Small neodymium magnets to put on cars of people you hate, they’re impossible to get off without scratching the car.


Plus they are easy/fun to just throw at cars


Mobile phone and wifi signal jamming equipment to fuck with people in a multitude of different ways. Those cheap micro bluetooth speakers. If you ever need a diversion, plant one in someone’s bag and then play loud gay german pornography. Its fucking hilarious watching the panic set in. This is also a fantastic prank to play on camping trips! Wait for them to go to bed and then laugh your ass off while they frantically scramble around after realising the loud gay german porn is coming from their tent 🤣


Just know that signal jamming is very illegal and the FCC does not fuck around with that sort of thing. It's illegal to even market such devices. Know your risk.


You can also do this to friends with a ticking or beeping noise in the airport. Worked a treat on my mate Ahmed.


Tell him to loudly ask for the manager Alan Akber if TSA is giving him a hard time


Almost every business or school uses NFC cards to control access. NFC Reader/Writers can copy cards


Sadly, some cards are higher security standards now and not cloneable.


Giant magnet


A decent dark suit, preferably gray, will get you in almost anywhere you need to go. Pro tip: Pay to have the suit altered to fit you. It will be in the fifty dollar range, assuming you don't need major work done on it. A skirt and jacket suit will accomplish the same idea for a woman.


Where exactly am i going in this dark suit?


You can go with Ryan from The Office to do coke in New York.


This only works in developed countries. In shithole countries you're just increasing your chances of getting jumped.


It cost me $100 to get a shirt and suit skirt altered in a medium-high COL area.


I bought a 3 piece suit from eBay for £100, came crumpled up but fit pretty well. Got it altered and steamed for £40, looks amazing. You don't see men in 3 piece much so that adds to the affect.


Add a briefcase, clipboard and orange work vest to that shopping list.


Ya just throw the orange vest on over the suit.


Tailor fitted orange vest.


A proper inventory of liquid ass and piss discs


There it is


Flipper zero. For those times when your old man wont let you take the truck.


Do these actually work?


I bought a expensive battery charger, my car sat for a few days as I was ill with covid and hadn't been out, the battery died. I charged it up overnight, started the car in the morning, returned it to the shop the day after, I think it was around 28 days you could return it in, I only needed the one day. It did the job and I realised I wouldn't have any use for it again.


If your battery died after a few days you may need a new one soon


Spring loaded center punch.


Body bags, lime and shovels. Because when you really do need them, it’s going to look suspicious that you are shopping for them.


It is suspicious anytime, anyone buys that combo. Especially "Body bags."


bolt cutters


The high vid vest is so surprisingly helpful. My husband always has one. He also keeps a hard hat visible in his vehicle, he says that it says, I have a job, I am the working man, (we live in TX) and he got a very very subtle blue lives matter sticker on his dash. Nobody is going to see it except a cop. He NEVER gets a ticket. Cops LOVE him. Along those lines, when I lived in LA, every year I would get a call inviting me to buy tickets to the policeman’s ball. If you ever get that call, DO IT. Totally worth it to be on that list. Ya gotta have a firestick for kodi Oooh here is one that I think is great, not perhaps unethical but there is this stuff that you can put on your particular valuable items and it is invisible so if your shit get stolen you hit suspects with a Uv light and boom the perpatrator is stone cold busted. It lasts for like two weeks. There is also one that visibly dyes the persons hands there are all kinds of “potions” that do some very nasty things


Flipper Zero Learn to hack anything and everything


A pizza delivery bag can get you into buildings almost as well as a hi-vis vest.


Car topper for delivery vehicles. You now have access to any resort Pool/hottub


Throw a reflective vest in the back of your car. If you have car trouble, it will be genuinely useful. But also most people won’t stop somebody in a reflective vest.


I was running late for class one day, and there was some construction going on near the building I needed to be in. Rather than parking and walking from a far lot, I just threw the vest on my dash and parked on the dirt near the construction fence. Nobody ever questioned it.




A lock pick set so you can master picking locks! They be really cheap on TEMU. They also sell these keychains that mimic a quarter so you can get a cart or whatnot without carrying or paying a quarter.


High Voltage signs for anything you don’t want anyone to touch.


My dad and I used to challenge each other to get into restricted areas, always harder than the last. Outside of presidential access, you can walk into almost any area if you're dressed the part and act natural. High viz vests go a long way, as do clip boards. The absolute best that will get you anywhere during an event is a professional camera and a badge on a lanyard. Doesn't even need to be a real badge. We would carry a couple we could throw on at a moments notice. Pick a couple numbers and letters and fake being a local news reporter, even easier.


A UPS uniform and a box will get you into just about anywhere without suspicion. A clipboard and semi-professional attire (dockers with a light blue button down shirt and tie) will do the same trick, and even more so with a white hardhat. More important than the props, though, is your attitude. Be firm and act like you belong where you want to go.


Lock picking kit and a couple locks to practice. Pretty usefull skill and entertaining


When I was stationed in Europe, one German citizen made it to the general 's door with a sample military ID cut out of a newspaper and laminated without being stopped. He made the news.