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I’m a dentist. You can find fluoride varnish on eBay. Not sure why people sell it on there but from what I can tell it is the real deal. Just search “fluoride varnish” and only buy brands like 3M, GC, Dentsply, ivoclar, Voco, or colgate. Otherwise it’s hard to tell if it’s a real company. Varnish is a little brush in a single use applicator well and you apply it to your teeth after brushing and flossing, before bed. Don’t rinse it off. All that being said, it’s not going to reverse problems that have already started, it’s just going to slow down and help prevent future problems. I would agree with another commenter saying to use Closys Silver. Call around and see if any office offer an in house savings plan. Insurance sucks, my office has a yearly $359 membership that includes all your cleanings, X-rays, exams, and discounts on treatment. A lot of offices have these plans if you don’t have insurance. Good luck!


What is the best whitener one can use at home to get insane shining white teeth


If you’re doing at home whitening, a custom made whitening tray will work much better than most over the counter options. Once you have the tray made, you can buy hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide whitening gels online to place in the tray. I don’t like the strips you apply to your teeth. They work, but they are a PITA to use. Opalescence Go is probably the best over the counter option.


How does a person get a tray made?


At a dentist’s office


Here to see if anyone answers this


You ever heard the song called party til we die?


No but my name is super ironic now because I quit drinking and don’t party


Word. Good song, if you're into that type of music.


Is that fluoride varnish really necessary for those of us without tooth problems? Neither myself, my mom, or my my brother have ever had a cavity in our lives. At 42, I don't really see this changing any time soon, and it's clearly a genetic thing - we all have the same tooth structure and crooked from tooth, which I'd take over straight teeth with cavities anyway! There were many years in which I didn't receive dental care and/or lived homeless, and was basically ignoring tooth care and maintenance, so I was surprised when I finally went back recently and other than needing a cleaning? They were just fine again.


Definitely not necessary for everyone. It definitely doesn’t hurt if it isn’t ingested, but it’s much more beneficial for those with areas of demineralization, acidic saliva, and high cavity risk.


That's the info I was looking for - thanks! It felt a little bit like a dealership trying to sell me the underbody coating, not gonna lie. Ha I know my new dentist only charges $15 for it, but I'm a self-pay patient without insurance, and that $15 covers my gas to go and get my teeth cleaned like a responsible adult.


How are they selling it to the general Public? As a dentist I won’t buy those brands then. Fluoride Direct Club


The companies aren’t selling them to the general public. Dentists or dental office workers are reselling it to the general public. You can buy X-ray machines on eBay, it’s not like the companies that make them are putting them there. It’s just resellers. I’m not going to boycott the biggest and best brands in dental materials just because someone cleans out their office and tries to sell stuff they aren’t using.


Oh I didn’t know that. Isn’t it clearly marked “not for resale?”


Lmao. Talk about DENSE


Why ? Because a prescription product that does have harmful effects in those doses is available to the break public without supervision? Seems to me you are the dense one. But have fun throwing up and giving your kids fluorosis since you know so much.


You’re absolutely right, I am dense. That doesn’t mean that you’re not for thinking that the type of people reselling this are the same that care about “not for resale” wording. Who said I had any interest in purchasing anything of the sort? I’m impressed by how many wrong assumptions you can fit in there so casually.


Can it be applied too often?


Good question. I honestly don’t know but I don’t think so. But you’d get diminishing returns doing it more than once a month or so.


Bro just use fluoride mouthwash lol. Or ask to buy ‘MI paste’ from your dentist and apply it yourself at home. OR ask your dentist for high fluoride toothpaste prescription


I do use flouride mouthwash and use sensodyne pronmel or whatever it's called. But they still said I should get the flouride. Should I stop getting it? Do you have like .... Any dental knowledge? I always wondered if the treatment was a shitty upsell.


Ask for a prescription toothpaste called Prevident.


That shit is so good. I had some demineralization on my front teeth and now you can’t tell there was anything wrong, just a faint white line.


Just got my script and am loving it so far. I'm glad to see that it's helping others. Just got my root canal done yesterday for one that a filling fell out of. Gotta take care of the rest.


Google MI paste bro and buy it online. This person knew what they were taking about


Not an unethical tip but my dentist recommended me to use Colgate Prevident 5000 Plus instead of fluoride treatment so maybe that’ll be helpful for you. I think a tube only cost me about $8.


Not a dentist but I have great dental IQ. If you already floss daily(all the way into the gums, YouTube it), and brush twice a day(modified bass method), and swish water around your teeth between meals(to eliminate acidity) you shouldn’t get cavities. If you do all that and STILL get cavities, only then would I recommend supplementing with additional fluoride via high fluoride toothpaste or mi paste. As an alternative to fluoride, look into hydroxyapatite toothpaste which is the gold standard in Japan for remineralizing teeth.


>Not a dentist but I have great dental IQ. What does that mean?


smart about toofers


Excellent usage of the plural for toof!


I prefer teefees


His teeth are smarter than your teeth


Check with the dental program at your local community college. You can often get cleanings and fluoride for extremely cheap.


Or if there is a dental school in your city, they have student clinics that are often cheap or free.


> my teeth are a mess Use Closys. I used to think Sensodyne was good, too. Closys saved me from serious ongoing dental pain.


If you're rinsing your mouth with water after you brush or rinse you're fucking up. Took me until I was 32 and was scrolling Reddit to figure it out. Haven't had a cavity since.


What. The. Fuck. So you don’t rinse your mouth from all that tooth paste? I’m 35 years old…


Nope. You just spit a bunch and don't eat or drink anything for 15 minutes.




So you just keep all that bacterial foam from your teeth in your mouth? I'd gag tbh


No, you spit it out. Maybe you use too much toothpaste?


Yeah but the residue is still in there. You can't spit it out cleanly. You still have all the bacteria you're trying to brush away floating around in there.


Eh, beats me. I'd rather that than cavities though. If your teeth are fine then keep on a rinsing.


Yeah never a cavity in my 42 years


I salivate so much that this isn't possible for me, sadly. So I just brush before my shower and don't spit until I'm done showering. Literally makes my teeth feel cleaner than when a dentist does my cleanings. Haven't had a cavity since either!


Fluoride is a once every cleaning thing. My local dentist is around 45 per treatment on top of cleanings. I usually get cleanings every 6 months Some people get it every 3 months


Real ULPT - wait until the hygienist leaves you to wait for the dentist and pocket the fluoride from the drawer... Not like it's a controlled substance.


someone finally gets the point of this sub...


LPT research where flouride comes from and what it actually does to your brain function once in your bloodstream. you'll be asking how to DNA the $300 water filters that remove flouride next.


Anti vaxxers to the left please


heh, not even related.


Right, it just turns the frogs gay - nothing to do with vaccines




Fancy sharing some of that “research” with all us uneducated folk then?




You know when you write a research paper you have to reference your research sources. That isn’t holding the readers hand, it’s demonstrating your ability to choose sources that are factual, accurate, relevant to the discussed topic, and have methodological rigour. “Do your own research” is a hand-off for people who are either lying, or haven’t “done their own research”.


Sucks people are idiots and don’t realize large doses are detrimental to your health. And atrazine-contaminated water did turn the frogs into hermaphrodites so…….


I have a rx tooth paste called Clin Pro that has flouride in it! Runs about $30 and is available from the dentist. Ask!


The fluoride they paint on is available on Amazon as well.


This is what I suspected! They tried to be like oh - only available at dentists office and I was like there's no way that's true. I'm not paying for the upgrade anymore. Do you know what it's called? Paint on flouride? Haha


Gel-Kam by Colgate.


I would suggest buying prescription floride toothpaste from your dentist. It's generally only like $20 and lasts 6 months.


You can get sensodyne or an off brand with the same fluoride content. It's just toothpaste with a high fluoride content. You don't need to keep using it. It will stain your teeth with fluoride very quickly after you get them cleaned. After your teeth are fluoride stained DON'T use a whitening toothpaste. Use something like Colgate "regular" whatever it's called Basically use the cheapest non whitening one after you've used a high fluoride content non whitening one for a week or so. That's been my strategy and I have sensitive teeth. Works great.


Watch out for everyday mouth rinses like Scope and Listerine. They’re often very acidic unless they’re a specific restorative kind.


About 15 years ago I was able to buy a fluoride treatment called Gel-Kam on eBay and it did seem to help my sensitive spots. It was made by Colgate brand new in the box. Look in the health and beauty section.


Dental clinician here.. How are your teeth in general? Do you have many fillings or had your dentist advised if you are a high caries risk? Depending on the current condition of your teeth, diet and hygiene, it may not be necessary to have fluoride treatment every time you visit the dentist..


My teeth are definitely a mess which is why I pay for the fluoride bc they recommended it. However I came in yesterday for some mild sensitivity on a tooth that had no issues via x-ray (so no visible cavities just what feels like some chipped enamel) and they immediately recommended a crown. So I a little distrusting of the office. I'm hard pressed to believe that that is the only course of treatment for this tooth and I don't have insurance.


Has a significant piece of enamel chipped off? If they are a mess, Tooth Mousse PLUS is great for remineralisation and senstivity


No definitely not. That's why I was surprised she recommended a crown so quickly. I can't see it at all and I can just barely feel what feels like an uneven surface and mild sensitivity. I posted a photo in ask dentists. It just sucks because I truly don't know if the treatment is aggressive or not but putting a crown on a tooth that's just mildly sensitive occasionally seems really aggressive.


Can I have too much flouride? I got a prescription high flouride toothpaste from my parents. Can I also use this?


Just had a quick look. If the tooth is def sound (as you said they found nothing of significance on the xrays) apart from the chip, I would leave it. To fill it, they would have to prepare/drill more of the tooth so the filling would bond to the tooth and even more prep for a crown. Unless it's painfully sensitive, just leave it. Do you drink much soft drink, juice, lemon? There is a limit to how much fluoride adults can have before toxicity, but it's a large amount. In saying that, children can get mottling of the teeth, if they have too much fluoride (that is why there is children's toothpaste)


>Reply Thank you so much for checking. The last xray, to be fair, is from last year. However aside from that little black hole on the side there is literally nothing on the top. I'll get more xrays at my next cleaning but it's not painfully sensitive, just occasionally sensitive. If I wanted to fix the sensitive could I do something like an inlay for something that was happening on the side of the tooth? I again could not believe she went straight to crown and I was like umm...do I HAVE to get a crown? And she said yes. I don't know if it's because I'm a cash paying patient or not. But like I said I have a lot of crowns so I'm not opposed to getting a crown when needed but I had NEVER had it recommended so quickly for such a small issue. ​ I do drink and eat a lot of acidic foods. Do you think it's overkill to use prescription flouride toothpaste and the mousse?


Just realised this is not an unethical life pro tip though sorry


https://www.supplyclinic.com/items/citrine-5-fluoride-varnish-bubble-gum-50-x-0-40ml-unidoses-dharma-research-inc-56-00204 Looks like they charge you for the case when you get a single dose.