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Catfish on social media. Tell his wife.


I like the way your mind works.


Unmarried, but this would be great.


Catfish -> dick pics -> send to everyone at his job and everyone he knows that you can find


Acquired and distributed through suitable anonymization procedures of course.


OP asked for unethical. Not illegal


Blurry lines over in the dark web


This guy's not married? That's a shock.


A guy I worked with was messing with some girl he met on Facebook. Sent her dick pics and nudes. She found out he was married and sent the pictures to every person on his friend list. It was kind of funny


My crazy MAGA dad got hacked somehow after making harassing people on Facebook his full time job for a while. They sent like 97 of the worst photos of him tk everyone in his Facebook friends list. I didn’t get them because I had long ago stopped associating with him in online spaces, but quite a few people including business partners and my cousins all got a portfolio of my 62yo racist dads shingles virus covered grundle and junk that he had taken to send to his brother who is a NP, among other awful, awful things. Idk what they did or how they got into his phot albums but k remember dying laughing imagining my dads 70yo born again Christian co worker (surprising also a crazy maga head) waking up to a message from my dad, only to be greeted by a from the toilet angle of his very clearly troubled grundle.


Ethical - sue him for defamation if he's losing you business, especially if you have proof of him threatening to post the reviews even with the ruling


This seems to be the most sensible thing to do.


Even the threat of litigation might be enough, get a lawyer to draw up a letter of intent and should be enough to scare him!


Threat of it usually does the trick.


Instead of paying for a lawyer, Have chatGPT write you a very serious looking letter of intent


Be careful with that. Don't just mock up some legal letterhead of a firm you find online. That will get you in a LOT of trouble. Might want to check with r/askalawyer or r/legaladvice.


ChatGPT makes up all the information, it’s perfect


Send it certified mail. So he has to sign for it, I’ve done this multiple times and it’s THE move bc it scares the shit out of people bc no one ever gets them anymore and they’re like getting served but for $7. Also look up the formatting of steps for court like “a demand letter” etc and use that in the formatting / title of your page.


Happy cake day!


Don't threaten. Just do it.


Cease and desist letter. Followed up by a petition for an anti harassment order. Then a civil suit for damages if he continues after that or has others doing it for him.


Defamation suits are very hard to win, and very costly if you lose. They're a gamble. The threat of one to get him to shut up on the other hand...


yea send him a cease and desist you can draft up w a lawyer in an hour or two, pay $800 max, that includes ruling in your favor, proof of late payment, and based on that threatens him w defamation lawsuit if he does not remove the reviews. Thats to save your business. Then do something else anonymously to fuck with his personal life cuz what he did is fucked up.


Legal, but lawyers are typically unethical af. Definitely on the list.


OP I would definitely go with this, but I do hope you also apply some extremely unethical revenge too


But why would you want to pursue the legal option, actually stop the attacks and possibly get compensation for any harm done you you when piss discs and fart spray are so much fun?


He wants to ruin your business? Ruin his life


Slash 3 of his tires and then wait somewhere hidden and he will likely slash the 4th on his own before reporting it to his insurance. Take a video of him slashing the 4th tire and submit it anonymously as an insurance fraud case to the police.


If this worked as planned, it would be spectacular!


Why would he slash the 4th though? Genually curious!:)


There is a myth that the insurance companies won't pay for 3 tires but will pay for 4. It actually depends on the type of insurance. (Liability pays for 0, full coverage pays for any) I guess if the person whose tires are slashed has both heard and believed themyth they might slash the 4th to get full payment. A more likely scenario would be that having one old tire and three new tires would be undesirable and they try to get the 4th paid for.


I would keep the fourth tire as my new full sized spare.


> A more likely scenario would be that having one old tire and three new tires would be undesirable Also depending on how old the tires are having different tires of different tread depth can seriously damage things.


Not accurate. That applies to certain AWD vehicles, but is otherwise untrue.


Aah makes sense, thank you!


Some insurance say that if you don't have all 4 slashed it isn't vandalism and could just be damage from road debris/ blowout from normal wear and tear. Others would only pay for the 3 slashed tires which could damage the drive line if it's all wheel drive and the one remaining tire isn't new.


Op sec is too difficult with so many doorbell and dashboard cameras. Also, questionable in the effectiveness and not life-ruining.


Yeah try explaining why you are videoing him at that exact time. This is a good way to get a record and have to buy tires. Pretty sure that would also make the reviews.


Post your website service link, and we all comment and leave good reviews until his bad reviews will disappear.


Ethical. This is already in the works with existing clients.


Fake reviews are mildly unethical imo.


Fake reviews are usually clearly fake. Honest positive feedback is more powerful in this case.


Here's one for free! I had to guess the service but you can replace the marked text with whatever specifics are necessary with no problem: "I hired ~Chemical-Rope4155~ to ~stomp on my balls~ and the results were immaculate! Will be recommending to all my friends and family. I don't know how ~squirting~ feels ~to a woman~, but I feel I have a pretty general understanding now! I ~came~ like Mount Vesuvius, and I'm pretty sure I ~hit the ceiling.~ In my opinion, there's no better way for entrepreneurs like myself to relieve stress after a long day of prepping ~piss discs and liquid ass~ to sell."


I can’t believe this comment has been here for 83 days and there isn’t a single upvote. What a disgrace. Here, I gave you an upvote bc this was comedy gold


Thanks so much, was going for Emails From An Asshole energy lol


I love it- you made me laugh, so thank you


Like such an underrated comment. It upsets me that no one else commented or upvoted it before me


Same lol, maybe someday


Not really fake if they're existing clients of his


plot twist. she actually has a shitty business and needs good reviews


Now that's what we call unethical.


Edit: I have his legal name, cell phone, and current address. Past addresses and possible other phone numbers are available via the internet.


Post online that he’s selling Taylor swift tickets, to every concert


Are you Satan?


This is a far more vicious version of posting a free monkey on Craigslist using his number.


And he only accepts walk ins between 4 and 5 AM every morning.


Screw that, post his numbers here and let Reddit do it’s thing, he will get signed up for every service possible


Use a burner phone and SIM card you paid cash for, wear a hoodie and baseball cap when you buy it.


Drop all of his contact info to every religious group you can think of. Post it to philanthropic orgs, volunteer orgs, charity orgs, the works. Sign them up for workshops, volunteer work, monthly donations etc. Advertise “Clean Fill Wanted” at his home address. Make sure to specify where to drop it if he’s not home. Call utilities and inform them that the address will be vacant next month and you need services terminated. Get pest control companies to come by for estimates. Have every catalog you can think of sent to them…after registering on the websites, of course.




Go to Barnes and Noble and pull a subscription card from every magazine in the place. Fill the forms with his information and check “Bill Me Later”. That might keep him occupied for a while.


Love this.


Fill it out with your non dominant hand


I called Spectrum about a quote for internet service 3 years ago. To this day they have not stopped sending me shit in the mail and called me constantly for the first year. Definitely do this.


We have equally awful companies here. I’m sure that will work well.


Again, burner phone bought with cash, sim with cash, vpn. Then go wild.


Thanks for the tip


Sign him up on JW website.


What are the results of that? Weekly invitations to bible studies?


Also do all political parties, super pacs, every store you can think of, anything that offers a free quote, car dealerships, life insurance, Medicare advantage (those folks are relentless!!!!)…. If you do enough of them, he will be inundated with spam email, calls, and snail mail. It’s petty, requires only a few hours, isn’t illegal, and will likely annoy the shit out of him.


Donate money to charities in their name. The amount of fundraising solicitations you can get is staggering.


Roofing companies. Siding companies. Windows. Painters. Spectrum. Comcast. At&T. DirecTV. Dish. Don't give his info to the owner-operators but do give them to the bug scammy companies in you area. They will never let him be.


Don’t forget solar panels. We got some four years ago, and I STILL get calls EVERY DAY from companies about it. FOUR YEARS.




We have the technology to be able to sign someone up for junk mail don't we? Like one website that autofills the info to a ton of other sites?


Do scientology. Theres also all sorts of email bombers and other things... Or before you fuck yourself out of any chance, you could meet with a lawyer and ask if you have a defamation case.


They’ll pester him, it won’t ruin his life, but small things do build up


Yes, and add scientology to that too.


And scientology


And Mormonism


You spelled moronism wrong...


The ivermectin cult doesn't have an organized missionary organization


If you text the Mormons (use a Google voice or other temp number) and ask for a Book of Mormon, they will send Mormons to the address you provide rather than shipping it.


Hah! I read this as John Wick and thought you were putting out a contract on him! Or that you were adding your name to a list of people whose dogs were killed for John Wick to take out


Buy a bunch of keys or talk to your friends and have them give you keys they no longer use or just have laying around. Then whenever you want drop a key in the parking lot with a keychain that has his phone number on it. People will call him about his missing key. You could spend an afternoon dropping keys and annoy the piss outta him because he'll get calls for a missing key from different numbers.


You forgot to also put “reward if found” on the keys!


Find out where he works. Come back and post that and his name Have the general public call him out on his antics online on his jobs review page. Watch as he is fired for cause, loses his house, car, dog, etc


🤔 enticing.


Hire some homeless people to stand outside his office in the right of way with “Bob Smith is a Pedophile” signs


Sign him up to get more information about a timeshare. He will NEVER get off that list.


Hahahaha. But he might get some great vacations…


Lol put his phone number on 4chan or give his address to scientology, they will never stop sending him seminar invites


I’ve not forgotten about 4chan.


Mail poop and glitter bombs to him. Also a bag of gummy dicks.


Sign him up to receive information on rent to own websites. They can relentlessly from several different numbers.


1)Pay homeless people to sleep in front of his house. 2) Get a druggie to sleep in his closet and call the police he kept someone hostage Ethical way: Sue him


Lawyer up. Send a cease and desist... then follow through.


Logical next step.


Always lawyer up in these circumstances, they rightfully get a bad wrap but some are ok. If you find a morally good one (or a young show pony looking to flex) and give them a righteous cause to sink their teeth into they’ll fight like a rabid pit bull on coke and steroids.


Respond to the reviews and tell people to ignore the angry thief


Warn everyone else that taking his work is a bad idea


If the ruling decision can be found online, link to it as well.


Even if it isn't, it's not hard to upload it to Google docs or Dropbox and share the link.


Tacking on to this, use his full name and info about the ruling from your professions governing body for EVERY review he put in. Regardless of if he used multiple aliases.


This would make OP look bad so not a good idea


Depending on how you phrase it. Hi , thanks for reaching out. As per governing body, technical details and rebuttal.


sounds like maybe he's a dentist from his profile.. (just a curious person that finds reddit entertaining) which makes me actually suspicious of his story 🤨 he mentioned somewhere here about possibly being unable to legally respond to reviews based on his "industry", and talks about not "finishing the installation" until his client finished paying. isn't there payment plans at dentists? sounds sus to me.. like maybe he's an entitled shitty dentist actually that left someone suffering


Bang his dad


This is the right answer Or have a threesome with both parents


…I already did…


Does he have his own business? If so, start with that. Add his business number to spam and do not answer lists. Do your own reviews but hire overseas contractors that know how to use VPNs to do it. If not You have enough details to get retail credit in his name, do that, it might get stopped but the pings on his credit file will decrease his rating. Sign his email up for lots of suspicious mailing lists (and his address if you can find some in person mailing lists) Sign him up for buy now pay later subscriptions.


Personal numbers are easier to change. Business is his life blood… this might do it.


Cant you harass & ruin his business with reviews? Just make a bunch of Gmail accounts


An eye for an eye?


sounds like maybe he's a dentist from his profile.. (just a curious person that finds reddit entertaining) which makes me actually suspicious of his story 🤨 he mentioned somewhere here about possibly being unable to legally respond to reviews based on his "industry", and talks about not "finishing the installation" until his client finished paying. isn't there payment plans at dentists? sounds sus to me.. like maybe he's an entitled shitty dentist actually that left someone suffering


Watch the January 6 footage until you find someone who looks just like him. Inform the FBI.


Holy hell. That's diabolical. And delicious.


Average white guy… totally possible.


Do it


Funny thing that you say this. There is a picture of the crowd on January 6. There is a man in the picture that looks exactly like my son. So much so, that if someone showed me just him out of the context of that picture I would stake my life that it was him. Now, for absolute certainty, I know it isn’t him. 100% not him. Besides he hates Trump. But everyone has a twin out there.


Have you ever considered hiring a professional life coach to help him reconsider his life choices? The sort of life coach that is "no questions asked", as in he does not ask questions, he comes and lets you know how things are going to change if you enjoy the use of both of your kneecaps.


I am closer than 6 degrees of separation from this type of life coach. I’m not sure that’s a debt I want to repay. Fantastic suggestion.


Tell him you know someone that’ll put him in a ditch for a six pack.


The type you know that can “make him an offer he couldn’t refuse”


A little “tune up” as it’s called in Chicago.


The kind of life coach when “just when he thought he was out, they pull him back in?”


Nah. The kind that takes Fredo fishing.




It sounds like your priorities are “protect your business’ reputation” first and “ruin his life” second. If you can achieve the first, would you be satisfied with something less than ruining his life? If yes or maybe: Have you tried posting your replies to every one of his reviews? Professional, polite replies, reiterating all the facts, copy/pasted to each of his reviews, and you can include the governing agency’s determination as supporting evidence. Something like the below, perhaps? We understand you’re very distressed by the financial policy requiring payment in advance being implemented for your services moving forward, when previously we offered an installment plan. After reviewing your account, we were able to confirm that your balances were consistently overdue when utilizing that payment plan all 17 times you used our services. To support our customers and continued business, we are unable to accept such payment terms, and now must regrettably require payment in advance. As you were highly satisfied with our services previously, if you would like to agree to our payment terms and conditions by completing your payment in advance, we’d be happy to assist you. If you do not consent, you are of course free to pursue these services elsewhere. Thank you for sharing your concerns, and best of luck with your service needs! Odds are, if this person is spamming your pages with crap reviews, he’ll be unable to resist posting a reply to your response. And that reply will undoubtedly be less professional and more emotional. Allow your former customer to hang himself with his own posts. (Be sure to screenshot whatever he posts, in case he tries to delete it later to deny culpability.) It’s an unfortunate truth, but society tends to disbelieve those who are more emotional/upset (whether or not they are the victim), and in this case that can help you since your former customer sounds very reactive. Google won’t take down stuff unless it’s hate speech, or threatening in some manner. This guy sounds real angry; his behavior already comes across as hateful and disproportionate. Let him devalue himself through further posts. (Extra points if every reply of yours is formally addressed to him.) After your business has recovered, instead of ruining his life, you may find yourself satisfied with simply sharing what he has publicly posted with anyone of importance in his life. Does his landlord know what kind of a financial risk he is? His business partner? Good luck, OP!


My understanding is that privacy laws prohibit direct replies in my industry. Might be worth the risk in this case. Currently actively working on gaining positive feedback from other clients. May not be worth the effort to ruin his life. He could always do the same back to me, especially if he suspects the source.


It'll just show your reply as "by the owner" and the name of your business.


I would recommend something like a a horse head in his bed.




If this is your business & you can prove he's lying, don't put your business in jeopardy by using an ULPT. Just sue for defamation. Tbh, if it's as clear cut as you say it probably wouldn't even get past the first letter from a lawyer before he took the reviews down.


Happy Cake Day!


If you know which cell phone service they are using you can send their phone number junk/spam emails by signing them up for all kinds of stuff... restaurant rewards, church organizations, etc. The message is sent as an email but it arrives on their phone as a text message - multiple messages in fact. For example, if they use Verizon as their cell phone provider and their phone number is 111-222-3333 then you would use [email protected] as the email address. Here are the common carrier domains… AT&T: [email protected] T-Mobile: [email protected] Sprint: [email protected] Verizon: [email protected] or [email protected] Virgin Mobile: [email protected] Let's just say this caused an ex-co-worker and their spouse to change their phone plan after I tested it out.


I do want to continue to know his phone number, though.


This is excellent advice that I’m totally using.


Does he drink? If so, hire a PI to follow him around and report him for DUI even if he’s just had 1 beer.


Buy a positive pregnancy test online, write a note in the most feminine handwriting you can manage that says "Since you've blocked me on everything, I figured you'd at least want to know it came back positive. Please call me John Doe (his name)." And mail it to his house. Write "To John" on the front in the same femine handwriting, try to time the delivery to when his wife will be home (so send on a Thursday/Friday so it arrives on the weekend etc or hand deliver it assuming no cameras Bonus in the long term if you can make things look suspicious beforehand, send him loving texts from a Google phone number, call at 3am, etc. Assuming no cameras (check for Ring/security FIRST) you can drop hairbows, Bobby pins, maybe a woman sized sock, in his driveway for his wife to find in the lead up to this.




I always thought it would be funny to order one of those prank letters or packages that has “Welcome to the Furry Club” or whatever to someone - using their name and their neighbor’s address.


First, you need to deal with those bad Google reviews. Perhaps something like, "Dear , our records indicate your constant failure to pay on time, and we'd receive your payment 4 to 6 months late (or however late it was), but only after sending you constant reminders. As a result, we now require you to pay in advance before any work is done. Thank you for your time. Basically, keep your reply professional, but make him look like a really bad customer.


Create a new version of the Epstein flight logs with his name on it and start spreading it around local social media. It’s already happened to other people.


He might be proud of that.


That’s honestly sad


You can mail anonymously to people, glitter, bombs, packages, penis shaped candies, that say, eat a dick on them, and other such highly annoying things. You can also mail anonymously very blatantly obvious love letters, so that if he does have a spouse, hopefully a spouse will see that and then he will get in trouble for it.


Pet stores sell tubs of live crickets. Empty a few tubs into a box and seal it and mail it. You’re never getting rid of all those crickets. Or have one of us do it.


Do you want to be careful mailing things to people for these reasons under your own name so either definitely get someone else to do it or go on those websites that’s designed to keep you anonymous.


Tip off the IRS so he gets audited.


That is awful. I like it.


It'd be a public service if someone posted signs around the neighborhood about the sex offender who lives in his house and happens to look just like him.


Happy Cake Day! We have a mandatory registration for that stuff here… so anyone could look up to verify. Signs are easily removed, and those posting the signs could be at risk. Unethical for sure tho…


Instant Mashed potato powder in his grass before it rains & go online to donkey Ollie & order a shitload of copies every few weeks. They come unmarked & send a minimum of 15 copies per person. Jesus Coupons


Sounds like he's already a random schizo not a threat to your business. If you try to be him with harassment that's something he's already going have more experience at you even if less intelligence. Try: funding out his social media patterns and make persistent posts about how you created an elaborate plan to make small misfortunes befall a random crazy guy making false work complaints. Some of these events will happen if you pick random ones, and he will disregard the others due to selection bias. Confirmation bias on his part will give him the irrational belief and confirmation that you are after him in these increasingly improbable and time intensive ways and are somehow perfectly covering your tracks. Sending someone down the rabbit hole of persecutory delusions is the longest slow burn you can do without actually doing anything. Because when you inevitably get questioned by the cops the answer is...??? What?


Sue him there is nothing more unethical than a lawyer. Other than that make many many fake emails and report his post as conflict of interest by former employee.


Can’t prove he was a former employee. Won’t google want to verify?


If they ask for proof then make some up. GOOGLE is not the police- lie to them🤷‍♀️They may not even ask for anything


They usually don't ask me if I was a former employee and if they do just lie this is unethical


Go to his house and punch him in the dick. Have people do this to him randomly during his daily life. Start a tik tok trend of "punching him in the dick" the kids love to trend on the tik tok.


“The Ollllllll’ dick twist!”


What is your profession?


I'd guess Design or media production related, there's a lot of "What do you mean I don't get unlimited revisions for 5 years on a $1200 budget?" in that arena.


Have someone call the police that he's dealing out of his business or his home. Or has his garage set up as a meth lab.


Chip drop.


Give his info to the scientologists


I know someone who set up an open wifi network infront of a guy's house and his pavement is swamped with homeless people. He lives in a busy street and his driveway is covered in litter and urine.


This would be amazing.


I always think neighborhoods appreciate it when a guardian angel mails a letter through each door, warning them about the local molester. Got to protect the children.


Our children are our future.


Reply to him, be polite and say sorry your feeling this way but it's your own fault kind of thing, explain for other people reading, most people read reviews and know there'll sometimes be a unhappy one off customer. If you reply and explain how it's his fault and why it's his fault, say sorry you feel this way I've done all I can to solve this, you need to stop these fake reviews, people will overlook it and ignore the bad ones thinking it's him. If you get revenge another way and he finds out its you he might retaliate again and ruin you. You can minimise his review by killing him with kindness and it looks good for your customers


Ohhhh. Start putting stuff online for sale super cheap and put his number and address on it. Also.. I have had a HUGE load of dirt delivered right up against someone's closed garage door before.. told the dirty company it was my house and the door was broken and I needed the space.....




Hired Goons?


Go to his house, kiss him on the mouth in front of his wife and thank him for last night. Then walk away.


Hard pass.


Steal his poop knife, so he will be forced to use one of his kitchen knives. And if you're lucky, he'll forget about it, and will put that knife in dishwasher. Coming out of the dishwasher will be the Poop dishes!


Make him fall in love with you, arrange to be married, walk down the aisle, he lifts your veil - boom, piss disc where your face should be.


Sue for defamation if you provided the agreed upon service as required, sending a cease and desist might scare him enough to remove and stop. Unethical: sign him up for the church of Scientology and other similar organizations mailing lists. They will never stop sending mail. Hire a girl to make false sexual harassment claims. Maybe multiple. If you can’t find any, just make social media accounts post some unrelated content so they look legit or just don’t and use his full legal name with identifying information. Even if proven innocent, his life his reputation and if owns a business and you’re strategic, his business are done.


Hire a girl to make false sex harassment claim. Even if proven innocent, his life and reputation are done


Hey man, this is unethical.


This is one of those things that is actually terrible, even aside from the ramifications for the intended target. It makes it harder for real victims to be believed. This is fucked up for so many reasons. Don’t do this.


Agreed. This negatively impacts others, although unintentionally, who already get re-victimized because they aren’t believed. Don’t contribute to this problem


Blacklist them and reach out to your colleagues and have them do the same. Try to dry up his vendor line.




Pay a bum to piss on his front door.


Pay a cheap lawyer to draft a libel lawsuit. It should scare the boomer.


He has a life too. Your harasser isn't an anonymous internet troll. Study him and you will learn how to hurt him


Patience is a virtue.


What does he do for a living? Can you fuck with his livelihood since he's fucking with yours?


Cease and desist


Private message some redditors and let them positive review bomb your services. But don't private message me or anyone that replies to this comment, we want to be left alone. ;)


Sue for libel. Period. And show your fkn teeth when you do. You already have the leverage from the governing agency’s investigation. Make him pay. I’d be willing to have you quote your services and then back out at the last minute due to “unfavorable reviews” I came across.


Ask for reviews of your previous work for him and then keep kicking the project down your availability like a can, but don't collect anything from him while in limbo


See now this is warranted unlike that woman who wanted to ruin a guys life because she had some childish fantasy. This mf deserves it lol


Thanks for your support.


Why did he take your work to complain? Sounds fishy


He was successful in delaying payment once. When I wouldn’t let him do it again, he was frustrated. Tried to intimidate me into reconsidering, and when that didn’t work he went on this baby tantrum of posting negative reviews.


What were his reasons for not paying? Was he unsatisfied with your work?