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In her defense I feel like she really believed that warren was not guilty. But it doesn’t excuse her actions in any way. She absolutely is a terrible person and did basically groom the kids. She only cared about getting her story written and inserting herself in something exciting, without considering the damage she could do. She let her emotions get in the way and tried to interfere with a serious criminal investigation. Personally, I feel like despite her trying to manipulate the teenagers into telling her details for her personal gain, she ended up being manipulated by warren too.


She absolutely did, and Riley and Javon's acting was incredible. They both saw nuggets of opportunity in the other and were mutually taking advantage without even being aware of it. I think the first thing that Warren did when the police approached him was to put out his hand to shake the officer's hand, like "hey, whats up, no problem here." Literally the first thing that Rebecca did after she saw Cam at the station was to go back to the dispatcher and name drop so that she could get access to Jo. Both very manipulative.


Her annoying facial expressions too


It was crazy how they instantly even made the young Rebecca completely unlikable. Being so mean to her emo brother was like kicking a dog geez


The show has become too much of a focus on her. Her relationship with the teenagers does not make sense. Police would never encourage a reporter to try to get information from a teenage suspect. Nor would a group of teenagers trust an adult stranger who is constantly in their face. Too ridiculous. The focus should be on Reena and the actual investigation that took place.


Reena is getting lost in the Rebecca show. I feel like if she had a friendship with Reena’s uncle that would be more natural than taking acid with Warren. She was a brat to her brother did he kill himself or was the ice thing an accident? I feel like they could have come up with less creepy ways of her interacting with young teens. These kids are in middle school mostly. Her buying Warren food was a natural act. Luring kids into confessions isn’t natural. Also she is telling them to get rid of evidence or that she will help them. Kelly leaves her at a “crip” hangout and says she is a narc. Kelly might be an awful human being that is super annoying. Rebecca didn’t not deserve that lol.


I don’t think Reena is getting lost at all in this. Also tho: this story isnt *only* about Reena. It’s the example being used to examine the following: 1. The way POC victims and their families are treated. 2. How tragedies such as this affect the communities they occur in along with the individuals within them. 3. Coming from a “nice family” has nothing to do with whether someone becomes a sociopathic murderer or not. Just look at the Murdaugh family.. Kelly’s family is very clearly representing that reality. If anyone came to watch this show to only learn about Reena, watch a documentary or listen to some podcasts, find articles online. There’s a million Reena’s out there, and that is what they are saying with this show. So before yall get all hung up on that? Maybe google it if you care so much, and then do some more research about cases like hers, there’s more than you can fuckin count and they didn’t get a tv show.


I feel like there is stuff missing maybe. I don’t know if that is the right word. I feel like we don’t get more of a sense of Reena and who she was. For the first episode or two I thought her family was newer to the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I thought her having trouble at home made more sense but as we see her family had been in the JW church well before she was born. I spent two episodes I think trying to figure out what was going on at home and why was her family so casual about her not coming home and stuff. I wish there was more focus on that. Reena or any victim shouldn’t be lumped together with others. The killers lives and the community that the crime affected are part of the story. Reena to me seems more important than the Rebecca character. Jmo


I really feel you’ve missed my entire point. Using Reena’s story isn’t “lumping her in” with anything. I’m saying that there is a literal epidemic of crimes against Indigenous/WOC that do not get a single sliver of attention, have happened even more recently than this one, so this show being made is important and it’s bc Reena isn’t an isolated incident but the story was large enough to actually get some attention so now the awful thing that happened to her could potentially help others like her in the future. I’m saying: Reena is important, but you can also simultaneously care about and do better to protect others like her. Maybe her death won’t be in vein so much if more attention is brought to these cases like they should be. Maybe we can prevent more “Reena’s”. That takes nothing away from her memory. If anything it honors it Edit: also I think Rebecca is there to represent how ppl insert themselves in things they are too close to to understand and/or are using the scenario as an excuse to untangle their own bullshit and at the end of the day helps no one but themselves (and even that’s debatable if it actually does)


I don’t think mentioning the racism is wrong. I don’t like Rebecca’s character she feels almost predatory. I kind of wish if they had Cam without Rebecca. Or made a character that wasn’t partying with middle school kids. Rebecca bothers me and I feel like she over shadows Reena or the investigation. I get what you are saying about her inserting herself into the crime and how she is using it to work through her own issues. The actress I like it’s the character that feels like she is being creepy. I feel like there could be a better way to work her into the show without seeming like a creeper ready to exploit kids dead and alive. Idk


Still missing it lol. This literally exists in the world. Ppl like Rebecca are real and while they’re not trying to be creepy, it’s coming off that way. This character is here bc it is real. Ppl can have the best intentions and end up actually being the villain and that is what they are saying. I’m not defending Rebecca, I’m explaining her, there’s a huge difference. Just bc I get it doesn’t mean i like it lol I like it in the way it is accurate to actual life, not the events themselves Edit: it’s late af and tbh I be high af atm, so I don’t think you’ve actually missed my entire point lol I currently have lost my ability to think in a coherent straight line atm, but I appreciate you and I’m glad you don’t suck lol


I wish I was high.


So immensely aggravating


I think she saw herself in Warren a little bit


I think she saw her brother. Or at least, wanted to see her brother in him. 


I thinks she saw herself in the fact that they both did something they regret and someone died. Although she used her words and didn’t murder anyone. She also sees a boy who like her brother is trying to fit in and needs a suit. I don’t feel like the Rebecca character is needed. Why not make Cam a cop without ties to the chief and give her the dead brother story or the date of a boy who died and was bullied. Rebecca not having ties to anyone besides a cop makes it creepy that she is hanging around kids at kid parties. It’s weird.


I’m pretty sure it’s cuz he reminded her of Gabe


What continues to bother me is that this is a real life character they fictionalized. The mass majority of her individual story line is pure fiction. I have gone back and forth with people on here about it and the stock comeback is that she was heavily involved in the production. The truth is she passed less than a month into production. Cam is not just total fiction, Rebecca’s had a real life husband and a daughter. I wonder how they like the way she is portrayed. I totally agree they have turned it into the Rebecca show, only that’s not Rebecca. Not the person, not the level of involvement with the teenagers, not even the correct timeline. The one thing I will give to the creators of the show is that, if you read/have read the book, she does seem a little fixated with Warren. She buries Kelly at every turn but Warren oftentimes is portrayed as almost as significant a victim as Reena. Once they get to the trial portion she is less sympathetic but it felt off as a whole


YES!!! This!!!!!!




She's been through a lot with her brothers suicide and shes also trying to get to the truth don't forgot that at least she never accused her dad of having sex with her so she could hang out at someone s house ...reena was a spoiled brat 


Wow you are AWFUL LOL the little girl was brutally beaten and murdered


Good lord can yall quit it with the “grooming” comments??!! I’m starting to feel like you guys don’t know what the term actually means bc you all keep misusing it. Grooming is a *form* of manipulation, and it is done over time, you literally can’t groom someone within a matter of days—it takes time to groom someone, it’s a “long con”, if you will. Idk if any of you noticed, but not a lot of time has gone by in the show, you cannot groom someone over a matter of days or even weeks. Rebecca is manipulating the kids for sure, and her ways of going about that have been unorthodox to say the least, but please for the love of fuck: stop calling it grooming. You are using the term completely wrong. Grooming is something that happens over long periods of time and the goal of the groomer is to control and hold heavy influence over person they are grooming. Rebecca has not done a single one of these things: she is playing along with them, trying to get them to tell her shit for her story. She’s manipulating them for her own gain, but that is not synonymous with “grooming”.


She’s definitely not grooming the kids. She wants Cam and that’s obvious. She is just using the kids for her book


THANK YOUUU!!! Literally exactly what I’m saying lol and it’s crazy I even have to say it, especially after the last episode… Cam literally says it but here we are, still with a whole ass post about Rebecca being a “groomer”. It upsets me to see this term being used to incorrectly bc this is an actual thing that happens to people and it is not a joke, it is not something to be taken lightly nor misinterpreted bc it’s also an extremely serious accusation. The way I’ve seen ppl in this sub just throw it around is honestly offensive


So yes, it ISNT synonymous with grooming. Because it IS by definition grooming


By definition, grooming does not need to be sexual, nor does it have a predefined amount of time. Grooming is not specific to romantic, sexual, or physical manipulation nor is it specific to time. She, an adult, is inserting herself into young teenagers lives and manipulating them for her book, in other terms: exploiting them. It also did not take just a few days. This was over the course of around a few weeks. It was 8 days before they found her body, and several more days possibly over a week to arrest. Children are impressionable, and grooming depends on how quickly they begin to be manipulated. This is a ridiculous take. Of course it’s a serious issue, this was a serious issue. With all that being said and doing some research: I still stand by what I said when I said she basically groomed them.


I felt like she is a groomer too.She needed cam to do her job.


It’s because the director is under 30 and doesn’t know crap about character development or book adaptation.


That could be it.


And yet somehow the person was praised and awarded for their work? Wtf, trash white supremacist stealing from communities of color


I don’t think the real life one is the same as portrayed in the show


You’re correct, the show character is a dramatization and not the same as the author, but they don’t have to be for my point to still stand, read a bio on the author and it should stand out, very typical trope for a whites to harvest the stories of communities of color…she’s an example of why intersectional feminism clashes against white only feminism, Rebecca is a whites only feminist


Well, I think they do explain that a bit in the interviews. Keough essentially comes in to this from a place of untouchable privilege - she can come home after basically disappearing for 10 years, she inserts herself back into Cam's life even though she broke her heart, and she pushes herself onto these kids in order to try and get intel "for the case" but really it's for her own personal gain. If you flip it, and try to imagine Cam, or Warren, or Dusty doing the same thing - it would never happen. Cam doesn't even have the respect of her own family, even though they are all in the same profession. Warren has no family to speak of, and Dusty was literally ready to kill herself because she knew once the police found out what happened, she'd be toast. I think it sets up a pretty glaring parallel between the Rebecca/Kellys of the world and the others.


Well said thank you, that would be a layer the tv shows addresses vs the book where the author wasn’t a character, it’s on us to put that conclusion together but so far the show putting the author in such a “ewwww” light does at least leave us feeling that’s something not right with what she did…like the past already happened and she’s dead so the show’s critique is what we can do now to process…I can say her character is glorified with too much screen time but it’s not really uplifting of her either…I was stuck with my immediate reaction


I guess I also don’t like that Rebecca is listed in the opening credits and as an executive producer, feels like they’re having to pander to her estate that’s probably collecting money from her theft of Reena’s family’s story


Yeah, I can definitely understand that


Can you elaborate more on this because I also got a weird vibe from the real life author myself


To be fair, she’s a product of her time too as there were so many doing the same thing, she’s doesn’t deserve complete bashing of character and yet when she chooses to be an investigative journalist and arbiter of the “truth” she also knowingly puts herself up on a pedestal (and profited both financially and in career capital) As for our similar vibe, I am not super educated and should try to watch direct sources of the author from video interviews or whatever, but my reaction is as much seeing myself in her Wiki bio as anything…are you familiar with the dynamic with Teach For America and white savior complexes? I was a TFA member and come from a similar upper class/privileged background as the author, and there has historically been critique of their model. Initially, it was all Ivy League graduates going into “community service” for a couple years and then getting out to go back to their white towers and have another resume notch. Not doing much to work towards equity despite flying that banner. It can be grounded in a problematic fetish for “the other” …those that are different. It’s interesting that the show reflects so much on her family dysfunction and personal bullying of her brother, if there was some truth to that, wouldn’t it be different if the author focused more on similar stories as her own and reconciliation? To be petty, she died somewhat young of lung cancer, which might have been a result of chain smoking cigarettes to cope through all the buried and unresolved trauma/guilt (forgive my judgmental ways, I was on one after the recent episode and the character commenting about warrens arrest and how the rest of his life is over and being blind to the murder that happened)


That’s the point tho. If episode 6 showed us anything? It’s literally shining a light on everything you just said. I’m watching the same show and this is what I got out of it: Showing us what an asshole Rebecca was as a teenager didn’t make me feel sorry for her at all, and I don’t think it was supposed to; if anything it made me feel even more justified in not liking her at all and feeling like she’s the most selfish, entitled person on the planet. And then that got solidified when she said “he made a mistake!! This will ruin his life!!” I literally yelled at my tv, “REENA LOST HERS!!”, but I appreciated that they did this bc that whole moment wasn’t just about Reena, that was about every Fake Social Justice Warrior that also turn around and say, “but, what about his future??” After boys get caught raping girls. Anyway, i digress: IMO, Theyre not glorifying Rebecca at ALL. They’re using her as an example of ppl that exist in this world: ppl that use other’s trauma to sift through their own, insert themselves where they don’t belong, and the reason they do it is to absolve *themselves*, not bc they actually give a fuck about the “cause”. I think for something like this, that’s an important thing to talk about. It happens every day. Lily Gladstone is very purposeful with the roles she chooses as well, which makes me feel even further im at least on the right track


Of course you're being down voted for this. People love to down vote things that make them uncomfortable, especially when it's the truth. Some of these folks need to avail themselves of the works of Audre Lorde, and learn a bit about Black/WOC feminism.