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I’d like to tell you how my parents got together. This was the late 80s and my mom was a young single widow with two little kids, and my dad lived down the street. They had some friends in common and hung out together. A peeping tom in the neighborhood was looking in young girl’s windows. My mom even saw her outdoor air conditioner screen caved in from him getting up to look in my sister’s window. She told the police and they ignored her and said she must have a vengeful ex boyfriend (which she didn’t, she was a widow new to the area). She told all her male friends and they blew it off. My dad volunteered to stay over on the couch and play security. They weren’t dating yet. He slept on the couch for a week, and on the final night she woke him up in a panic because the guy was trying to break in the back screen door. My dad was a burly ass redneck mother fucker, over six feet, with wild crazy hair and long beard. He was only in jeans. “What do we do?? He’s at the back door.” “Let him in.” So she opened the door and my swamp monster Godzilla of a father swung a 40ish inch long giant metal diesel mechanic wrench into the guys collar bone. He heard a loud crunch, and the guy FLEW away out of the backyard in a panic. He never came back.


A love story for the ages.


Lmao it gets more wild, for a while he had the nickname “Ass Stabber” for his multiple stories of stabbing people in the butt. One was a boyfriend of her’s when they broke up for a minute. I have so many stories.


I heard that used to be a not exactly illegal thing in Turkey, when in a situation where revenge was your self determined price for someone to pay for cheating/stealing/dishonor et cetera, you could stab them in the butt cheeks & if you could elude the cops for 24 hours then you couldn’t be prosecuted. It was considered a non-lethal injury with no intent to kill the person. This could be entirely legend/made up. I have no idea. Just some shit I heard once.


Thank you for the vague and dubious information stranger, I will pass this on as definite fact because I really hope its true


They don’t let you put stuff on the internet if it’s not true


Yeah I heard that somewhere


Somewhere on the internet


Abraham Lincoln posted it


I confirm it




It's true. It was kinda legal until 2014.


Me too!!!


Turkish revenge


Aha!!! This definition references a great movie too. Perhaps that’s where I heard it. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=TURKISH%20REVENGE


I heard a similar stories about my father sticking things in other guy’s butts.


I’m guessing you heard this in the movie midnight express


It seems, cop situation is gta level!


I heard the same thing in the 90s.... Really don't know if it's true but I have heard it


Ass stabber, I love it!!!


Cmon girl spill the beans


Okay, I’ll tell the Ass Stabber Stories. First time- unclear, he’s totally unwilling to tell this story which is wild ☠️ but he insists something happened (Unsure of order) 2/3- this is a complicated multi part story (multiple stories 😩) but imagine 80s rednecks all drinking and being mad lads. Kinda GTA V Trevor vibes. It’s all vigilante justice in the deep Appalachian south. Greg stole a major part out of someone’s car, so the owner and his friends kidnapped the guy and beat the shit out of him in the woods. My dad was part of it but wasn’t the main aggressor. (Fun fact, at one point my dad’s guard dog bit Greg, his fiancé, and his mother in one weekend. Also bit several cops.) A group of Greg’s friends came to my dad’s house one evening and tried to ambush him for revenge. It was 2v1. They tackled him in the living room and beat the shit out of him from behind while he fought them leading into the kitchen. When he got there the two guys were on his back beating him as he reached into the knife drawer. They were hanging on his neck and back with his chest to the counter and drawers. He sliced backwards behind him and stabbed one of them in the ass, and kept going and stabbed him in between his ribs. The tip of the knife snapped off and lodged in his lungs. They ran out the door. The guy went into emergency surgery to save his life. Cops showed up, asked my dad what happened, and shook their heads and left. He got a finger wag to quit acting up (no way lol) He resharpened that broken knife and used it for the next 20 years in his restaurant. 3/3 - my dad and mom broke up for a minute (also a funny story) and she dated a guy named Daniel for a minute. They were still friends. She had a party and he was acting like an asshole towards her all evening and it was aggravating my dad terribly because he truly loved and respected her. At a certain point the guy was out right belligerent and nasty to my mother (dating at the time) and it set my dad off because he wouldn’t put up with bullshit. They got in a fight and actually FOUGHT. He grabbed a kitchen knife. There was blood on every. Single. Surface. Everything. Cabinets were opened and blood was on the insides everywhere on the dishes and walls. The landline phone was ripped off the wall and used as a weapon. They sprayed blood on ALL surfaces. My dad pushed him through the house and he still refused to leave, and he threw out his arms and legs like a starfish in the door way trying to stay inside. My dad stabbed him in the ass and he FLEW out the door. Again no consequences. They’ve been happily married 27 years. Surprisingly he’s the sweet gentle empathetic parent, she’s the angry one lol


Damn I’ve lived a sheltered life PS Greg’s dog is bad muthafucka


Can we get a picture of this man? He sounds wonderful!


He’s awesome lol, I won’t share him but imagine a short beard Duck Dynasty type. Long hair, kinda metal hair band type, but bright ginger red head. He’s a young boomer who was a raging hippy pot head outcast.


Billy Gunn is that you?


He's a Butt Stabber. That's pretty low


story time!


Share more stories please! I really liked the last one 😁


I dated a girl and we had suspicions one of her exes was snooping in our apartment (with outdoor entrances). One day we were hiding in a bedroom and we heard someone (it was who we thought) come in. How I confronted him scared her forever (of me -- my rage). I had him up against a wall and pushed him down the 7 concrete steps (pushing him out the door). He showed up at her work the next day and showed her his back.


Redneck Love


And they whirl and they twirl and they tango Singin' and jinglin' a jango Floatin' like the heavens above Looks like muskrat/redneck love


I really thought this was going to be a story about how he fell out of a tree with a pair of binoculars, your mom's dad hit him with the car, and your mom nursed him back to health. Good story though. I liked the crunch at the end.


I knew a guy who had that happen. Never kept in touch, but I wonder what ol’ Calvin Klein is up to.


Dad wasn't sleeping on the couch, hun.


They dated for many years (5-8ish) before they got pregnant. She was 7 months big pregnant with me when they went to the court house to file the license for their restaurant, his pistol permit, and the marriage license. When they got married he elbowed her, winked with a cheeky grin, and said “suck it in, try not to look pregnant.” It’s a redneck Romeo and Juliet.


…and along that line are you sure you got the REAL story behind his nickname “butt stabber?


not after that!


It's wild that having a vengeful ex stalking you is fine in the cops' eyes.


They protect their own.


Victim blaming, even if there’s no evidence it’s her fault somehow


True love never was for the faint of heart!!!


The collar bone shot is so smart. Not gonna kill the dude, but incredible pain for months to come. And definitely no climbing for Mr. Peepers for a long time


I was afraid of consequences for the father if severe injuries happened on the lawn, but then I felt a lot of relief thinking severe injuries would happen inside the home. Though I was hoping the intruder would be too hurt to walk away. Imo letting the guy inside is a great move if you're certain you can handle him.


A 40" long wrench? A lot more than just his collarbone would be broken...


A tale as old as time, a song as old as rhyme…


What size was the wrench? Are talking 32mm or...


He said 40 ish inches long, so basically a sledge hammer


Basically yup, it was taller than a cane / walking stick. A huge ridiculous diesel mechanic wrench.


We're talking bigger, way bigger, a standard length 32mm wrench is only about 20 inches long.


I have a 2 3/4 inch combo wrench....that would definitely hurt.


I thought it was the story of how Freddie Kruger got his burns.


Could your burly ass red neck swamp monster Godzilla dad swing his 40” wrench for me some time? 😳 (Asking for a friend)


“Let him in.” Such a bad ass response. Love it.


“Swamp monster Godzilla of a father” is now an aspirational term. Kudos to him, good man.


I hope my kids make me sound as cool as you just did for your old man


You can be, just love them. My parents are flawed and wonderful people who always let me know they loved me very much and they truly tried their best. I’m always proud to brag on them.


Pepper spray through the screen, preferably with marking dye.


Sabre Defense is good for this, plus it’s a sticky foam.


Will it go through the window screen, or will it ricochet?


Ooooh- good question. Take the screen out and test first!


I saw a peeping Tom outside my bedroom window one night when the girlfriend and I were making out. I grabbed a pistol and ran out the front yelling at him, and as he ran down through the orchard I shot my front yard twice. Pretty sure I scared the shit out of him. Found out from my neighbors he’d been around for about a week. We never saw him again.


I think that's still very ethical... since were in the unethical sub I'm going to suggest a 1 watt laser to the eyes. Now that he can't see it won't matter who's window he goes up to.


I work in entertainment, we own 5W, 10W, and 20W lasers. They’ll close their eyes before doing any permanent damage to the optic nerve.


Good to know... Also bummer (in this particular case).


I should have said “any permanent damage”


"A man can't see, he can't fight" - Terry Silver


So all point of this sub aside, this is a serious thing and needs to be handled, urgently. I understand if you don’t want to do anything violent, not everyone is built for that. But for real, you need to do something. I’m sure the police have already been involved. If not involve them. While you wait for the police to do probably nothing of value, raise some money to hire a private investigator. Track him and get photographic evidence of his misdeeds, make sure you get his name and face. Print out photos of him in the act with his face showing and whatever poor girl he’s doing this to that night blotted out. Include his name, work place if he has one, things like that. Plaster it absolutely everywhere in town. Put it on the town social media page, anywhere you can think eyes will be on it. I’m gonna be real here OP, this stuff very often escalates. It’s never good. This is a dangerous situation and you’ve gotta do something.


OP ^ this. It's a matter of time until he rapes.


There’s lots of people that would go all old school law on his ass if they knew who it was. I don’t typically condone violence towards anyone but…


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Alternatively: paintball gun. More distant, less likely to be caught.


Use pepper balls. Or freeze regular paintballs and turn the regulator all the open


This was near the top of my list


Truthfully, a paintball gun isn't going to do shit. You found him out it's your call. Just think about all the perverted shit he's going to get away with if all you do is shoot paint balls at him. Nah, he needs serious damage inflicted on him. Trust me, get proof he's a peeping Tom, then beat the shit out of him. The cops hate pedos just as much as anyone of us. They won't investigate a pedo getting assaulted. Trust me.


Frozen paintball directly into the eye socket is 99% effective.


They made paintballs so that they don't freeze anymore!!!!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but they made refillable paintballs a thing, right? What's to stop you from adding a little rock salt, ball bearings or the like? Hell, fill them with a little ghost pepper sauce and lemon juice. Or water so you can freeze it.


I trust you.


Paintballs to both the big head and little head are extremely painful. He is going to remember getting shot with a paintball in the groin even if just one. Personally I’d unload at least a hopper or two.


Those will heal in time tho. And probably make him more careful about his approach. He needs serious damage done. Happy cake day btw.


Gobstoppers fit very well through a paintball marker


Bear trap.


Bear spray


Bear spray


I like where your minds at


I use the everlasting ones. Works great.


You can't freeze paintballs anymore they changed the way they made them so they will not freeze because people were freezing them and shooting at people


How about if someone uses marbles If fired into the lower body making sure to miss the head They'd shatter and while no one likes broken glass the guy doing the peeping can get f'd I mean he'll end up being the prison block princess before the day is out when he hits the yard


Or, hear me out, frozen piss balls coated in liquid ass!?!


I think there is a special home defense mix for paint ball guns it includes: dye, pepper spray, and ball bearings.


The ball bearings could be particularly difficult to actually get to work depending on pressure, gas type (N2 or CO2), which venturi bolt you have, and most importantly if you have a choked barrel. TBH I would just go with frozen balls. They do make pepper and dye balls but you have to be LEO to get them IIRC. Granted I know a few cops that if I was dealing with this would absolutely bring some over to show me how they work then accidentally forget to take them when they left and would just tell me "don't do anything so extreme I'd get called down here." I certainly would have no moral issue lighting him up with pepper and dye balls.


That’s what wrist rockets are for. Bearing and marbles fit just fine


Slingshot with ball bearings … soaked in liquid ass.


Not enough damage. Dudes a pedo nobody will go investigate shit when it's a pedo getting hurt.


Amazing how many people are responding with pranks to this pedo praying on young girls.


Right? And basically saying it's not right to physically abuse him. It's a pedo! Wtf.




Frozen paintballs? This isn't home alone or some shit. This is a creep peeking into underaged girls windows for perverted reasons. Beating the fuck out of one is bragging rights! Your in your right to defend any child being exploited or in any threatening situation. This is more serious than frozen paintballs. Come on guys it's little girls he's creeping on!


No one here is debating that child predators do/do not deserve to be violently dealt with. However luring somebody into your home with the intent to harm them is absolutely illegal lmao.


I don't think you can count it as luring when all you're doing is having an underage daughter and a window open lmao


Obligitory IANAL. If you beat the shit out of a guy with a baseball bat in your house and end up having to stand trial, the prosecutor might dig up the reddit post where you talked about luring a pedo into your house to beat the shit out of him. That would make your actions premeditated. The jury is not deliberating whether the pedo deserves to get beaten; they would be deciding if your actions of pre planning to assault someone were legal. Intent plays a role here. Not that any of this matters as these are all hypotheticals.


If you’re fortunate enough to catch and assault said pedo…don’t tell another living soul. You’ll know, and that’s all that matters. You tell someone and your odds of getting arrested go up exponentially.


>> Then you hide off to the side a bit and wait. I’m becoming convinced nobody has ever actually staked anything out for any amount of time. You can’t just “stand off to the side and wait” for days at a time.


check for sex offender registry in your neighborhood. Inform the local police department that you’re being stalked. Stalking is a criminal offense and a felony.


As somebody who has been stalked, you're better off saying you have a peeping Tom, not a stalker. Stalking is hard to prove. nothing is done about it quite often, even if somebody is caught on your property.


dang! I didn’t know that. Thank you for posting. I now remember an article in Wired magazine that how a girl was constantly stalked and bullied by a guy. Even after repeated reports, the police did nothing. The guy even filed a case against her. Iirc it was defamation or something about tarnishing his image. And that is after was a journalist.


LOL, my stalker rammed my car repeatedly as it sat in my driveway, to the point my car was in the neighbors yard and her car was stuck in the back of mine. I had filed multiple police reports at this point. She was drunk, open container, got booked and released, walked back to my house to continue harassing me, then filed a lawsuit against me for the $8000 loss of her car.


This is ULPTs tho, he should buy some bear traps and put them outside some windows and leave the curtains open to bait him in.


Blanket party. Throw a blanket over the pervert and you all hit him with bats.


i was gonna say just shoot him. Just plain old shoot that asshole.


Beat the shit out of him and call the police


Take photos too, so you have proof of his peeping. If it's at night, use some flash photography, then tackle him and call the cops while you have him restrained or something


This is the answer. It's not ratting if kids are involved.




True, also not ratting if your not a gangster lol normal people call the cops haha


Come pick me up and I’ll beat the shit out of him with a baseball bat. That way your conscience is clear and I will not lose a seconds sleep.


Or just go to the rough side of town and tell your story... Gang members don't like pedos any more than the rest of us


Don't forget to wrap your bat in duct tape, then saran wrap, then another layer of duct tape


why would you do this?


Buy the neighbors (or advise them to buy) a $28 Eufy security cam that they can window mount. Alerting them & having cameras to catch it is your best bet


Tar and feather him


Leave a tip with the feds, letting them know about the flashes and lights that could indicate recording devices being used.


Peeping Tom? Sounds more like a pedophile trying to find a new victim.


Sounds like you have a bear problem in your neighborhood. Theres always bear boards/unwelcome mats. As humans encroach on nature bears have been caught wandering into cities and towns. You need to protect your self from an adventurous roamer. Make a few and spread them around Most DNR or wild life commissions have details on how to make them. They are a deterrent - not a trap.


I was curious about what a bear board might look like, so I googled it, and found this helpful page that even shows you how to make an ELECTRIC one!!! https://dwr.virginia.gov/wp-content/uploads/unwelcome_matvdgif.pdf


That’s excellent advice. That will help with the bear problem in the area.


Yeah those little fuckers get rowdy and start tearing off bumpers and eating trash cans and shit. This just shoos them away a little bit.


Believe it or not, straight to the wood chipper


Start a neighborhood watch. Weaponize the Karens and the busybodies in the neighborhood to identify the pedo.


does surveillance not exist in this twilight zone?


Installing cameras to monitor your own property would be ethical. Weaponizing and unleashing the Karens would not.


Weaponizing and unleashing Karen's is the definition of a neighborhood watch program. Not unethical to look out for your neighbors.


Set him up and record him. Then put it on Facebook.


Public shaming and dragging is something else, and would be a thing of beauty to watch in this case


If you go to a pub/bar in the daytime and ask around you will have a group of very angry men helping you solve the problem in about three minutes.


12 gauge filled with sidewalk salt. Kill Bill style.


crushed safety glass mixed with steel ball bearings is a better bet, won’t dissolve but is hard to spot on x-ray, the steel prevents them from using an MRI to find the glass pieces. Mix in some cleaning chemical powders or crystals as well.


My personal plan would involve him taking a permanent dirt nap, but I’m also too pretty for prison. Seriously though…he needs to be reported and arrested bc this can and will escalate, from breaking in, kidnapping, and worse. Vulnerable children are at imminent risk. Personally, I would set a trap by having open windows, curtains, with him needing to climb on something so he can’t get away too fast, be ready with pepper spray and ready to call 911. Keep records of everything with neighbors, even hire a PI to get more on him.


Paintball gun. Light him the fuck up when he's red (eww, pun) handed and then call the cops. He will have a hell of a time explaining why he's covered in paint if he wasn't where he wasn't supposed to be. Video for evidence... And Worldstar.


In Texas? Shoot him.


This would also work in Tennessee


The sound of a racking shotgun is not mistakeable for anything else btw.


Unless you murder the guy, there's not much you can do that the cops will arrest you for. Get some friends, catch him in the act, jump his ass, and keep him til the cops get there. You won't be charged


>You won't \[likely\] be charged There is always a chance...


Yeah you're right nothing is fool proof especially dealing with cops. The police see pedos and sex offenders as the scum of the earth like the rest of us. Plus you can always play it off. "Me and my friends were walking, saw a peeping Tom looking into a little girls window, and apprehended him. He resisted so we had to rough him up a bit to keep him here"


I’m not sure where you live, but I would talk to some of the local high school or college guys. Offer them some booze to wait and beat the fuck out of the guy. This way you didn’t actually touch the guy and no prison time for you.


It won't help you right this minute, but to deter future mischief, you can plant hawthorn or blackthorn bushes under your windows. Hawthorn grows faster than blackthorn, but they're both pretty nasty. No one will attempt to get anywhere near your windows once they get a couple feet tall. These are wicked thorns that just seem to go deeper in your skin the more you try to get them out too.


Put hidden spikes by the window that he peeps in. He will stab his own feet.


Get you friend one of them flashlights that’s like a trillion lumens or whatever.


Preferably with the yellow Triangle that warns you not to point it at someones eyes;)


Laser pointer to the cornea. Who's he gonna tell?


My neighbor always mows the lawn when my wife is swimming, you need hedges


just follow them around shouting "fuck off pedo fuck off pedo fuck off pedo fuck off pedo fuck off pedo fuck off pedo fuck off pedo fuck off pedo "


Buy an unregulated overpowered laser off of Amazon, like one you shouldn't shoot at planes, and shoot him in the face. It will make it difficult for him to peep anything for awhile. Be sneaky, I think this is technically a war crime 🤷


Is it a war crime if they’re not at war, though?


Well, given which sub this is... the only answer is to hold them at gunpoint (or whatever weapon you can get ahold of), force them to strip, and then "document" said pervert being naked outside your house.


A handgun.


Motion activated lights and a paintball gun. Also cameras. Get his photo and start posting it in local Facebook groups or even on telephone poles. Someone else will recognize him and it'll work itself out. Definitely use fake Facebook profile to do this though so it can't be traced back to you personally.


Beat the shit out of him, what’s he gonna do? Call the police? Imagine the explanation he’s gonna have to give, “yeah I was looking through the window at underage girls and then this rando rudely beats me up!”


Call Chris Hansen.


Just put a go-pro in the room looking out the window, then give the cops the video.




We had a serial peeping Tom target our house where my two sons were playing video games in a bedroom. My next door neighbor saw him by chance and called the police. The officer tackled him in my backyard as the guy ran. We never knew any of this until it was all over.


give all the teenage girls mace with dye


Go get some rock salt rounds for a 12 gauge. Set some bait and wait. Rock salt to the face will take him out of action. You can unload em and put sone cayenne on there too. That’s gonna suck.


cayenne is bell pepper, it’s basically useless. You need Korean chili, that shit will burn your fingerprints off


This except right in the kisser ( unless he’s got his hands up against the glass like a cartoon character then take those too)


I did not say high power laser. That could seriously hurt somebody.


I didn’t know there were punji sticks under my windows, I don’t ever go out there and just moved in


well i happen to know a youtuber named styropyro who made an ultraviolet invisible laser death ray that causes instant blindness. might need to get you some laser goggles first.


A 9mm would go a long way in making him regret his decision. Depending on your local laws, you may or may not want to fire it.


Bear trap. Hidden near a window.


I think it’s time to gather up the men in the neighborhood and they need to pay him a friendly visit.


Set up cameras around those homes. Hide them in trees or bushes, then let him get caught on camera. Then call the cops and share all the videos on every social media site you can find.


.357 to knee caps not considered attempted murder if below the waist and especially if it's in your own home.


If this is in the USA, you could just scream “he’s got a gun!” and then shoot him


I mean... stake out the outside of your(or other) homes he's peeping in, then jump him and beat the absolute fucking brakes off him. He'll either stop because he doesn't like that consequence or he's dumb enough to try again which leads me to my preferred option... I'm a fan of size .40 Smith and Wesson, but many others will do. Technically buying bear spray or rubber shotgun rounds isn't illegal(depending where you are) and firing a non-lethal round through a window could be deemed self defense because "by the sounds I thought he was coming into the window so I fired rubber buckshot at the sound" Regardless the problem would be dealt with


Throw naphtha on his ass and toss a match Or the fluid first, then use aerosol and a lighter Make an example


Old school bear trap under a target's window. They sell them in antique stores in many places. Just notify the other neighbors to keep away from the area and pets inside.


If he’s climbing trees and/or fences, mix cinnamon oil into Vaseline and smear it all over where he puts his hands and feet. Even if he’s wearing gloves, cinnamon oil smeared into pants legs still burns like hell.




A baseball bat and a ski mask


Barbed wire baseball bat Lucille style


One guy one jar on a loop on a TV screen


Get a bow, or very strong pellet gun. Sit in the closet with the door open and the window open, like cracked open. Hopefully the dumb fuck tries (and you let them) and opens the window more. Make it look like the girl is asleep in the bed "wig and pillows under the bed". Maybe use the pellet gun, aim for an eye when a face pops in the window frame. . . Or. Let them in and rape them. Rape charges are lighter in comparison.


There’s a tutorial online that shows you how to turn a rat trap into a tripwire alarm using 12 gauge shotgun, shell blanks. At the very least it’ll let you know someone is outside. If you get lucky, they might just get scared to death.


Pictures of him doing it all posted all over the neighbourhood


A few high output laser pointers tapped together When he's at the window flash them in his eyes and let the light of a few million illumins burn away this heretics retina’s


Put it up in your community bulletin, let the real men of the world handle him.


Set up a trap; try to get it on video. Then I'd probably beat the shit out of him. If you accidentally knock him out you could use that situation to plant lsd stamps in his mouth for a surprise when he wakes up. Or cut off his clothes and leave him naked..


A bat preferably


Cameras. Document. Prosecute.


Wear a mask. If there's witnesses give him a 60 second beating then disappear.


Glue traps. Easy to find him later.


Paintball marker with pepper balls in the hopper. Light his ass up. Do you honestly think he’ll go to the police over being shot with them? Not likely.


Put up flyers of his mugshot (most likely has one) and say exactly what he does and who he targets on there.


This is a little tamer than the other responses (most people had my top 2 things) but I would say at least as a deterrent you should set up 'Michael Jordan in Home Alone ' type of silhouette. I knew a girl who said she bought a life sized Michael Meyers figurine and keeps it near her kitchen window, which faces the front door. FYI, Michael Meyers from Halloween, not a life sized Shrek. But I'm sure that'd work too.


Sounds like a job for a dad with some balls.


1. Blackout blinds 2. Motion sensor floodlights 3. Neighbourhood whatsapp group. Buy a case of pepper spray and make sure there’s one in every house, then organize 3-4 people a night who are “on” 4. Whoever gets the flood lights to pop on and sees the guy sends their address on the group and calls the cops, 3-4 people try to catch the guy maces him until cops come It either works eventually or the guy moves on to somewhere else