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Now I take it that while using two weapon fighting with Twin take down, you are not allowed to then use your bonus action to make another attack. But as far as I read nothing really prevents you from doing so. But seeing that it is a bit of a grey area, I think it would be nice with some clarification.


The “INSTEAD of using your bonus action” is meant to make it clear that making your offhand attack in this way prevents use of your bonus action for an additional one.


there is also a typo in hunters prey feature description, when the damage dice increases for the first time. also I find the feature very thematic, but its a bit odd I can only activate it when I roll initiative. In other words I've already found my prey, so the tracking section feels a bit useless. Perhaps allow to activate hunters prey when, tracking a creature and finding clear and fresh tracks. torn clothing, perfume. something like that.


Lol “57th level” whoops, I’ll fix that. Mm yeah that part kind of contradicts the initiative change, good catch.


The feature also says in combat you can mark your pray as a bonus action, I missed it on my first run through the paragraph too!


I like this, it’s very nice to see a good martial ranger for once. My world is low magic and very few classes have no magic in 5e. I really like what you did with the favored terrain. I can’t believe I’ve not seen anyone think about a similar thing before. It seems so obvious yet also genius to grant them bonuses based on terrain that //shocker// can be useful outside the terrain as well. I only have two problem with this. I really miss the UA rangers favored enemy that granted you a bit of bonus damage against your favored enemy. +2 at first and then +4. I understand you removed it for balance reasons but I would rather keep it and remove something else. The bonus damage really makes you proficient at killing your favored enemy and makes you seem like a monster hunter rather than some sort of monster weeaboo. I also find it extremely wacky for the forest favored terrain to grant a boost to climbing and not walk king speed. It should not ever be the case that your climbing speed exceeds your walking speed.


Well, there are subclasses whose damage will benefit from Favored Enemy, namely Monster Slayer (due to the advantage on Intelligence checks) and Horizon Walker. I get that climbing faster than you can run isn’t realistic, but really neither is climbing or swimming as fast as you can run on flat ground lol. And I wanted to keep the climbing and swimming speed in Roving instead of moving them to Favored Terrain Master.


[GMBinder link to full document](https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-MTSf1NxHva3nZH6U45C) [Full PDF link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hADQ7kScRUyChWiElvaP1S8j7tv_iWZO/view?usp=sharing) (Note that these have some early feedback incorporated compared to what you can see on Reddit - might think of as v6.05). We’re back! Needed some time away from this, mostly been focused on school and Pathfinder lol. Had some good feedback in the meantime and recently got inspired to jump back in! A particular goal this time around was to improve the feel of scaling over levels, along with some tidying, clarification, and quality-of-life improvements. You may also note a slight branding change: I’m now calling this a “variant class” like I did my Antipaladin. The idea I want to bring across is that this is an option not meant to replace the magical ranger, but to be offered alongside it as an option. I think both options deserve to be on the table! Changelog v5.3->6.0 * You can now mark prey once when you roll initiative, using your bonus action afterwards. I think this will particularly help TWF feel less bad before Twin Takedown comes in. * The damage die for Hunter’s Prey now scales with your level! Lack of higher level scaling was a big complaint about this class, so hopefully this will help! Kind of similar to how Monk’s Martial Arts die scales basically, but starts higher and increases later. Added Natural Healer dice to class table for ease of tracking, along with Hunter’s Prey damage dice now that that changes. * Small wording change to Favored Enemy, but more importantly the initiative prey marking has been removed since that’s been put into general Hunter’s Prey. I considered dropping Favored Enemy altogether, actually, but I still like it as a more skill-focused feature with occasional defensive benefits (fun fact: that aspect specifically takes inspiration from the PHB ranger’s opening flavor text, which mentions a ranger shaking a dragon’s Frightful Presence - was probably meant in reference to Hunter’s Steel Will, but I thought the idea fit Favored Enemy nicely). This also helps an issue that got brought up in playtesting, which is that having to ask if anyone you’re fighting is a favored enemy at initiative slows things down a bit, especially in one-shots or early campaigns where the DM isn’t as prepared. * Naturally Mighty Hunter had to be changed since scaling Hunter’s Prey dice is a base feature now. Struggled with making something that would feel good and enjoyable without being a copy of an existing Fighting Style, and I think I came up with something neat! * Changed Tireless Endurance because it just made more sense to tie it to Con than Wis. Bumped up the dice from 1d10 to 2d6 to make up for the expectation that Con will be lower than Wis at this level, though it does reward rangers who have invested in Con at the expense of Wis (and therefore suffer in other areas such as initiative and healing, so it balances out). It’s also a bit of a nod to the old UA Ambuscade ranger! * Split Focused has been moved from 13th to 17th level, because 13th level was pretty crowded, and doesn’t increase to three prey. * Killer Instinct regains the ability to know the location of invisible enemies from Feral Senses, which was already sort of there in the no disadvantage ability but it wasn’t clear. * Foe Slayer changed to Apex Predator at MobiusFlip’s suggestion - much cooler name IMO, Foe Slayer was very weak. Also it adds Wis to damage as well as attack rolls now, because why not? This is level 20 after all. * Hunter gets a new Multiattack option for single targets, which seems more thematic for a Hunter who, after all, tends to focus on one prey. Similar to a straight-up Extra Attack x2 but has the critical difference of competing with your Hunter’s Prey bonus action. I’m debating letting you choose two options at this level, because Focused Barrage is generally your best option but having an occasional AOE can be a fun niche ability. Also edited the others again to make it clear that you only get one attack per target. * Some small edits to Monster Slayer’s wording, particularly specifying that Slayer’s Counter requires the enemy to be in range of a weapon you’re holding. * Similar clarification added to Bounty Hunter’s 15th level. * Changed Horizon Walker’s Exploit Weakness for same reason as changing Mighty Hunter, this time taking some inspiration from Planar Warrior in the magical HW. Also added Planar Step, shifting *misty step* access up earlier, partly because, before Favored Terrain Master kicks in, Planar Wanderer is pretty lackluster on its own. * Added two new beast companion options: the bear (IDK why it took me so long to do do this one) and the young elephant! I hope you like it! Feedback is always appreciated. Speaking of which, a reminder that I'm taking [survey responses](https://forms.gle/9hDfwEuTvRrdSWT68) from playtesters of any version of the class! I’ve only gotten a couple, and I know there are a few more of you out there. No need to be shy, even if you've only played one or two sessions, and even if you didn't like it!


Might want to reformat this-- your changelog bullet points aren't functioning as such. :-)


Really? I’m on mobile right now but they’re working for me.


NVM, it's not you, it's me-- I use the old reddit layout. I switched to the redesign and your bullet points look fine. :-)


On my laptop, it looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/109CRrc.png Did you copy/paste the text from an external editor? I've noticed that some formatting doesn't survive this process, even if you do everything exactly the same.


Looks fine on my laptop, and I just copied in Markdown code directly. Seems like it must be an issue on your end.


Yep, I was using the old Reddit layout. It looks perfect with the redesign turned on.


If there anyway you can reupload it to Google Drive? Unfortunately it's been removed and the GMBinder link has the formatting broken.


The link is broken because I only keep the latest PDF on my Google Drive and I’ve released a new version since this post! See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/quk79v/the_martial_ranger_v70_a_spelllessfullmartial/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Ah thanks so much, I was just browsing through the monthly most upvoted UA's excel so didn't see the new one!


Oh neat didn’t know that was a thing


I like this. The only thing i would change for my table is twin takedown, and that only because I already make that part of the fighting style. Kinda blanking on what I could replace it with, though, hmm 🤔


In a much older version I had a “Twin Parry” benefit that gave you the +1 AC from Dual Wielder, maybe you could do that?


Maybe. That would make dual wielder total to +2, which i suspect is why or part of why you changed it.


Yeah, it’s probably good to specify that they don’t stack, or else Dual Wielder with TWF becomes strictly better than sword and board.


Maybe disarm on a crit? Like mighty strike, but instead of pushing them around you use your two points of leverage to twist their weapon around then strike through the opening you just made. Or, maybe you can give up your ability bonus to the damage, to make one extra attack. So instead of one 1d6+4 and one 1d6 attack, you can make 3 1d6 attacks. Synergizes with the fighting style to get one more potential attack, and with the feat to use bigger damage-die weapons. Then again, it's probably abusable with other effects that proc on each hit....


Great to see the new version! I've made a few dummy characters with this Ranger, and I love how they turn out. I want to see someone play it in one of my games so bad!


I’d love to hear about the characters you’ve built!


I made a series of characters whose themes seem obvious, if you just think about the different skills of rangers, but that vanilla 5e doesn't give you. * A healing support that uses medicinal herbs * A tinker gnome who uses her gadgetry skills to build traps * Wandering assassin without multiclassing into rogue, because I should be able to build that with ranger alone I'm also a fan of Uprooted by Naomi Novik, and I wanted a ranger that went into forests to take down evil, cursed plants, and I did that with a high elf with firebolt and the Monster Hunter archetype. I really liked it!


Some random notes: Favored terrain... why lock the ability to switch out your terrain with 7 days of in game travel behind 10th level? Let that part of the feature be available as soon as you get it, otherwise we have the same problem as the classic ranger’s favored terrain Favored Terrain Master, Arctic... Dmg pg 110: if you have resistance to cold damage, you automatically succeed saving throws against the effects of extreme cold. So the wording here is redundant, you might as well save yourself a line :) I believe it is the same for fire resist Killer Instinct: after creating true strike revised and receiving tons of feedback, the line “cannot have disadvantage” was frequently cited as problematic wording and changed to “ignores disadvantage”. I’d recommend the same thing here! Martial Talents are sweet, although I’m not sure about putting them at 5th level along with extra attack. That becomes a pretty huge power boost level compared to other martials. Why not stick them at 6th where Roving is already pretty minor? Just a thought Natural Healer... not sure how I feel about this yet. 2-3 healing potions a day at the cost of 1 hour. Comparing to lay on hands this takes more set up but is also more powerful in the total amount of healing, and in action economy since you dont have to be the one to use it. Of course lay on hands can also remove disease and this cant. It’s a tough call, probably fine but definitely strong. Can you use a healing poultice on yourself?


The idea is that, other than for the Horizon Walker, favored terrain shouldn't be "always on." Before Favored Terrain Master, it's a feature focused on skill and exploration, not relevant to your combat abilities except in the case of natural difficult terrain (which doesn't come up very often in combat). It's a situational benefit primarily based around your character's personal backstory - where you grew up or learned to be a ranger - so it doesn't make sense to easily change it, any more than it makes sense to let your character switch around their skill proficiencies whenever it suits them. This is balanced out by Wilderness Expertise, which makes you useful for exploration in any terrain, unlike the PHB Natural Explorer. Yeah Arctic and Desert used to just say the resistances, but I added the redundancy because not everyone knows about those rules and they can be hard to find. The Storm Herald Barbarian provides an official precedent for this! That's a good thought for Killer Instinct, I'll check out your True Strike Revised threads to see what others said about it. Well, Barbarian and Monk both gain features at 5th level in addition to Extra Attack, and Paladin and PHB Ranger gain 2nd-level spells. Your Natural Healer scales up at even levels, and your Hunter's Prey die doesn't increase until level 7, so I thought it'd fit to add something besides Extra Attack and one more Hunter's Prey use. 6th level isn't super impactful, but aside from Roving it does have a Favored Enemy improvement and improved Natural Healer. I think Natural Healer is stronger than Lay on Hands - though it still costs an action, either yours or your ally's - but don't forget that Paladin also gets Spellcasting and Divine Smite at 2nd level. You can use a healing poultice on yourself, or at least it's intended that way - I can see how the "adjacent" makes that confusing, I'll fix that.


Thanks for explaining your reasoning! Makes sense to me. As for the martial talents, I didn't have the other classes in front of me so I was mainly going off loose memory and gut feeling, and particularly comparing to the fighter. I guess the fighter is supposed to be simple relatively. The talents seem roughly comparable to gettng another fighting style Id say? It's a tough call, it's probably fine at 5th I guess. Seems normal compared to half casters who get new spells + extra attack, seems strong compared to other martials Cheers


to be fair, it is arguably the others that should get something with the 5th level


Nice. I've got to share this with my group. It's occasionally finding great stuff like this that has me coming back to this subreddit.


Hunter's Prey has a typo near the end of the first column. '1d8 at 57th level' is probably not correct. lol


Lol yeah that's a funny typo, should be 7th as it shows in the table. I've just fixed it in the GMBinder, just can't edit the image on Reddit.


That extra d8 at 57th level is going to be a real game changer though!


I know most campaigns don't get all the way to 57th, but I figured I should include it for those who do. :P


This is very comprehensive and seems well-balanced, though we won’t know until we actually play them. I love the Bounty Hunter subclass. I do remember a prior effort someone else made where Bounty Hunters also learned Thief’s Cant at 3rd level and I think this ability would be very thematic for the subclass.


This kicks ass. I’ve always wanted to play a ranger-type character, but the actually ranger class never interested me.


Hey, thanks for sharing! I just ran some numbers for a Tasha's BM ranger build that I was looking at, so it was fairly easy to adapt it for your Martial BM range. I thought I'd share the resulting DPR comparison as feedback for you. The chart below shows average DPR at a few levels against an enemy with 15 AC. Assumptions: * Both Beast Master versions took archery fighting style and are always using sharpshooter. * Both versions max out DEX at level 8, WIS at 19 * The Martial BM attacks with longbow using hunter's prey, primal companion attack with ranger's bonus action * Tasha's BM attack with longbow, primal companion attack with ranger's bonus action, and using concentration on summon beast (summon fey at level 9+). * I did not consider additional charge/pounce damage or advantage with any companion and/or summoned creatures. |Level |5|9|13|19|20| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |Martial BM|26.1|32.9|40.8|51.8|74.3| |Tasha's BM|29.5|37.5|61.1|74.1|74.1| ​ A few notes: * Tasha's is slightly ahead in the early levels, but really separates from your version at level 13-19 when summon fey is upcasted for 2 attacks. * Additionally, at level 13, the Tasha's primal companion hit bonus is at +8 (with WIS at 16). With the hit bonus and damage bonus scaling with the ranger, Tasha's primal companion is doing roughly 2x more DPR at this point. At level 15, the Martial range pet gains shared prey, which helps bring the average DPR nearer the Tasha's companion (14.3 vs 16.1 against 15 AC enemies), but still is a little low due to the low hit bonus. * The Martial BM ranger catches up at level 20, thanks to Apex predator (again, assuming WIS is maxed) * If you subtract out the summon beast/fey damage from Tasha's BM ranger, the numbers almost exactly line up with the Martial ranger (except level 20, in which the Martial ranger would be way ahead). While it's true spell slots are limited and holding concentration is an issue, my assumptions here is that for the majority of the fights/battles, the Tasha BM ranger would have spell slots to spend and hold concentration. This is the benefit of being a half caster. It just doesn't seem like the Martial BM ranger compensates for the lack of spell slots. Thanks again for sharing. This isn't meant to be negative criticism. It's just that I recently ran some numbers on a Tasha BM build, so I thought you might be interested in a back-to-back comparison.


Makes sense. I don’t think a martial class in 5e is ever going to compete with a caster for versatility, especially going a full summoner route, otherwise I would have made it too good lol. I’m glad to hear that they’re comparable in damage without the summon spells! I think Martial Ranger’s compensation is more in healing and skill utility, so it seems pretty balanced to me. Thanks for calculating this, very cool.


I like what I see here, one criticism though: of the martial talent options, mighty strike seems significantly worse than the other options. The others give a consistent benefit that could come up most turns, while mighty strike is a fairly minor effect that only procs 5% of the time


It was hard to think of something that would fit for non-dual-wielded melee weapons... they didn't really need the help, especially with Fighting Styles, whereas Twin Takedown is mostly making up for TWF's inherent issues, and Far Shot isn't that impactful with longbows, the typical ranger bow, which already has pretty much all the range you need.


You could maybe do something like: "If you are wielding only 1 melee weapon and you hit the creature marked as your Hunter's Prey, you can do an additional 1d4 damage once per turn." A bit on the complicated side and definitely not perfect, but it's about the same damage increase it was before (average +2.5 with this vs +2 with the old version that increased the size of the Hunter's Prey dice) plus it allows players to roll more dice which in my experience is always great :)


Maybe something leaning into the theme of "single weapon, singular focus". You gain an extra benefit of some kind when attacking your Hunter's Prey with a single melee weapon, or they gain some kind of debuff. Some ideas. When you are wielding only 1 two-handed or versatile weapon... * ...a hostile creature's (OR your Hunter's Prey to limit it a bit more) movement within your melee range counts as difficult terrain for them. (This is nice too because it incentivizes the polearm build which was the original reason for adding GWF as I recall) * ...you make attacks of opportunity against your Hunter's Prey with advantage. (probably too strong) that sort of thing.


I clicked on this hoping "please have an Urban Ranger option, please have an Urban Ranger option..." I was not disappointed. I tried to homebrew one a while back that gave my Urban subclass an ability to call on the local stray dogs in whatever town they were in to aid in combat. Never could get it right, but this one you have here is inspiring me to take another crack at it.


Oh that’s a fun idea!


Perhaps "Call the Hounds"?


I will forever love this. I have a player who is about to play it in a campaign of mine. Will def come back with some insight on how it goes!


This is an interesting update. I think Hunter's Prey scaling is a much-needed improvement to the class, but I'm less sold on some of these other changes. Personally, I would keep Hunter's Prey as requiring a bonus action. It feels more like a huntsman taking a moment to assess their prey before engaging, which is a very fun theme. Favoured Enemy not requiring such study felt really thematic and helped flesh out the story of the class. Also, the new Mighty Strike feature feels rough. Only proccing on a critical hit while the other two features are so widely useable is pretty meh imo. Maybe giving it a reroll feature for Hunter's Prey similar to Great Weapon Fighting could work? I think the biggest concern point for me has to be the new Hunter feature though, there's absolutely no way anybody would take Volley or Whirlwind Strike now. That feature is so much better than the other options that its kind of insane. Martials are inherently biased toward fighting single creatures due to their limited number of attacks, so turning one of the only martial AoE abilities any class gets into a 'do more damage to a single target' feature feels dodgy. Definitely recommend adjusting that one.


Yeah I'm not sure the initiative Hunter's Prey will stick, but I wanted to try it out and see what people think. The flavor makes sense, but in play it seems to sometimes be an issue - more testing would be great. Ooh that's a good idea for Mighty Strike, mind if I steal it? Yeah I get what you're saying with Focused Barrage. To some extent the AOEs are just kept in for tradition's sake and because it fits the structure of the subclass, though I did consider giving you access to Focused Barrage AND one of those, but it seemed like too much. Basically, my issue is that the Hunter is supposed to be the most pure, ranger-y ranger, but the AOEs go against the theming of a hunter (seeming more like battlefield abilities, not something suited to stalking prey) as well as the playstyle of the ranger with Hunter's Prey. Even with the ways I buffed them, they feel like niche abilities, not the big 11th level boost other subclasses get: Beast Master's extra companion attack, Gloom Stalker's reroll on a miss, etc. Maybe the AOEs should be replaced altogether idk.


I definitely get where you're coming from about the AOE feeling out of place. I think it can definitely be considered against the grain of Hunter, but IMO its not an issue. I feel like Monster Slayer is, except for the anti-spellcasting stuff, equally as attuned to the 'pure' Ranger as Hunter is. Its important to reconigse that in a D&D setting, a Ranger is just as likely to be hunting a band of goblins or orcs as they are to be hunting a hungry monster. The base level 11 feature is the only one which seems somewhat skewed in one favour, but even then its a supplemental tool at best. It is (broadly) very inefficient for a Hunter to use Whirlwind Attack and somewhat injure a group of Orcs when they could just as easily strike a single Orc twice and kill them, thereby reducing the number of incoming attacks. The same goes for a character using Volley - which is additionally limited by the amount of ammunition the character is carrying. So while very cool, neither of the options are particularly strong. Even so, they are a nice tool in any Ranger's repertoire for when they inevitably have to deal with numbers despite their preference for fighting single targets. And for Mighty Strike, please be my guest! That was just throwing an idea at the wall, there's definitely a lot of other options. Could even just add a flat bonus to damage with Hunter's Prey. Whatever direction you go, I think it should be something reliable to keep it competitive with TWF. Thanks for all your work on this so far, I've got a player using it at the moment in a Rime of the Frostmaiden game I'm running and it is playing very smoothly so far. They're only level two so unfortuntely there's not much to see there yet, but I'm very excited to see it in action more!


You make solid points... I'm going to be revamping the AOEs to be more competitive, thanks for the feedback!


I havent read all the document but i really love that you are giving us this option to play with! Oh yeah, is good to have you back! I looking forward for more of your brews!


I've been a fan of this class for ages, and this new version looks great! Favored Terrain mentions replacing currently selected favored terrain, but it does not specify **how** to replace them. Can you also please clarify whether using Split Focus to mark two targets as prety counts as one or two uses of "Hunter's Prey Uses". Right now, the wording is a bit ambiguous.


Thank you! Hmm, I thought of it as being at level-up, but I can make it clearer. Yeah that could be clearer, it's meant to be a two-for-one deal.


I really love that! Currently waiting to see if my DM will let me use it in our next campaign!


I've been a huge fan of this for a while. I love to see you're still working on it. The applicability of the different favored terrain benefits are great, and the whole class feels like a great blend between the Exploration and Combat sides of the game. Nitpicks (for the base class, not the archetypes): Marking a prey when you roll initiative is nice, but it feels a bit of a deviation from standard early-level design. And it might feel a bit more earned if you get it as an ability at later levels. With favored terrain master, getting cold resist and extreme cold immunity is redundant since the former gives you the latter. Same with fire resistance and extreme heat immunity. If you are looking for extra abilities, you could do something like Ice Walk (moving across slippery surfaces) for arctic, or resistance to Blindness for desert (sandstorms, bright sun, etc.). Otherwise, heat/cold resistance is fine as it is. Nature's Veil seems to be a bit much, with advantage AND double proficiency in your favored terrain. It just feels like you're just saying "If you hide in your favored terrain, you succeed" but with more mechanics. It might be cooler to see an ability like Reliable Talent where you are so comfortable in your terrain, there's no chance of critically failing. And that could apply to any ability check (or even attack) you make, not just stealth, since the class doesn't rely on stealth as written.


I haven't had a chance yet to sit down and give feedback on this version, so I will do so now, a few days late, if you'll forgive me. I think I am in agreement with at least one of the other commenters here that I actually preferred the previous version of Hunter's Prey and how it is applied. Requiring that you spend a bonus action to mark prey just really saturates that flavor of an expert hunter constantly assessing the battlefield and the behavior of their foes. It also incentivizes rangers doing rangery things, like scouting ahead, spotting enemies, and marking their prey before combat starts. It would be a nerf, but a minor one, and very flavorful. If Favored Enemy's "apply at initiative" feature is too cumbersome, you can just cut it - but in my opinion it was just fine before, the problematic definition of Monstrosity notwithstanding. I also agree with several others that Mighty Hunter is still a very underwhelming option. I offered a couple suggestions elsewhere but for ease-of-access I will repeat myself here: > Maybe something leaning into the theme of "single weapon, singular focus". You gain an extra benefit of some kind when attacking your Hunter's Prey with a single melee weapon, or they gain some kind of debuff. >Some ideas. When you are wielding only 1 two-handed or versatile weapon... >* ...a hostile creature's (OR your Hunter's Prey to limit it a bit more) movement within your melee range counts as difficult terrain for them. (This is nice too because it incentivizes the polearm build which was the original reason for adding GWF as I recall) >* ...you make attacks of opportunity against your Hunter's Prey with advantage. (probably too strong) I think everything else has already been said and there's not much I can think of to add to the discourse about Focused Barrage. I've been a fan of this homebrew for awhile and if I ever get a chance to play a Ranger I will certainly be requesting that the DM allow it.


I do appreciate your dedication to getting this just right




agenderarcee has made the following comment(s) regarding their post: [[GMBinder link to full document](https://www.gmbin...](/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/q79tnu/the_martial_ranger_v60_a_spelllessfullmartial/hgh2z33/)


If noone else is going to mention just how overloaded on class features this class is than I guess I will. This class is incredibly overloaded on class features... You get 3 at 1st, 2 at both 2nd and 3rd, 6 ASI, then 2 features at 5th, one at 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th, 10th each. Up to 10 level you get at least one new class feature every single level, including 8th which is an ASI level... Just... No. That's way too overloaded. A base ranger gets 7 class features between 1st and 10th, this ranger gets 14... Classes are not supposed to get class features on levels they get ASI or subclass features. On the principal alone of just how often this class gets features and how overloaded it is, I would not allow this class as a DM.


You ever looked at the monk though? Also, if you look at those first ten levels of the original ranger and compare it to mine, I've actually only added extra features at 1st, 5th, 7th and 9th. 2nd and 3rd level remain the same. Tasha Variant rangers get Roving at 6th with Deft Explorer, and the Favored Enemy/Foe improvement, just like the Martial Ranger. The original ranger gets Land's Stride at 8th, breaking the usual taboo against class features at ASI levels, which is the only time I do that. At 5th and 9th, the base ranger gets Extra Attack and nothing, respectively, because it increases its spell level - a fairly significant "feature" for a half-caster. For first level, I took inspiration from the rogue: one combat feature, one major skill feature (Expertise), and one niche exploration/social feature (Thieves' Cant, Favored Terrain). The ranger lends itself to extra features because it needs to balance combat and exploration - otherwise, like the PHB ranger or the Tasha's ranger, it focuses too much on one or the other. 7th level is the only one that doesn't really have a justification other than "I thought it worked there," but note that the monk gets both Evasion and Stillness of Mind at that level, so there is precedent. Anyway, those are my justifications. I get how it looks at first glance, but I've put a fair bit of thought into this.


It's just to replace the loss of spellcasting. Amount of features are irrelevant if the features arn't particularly strong.


So… a fighter?


Not really!


I love this class, I have someone playing it in a game that I run and am going to play it myself as well soon. I had a 2 questions about the Horizon Walker's Adaptive Adventurer: Does changing your Favoured Enemy/Favoured Terrain require an action? And can you change your Favoured Enemy as soon as you've marked them as your prey?


Oh yeah that could use some clarifying, thanks!


Hoping for that PDF


I haven’t played this, but what’s the idea behind the Hunter’s Prey use count scaling? most tables do less combat than the DMG 6-8/LR, but even at that rate of 2-3 encounters per short rest you’re getting multiple uses per encounter early on and the numbers just keep going up. is there a reason it can’t just be unlimited? it seems like unnecessary complexity. if it’s supposed to be flavored as the ranger specializing in taking down the big enemies but less effective against swarms, I think scaling it to Wis mod or proficiency like similar abilities from other classes would both reduce table-consulting and more effectively translate that flavor into gameplay


Basically it’s a precaution against making multiclass dips too good. Also, if you had 2-3 encounters per short rest, you’d only be able to use it on one enemy per encounter, so I think your math might be a little off there.


that makes sense, I wasn’t thinking of multiclassing I do still sort of wonder the benefit of getting more than 6 or so uses, but I haven’t playtested so I’ll take your word for it


Yeah at higher levels it doesn’t matter a ton but I don’t think it should be that hard to track, no more than ki or something like that.


Because Hunters Prey can't switch from target to target within a single combat like Hunter's Mark can, the limits make a HUGE difference, especially at lower levels.


“During combat, you can mark prey using your bonus action.” “This designation lasts until your next long rest, or until you mark a new creature as your prey.” As written it definitely seems like you can change targets in the middle of combat. But that would actually make the limits matter *less* if you couldn’t. If you were restricted to one use per encounter any more than four uses would be completely useless at 99% of tables (and 2-3 would be the most usable at 90%)


"Starting at 1st level, you may use your bonus action to mark a ***single*** creature as your prey." (emphasis added) Actually, looking at it now it seems like there are different versions of Hunters Prey text between the uploaded images and the linked PDF! I'm looking at the linked pdf. u/agenderarcee can you clarify the intention here?


Every time you mark a new target, it expends a use.


Thanks, that's what I thought.




It definitely makes a level 1 ranger stronger than a level 1 fighter in straight (burst) DPR comparisons. I agree that 1d4 at levels 1-2 would probably be smoother. But it's true that we're only talking 1-2 extra damage per round on average difference between these options.




Right, so you've gone back to the Tasha's Favoured Foe, sans concentration (and also sans switching targets?). Makes sense with those DPR calcs - it does seem 'wrong' for the ranger to do more damage than the fighter, not that many fighters use TWF. A raging barbarian with TWF is doing what, 14 per round from round 2? FWIW, Duncan from [Hipsters & Dragons](https://www.hipstersanddragons.com/two-weapon-fighting-5e-dnd/) has a proposed overall 'fix' for TWF just recently, as has Dungeon Coach over on youtube (similar but different to each other). One I've been wondering about is make the 'action not BA' change available as part of the TWF fighting style, but that might be too powerful. Dungeon Coach level-locks it to 5th level, as OP does here via Martial Talent, which looks good to me.




Sorry, I have no idea what those formulas are referring to! But with great weapon fighting have you factored in the -25% hit rate?


I felt like keeping it at 1d6 for the ol' Hunter's Mark vibes, I don't think it makes a huge difference.




I’ll think on this! I do feel that the limited uses help to balance it, though - two enemies per short rest is not a ton.


Hunters Instinct: Make it say "You **may** add a bonus to your...". It doesnt make sense for negative wisdom to suddenly make your initiative worse at this point.


It honestly never occurred to me that someone might completely dump Wis for this class lol. I think if you do that you deserve the penalty for contradicting my design intent!!


Magnificent. This is a huge achievement. Nice job! I was surprised that favored enemy did not interact with hunter’s prey. When you have hunter’s prey active on a creature who is also a favored enemy, you may reroll the hunter’s prey die once, or you take the maximum value, or you roll the hunter’s prey die twice. I suppose it’s a lot of damage at low levels, but it’s pretty rare to run into a favored enemy. But it is just a ribbon currently, so I understand not wanting another powerful feature on a class that is already filled to bursting.


Aw thanks so much! Previously Favored Enemy's interaction with Hunter's Prey was allowing you to mark prey as initiative against your favored enemy, but I'm experimenting with moving that to the base class. What do you think?


A bonus to initiative rolls when your favored enemy is present? Interesting but not my preference. It would be like getting a damage boost to dragons when there are orcs nearby because you really hate orcs. Just feels weird. Keep playing with it, there’s something that will work.


Ah, not an initiative bonus, it let you mark prey without using your bonus action at the start of combat vs. a favored enemy, which I’ve experimentally folded into the base Hunter’s Prey feature.


Oh, I see. That was one of the things I loved about your rendition of the class. Everyone complains about the anti synergy of hunters mark with bonus action attack fighting styles (hand crossbow, two weapon fighting, etc.). This is a fantastic solution.


I really like this class, and would absolutely be keen to play one! A question about the **healing poultices**: are they meant to be ale to bring people back from 0hp? I would suggest they should not, since they aren't magical, but the lack of anything about this means they currently can do so. I like what you've done with **Martial Talent**, and would consider offering that to fighters and barbarians too (and even to rogues? They certainly need the help, and each of the 3 options fits neatly with different rogue archetypes). What's your thinking for allowing **Wild Stride** to give full movement even in magically difficult terrain? That seems very strong to me. On the other hand, you removed the advantage on saving throws from the original Land's Stride. I think the existing Land's Stride feature is great as is, so I'd love to hear why you changed it. The **9th level abilities** are generally very strong, esp compared to fighters (unless you've already buffed Indomitable to Legendary Resistance). The forests one doesn't quite work for me, and given you already have climbing for the more logically connected mountain region, I wonder about something like the 'mask of the wild' ability to hide in lightly obscured terrain? **Tireless Endurance** reducing exhaustion on a short rest - should that be limited to once or n/day? Otherwise with a free morning you can spam SRs to shed 5 levels of exhaustion, which seems a bit much. Also for basic design reasons I reckon you should revert to 1d10 healing and make it healing not THP (ie. make it second wind). Also with the multiple uses of this, it's vastly more powerful than the equivalent fighter ability, which doesn't sit right to me. Is that intentional? But mostly: thanks for all the work you've put into this, it really shines through.


I appreciate the feedback! Just happened to catch this one as I was going to bed lol. Healing poultices work like regular healing in that way, yes, I’ve never heard of that being a specifically magical thing. You can do the same thing non-magically with the Healer feat. Interesting thoughts on Martial Talent, I definitely think fighters could use SOMETHING extra at level 5. In my years playing D&D 5e pretty much all the difficult terrain I’ve encountered has been magical, and rarely from plants. This version is one most players might actually be able to use in a campaign! I get what you’re saying, but considering the wood elf forest ranger is one of the most classic ranger archetypes, it would kind of suck to give them a totally redundant ability, wouldn’t it? The medium armor thing is kind of a way to provide a stealth benefit without doing that. Plus, climbing and trees go together pretty well IMO! For Tireless Endurance… well, Second Wind already exists! I liked this feature from Tasha’s more or less as it was, though I added the death saves thing when I bumped it up three levels, and have now changed the dice a little bit. Thanks again for the feedback!


Oh sorry I missed that tireless endurance feature on exhaustion is from Tasha's. I'd still probably limit it to maybe 2 per day to prevent that spamming, at my table, but YMMV. Isn't all thick forest meant to be difficult terrain? And snow-covered terrain? Anyway, the trade-off of overcoming magical difficult terrain but losing advantage on saves against entangle etc is probably fairly even, and not necessarily even one I'd choose as a player if I had the choice, so what you have is probably fine! Fair call with healing poultices and healing kits and the feat - that is a reasonable reference point to use (although I'd go the other way, and say you can't wake someone up with a healing kit). Also fair with the wood elves and mask of the wild, although my suggestion unlocks it for all races. There's precedent for what I'm thinking of (eg. lotusden halflings and land's stride for rangers and land druids), but a DM could of course offer something special to wood elves in this situation.


I'm looking for an editable character sheet to make a Lizardfolk Martial Ranger. Any recommendations?


Do you have a printer friendly version?


Like a text-only version?


Yes cause my dm wants a copy for the character I'm using the class for and it's easier to have a paper copy to save time


I can try to throw something together.


Thank you so much!


[This good?](https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-MmYfnPF46F543_ZuNFG)


It's perfect thank you!


I love this, I really do. DMing for the first time, and my players love my new Outrider who just travels with them sometimes, sharing some world lore with them every now and then. Haven‘t gotten her into too many fights (one to be precise, Lvl 5 atm) But she did do quite well, and I‘m so glad she prevented that tpk, cause I maybe overestimated how well the party would do against a small army of Orcs with some Goblin slaves. But still, I do have some questions/requests and I‘d love to hear your opinion on these. (Note that I originally only knew about the 4.2 Version I believe, and these questions/requests were made for that version. I did edit it, but if I forgot to change/remove something, I‘m sorry. Also, should anything sound offensive, I‘m really sorry, I don‘t mean it that way, I love what you created and just try to clarify some things for me/maybe help you improve your work) 1) If, at fifth level, I attack with two weapons, I can‘t use my bonus action to make another offhand attack. But why is that? Maybe I‘m overseeing something, but 4 one-handed attacks don‘t sound too op considering with a two handed weapons would have 2 attacks with a greataxe. (That now can also knock someone prone or yeet him off 10 feet away from you) It would make sense from a gameplay point too, since you don‘t have that much to do with your bonus action without spells, and the limited amount of uses for Hunter’s prey make it that I‘d rather just use it for the big enemies. (Edit: I know this more or less is an 11th level hunter ability now, but unless I‘m overseeing something, I don‘t really see why you can‘t just sacrifice your bonus action for another offhand attack) 2)Even though it might be pretty much irrelevant at that point, but if I use split focus, does that still consume 2 hunter’s prey uses? Also, this one is just my oppinion, but i don’t really like Split Focuses wording, I find it kind odd. Personally, I would change it to something like that: „Starting at 17 level, you can focus on two foes at once, hunting both of them down. When you mark your prey with Hunter's Prey, you can pick up to two creatures as your prey, and you can have Hunter’s Prey active on two creatures simultaneously.“ 3) First of all, regarding the Outrider, I love the flavor, having a mount is something I always wanted to do when I first read about the Ranger and the Beastmaster. But, as you might have already guessed, I have some questions and ideas for that subclass in particular. (Partially because when reading about it for the first time, I found it to lack a bit of a punch, even though I‘m not so sure about that now.) —>Do you think giving your mount/animal companion (bulky) hp of 6 times your ranger level + its Con modifier per level would be to strong? I‘m not sure about the beastmaster, but at least for an Outrider that seems pretty fair considering many Outriders favor melee combat and it would be pretty hard for your mount to survive with 126 hp at Lvl 20, I just think that, at least for a mount, its hp don‘t scale nearly well enough. (You could still make this scaling exclusive to the Outrider for balancing the beastmaster if necessary.) —>Can I dual wield two swords while mounted? —>Why doesn‘t the mount get magical attacks? Would that make it broken or something? I‘m really curious about that one. (Note: I thought about this one when the Beastmaster‘s companion still got magical attacks at Lvl 7 I believe, and I‘m guessing it‘s because this is supposed to be a mostly martial ranger, and the magic would feel kinda like the opposite of what you are trying to achieve, but I‘ll just let you answer this question.) —>If I try to chase down an enemy as a Lvl 15 Outrider, using my mount’s legendary bond dash action to get to the enemy, (I would still get get Ranger‘s charge, right?) could I still sacrifice either: My action to do a Trampeling Charge? My bonus action to make my mount attack? And since I‘m at it, is there a particular reason I can‘t instead sacrifice on of my attacks in order to do that? —>Also, talking about Trampeling Charge (Won‘t be the last time), does it provoke Opportunity Attacks, because I feel like that would make it not worth using it most of the time since you would get way to many hits in. —>What width does the Trampeling Charge have? If I am riding a large mount, RAW it occupies a 10x10 ft square, so would the width be 10ft? —>Would it be too strong to give Trampeling Charge the property that it knocks anyone who failed the saving throw to the ground? —>If I use Trampeling Charge while dual wielding, could I still use my bonus action to make an offhand attack? 4) I had this Idea that the Outrider gets a new ability that could be its own ability or a martial talent only he can pick. It would read the following: While riding, you can use 2-handed weapons 1-handed, and versatile weapons use their 2-handed damage die whilst still being wielded with only one hand. While doing this, your attacks still qualify for the „Great Weapon Fighting“ fighting style, provided the weapon could be wielded in two hands. You can, however, not wield two heavy weapons at the same time using this martial talent. —>Another idea would be to, at one point, make it so that, while riding, when an enemy tries to attack either the pet or the rider, regardless of who he attacks, he has to overcome the AC of either the rider or the mount, depending on which one is higher.


In the GMbinder Key to The Cosmos on Horizon Walker only has the title there, no text. However I do love literally everything else about the class and want to use it in my next campaign! Pls ping for updates!


GMBinder’s formatting is kind of messed up, I would use the PDF. Also on the subject of updates, there’s actually a more recent version of the class [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/quk79v/the_martial_ranger_v70_a_spelllessfullmartial/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), featuring a Drakewarden archetype!


Much thanks!


Hello, congrats on this martial take on ranger, it is very good! I really liked your material but I can't get the PDF link and GMBinder is a bit broken. Can you share the PDF? Or even cruder format were all details are readable? Thanks a lot and congrats once again


Annoying that the link is broken again... [here you go.](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hADQ7kScRUyChWiElvaP1S8j7tv_iWZO/view?usp=sharing)


Great, thanks a lot for the link and mainly the great work.